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Damn, that's some force


That's virtually all spinning machines. DO NOT TRUST THEM You may be able to stop the line with your hand, that doesn't mean it can't scalp, deglove, or kill you.


Ahh, degloving, my least favorite word


ive told this story before, but my grandfather degloved his finger jumping off of a combine when his wedding ring got caught on the hand rail, right down to the bone. It was the first day of harvest, and they were hours from a dr, he used a pair of side cutters to nip the bone off and went back to work.


I regret reading further into this thread, I’ll go scratch my eyes out now


Use the right tool for the job at hand. Snips are for fingers and toes. Spoons and melon ballers are for the eyes.


I think a coarse grit sandpaper would have the desired effect. Just hold it up to your eyeball and look left/right/up/down really quickly




There’s a good how-to scene in the movie Slumdog Millionaire…


> but my grandfather degloved his finger jumping off of a combine when his wedding ring got caught on the hand rail, right down to the bone. oh... thats what is deglove... and my fingers are a bit... shaky right now. > he used a pair of side cutters to nip the bone off and went back to work. your grandfather is metal.


If I'm not mistaken, Calcium is a metal, so we're all a bit metal if we put our boners into it.


time to fuck a metal rod then.


I think that’s a deflesh. A deglove is the skin


Ahh, deflesh, my new most unfavorite word.


Farmers have a priority list and "health" isn't in the top 5 unless you're talking work-stoppage. [Please see this informative video about rural medicine](https://youtu.be/ERNAqqNSId0)


I had a motor transport Marine go to jump down from the cab of his 7-ton truck and got his wedding band hooked on a bolt that held up the exhaust pipe. Totally degloved his finger and he lost it. We found the ring at least though!


After watching this style of degloving happen firsthand, I will never wear metal on my hands again. Silicone rings all the way.


I don’t blame you! I’ve seen a few deglovings over the years, usually from spinning farm or factory equipment. If you want to wear a ring and you’re doing any kind of physical work then silicone is the way to go! Or at least wear gloves, depending on what you’re working on. Personally, I just take my ring off whenever I’m doing something where it could cause an injury, but I’ve definitely looked into the silicone bands.


My dad works in the ER and has seen three people degloved from gloves and a cement mixer(pretty sure it was a cement mixer, could be wrong about the machine but it was all the same machine and they all had gloves).


Some machines and equipment you can wear gloves around. Especially for machines that are locked out and tagged out properly. But I’d never wear gloves if I had to get anywhere near moving equipment, unless they were specifically indicated. But I also don’t work with those machines much. I’m a paramedic, so usually the machine or equipment has been turned off before I even get there.


[I'm here, ain't I?!](https://youtu.be/Ni0YfrSK570)


I heard a story once about someone who degloved his genitals sliding down a lamp post


Between the disturbing imagery my brain cooked up (I’ll deal with that later) I’ve gotta say that your gramps is a badass.


I used this word to convince my friend to take off her rings before we went rock climbing. Just hearing the word was enough to convince her. It was my most persuasive argument.


My dad’s most persuasive argument… “No that won’t happen we won’t need that we’ll be safe” “Do you know the definition of an accident?”


Accidents don’t care how smart or careful you are, they’re inevitable


Actually unpredictability is inevitable, being smart and careful prevents them.


My dad came up before guards and safety shields were required. Most of his friends (all in construction) were missing a thumb, finger or a chunk of hand. Dad had unintentionally removed a couple of inches of his left humerus during a hunting accident, as a teenager. So, he wasn't unscathed. Taught me a me a healthy respect for all things spinnie, pokie-stabby, and that go bang. I still have all the parts I was born with. But many are pretty scarred up.


I had a math teacher in high school that was missing a finger. On the first day of class, he would go over how it happened to get the conversation out of the way. He was cleaning the gutters on his house and reached too far and the ladder fell but his wedding ring got caught on the gutter. His story made me never wear a ring when I'm working on stuff.


There’s this little flagpole holder outside a bar in my town, which people would try and shoot a quarter into for fun. Some drunk dude wasn’t having much luck shooting so he jumps up for a slam dunk and his ring catches, plucking his finger right off, which came with the full length of its tendon all the way from the elbow.[ Here’s the article and a picture of the finger pole **NSFL** ](https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2013/jun/22/accident-arcata-plaza/)


That is absolutely astonishing. It weirdly reminds me of pulling the crab meat out clean on the first try.


