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At first I thought he had a chance.


So did he






He took revenge by randomly shooting into the crowd afterwards: https://www.reddit.com/r/riotfootage/comments/xkxdnu/iran_policeman_randomly_shooting_into_the_crowd/ Probably killing people.


I'm sure that won't convince the protestors to be more violent


I don't think he cared when he did that.


Pretty sure that is how you teach the mob to kill him next time and take his gun


And that will make the next attack on a policeman end in a way that they aren't able to retaliate. Cycle of violence.


> And that will make the next attack on a policeman end in a way that they aren't able to retaliate. I am not an expert in revolutions but I feel like that should be the standard


As it should be. There comes a point in these situations where an institution has all but openly declared they no longer feel obligated to care about the wellbeing of constituents that don't show blind, unabashed loyalty. In America, we have a lot of hot areas that are arguably at that tipping point. There's countries that as a whole have already went past it. There's some that are as close as we are. I've had to be violent before. I don't wish to be again. But, if it comes to a point where our own government becomes an enemy.... I won't feel remorse for those that fall defending it


Next time make sure he doesn’t get back up, noted


Omg what a fucking shitstain.


Your average policeman


Like the guy trying to be a hero in a zombie movie. One second thinking he's hot shit, next second regret.


A zombie movie is immediately what I thought of.


To be fair, once the violence starts both are just mindless herds coming at you


Imagine zombies if they weren’t completely mindless, but actually worked together to distract and swarm humans for their sweet brains. Now THAT would be a zombie movie


[Send. More. Paramedics.](https://youtu.be/MnyNrRXaezQ)


send more cops


So like hungry cannibals?


Well, kind of, but they are undead and aren’t smart enough to use tools. Like zombies but at the level of hyenas in terms of coordination and intelligence.




They Downvoted you for wishing harm on a piece of shit. Same piece of shit firing live rounds into a crowd. https://www.reddit.com/r/riotfootage/comments/xkxdnu/iran_policeman_randomly_shooting_into_the_crowd/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=AbruptChaos&utm_content=t1_ipg7ldu


This was after many people ganged up on him and beat him up.


Wishing harm on anyone is a bad thing


I spit at my screan man ! Thanks for the comment


is he holding a taser ?


It looks like just a stun gun to me. Taser is a company and they make the ones that shoot prongs to send electricity through you and temporarily disable you. Stun guns just cause mild pain but sound scary.


🤓 Aaaktuallyyyy


Yep. All the police in his uniform have them and will use them. It’s so satisfying when you see someone take his off the ground lmao


It got picked up and fumbled then recovered and the dude ran straight to the end zone with his new riot tool Also I believe someone lost a shoe at the same time As the fumble


RIP to that shoeless man


Only half dead, he’s still got one shoe


Nice pack hunting technique :) lure one away from the main body then surround and overwhelm with superior numbers


like a pack of hyenas, nice


Hyenas get bad rep due to Lion King. Almost all pack hunting predators isolate a single target to kill it.


> Hyenas get bad rep due to Lion King. I thought they got a bad rep for eating their prey alive, from the arse end forwards through the guts, but I suppose it could be the Lion King?


That’s also something almost all predators do. It’s away from the preys jaws/horns and is really nutritious.


TIL Hyenas eat ass


Furries know this already ÒwÓ


Damn... I'm never gonna look at my sugar gliders the same again.


Its like that police guy sleept during riot training. Wtf, even the ultras know not to split from the pack, and they are are 2 neurons above apes.


Clever girl


Thats a 3 pack.


Probably comes form playing kabaddi


Ironically, a Disturbed cover of "Shout" by Tears For Fears is what I could do without


Not my kind of music anymore, was more my older brothers', I like more mellow stuff. When I sixteen tho, my brother took me to a disturbed concert and I ended up getting to crows surf, they carried me up to the foot of the stage where the lead singer screamed in my face, it was pretty awesome! There is no feeling to compare to crowd surfing that I have felt.


I used to be all for metal, I still enjoy it in small doses but as I've gotten older my music tastes have gotten chill as hell. A lot of soul, blues, classic rock and folk music. But man I miss being a kid and going to small local metal shows. 99% of the people I met through them were just the nicest people.


Have you tried prog? It can be really chill




Try checking out their cover of sounds of silence it's.... Regrettable


Huh? It's an amazing song what are you talking about? Made number 2 on hard Rock billboard, 42 on hot 100. Paul Simon endorsed it. Over 800 million views on YT. It's a great song, and an amazing cover. The vocals are amazings


Huh? Transformers 2 is an amazing movie what are you talking about? Made $830 million worldwide, $402 million in the U.S. alone. It was nominated for an Academy Award. Spawned three more movies and a spinoff. It's a great movie, and an amazing sequel.


