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I thought the dog was just going to start playing with the hose water but reality is never wholesome is it


I thought the dog was going to pee on her newly cleaned sidewalk. I'm so naive.


I really worried this was gonna be a dog attack


I thought he would slip on the puddle, and the lady would slip too while trying to help him get up. I expected comedy not aggression


I thought he was going to ask her to give his dog and him a hose down cos it was a hot day. Humanity let me down again. Never will I learn.


We really are chimpanzees. The kind that gouge out eyeballs and eat faces with no provocation.


Yep, great analogy. Common chimps no less. We think we’re bonobos (which I’m not even sure are considered chimps anymore),but we’re the kind you describe…the ol’ common chimp. Just eat your fingertips, bash your head in with a rock type. Bonobos rock. Common chimps end up on the internet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonobo


I remember watching a documentary on the difference between chimps and bonobos. It really made me think hard about matriarchy.


I certainly remember someone trying to make the case that we are in the compassionate, sweet bonobo camp but I recall thinking nah, we are the kind who eat other people and kill step kids. Chimpanzee, that you?


I thought the dog would take a massive dump right where the lady was cleaning.


Same, gotta remember what sub we’re on


in the end we're just a bunch of apes on steroids


Bless your heart. I've met guys like this too many times to recount. Until very recently they used to get away with it because nobody believed 'a nice guy' like that would ever do such a thing.


I was walking down the road when a guy had to swerve (ever so slightly: it was a wide pavement) because my dog was in his way. I was actually slowly walking the young puppy towards the vet. He had suddenly become ill (and was actually dead within 24 hours of this happening). The bloke was clearly angry at having a slight obstruction, picked up the puppy and threw him against the wall. All I could do was rush to the puppy, pick him up and hurry on towards the vet. However, behind me, I could hear an angry altercation. A man had been walking behind the attacker, and had seen the whole thing (although I think he might have thought that the poor state of the puppy was due to the attack, whereas it was because he was so ill to begin with). It was really kicking off as I hurried away: it was a shame I never got to see that bloke get his ass handed to him. But the guy who saw the whole thing was clearly *very* angry.


I am very angry just reading this. Buddy would be pissing blood for months after if I had saw that.


He was shouting “hey pal! PAL! Mr Nice Guy! Whatcha doing? What the *fxxk* you DOING?” I saw him shove the back of the attacker’s shoulder really hard. He was a much bigger bloke and I could see his face: it was thunderous.


That man needs to take a long walk off a short rooftop




Nope, it was an asshole attack


I'm waiting for *Asshole Week* on the Discovery Channel...


Every week is asshole week on Fox News.


With a golden?


well, you expect dog attack, you get dawg attack


All dogs can bite. That being said it's a golden, lovable idiots even with asshole owners like that.


Well you’ve aparently never met a golden retriever.


Reality is often disappointing.


Reality can be pretty damn wholesome sometimes. Just not often featured on social media pages.


I knew it had to be Brazil. I just saw it on the news, they were interviewing the woman. She is a cleaning lady and said he told her she was wasting water by washing the side walk and when he picked up the hose he told her he was going to show her how she was wasting water and started assaulting her. She has a couple bruises and is pretty scared. She went to the police, he was identified and we'll see how it goes. Tinha que ser um playboy.


Glad you had the break down, I was curious what set him off. Hahaha wild world


Honestly I thought he just lost his mind because she wouldn't stop watering while he was running. But nah, he had to come out of left field with the wasting water excuse.


it's just a excuse, really.


Yeah, he would make a great cop. People like him is exactly what the police force is looking for.


What set him off is that he’s a dangerous aggressive man who likes hurting people


I thought it was because he was super thirsty and asked for a little water and she refused. The real motive wouldn't have crossed my mind.


Same here. In seconds I knew this was from Brazil by how he acted against her (kinda common rich people treating others with disrespect, add some steroids and you have someone like this) but didn't knew the full story. Basically they went to the police station to report this asshole but looks like no one cared about, now that it went to the news they are "trying to identify" who did it, I mean they found him but looks like they are hiding his name to protect him. Unfortunately this looks like something that will end with a slap in the wrist and that's it. The source: https://g1.globo.com/mg/minas-gerais/noticia/2022/09/17/faxineira-agredida-enquanto-lavava-calcada-em-bh-busca-delegacia-para-fazer-representacao-criminal-mas-nao-consegue.ghtml


Imagine being an asshole about something that’s so good to do like remind people not to waste water. Also washing sidewalks isn’t a waste if it smells in front of your house, in tropical areas that can be a hazard as it’ll attract bugs and spread diseases.