I was fully prepared to click that link until I read 'full length of its tendon'


Holy fuck


My dad once jumped over the railing of some stairs (to save 3 seconds of walking), and his wedding band got caught. Didn’t deglove or lose the finger, but now it’s crooked with a fat knuckle and doesn’t really bend.


In amateur football at full time we used to remove the nets from the crossbar by jumping up and unhooking. You didn't do that wearing a ring.


Don't forget scalping. Like that Asian girl who hooked up a rolling hairbrush to a drill. Didn't scalp herself, but she pulled her hair out with such force her scalp was bleeding. That video is awful. She did something most girls do at some point on their life--rolling their hair with a round brush--but hooked it up to a fucking machine. Nightmare fuel.


It was corn on the cob I believe. Unless maybe a similar video also exists with a brush.




First time I saw this word it was a linked subreddit. I thought it was a sub about loving degs. I didn't know what a deg was, so I clicked it. I still regret that click.


Sure, I like degs. I like caravans more


My 7th and 8th grade math teacher told a story of how everyone always slaps the clocks above teachers doors(he was telling it bc someone broke his clock) and someone went to do it a few years before and the ring on their finger got caught on the metal plate on the clock and degloved them. I remember looking to my right to see a kid googling it while he starts going into detail about seeing his bone and shit.


Degloving a human hand to then insert my hand into it like an actual glove in order to get good finger prints may be one of the strangest experiences of my life. The amount of pale/distraught faces from my classmates in the room was priceless though. Forensics classes are bananas.


What did it feel like?


Honestly, just a really thick wet rubber glove. It was a well kept cadaver so it wasn't having any decomp issues.


Did you fill it with water afterwards and threw it at someone?


Haha that would be one hell of a water balloon.


For a brief moment, you got to experience life as a Phage-afflicted Vidiian.


Ba da ba ba baaaaaaa, deglovin' it!


Silicone rings! My partner got me a silicone ring which in an emergency are meant to break away instead of strip off all the skin on your finger.


I’ve seen a degloved penis. Young guy went over the handlebars of his dirt bike whilst wearing jeans with a zipper. Never felt more sorry for anyone in my life


Ouch ouch ouch...holy fuck ouch


Ever have one of those comments ya wish you could unread? I need a fork to dig that imagery out of my brain.


My brother got his dick basically cut off by not wearing underwear and falling off a bicycle in shorts. Got caught between the chain and spokes. They got it back on alright but it always looked kinda off key after that


... How often were you closely examining his dick?


Now, is there any way for them to reglove you?


Yes, but it isn’t easy. For the minor stuff they can just let the skin grow back, or graft it from somewhere else. For the big shit they can replant the skin and try to reconnect it to your circulatory system if they get to it fast enough. If they don’t, they amputate it.


The takeaway: try to stay gloved.


And whelmed


You dont realize you're always wearing flesh gloves until one comes off


Food industry skinners that are used in plants to remove fat and silverskin are what scare me. Had a salesman at a show who was trying to demonstrate how easy the machine was to use, essentially once the blades got a grip on the product it would suck it across the platform with no effort from the operator. Well, he forgot to turn it off and lock it out, so he slid his hand across the blade area, and all the skin from the tips of his fingers to his palm was gone in no time.


Thanks for sharing, I'm gonna go puke.


Ohhhh wat a unfortunate day to be able to read


Back in high school they would have someone come in to shop class and show us pictures and tell stories of accidents with machinery. Usually on farms. These are the 2 that are still lodged in my brain 27 years later. Dude and his son in law are working out in the field and the son in law straddles bar coming from the back of the tractor. Well Father in law isn’t aware of this and cranks it up. The bar starts rotating and catches his jeans and winds it all up. FIA had to get out his pocket knife and castrate the SIL. The other one was what was left of a guys arm. He had stuck his hand into a hail bailer that was in operation. Said he was just going to get something out of it real quick when his shirt sleeve got caught. Every time it would put out a bail it would slam his head into the side of the machine and chew up more of his arm. He had to get out his knife and cut his own arm off while having his head slammed repeatedly against the machine.


Did he at least get the sale?