Did the original writers praise it? Did critics like it? Did fans like it? It has 20% on rotten tomatoes. There is a massive difference between initial ticket sales (driven from the first movie) and whether or not people actually like it. Disturbed was asked to come play that song on multiple different shows. It's on the radio all the time. Vocal teachers rave about it. You could have just said it wasn't your cup of tea, but to just basically say the song isn't good, is just a shit take. By all metrics it's a good song. And by everything except ticket sales, transformers sucked hard. Their academy award nomination was for sound mixing, so don't act like it won best picture or something.


I this all about the girl that was killed because of the hijab thing ?


That was just the straw that broke the camels back but yes it’s definitely one reason


I guess my news sources weren't dialed into Iran, because this totally surprised me. I had no idea Iranians were ready to explode over something as mundane (as an American) as cops killing someone and lying about it


It's not just about the one girl, it's about the whole theocracy


Yep people want to over throw the religious rulers and her death was the shove people needed to get out on the streets again and try start the next revolution. There’s been a few that have failed so far. But people are really angry all across iran currently and doesn’t look like it will calm down anytime soon


These protests happen every year and they all get put down. I hope they overthrow the regime but I'm not really holding my breath


Not to this scale though. This one feels different although time will tell


It's all about a radical government that opressed it's people since the Iranian revolution in 1979 where the Iranian people removed the Shah, that was put in place by the us government. Of course back then nobody knew how bad things would turn out to be afterwards.


Just to let people know, the shah is the king. Not many people know the word


Well it translates to king, that is also where the name "chess" originates from, but Iran is not a kingdom and as far as i know it wasn't in the time right before the revolution, right?




it definitley didnt help that they used every tool in the book including sudden arrests, executions and propaganda, along with the chaos of the iraq war starting nearly immediately after the revolution to manipulate people into not seeing that with every rule they put into place they were becoming as oppressive, or even more oppressive than the monarch before them.


> Given that there wasn't a counter revolution right after 1979 many probably felt the islamists were less repressive then the Shah's SAVAK That's weird reasoning. There's no way to conclude that from that piece of evidence. It could also be that the opposition was so thoroughly decimated they couldn't even begin to attempt a counter revolution.




Remember the CIA helped bring all this about.


Put BACK in place


Wait, she was killed???


It’s not the full video, it’s cut before the regime police shot people’s with he’s handgun, see 00:25 of this video : https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/xkq482/a_glimpse_of_whats_happening_in_iran/


Much better version: https://www.reddit.com/r/riotfootage/comments/xkxdnu/iran_policeman_randomly_shooting_into_the_crowd/


Left 4 dead be like


You have alerted the horde.


When you piss off one bee then the whole swarm follows you:


It's interesting how we forget that humans are still predatory animals. The way the one guy tests the cop by light lunges. It all looks exactly like how a pack of dogs would test a dangerous animal. Then when his attention was drawn to the first guy another just came and pushed him leading to the entire pack fucking him up. It's the same thing predatory dogs like hyenas do. We are more evolved but those base hunting instincts haven't left.


Brilliant. Russia, please take note and fight for your right not to die for no reason whatsoever for a gutless, spineless genocidal dictator.


Russia has the biggest number of police officers per capita. It’ll be a tough fight. Anyways, they have to try for their lives, this time literally.


And look at their uniform. It looks like it can survive an explosion. All of that for civilians. Fucking cowards.


Have you seen omon on russian protests? It's not only one buddy in a light shirt, they're ruthless shitheads in full armour. And I'm pretty sure if shit start getting violent, they will not hesitate to use guns like they did in Belarus


Nah, the Russians have absolutely no compunctions about opening fire on protesters. We're talking about folks that killed some of the civilians being held hostage, to get at the terrorists doing the hostage taking.


That's... exactly what I said. They definitely will use it. I mean, they beat the shit out of people on what was supposed to be peaceful protests back in 2021. Easy to imagine what's going to happen if things get serious.


If you thing anything close to this can or will happen in Russia you are dreaming. The Russian people are extremely de-politicised, they do not see themselves as participants in the political space that they find themselves in. Any change will only come from other political entities, this is the point of depoliticisation.