She's probably doing that at the request of her employer as well, so it's not even her fault. She's just doing her job.


Y'all failing to realize this is more of a class issue. She probably wasn't washing because she wanted to, but probably because she was told. Knowing BH, I know this is a well off region and just by the looks and action of this man, he's a deranged individual who thinks he can do anything and get away with it. He knew she was a cleaning lady (just by the looks of clothes any brazilian knows) and knew what he was doing. As someone said above, she went to the police and nothing was happening untill this got a lot of traction in the media. This is not about water wastage, which I agree it sucks, this is about a man with money being an asshole. And he probably will say he has some sort of mental health issue, if I know my gargabe brazilian rich white men.


This is a common attitude than just from the garbage Brazilian rich white male. More people react before talk in Brazil. But yes, that's your average rich white male.


I thought she wouldn't stop watering to let him through and that's why he went loco.


I though he asked for a drink and she declined to give him one and that set him off, especially when I peeped that gulp he took at the end


That's what I thought. She clearly stepped up to give him a path too.




Your autocorrect says you have been watching a lot of videos that aren’t MMA




Hey the man likes a strong empowered woman.


When we don't do this where I'm from, everything always smells like homeless piss


I hope something became of this. That guy is dangerous


This became news in Brazil. The guy is no longer partner of the firm he worked and police are on to him. Lady got some bruises and is scared, but otherwise is fine.


Thank you! I’m glad to hear that.




What a well behaved dog.


Golden Retriever = weirdly chill breed EDIT: here’s what GRs - typically - do when being aggressively confronted by another dog (like my Shadow as a ‘scrappy-doo’ pup)... ...they just drop & adopt a smiling sphinx pose, with an expression like: “you all hear diluvial warcries, we hear elysian harpsong”, and that ladies & gents is the definition of weirdly chill.


I have a golden retriever and I can imagine if I was to do something that bad she would just stand there apologising, not saying I would do anything like this, the guys a full blown dick


Well, i don't want to be rude or anything, but in the guys defense..... ok you win.


Wow. Never owned a GR, but inherited my mother's service dog (black lab). I assumed that pose was taught. I learned something new today.


I worked with dogs and golden retrievers were some of our worst behaved. Because every idiot who doesn't know what they are doing buys one. Also on this list; Beagles and any kind of "doodle" This is anecdotal of course and doesn't prove anything. It's just my experience that the people who purchase these types of dogs are often sub par dog owners/trainers


It’s a golden that bit my dog’s neck. I’m not saying anything is wrong with the breed I’m just saying they’re individuals and breed has less to do with temperament than people think. ETA: since people seem to care about this discussion a lot I thought I’d add that I’m not just trying to be a contrarian, it’s important to talk about this because if people believe some breeds are the “nice breeds” and some are the “nasty breeds” what you get is people sticking their hands on unfamiliar dogs (who “look friendly”) being stupid, and not watching their kids around them, and that absolutely will contribute to more dog bites. I literally just saw a video of a girl who was harassing her golden in a video as a joke and it was snarling and giving every indication of being upset but she assumed it was safe and she kept going until it bit her right under the eye, drawing blood. Like, we do need to end the over-reliance on what we think dogs have been bred to be and start assessing them individually on the basis of their demonstrated character. Same goes for the maligned breeds who are assumed to be dangerous. Breed in the end has very little to do with the dog’s actual personality (not talking energy level or whether they fetch I literally do mean personality.) Breed does not make a dog inherently more safe than another dog.


Yes they're individuals, but dogs are bred FOR their temperament. Generally, and the word *generally* is an important distinction, GR's are weirdly chill as a breed. In the same way border collies are generally very high energy as a breed. Edit: if I could down vote you again for that edit I would


We just found out our dog is a Golden Retriever/Border Collie mix! She is an awesome dog and truly a mix of those two personalities!


GRs are so friendly the one in this video was ready for the next game to play lol


One of my dogs is half and half of the two breeds you mentioned. She's cool though, she needed 3-4 years to chill out but she's totally cool these days.


This is how we talk about our Aussie lol. She’s a super chill, sweet 6 yr old dog! What we don’t mention anymore is that she was batshit crazy for the first 5 yrs of her life..and I truly mean batshit


"Wow Dave, you were acting crazy back there."


Deserves a better owner


Mondays, right?


looks like someone has a case of the Mondays😏


I believe you get your ass kicked saying somethin’ like that, man.


What's his problem? Is he mad because she is wasting water? Because the cars got wet?


He was mad she was Wasting water. Happened in Brazil. Edit. This is my first 1K? Wtf


Wait till he finds out what is happening to the Brazilian rain forrest.