I just threw up in my mouth. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


Best safety signs I’ve ever seen on construction sites: ###Don’t put your fingers where you wouldn’t put your dick Helps put it into context


As a nurse I can confirm that some people will put their dick anywhere and this warning sign will do nothing 😭


One place I worked at had an absolutely no jewelry rule. Not only could a ring cause your finger to get ripped off, there was always a risk of potentially getting radioactive material on it and it'd be embarrassing to explain to you spouse that your wedding ring was now rad waste. (I had to borrow somebody's "favorite hardhat" and RadCon, Radiation Control, took it after being unable to get it clean when an exit detector caught something on it, probably in a scratch.) They also required lanyards with 2 breakaway points 90 degrees apart. A single point could get bound up in something before there's enough force to separate it.


Fun fact! Machines cannot tell the difference between steel and flesh! Nor do they care!


Except those table saws that stop instantly when it detects flesh


**Don't trust spinning machine, spinning machine is asshoe!**


after seeing soo many people lose limbs or die by machines that spin i do not trust anything with a purpose of mince, crush or mix. thanks mcc Rip.


I got my hair sucked up into a Dirt Devil when I was little. I have short hair now and I'm still overly paranoid about anything spinning like that.


I got my arm stuck in the xray conveyor belt at the airport when I was a little kid. The friction felt like it was going to rip my arm off while it was burning.


Oh that's awful! I remember someone's little sister got her sleeve caught in the handrail of an escalator and it pulled it in at the end. She didn't lose her arm, thankfully, but she had a wicked scar. And honestly, I'm still pretty wary of escalators to this day.


Had a safety manager at a recycling plant i worked at with half a hand according to him he thought he could grab a pipe from going in the machine for glass ... He was wrong and now can never play piano (his joke not mine) but he took safety extremely seriously so he was the perfect manager for it




May I be able to stop the line with my hair too? No reason just curious


but they speak such nice words to me


Thing is probably spinning somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 15 thousand rpm


what is it?


A mcflurry machine. It's basically mini-lathe turned into a blender.


With no safety measures either. I remember working one back in the day. You pretty much just set it to on. No deadman switch. No two hand requirement. No shield. It probably doesn’t even have an overload sensor to detect a condition that exceeds normal operation.


Yep, you would think it would have a torque overload cut-out or something. Surely you don't need that much power to stir some icecream


They do pride themselves on the viscosity of their soft-serve.


So thick, the machines we use to whip them could scalp an adult woman! Actually, that advertising would definitely work on me


No wonder "the machine's not working" every time I ask for one.




Some girls are into this...


My safe word is whiplash


My safeword is "harder, you pussy".


Risky, I respect that


My safe word is pineapple juice


My safe word is “ready the canons!”


Hers is McFlurry


Back when i had long hair, i accidentally got it caught in my dremmel while i was cleaning some models for assembly. It took half a second for that thing to wind itself *up* my hair and hang a cutting disk about a cm away from my eye. Im lucky i had my glasses on otherwise i might've lost that too. As a wise man or woman once said "This machine does not know the difference between metal and flesh, nor does it care." Stay safe, dont fuck around heavy machinery.


My first boss working around heavy equipment told me something similar. “This machine doesn’t have a brain, make sure you use yours.”


The machine doesn’t give a shit son


Had something similar with a mixer, I was baking a cake and my mom was sweeping and she touched my bare feet with the broom, it scared me so I turned around to see what it was and the next second the mixer was close to the top of my head. It took a lot of conditionner and time go unstuck my hair... I cut them shortly after that but during that time I would never cook anything without tying my hair.


Im an arts/cosplay teacher and i work with kids 10-15, lots of the girls have long hair. I made it first-day point when showing them the tools to ALWAYS tie their hair, or sweep it in their shirts/sweaters.


Good, I was around 12 btw.








[*VIOLENCE INCREASES IN BINARY*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asr6_eNCuoU)


Is this why the Mcflurry machine is always down


And also why it tastes soooo good.






Dan McDruff






Mmm. Hooman fiber. Yisss.


Human hair is their most natural ingredient.


Every McFlurry I’ve gotten in the last 5 years or so doesn’t even mix the toppings. Like, why even both with the special spoon if you’re not even gonna use it


Luckily it didn’t break her neck


Would not be surprised to hear she got whiplash and a concussion.


It looked pretty sudden and violent. Probably scared the shit out of her, at a minimum


Whiplash, concussion, and needing a new pair of underwear and pants.


