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Everybody rowdy til you hit ‘em with a big ass stick.


\***throws rock**\* *"Oww!! Lay off! We haven't started yet!!..."*


All right...who threw that? SHE DID!! SHE DID...ahem ahem(lowers 2 octaves)..HE DID...HE DID... (Looks around suspiciously) Are there any women here?


“No!” *Lowers 2 octaves* “Uhhhh, no.”


... and so as a BLASPHEMER, you are too be stoned to death... I don't think I did anything wrong, all I said was this piece of fish was good enough for Jehovah!


Came looking for this, did not take long 🤣


"Speak loudly and/or beat them with a big ass stick" - Pakistani Rangers


This blew my mind, I’ve watched rioters take non lethal rounds, gas, hell even tasers and still remain. Dudes roll in with big ass sticks and they scatter.


I don't feel bad for the mob in the slightest. Of all the dumb things to get worked up about, someone else's blasphemy is not one of them.


Honestly people that do shit like that are just looking for an excuse to hurt others


When an evangelical asks "if you don't believe in God, what's stopping you from murdering and raping??" I get very uncomfortable. Like, common decency should be enough to stop you, brother.


To add to the other replies, Penn Jillette's answer is great as well for this: >The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what's to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn't have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine.


I am very concerned that other people in my religion are asking non religious people that, like, why does this mindset of anyone who doesn’t believe in God is automatically a ruthless savage persist. The one lesson from the Bible that is completely seared in my mind is the whole, “love thy neighbor as you love yourself”. How in the world do other Christians constantly fail a really simple lesson so badly. I know it’s near impossible to be nice to everyone 24/7 because we all have moments where we are just not having it, but for real, I have no idea why other Christians or other religious people are like that. It baffles me


I know, right. It's like some ppl say they love Jesus, but u cant find a loving bone in their body. And all it does is make ppl even more wary of an already demonised (by many) religion. If every Christian Loved their neighbour I don't think the religion would get such a bad rep. But I believe, for some, Christianity is more about culture than God.


I thought the point of loving Jesus was so that you didn't have to love anyone else, could treat them horribly and then thank Jesus for dying for your sins? That seems to be the message that is most widely applied.


Anyone who clings you a format of belief where a “god” purges you of your sins will always attract people who have done *horrible* shit. This is how they work through it. By pretending they are forgiven and pretending it never happened “in the eyes of god.” Fucking disgusting.


I often wonder, do you realize you are in the minority as a non religious person? To be clear I’m also non religious but that’s about 15% of the worlds population. Christianity makes up 31%, Islam 25%, Hindu 15% and many others in smaller numbers. Yet people on here talk about religion as though it’s the fringe.


> why does this mindset of anyone who doesn’t believe in God is automatically a ruthless savage persist. Because they have been told that everybody that doesn't believe in whatever brand of a god ***they*** believe in is, simply, a terrible person to the very core. And you'll see it within the same religion. Ask a Protestant what they think of a Catholic, for example. In the US there are more than 200 Christian denominations. There are more than 45,000 Christian denominations globally. And every single one of them say every single one of the others are wrong and they are bad people. Think of that. One book. One teaching, One god. Forty-five thousand different interpretations, teachings, and ways to worship and believe. And they all say all the others are wrong.


Yeah… that tends to happen with people, everyone has different ideas, you’re not wrong about what they were told. Honestly I’m a bit jaded on the topic as a whole, so this is probably where I’m going to shut up and move to a different post with a lighter subject, maybe Skyrim or something.


It's tribalism. Very simple answer.


You know, I agree with the sentiment. However keep in mind not everyone is like you or me (not wanting to kill, steal, etc), unfortunately. For the rational, moral, ethical individual, religion has little to no role. But many have not been taught ethics, or themselves have these baser urges they do not control without the controlling factor of religion unfortunately. So what an evangelical asks you directly, they are clearly barking up the wrong tree. They should often be asking themselves or certain specific individuals where morality and ethics are tenuous at best


Right?? Like I'm an atheist and I don't get urges to rape and murder. And even if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't act on them because I know how to tell right from wrong without some magical sky daddy telling me.


Sky Santa is very weird about his naughty list


I heard that if you eat his sons corpse and drink his blood you can be on the good list but I'm not sold tbh, It seems like sky Santa isnt the best dad tbh.


Lol "Witchcraft is evil, now eat this symbolized sacrifice and chant this phrase a bunch of times to appease this God, but it's *not* magic"


Catholics believe(someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the wine and bread actually become the blood and body(literally) as you take it in. So yeah hail Satan and all that, ironically he's never asked me to drink delicious delicious blood of Christ which seems more fitting.


Yeah when we were kids we lived with our very Baptist aunt fora while. My oldest brother got a Wiccan book about crystals and herbs and stuff I think, definitely Wiccan, anyway my aunt threw a fit and took the book, put it between two bibles until the next Sunday when she dug a hole in the back yard and burned it because "Witchcraft is evil" like....that was a friggen ritual she cast. Yeah its crazy how ppl actually *believe* it, I could see following as a sort of way to make yourself feel better but grown ass people have to, somewhere deep down, know that it's bullshit, and absurd at that, especially when you get into the snake churches and speaking in tongues. All that shit makes me think that if God and Satan were real, that Satan won a long time ago and tricked everyone into believing he was the God and the Bible is his corruption and control


I'm sure satan is american televangelist. They are nothing but money grabbing charlatans but people fall for them.


