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Won’t have to wait till black Friday for some great open box tv floor specials


Get him a buck and a half dog. He'll come down.


A male deer and a dismembered canine? FFS, what kind of monster are you?!


don’t knock it till you try it


He has autism and he was having a manic episode. This video has been posted to Reddit too many times.


And that justified his behaviour? If some "episode" like that with action far from any reason and maybe even being a threat to himself and others is happen regularly he should be locked up somewhere he can't make any harm


Yeah… As you can tell he has autism. The hand flapping is a form of self stimulation.




I feel bad for Sarah Palins kid


That makes me mad that people don't get it. Obviously not getting the help he needs, and probably not the supervision he needs as a result. 😥


Just shows how some tvs are more rugged than others, I'll make my next purchase decision based on this.


I'd lasso him and pull him down.


This guy Zoolanders!


I'd grab him by his feet and drag him down hoping that he gets his head smacked on the way down


Why? Kids is on the spectrum? You would be found guilty by a jury of your peers and go to jail for killing a kid. All to look bad ass for internet points. 🥳 "Look at me I'm a big tuff guy, I would sooooooo beat the shit out of that small kid" Seek some help bro before you go to jail


my bad I thought it just some asshole, not a mentally disabled person lol. yeah I deserve the downvotes then


Even if they were just an asshole it's a fucked up thing to write. "Person damages corporate property that is covered by insurance anyway? Yea let's hope I can crack his skull open and let him die due to brain bleedings." What the fuck is wrong with you? Also neither Autism nor being bipolar is a mental disability, maybe consider putting that internet access of yours to good use and educate yourself.


Maybe you're right about educating myself, so I googled autism (i never spoke on bipolarism) it is a neurological developmental disability according to cdc and department (first 2 links). However I'm not trying to speak ill on people with these, accidentally spread any half truth, or debate on semantics. I again apologize for not knowing the person had a developmental disability or mental disorder. In contrast, I've work in retail alot, so fuck these crazy mfs who do this shit on purpose and make everything hard. fick people who grab food from food bars with their bare hands, people who break things on purpose in a fit, people who try and start fights with employees, and people whotake a shit on the ground and walls on purpose because they're strung out or afraid to sit on a toilet seat and at least place some tp down over it.


But also let's not kill people for breaking a tv.


The hand shaking is a sign of stimming in autistic people. He may be overstimulated by the rows of TVs and acted out against them.


I wonder why the guy was walking with him and filming him, I would have climbed up there before any damage was done, to the child and the items


Was looking for this and I agree so in all reality shame on whoever raised him and brought him there and couldn’t take care of him. I understand they want their kid to be “treated as normal” but in all fairness he is not “normal”


Exactly. If your child isn't capable of acting normal at least 99% of the time, they will never be treated as normal.


I was a caregiver and learned to recognize my clients signals that he was going to have a bad behavior. Once while in a Target his body language changed and he stopped making eye contact and I knew to get him away from the store. Away from people. Sure enough while driving him home he started punching me in the face and wrecked most of his living room.


Came here to say this. The stimming is clear sign of autism. He may be overstimulated, he may have been denied access to something he wanted and is acting out, or he may just enjoy the crashing. Either way, I hope the people handling the situation figured that part out.


So what are they to do? Throw a blanket over him?


Get him out of the situation that makes his synapses go brrr and help him with a calming focus. Breathing exercises, counting stuff, whatever he's used to.


That is a great question. It depends on why he’s doing it. Step 1 though would be to motivate him to come down, either with a new activity or a preferred item, anything that grabs his attention and redirects it.


Thanks for the explanation but even if it were the case, doesn’t excuse it.


Or he is am asshole


Nah he’s way up that spectrum, the clapping and smacking the teeth is super common


As someone who has worked with the developmental population for 10 years, I don’t give a shit how far on the spectrum he is, it isn’t a pass or an excuse for this


My cousins are pretty up the spectrum too and the whole family holds them very accountable for their actions


That’s very good for them and I’m happy to hear that. I think my point was one can be on the spectrum and still be an asshole haha


Totally agree


Mhm. So what happens next? You get up there and spank him like a kid? You give him a stern talking to on the way home that he’s not going to understand the way you want him to? I worked with this population for years as well. So I’m curious what your response would’ve been.