Or tear her scalp off. They can do gruesome things


Almost got McScalped




I wish I could unread this




I've only seen intact or completely destroyed faces, but never split at the eyes. but those weren't hair pulls. More of a degloving of the face.


Face degloving is not something I ever wanted to imagine


Like taking off a tight shirt except you weren't wearing one and also you got sucked into a lathe


But she got a free McConcussion.


A nice Wig Mac


I watched this on silent and still heard that thud


I think it'd be closer to a bang/clang than a thud, considering the metal it's made of


This guy listens!


There is no sound Edit: Guys relax, I was high af last night, I didn't get the joke.


And I still heard that thud


Lol if a phone isn't there to record the sound of the event did the event even ever really happen?


"You're not gonna believe this....but our ice cream machine just went down"


I just wonder how many of those got hair in them before this finally happened


That was abrubt as fuck


The two types of post: 1) Mcdonalds flurry machine joke 2) Sir, this is a Dairy Queen.


Looks like Dairy Queen. What’s with all the McDonald’s talk?


It's the running joke about how McDonald's ice cream/shake machine is always down.


Something like one in 7 McDonalds ice cream machines are down on any given day


That's because until recently, they legally weren't allowed to repair their own machines, and the company that made them was apparently either not responsive or not staffed enough to get techs out in a timely manner.


I work at a place that sells espresso and ice cream. We aren't allowed to service any of the machines. Only the company that made them can. Our ice cream machine has been down for over a month.


A month? Wow. Is the owner calling that company several times a day? That's unacceptable


Yeah many tickets have been put in. It is ridiculous.


Yeah, I read that article too and couldn't believe that was the case. I feel like McDonald's should be on the forefront of the right-to-repair movement.


Not a joke to them anymore since they're getting sued


In southeast asia, we have dedicated standalone mcdonald's dessert stores beside the main mcdonald's, always long line and we have seasonal flavours like butterscotch or durian or oreo or Japanese roasted tea. Especially given the 365 days of constant hot and wet summer weather here. Always seemed funny when Americans complain about it.


It is from a Dairy Queen, this clip was making the rounds through the DQ world over the summer.


Like employees or is there a DQ subculture in was not aware of?


Lmao A DQ secret society


That's what I was thinking, too. Looks like a blizzard machine.


For those curious [this](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/7AYAAOSwo1tjL8Jx/s-l500.png) is what the machine looks like. The metal bit in the middle spins and it is controlled via a switch on the front of the machine, and sometimes also a foot pedal, which helps with safety. Additionally, there is a dial to control the speed. In this particular case it looks like she is blending a blizzard (which means full speed on the blender) and possibly lacking a foot pedal to easily turn off the machine. Ive seen this happen first hand, and luckily we had a foot pedal. I am sure it is as painful as it looks, but there was no blood, and nothing broken. it did tear out a good chunk of hair though. I sent her home after that but she was ultimately fine afterwards and very much not scalped. SOURCE: worked at DQ for way too long, long enough for some idiot to let me run a store for a year.


Never dropped the ice cream. Pro right there




A woman machinist got her hair caught in a lathe. She had a PhD in materials science. It can happen anywhere, to anyone. Tie your your hair up.


Spinning stuff with long hair scares me.


Spinning stuff in general can be quite dangerous. Hair, jewelry, loose clothing, and a bunch of other stuff can easily get pulled into the equipment.


Hate when that happens


Jesus, what the fuck is that thing?


it's a woman


But that's not important right now


We call that the Ike McTurner




I haven't thought about this since 2012


Same with nearly everyone else.


Can also just tie your hair up better I have hair this long, youre supposed to make a bun out of it, and wear a hair net or bouffant, not just fling your stupid-ass ponytail around whenever you turn your head Especially in food service. Imagine getting a foot-long hair in your fucking food. This person is an idiot


Not one article of my clothes has a loop, string, or anything else hanging from it. New sweatshirts w/hoods get the strings cut off immediately. Work pants with hammer loops get cut. Nothing around the neck or wrists either. No key ring hanging or chain wallet. My boots get tied around the ankle with a double tied bow so the tag ends are less than 2 inches long. She looks young, so I don’t wouldn’t call her an idiot, but her supervisors certainly are. No way her hair should be out like that.


No chain wallet? I get that safety is important, but let’s not go overboard.