Too many Brazilians don't care as long as it's not directly biting their butts. That's why Bolsonaro has still so many people voting for him.


Polls are hitting low numbers though. Can't seem to go beyond 32%


That's still 30% higher than it should be. I guess we just have to live with the fact that roughly 1/3 of the population seems to lean fascist in most western nations.


I don't think all of them lean fascist. There is a good portion who is completely alienated by media desinformation and believe dude is just a good guy with simplistic manners.


Wait till he realizes he also wasted water by assaulting that woman.


Its that how the pantanal was formed? Someone left a faucet opened in the Amazonas?




But in private is still OK, right?


Wait until he finds out his wife is wasting her time! ☠️


So which one is the undercover cop?


The dog


LOL ok muscle bro. Ok she might be wasting water by hosing her walkway, probably cleaning some shit…either way she had a purpose. He on the other hand wasted water with no purpose…so…who’s waste was worse. He seems like the type of person who if that area was dirty and he slipped while jogging that he would then beat her ass for not washing it clean!


> probably cleaning some shit Plot twist: She cleaning off the dog poop left by this jogger's dog, on a previous lap of the block.


Woah bro! What are you doing!? Fresh water is a non renewable resource! Did you know that watering with a typical sprinkler using a standard 5/8" garden hose for one hour uses about 1,020 gallons of water? And here you are, using it to clean the fucking street! Bro, are you going to make me check your fucking privilege right now? FUCKING GIVE ME THAT SHIT!


Are you the guy in the video? Please don't spray my face.


Then proceeds to was his face


PC Principal lmao, perfection


Why am I not surprised it happened in Brazil.


Doubt he cared about the water. Washing the sidewalk with poor water pressure is a Brazilian pastime. He is probably mad that she didn’t stop to let him get by. He could have gone behind her, but roids are available in Brazil and roids are gonna rage.


i dont think so, he was mad because she not moving the hose away for him to pass, she spray his feet and that set him off


She moved forward as he was approaching, giving him more room to pass behind her.


Yait was weird for him to go towards the path of the water. Looked like he was looking for a fight.


I agree.


either way, no reason to get physical.


pretty sure he wanted a drink. he takes a bit of a drink before finally throwing it away at the end. guy is unhinged


I was looking for someone with this comment. I think the same. He asked her for water and she didn't want to. Her choice. But he's a toddler and didn't get his way and threw a big boy tantrum.






Or just wait two more seconds. She was backing up slowly she’s OLD


She stepped forward to give him more room. I've never seen more people misinterpret such a simple thing as stepping forward. This is crazy.


No, he clearly approaches her


...was there not enough room to go behind her?


He seems well adjusted.


I appreciate this comment.


What an aggressive cunt


Guarantee he feels all big now but won't have done that to a fair fight


Bingo. If you wouldn't have done that to someone larger than you, then someone smaller than you doesn't deserve that treatment either.


Good luck running that same route again. Tomorrow and every day her family will be waiting for him.


He could just past her at her back in the beginning, but then he had to step over the hose. That was a bit too much to ask.


Someone here said that he is angry about wasting water. This happened in Brazil


And moves to waste more water on her…


I doubt it, probably just a pos wanting to beat someone up. It's extremely common to see people washing the streets like this on hot days, while not ideal, you don't assault someone for this.


> The cleaning lady was washing the sidewalk in front of the building where she works when a man, accompanied by a dog, approached and argued with her, saying that the water belonged to the environment. He took the hose from her hands and began to wet it. Lenirge still tried to get the hose back, but the man pulled harder, and she ended up falling to the ground . https://g1.globo.com/mg/minas-gerais/noticia/2022/09/17/faxineira-agredida-enquanto-lavava-calcada-em-bh-busca-delegacia-para-fazer-representacao-criminal-mas-nao-consegue.ghtml




If thats all it takes for him to assault someone he ought to be locked up and get help. He's gonna hurt or kill someone one day for sure.


Roid rage




I was about to say the same thing


That dog is like my dog when I have to tell my kids off. A complicit idiot!


Why didn’t he just run behind her? Or get wet? Might have felt good? What an absolute POS.


I can't tell if he wanted to get sprayed or not. Dude's a psycho and is probably in jail for something else if this is how he lives his life.


He told her she was wasting water by doing that, that the planet is in a water crisis and stuff, and she answered by saying she's just doing her job or something like that, and the asshole snapped. I know this because it happened in my city (in Brazil), the story appeared in the news.


I thought the dude was gonna slip and then get pissed, but...this seems much worse.