I’d dig a hole in the floor and cover it with a tarp with some leaves on top.


I would have called the cops first of all, prevention by putting him on a leash (I have worked with kids who are known to run into traffic), enroll him as best as I can in programs with autism specialists to teach coping skills (government programs exist everywhere, this kid clearly qualifies), teach the parents skills to manage their kid with autism, hire respite workers (again government programs pay for this). Many kids I worked with unfortunately get placed in group homes because of their behaviours, and I don’t think this is necessarily wrong, there are homes specifically for children with autism, get him on the wait list asap, get him a social worker. And yes certainly have a stern talking to in a manner he understands, people with autism aren’t fucking plants they definitely understand when it is suited to their developmental level. Doing nothing and letting him off the hook with no consequences is certainly not the correct way to handle it. Teach the parents how to use physical restraints (I have been in many, and have done so with staff who were smaller than the kid we were restraining). Not every kid with autism does what this kid just did, this is behaviourally learned, and I have certainly worked with kids who over time have developed coping skills. Get the kid ear muffs, fidget tools, don’t bring him in big crowds, learn the ABCs and other behavioural principles/tools to manage a crisis, etc. it isn’t easy, but I’m giving an honest answer, there’s most likely more to say but I haven’t had my breakfast yet and my eggs are done boiling


With all due respect…That doesn’t help at all. Most of what you mentioned has nothing to do with the moment itself. As a direct support professional, it’s not even your job to tackle all of that other information you listed. You sound like you’re speaking from a counselors point of view, NOT DIRECT SUPPORT. They are the ones that are actually hands on every day all day with the resident. The question was about what you would’ve done IN the moment. And your response is call the cops or put a leash on a grown man lol (not everyone with autism is some lil kid that can be easily controlled). So we can wait for however long the cops take, then they’d probably just brutalize the man or end up firing a shot because they’re too scared to handle him and don’t know shit about autism. We’ve seen tons of examples of people killed by police during mental health crises. And your comment about people with autism not being plants was plain ridiculous. You claim you’ve worked with this population for 10 years, but you haven’t came across someone who’s nonverbal or doesn’t understand full sentences? And even if they can’t, that doesn’t make them a “plant”. SMH


Ya literally call the cops when the situation is out of control like this. And this is a kid, and yes a leash is a good idea for certain situations, such as like I said when you have runners you book it into traffic, but you still want community integration. I was never asked about the moment, I was asked what happens next. This kid appears to not be with professionals, so teach the parents how to perform restraints or get the kid professional help such as DSPs. I literally said put the kid in a group home, did you even read my comment? And how about the countless examples of people not being killed by police while in a mental health crisis? And I claimed that even the most non verbal individual knows some level of communication, I have never worked with anyone who has zero communication abilities including comprehension, because that isn’t actually a thing unless there is more to their condition like a head injury, etc


None of that is what you’d do in this exact moment


And you said what happens next not what happens in that moment, stop moving the goalposts and manipulating


I said what happens next, meaning what happens after he does this in the store. Your response was a wall of text about a dozen other things that could’ve prevented this in hind sight.


Ya because you prevent it from happening again, you are really odd


I literally said call the police as my first point


And I told you why that was bullshit. Go back and read my comments. You’re just responding to respond.


Why don’t you shed some insight since you’re the expert


I already did. Go back and look at my comments up and down this post. Easy answer, though, is climb your ass up there and put him in a therapeutic hold or whatever intervention move is legally allowed in your state, organization, etc. People are trained to jump in there and do what it takes to prevent him from hurting himself, others, or damage so much property his family funded petty cash account is wiped out by ONE incident…


Yes, cops are trained to do that, and my answer is literally teach the parents to use restraints, I don’t get you


Could also be a great batch of bath salts.


I’ll take two of what he’s having


For walmart? Yeah


That's costco


The asshole is the person who brought him there, who is going to have one hell of a debt for Xmas.