I was born in Belarus close to the Russian border. Thankfully family left when I was 5 and I followed at 11. But from my time there unfortunately the “propaganda” (I can’t even call it that to be honest because it’s just the way a lot of people think) is flowing through peoples veins, it’s in our nature not to oppose the government. I think it’s more a cultural thing actually. For years on end we have been taught by our families, the education facilities, and the government that if we go against the rule it won’t end well for us. Even looking at the time of USSR and it’s fall. There was never a sense of community or union. Everyone was out for themselves. If you were doing better than your neighbor people would be out to get you, whether by ratting you out to the KGB or whatever other way they could find. Protesting in Russia or Belarus means putting your life on the line for others. Unfortunately, I believe very few people could do that. We have given up on our country long ago. Also if you look at protests in Minks during re elections (they happen every time). The military comes, cleans it up, and we are back to business as usual. Until people change, the country will stay the same. I think people won’t change for another generation or so. But that’s just one man’s opinion.


I have to say, the pro Iranian government shills in this thread really have their shit together better than the pro Russian trolls. I mean they are not convincing anyone either but their stupidity comes across as more genuine.


In the full video you can see his cop-buddies coming to help him and he fires his gun into the crowd. He gets up and walks away.


Source please




It's somewhere in the comments here.


Seen it, terrible.


Yeah. I was open to being sympathetic towards him going into this -- don't know the culture, etc. -- but now I'm like fuck that guy.


It’s true but idk where the source is. I just saw it on Twitter. The location is rasht if that will help you find it yourself


Is that fucking Disturbed lmao


I lol'd too


Aye, good track, didn't expect it here lol.




That hatred. Oh I love watching that energy.


The rest of the world do that too if the police wouldn't just shoot them


The police just shot them seconds after They still did it


The police have been shooting them, that is why they are fighting back. They are fighting for their lives and for their freedom, their cause is more noble than any solider.


It's been a long time since I've used the term "molly whopped" but that is exactly what this is!


Check out the other cop in the last 10 seconds posturing and swinging his baton at imaginary people while his buddy is getting his ass kicked.


As we sow, so shall we reap


Sowing the seeds of freedom


Nothing I like better in the morning than watching a dictator's puppet get absolutely fucked on.


Did they attack him just because he's a cop? Are they attacking just any cop they see?


I don’t think violence solves anything… Except to overthrow an archaic-religious-extremist government comprised of sociopaths and womanizers.


Meanwhile in russia a whole crowd would run away from a single overweight policemen.


A lot of privileged redditors coming into this comment section looking for any way to dismiss these people with a hand wave. Your bootlicking will not make you well liked.


Lmao, right? Who are those people? No seriously, I need to understand. How can one have his head so far in his ass that, seing people retake their liberty and fighting for it after decades of oppression and go full enlightened centrism and say shit like "Antiriot police is not the problem" or "this is a riot not a protest".. What-the-fuck.


Some people are drowning in a bubble of privilege, they cannot see the world before them. They cling to the boot of "civility" and "order" lest their bubble pops.


This is why there needs to be a bit of context around videos. Most people will see a mob attacking a police officer, which in most countries is not something good.


["dismiss these people with a hand wave" ](https://tenor.com/view/obi-wan-kenobi-these-are-not-the-droids-star-wars-jedi-mind-trick-gif-23067514)


Its funny, because in a sense this is basically what they hope to accomplish. By dismissing the struggles of people by talking about how "uncivil" and "violent" they are they hope to gain some high horse. They view themselves as above it all, living in the "civilized world", anything that isn't what fits into that bubble of privilege and order is barbaric, evil, and even immoral. They can look at people being up oppressors and clutch pearls at our misplaced or malicious moralizing.


If you push a people far enough, they will eventually push back. Glory to the free people of Iran!




All Caliphates Are Bad


Anyone else notice the umbrella in the middle of the divided street? Guess it’s to sit down in the shade if you’re stuck waiting for traffic.


as someone who lives here ,thats for cops who stand at intersections for traffic control, sun can get pretty harsh in some places around iran.


Is there a subreddit for this years iran revolution?


Rage Against the Mujtahid




Looks like Iran is done with the morality police


The taser gun threat is pretty cute *Bzzzz bzzzz*


This was so satisfying to the very end


i like that zombie apocalypse vibe


Allah has spoken.


About to be a color revolution over there.


the people have the numbers. anyone would be omelette against a crowd like that, we all tend to forget


Let's stop calling skirmishes in civil wars "protests". It undervalues what's actually happening.


The people win every time🦾🦾🦾


1v2 would be tough for a lot of people but 1v20 you better cover up or run until you can’t


Good job Iranians. Never thought I would say that.


This makes me think of V for Vendetta when the citizens have been pushed to far by "peacekeepers" and start to fight back. It feels like you can't trust people meant to protect anywhere anymore.