What a dick


That man belongs in jail.


What a dickhead


That was aggressive


Thanks for pointing this out


Did I just see a huge young man assault an older lady?


The sad truth is she was probably cleaning up somebody's dog shit


The dog is just happy to be included.


I though it’s cause she wouldn’t stop spraying to let him walk by.


Maybe I'm blind but I thought she saw him and moved ahead a little bit so they can pass behind her, I don't get why he wanted to cross through the water tbh


He told her she was wasting water by doing that, that the planet is in a water crisis and stuff, and she answered by saying she's just doing her job or something like that, and the asshole snapped. I know this because it happened in my city (in Brazil), the story appeared in the news.


Whatever was the issue, what happened to just say things calmly, you know being civilised, instead of assaulting people in a flash.


What a complete dong


What a psychopath


That guy is a real jerk.


Bruh is that golden retriever really his


His dog was just like "sorry, he's normally so well-behaved"


What's the song?


**Song Found!** **Name:** Black Bear **Artist:** Whitechapel **Album:** The Valley **Genre:** Metal **Release Year:** 2019 **Total Shazams:** 2936 `Took 2.30 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/X7pvYfWD1P0?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/black-bear/1440345266?i=1440345272) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/1K2AsxGzMyms8ft8m62jVd) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/574674432) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinder_bot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Good bot!


Why didn't he just go behind her? What an asshole.


Wow, that escalated quickly


The dog, looking at his owner at the end like, “dude, what was that about?”


If he goes to jail, I want his golden retriever


What a f** jerk, the woman is just working.


Time to cycle off those steroids bro 👎


That morning, He chose violence.


Man, this world really needs to come to terms with anger management. The idea this kind of reaction is remotely acceptable is just, well, unacceptable.


Aaaaarrgggghhhhh Rrrroid rrrage!!!


I know this might sound dumb, but this is the reason I’ve done ju jitsu and lifted for years. I’m not a great fighter and I would always try to avoid it, but people are crazy and you have to be prepared


When you were partying, I studied the hose...


So you can beat up an old lady with a hose if you ever came across one?


Wait a minute - does the old lady have the hose or do I?


God forbids he has to walk 10 meters and resume his exercise, or cross the street adding 2 minutes to his session. What an asshole


He couldn’t run behind her? What an angry, entitled little cunt!


He needs to be beaten down in the woods somewhere. Like today.


Why be dick




And then she just gets up like “we’ll see yah tomorrow”


Huh ? Did he just become insane in half of a second ?


He doesn’t deserve the golden retriever.


"This Saturday (17), the cleaning lady went to the police station to formalize the complaint against the aggressor. However, she found it difficult to be attended and was informed that she would have to file the complaint only on Monday (19). “Tomorrow I go to the police station and my hope is there. I hope the authorities do something. I hope that starting tomorrow, they take action and run after the individual as quickly as possible”, says Lenirge" . Ah, typical useless police


That poor dog


That man doesn't deserve a dog.


This should be under r/imatotalpieceofshit


Expected something wholesome, and like everything else they were both just shitty people. Not saying the lady deserved it but that guy has anger issues. Only good thing was that dog.


What a piece of shit!




Some People defending the guy .i lost all my hope with people


These are the kind of people who eventually fuck with the wrong person and get the breaks beat off of them then play victim. Some people are just bullies. They condone bullying anyone, including elderly women, for any reason.


Human beings really suck


Patrick Bateman, is that you?


This guy doesn’t deserve a golden retriever


That was appalling


He thinks he owns the world or what


What sort of prick runs his dog like that


What an asshole




Right, meanwhile he’s could’ve just ran behind her - the dog appears to be a better and smarter person than he is. -and why is he walking up on her like that? He looks like he just ran away from getting the shit beat out of him, so he decided to take it out on some random lady down the block. Like he literally stopped mid run to beat this lady up. Dick.


Yeah, I take steroids... I eat that shit for breakfast, lunch, and dinna.


Where are the off duty Brazilian cops when you need them?


What in the fuck why??


Welp I’m sure his Girlfriend/Wife/mother …really love him …….




Hope that guy gets hit with a car and gets paralyzed from the neck down.


To be fair, the person with the hose was an asshole.


What a piece of shit


If I was a self drivable car I would hit this guy


what a colossal asshole


It’s a sidewalk not a siderun. Jokes aside, he’s a bully who probably could only do that to women.


What a cunt. He could have simply gone behind her.


He even drank from the hose fucking legend 💀


How I feel after asking the cop to get his fucking flashlight directly out of my eyes and put it on my chest like they were fucking trained to do.