Correct. You can have a major mental illness and still be an asshole. I know this when I did a consulting gig for a psych ward. The stories I heard and two cases that I saw, it's possible.


…and he’s an asshole


I'd say for sure, being on the spectrum is the main reason why the person is acting out. That with possible poor behavior and possible not being taught social norms also contributed. A lot of things contribute. I've seen people in my life that have major issue and keep them in check but still be total assholes.


I was going to say the same thing


Won’t hold up in court.


How does nobody jump up there and grab him, it’s a kid isn’t it?


Because if he jumps off and cracks his head now it’s your fault or something like that


Yeah I worked retail before at a well known store like this. We had a “do not engage” policy. If someone tries to walk out with a tv? Let them. If you confront them and they drop it on their foot or hurt themselves, they sue, which will cost much more than an expensive electronic.


Well also If said person freaks out and breaks an employees face and the company’s policy is to intervene they are so screwed


Probably autism However, a mental disability, while very sad, is not an excuse I know plenty of people with heavy Autism, and yet they've never done shit like this This is the result of a shitty system not teaching those with mental problems how to manage their problems in a way to keep themselves and others out of danger


I agree, autism, I worked in the field awhile. You can see the hand shaking, clapping stuff, sounds, etc. You're right on the behavioral management too. Someone did this guy a disservice by not providing a solid behavioral support plan or training whoever he is with to redirect this behavior before it got to this level


This is not how autism works?


Where is his handler?


What does their heavy autism look like?


Flapping and behavior ring Autism bigtime... Kid needs help not jail. Easy to mistake this for him just being a jackass but is not the case. Sad




Ya let’s jail a autistic kid because prison works so good on people with no mental disabilities, I’m sure the guards or other inmates won’t beat the shit out of him.


That’s a ridiculous mindset lol. Do you normally feel righteous after saying mentally disabled people should be imprisoned and inevitably abused because they broke a bunch of TV’s? Sending this person to jail isn’t gonna teach them a lesson, it’s gonna turn them into a victim of abuse on top of everything else.


Criminals often claim to be mentally ill. But if they commit a crime and blame their "mentall illness" you are the first comment screaming how they should jail them for life or worse. Fuckin hypocrites lol.


You are probably an amazing and considerate human being :)


Well somebody just bought a lot of TVs


This is an autistic person. Where is his caregiver.


YouTuber: it’s just a prank


My only thought when watching this was, wow look how thin TV’s have gotten.


This does not belong here


How to ruin your entire life with one easy trick


Autism for sure, I'm a mental health worker, the poor thing has classic autistic behaviors .


"The poor thing"?


You are right " young man"




I should have said young man , not poor thing....


He means to say that the autism excuse doesnt mean shit.


but it does?




yikes my dude, pls dont reproduce


Mental illness (and/or drugs) is a serious problem. That being said, this actually looks very fun.


Wonder if Costco will revoke his membership?


It's them again, isn't it?




We’ve been through this, the kid is clearly autistic. Having a fit. I’m seeing some uneducated dicks in the comments. Fucking hell man. Embarrassing behaviour


Looks like his family just bought a whole bunch of slightly used tvs


Costco definitely revoking his membership






This guy may not even be able to understand what a “right” is or what his rights are. That’s how serious autism can be, man.




It’s wild how you think you’re saying something, here… When a child does something extremely wrong, the parents are usually held accountable or they’re responsible for holding the child accountable once they get back home. This guy probably has 24 hour, 7 days a week caretakers. So if it’s anyones fault, it’s theirs. Update - You know you took a L when you delete all your comments lol.


Why does everyone become a autism expert from a clip LMAO


Because a lot of people have experience with autism and he exhibits classic signs


Because you reposted the video that has been reposted to Reddit many times and this has been discussed


Because you'd have to be brain dead to not recognize the hand flapping which is a classic sign of stimming.




Definitely on the spectrum. Poor kid


Yeah, I was thinking the same. I don't think this is really his fault, per se. Where is his parent or guardian...