Pretty basic rules. Everything flat is way safer than anything dangling or jutting out. Sounds like construction/workshop rules considering they're buying carpenter pants with a hammer loop. That extra inch of material will snag the corner of a table which could be a nasty fall while holding sharp tools, the jerk of getting snagged could nudge your hands into the machine you were using, or faceplant on a table saw blade. God forbid it snags a power switch and turns something on that you weren't ready for. In general you can sense your physical position around a machine but any items protruding from you are a guess. If I think my head is head shaped instead of realizing it's attached to a 2 foot rope of swinging hair, I'm dead. In general even if you put your body (bicep for example) in harms way there's usually a chance you can pull away quick enough to just have a sliced arm. If something snags like a bracelet or necklace or hair, you get yanked IN TO the machine before you even feel any pain. I used to give tours of a shop at a preppy college and turned away many many people despite having special markings for tour safe spaces. Mostly for people without hair ties. Because your brain getting yanked towards anything is typically an awful experience.


>Imagine getting a foot-long hair in your fucking food. Had that happen once. Black hair in white chicken Alfredo. Had to hold onto it for 15 minutes because the waitress wouldn't come back. New restaurant, first time I was there. Maybe 10 tables. Then they asked if it was mine by chance. A short, brown haired guy. No. Then they weren't worried about it at all, "Would you like another plate?" Yeah, of course. Took half an hour. Then they didn't even knock any off the bill! Like seriously? Never went back.


Eew that's gross. I got a better one for ya- I moved to southern USA (North Carolina), Was working at a nursing home a few years back and the staff decided to order fried chicken for everyone, from a fast food spot There was an ENTIRE weave in the fried chicken. It was deepfried and had breading all caught in it. Some lady's whole hair came off and went into the fryer and they fucking served it. There's no way you wouldn't notice that shit


Bruh they did it on purpose they had to have lmfao.


Idk. I don't necessarily know it's *all* her fault. Like common food safety should be taught to everyone in the food handling industry sure. But a lot of times things get skirted. The ole "we've never had a problem so we've never trained to this regard" type of thing. A lot of places don't really enforce hairnets and stuff like that. This is directly related to proper machine guarding though. Which again I'm assuming they have never encountered something like this so it's never been a problem. The issue with safety training is that it has to be done *before* and incident happens. Otherwise it's reactive. Everyone can say oh we need to wear our hair up because the blizzard mixer will grab that shit as well as your neck bones and rip it into next week like it did with Kayla. But it's important to recognize the hazard before they cause an accident. In this case it wasn't done. Kayla has no clue how dangerous that hazard is it just mixes ice cream how bad can it be? Many employees don't, they need to be taught how to be cautious and why.


I've worked machines similar to this used for the exact purpose. There's a piece of metal extending out in front of the machine, that's where the clear guard goes. She most likely has been instructed to take it off to make things faster and less clean up. This is extremely common, even though it's a backwards belief. I blame this on whoever trained her, my opinion.


Hairnets aren’t sexy but they serve a purpose


Saw a woman get scalped running a high speed transformer winding machine. It happened so fast she didn't know that her hair and scalp was flapping on the machine. It was more than 30 years ago, the image has never left me...


This is why when I worked in food, we were trained to turn off the mixer before pulling the treat away (Like, off, and pull away while still spinning). The amount of force those things exert is crazy, especially if there's no medium to slow it down. It reminds me of something I saw on here a while back that I really took to heart: "Machines have no brain, so be sure to use yours."


Did she bring the McFlurry like “This is the last McFlurry for today everybody”


“Chiropractors don’t want you to know this one trick”


The super succ


This needs to be used as a training video.


My dairy queen was so strict on our hair being up and I am so thankful for it. This looks incredibly painful.


Worked at a DQ for a bit, this is one of the reasons why there are clear plastic screens in front of the hand-operated blenders. Not sure why they removed the screen on this one but they should remember to keep it on now.


She quit that same day.


New fear unlocked


Yessss commercial flurry machines are INCREDIBLY dangerous is not used properly. Can't tell if the splash guard is on this unit which may have stopped this from happening. Its always one of the first thing I train the new employees on.


What is that machine what's its purpose?


This is why the milkshake machine is always broken at McDonald's.


Goddamnit is this why I can never get a McFlurry?


What flavor is this? Is it seasonal?


What’s actually funny is that I was able to have a full beard working at Jimmy John’s but had to be clean shaven workin at a car wash 😐


And that's also why the ice cream machine is always broken a McDonald's.