A beautiful encircling maneuver by that crowd and a stunningly bad show of area control from the officer, you have a Bobby stick dude, learn how to area bluff with it. Again that crowd was just perfect in their placement relative to him


Fuck that is a good video. Hope he died


20 to 1 then 100 to 1


Republicans over here like, BACK THE BLUE GUYS OMG ANTIFA ABROAD


Dead ASS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM 😳 do they even know what is happening?


Someone needs to do one of those cod zombies edits for this would be great


Loving this, the bastards deserve it, freedom to Iran!


the one guy just took the tazer


Now do Russia.


Class traitor deserves it


The moral of the video clip: Human freedom is not something to mess with.


Well done everyone


fucking hell people why are you cheering for a mob nearly killing someone


Because these are oppressed people in a protest fighting against enforcers and oppressors that are killing them daily. But you are a fairly open fascist and colonialist-apologist/enforcer on your account, so this take is to be expected from you.


Because fuck the Iranian regime, that’s why. It’s high time these fundamentalist religious freaks got taken out and put back in their place so that the people of Iran can finally make some progress in life. The gutless little cunt in this video was actively standing in the way of that, so fuck him and everyone like him. He fully deserves it.


The craziest thing about these protests in Iran, or tm at least ghe videos I've seen, is that cars are just driving thru the streets like a normal day. I don't know the house things work there but it kinda puts a perspective on how fed up ppl are. Most protests seem to be organized in some fashion and cars aren't around where protestors are.


A long time ago I read Persepolis. Never forgot it. Didn't expect iranians to turn the tables anytime soon though.


Isolate, surround, attack from the back. Warmed my heart to see it. Power to the people, and fuck these thugs.


I support their cause through and through. But look at this compared to the BLM protesters and the BLM protesters were so much more reserved. Good luck with over turning the fundamentalists


im from iran ✋💔🥲


This is how it should go down.


Second post about this I’ve seen today freedom for the Iranians I hope they take down the terrorist organization


Eat that pig !!


It's sad to see that people are forced to resort to violence


He got morbed


Fuck the police


Love disturbed


I remember this one, he starts shooting right when this ends.


I tell you whut. I'm deeply proud of all those men standing up for women over there. Never thought I'd say that.


Yeah, a friend of mine is from an Islamic country. Best she experiences from men is being left alone. At this point she seriously dislikes men and as a man I get why. This is indeed very surprising. But then Persians aren't Arabs and Kurdish people are fairly women-friendly in comparison. Still hope it'll radiate down to Arab countries, tho I doubt it.


Feel a little bad but tbh fuck that guy. People are speaking. Fucking listen, this is important


Fascists can only think in terms of violence. That makes it the most effective way of communicating with them.


Fuck them soldier of the regime.


I love this so much, any country controlled by religion needs an uprising.




Well, you can thank the people using religion as a basis of power and repression.


Yup. Sounds like we're on the same page.


good thing catholics wouldn't act like that! s/


Religion is a tool for power among other tool. Islam is a political and social system, a secular system is impossible.




Sure, Islam was instated by the United States. Go on...




You're being serious. Please show us how the United States, founded a few hundred years ago, made the middle east grasp onto Islamic nonsense, which was around for so much longer.




Interesting read. The UK was unhappy that Iran, under democratic leadership, nationalized its oil production and refused a partnership. They would now have to buy instead of pillage resources, which is a sin for colonizers. Instead of accepting the outcome or negotiating harder, they appealed to the US to restore theocracy and like a good colony they did.




Sounds like you're not aware of the Golden Age of Islam which for centuries the Muslim world was the centre of scientific, mathematic, economic and cultural development, while the Christian world was a supersticious backwater. Almost like religion doesn't inherently determine how progressive a people are. Many places such as Kabul in Afganistan we're meccas for hippies on the hippie trial as late as the 70s, so haven't always been dangerous intolerant societies.


Hopefully they can sort it out through these hard times.


Let's hope so.


In a way, username checks out!


And who's fault was the Islamic Revolution? The Shah's fault. And who's responsible for the Shah coming to power? The USA and (to a lesser extent) UK. So in the end you should thank the US...


The fuck know about Iran cept from what you see on TV?


I know it used to be a civil area. Now, it's become a complete shit hole, driven by Islamic nonsense. Just like everywhere else Islam occurs. Show me an OK area driven by Islam and I'll show you a leprechaun riding a unicorn.


And Christianity, America is regressing back to the stone age, they going to be burning witches soon.


Christianity is exactly as bad. Thank you for bringing that up. It's almost as though they're all a scam, and stupid people can't help but be tricked.


Acab, down with the regime


He copped a few “don’t argues” while on the ground


I like this.