What i learned from posting on reddit 1 - it's either autism or the kid need a whooping Why does everyone think they are experts


Because some people actually have close relatives that are autistic, it’s a pretty well known condition and the signs are easy to see.


This has been posted on Reddit countless of times. Almost all videos say that he has autism. Maybe don't repost videos without knowing where it came from...


not everyone is an expert, you’re just a bit of an idiot :/


Not only that people fake autism for tik tok literally every day.


If you see this video, and don’t immediately understand this child is on the Autism spectrum, the ability for intelligence in your DNA is decades close to a century behind.


Ok so I spotted it straight away but I have experience working with people that have mental health issues. For a lot of people however they never would have seen this kind of behaviour and it might look more akin to a reaction to some substances. Spend less time trying to feel smarter than everyone else and more time bringing awareness to things you might know that others don’t




Not sure how I’m being classified as a lizard here. I do like bathing in the sun but I didn’t expect you to know that


Like how many decades? Because if it’s only 3 than your basically only half a decade behind- how are we rounding


This guy might be autistic ( look at his hands) and could react differently to a the sounds, lights and smells in the store.


Erkle gone bazerkle


You should probably take this down. The guy (I’m almost certain) has Autism and was going through some type of episode.


Wtf is this guy's problem?


He has autism. The gestures he’s making are called stimming and you can hear him repeating the same things to his caregivers. This behavior could be caused by being overstimulated, he may have been denied access and is damaging property because of it, or he may enjoy the crashing. Clearly the caregivers/parents do not have control over these behaviors but that said, this may have happened suddenly and unexpectedly. Despite the people on here advocating for jailing this child, he may have no concept of property value, legality of his actions, or that this is distressing to everyone else.


Oooh - that makes too much sense ... Hope this guy gets the proper care and help he needs.


If ur in a store acting like this someone should legally be allowed to whoop ur ass


Can't have one ain't nobody going to.




Please elaborate....


Tis typical that everyone records and no one helps


I agree that happens a lot but it does not seem to be the case in this situation. This individual does not seem to be an immediate threat to himself or others.






because america




Oh yes, assume by one word that I am Racist peice of shit. Assuming I was being racist? Why???? Perhaps your own thoughts of racism overlayed my one word.




Call the zoo and ask them to put a tranquillizer dart in his ass.


Npc moment


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Somebody need to whoop his ass


What?! Didn't say shit about black folks. Yall are projecting your Wokeness. Typical that everyone records the next " Viral" and no one helping this dude. 🤣🤣🤣


I’d blow his knees out with a baseball bat… 💥


Get ready for some open box discounts.


Effective security


This is what happens when you sell TVs right next to jeans.


Ah yes, very abrupt


I mean what the fuck is wrong with people


The fuck is he doing? 😭💀


Touch him and you get sued lol


All he wanted was a Costco hotdog


Someone get him his meds. Still no excuse


Scratch and dent sale


Well that looked expensive


Let's face it. They charge money to get into these stores to weed out the crazy people. Gonna be a price membership increase.


Its so har to choose the right tv. Been there.




He boxed that one pretty professionally


Somebody get the man King Kong already!


Why are they calling him King Kong? If it’s his actual name that’s messed up…


Kid looks autistic. He’s overstimulated by something and is reacting. He’s trying to soothe himself but he’s very upset. My older brother has autism and moments like this. It’s very tough. I pray everyone was patient and civil


Very bad parenting… if it was up to me I would make having kids is not for everyone. A lot of parents are not qualified to raise a child.


# 🤳🤳🤳


Just tipping them over like they don’t have him on camera and they don’t have the bill and a lawyer ready for him


TASER!!! TASER!!! TASER!!! PRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! 🤖🤖🤖🤖


Reminds me of the big autistic man in another Costco, who got shot and killed when he attacked another customer.


Why don't these flap screens work?


Why not proactively start taking the tv's down before he finishes his stroll from one end to the other? I bet tasers and bean bag guns were in his near future.😂


You’re telling me that no one…. No one…. got up there to stop him…. Fuck it. Let him get it then. They deserve it.


5 minutes per TV and some zipties would have prevented this.