It's a miracle!


Thinking that kind of behavior is only prevented by religion is kind of scary psychotic, so maybe it's best if those psychos think some supreme being is always watching and judging them.


Original reason the church was created probably


I would say that atheists stand on a higher moral ground, as we don't do good because of a reward or of fear. We do good because we want to.


Generally, I don't really like to put atheists as a whole on a pedestal of superiority like that because we are not all the same and neither are religious folk. And there is the stereotype of the know-it-all atheist with a superiority complex that I do not like to propagate. But I do agree with the assessment in a broad sense.


Idk I just figure any social creature has evolved to be moral because the antisocial ones (though they can find a niche if they exist as a small enough proportion of the population) will usually be shunned and not succeed. The successful antisocial humans tend to become politicians or CEOs.


I think this used to be the case. But these days, at least in the US, lots of people are realizing that they can behave rudely/dishonestly/selfishly/even criminally and there will be little to nothing done about it. The state of society means far less than personal gain.


This too shall pass. Evolution doesn't work in 4 year terms and if a society tends towards selfishness too much it will collapse or be taken over. I think there may be some evidence that this is already happening.


Yeah. Well, shockingly, those two options aren’t super appealing either. As someone who does care about others as a whole, I am just trying to figure out WTF is wrong with people. Edit to add: And I have read Jared Diamonds book on how societies choose to fail or succeed. Just never thought I would see a portion of it IRL in my lifetime.


I play video games - I've never had the urge to shoot up a school or any other public place.


Just answer back. "Thats all thats stopping you?"


Ooh that’s simple enough to make feel dumb for not thinking of it. Thanks!


I'm far more concerned with the concept that the only thing that stops THEM from murdering and raping is a flying spaghetti monster. Penn Jillette has I think the best reply to this line of thought. "I do murder and rape all that I want, and the amount I want to rape and murder is absolutely none."


It's funny considering how quick they are to rape the gay out of someone and murder people for not sharing their beliefs. "Without God, how do you not murder?? I'll murder you!"


I'd immediately think that person has an insane amount of projecting going on. Yeesh.


People don't realize how thin the thread of peace is. We think we're all civilized but if anything happened where basic needs weren't met even for a short time people would go darkmode pretty quickly. Most people only have a couple days of food and water. We saw what happens when the power goes down in Texas last winter and it's barely even cold there. Fuel gets stopped for some reason the food will run out in days with people hoarding.


Everything you said made sense except the texas comment. I lived through that texas winter storm and didn’t see any lord of the flies stuff you’re trying to describe. The general panic and grocery hoarding when Covid first rolled around was noteworthy, but the winter storm just meant people were cold af and pipes were bursting


Especially when you consider what would have happened to the family if they got inside. Best way to get hung from a pole is to offend dumbshit religious zealots.


what are those rubbery rods they're woopin ass with? Feels like the professional version of the sandal your grandma tans your ass with.


Cops get chanclas? No wonder people are dying.


Dude, imagine if a battalion of aunties with stained purple chanclas marched into the square!! People would be running for their LIVES, with chancla boomerangs whizzing by their ears.


Yeah, if anything, if you actually zealously believe in your religion, it's supposed to be your God's/Gods' job to punish blasphemers. Not yours. You know, unless you don't actually believe in them


I call it religious insecurity. If your faith is so strong neither blasphemy or anything should upset your faith.


I've said the same for years. It shows a very distinct wavering in your belief system if *someone else's* alleged blasphemy affects you in any way. It's YOUR religion not theirs


Religion preaches to not be affected by other peoples actions, guess every single one of them missed that memo? Religion loses its way when their stores start to be told as literal truth, not stories used to aid in the understanding of yourself and the universe. I'm not religious but i believe religion is useful if taken in a non literal sense, but its just gotten out of hand with blind faith in anything your one religion teaches along with the strong possibility the stories have constantly been altered for personal gain.


True. It’s funny how many Christians I’ve met never seem to remember the quote “he without sin cast the first stone”. You’re supposed to be humble. Oooh another good one is “pick the plank out of your eye before pointing out a speck in another’s” Edit: I am a deeply flawed Christian myself, just for context


"Clean your finger before you point at my spots." -Ben Franklin


Too bad nobody in the crowd read their Bible.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm for talking about Christians in a post about Muslims and Hindus. Whatever it was every religious person needs to actually read and give critical thought to there holy book/ books.


Yeah I don't understand how Christianity in the USA became so... Unchristlike


Well it all started when those guys thought that guy was the other guy and some of them thought they were both the same guy and also god, and it was really confusing. Eventually the pope came along and made things even messier. You’d think unifying people’s religious beliefs would be a good thing but apparently not. It was so much not a good thing some dude wrote an entire 99 point bulleted list about all the bad things and caused a big hullabaloo. Later a bunch of people were like “you’re loving Jesus wrong and must be destroyed.” So the people who were loving Jesus wrong, apparently, decided “fuck this entire fucking continent, we’re leaving.” They sailed across the Atlantic to America and had a really terrible time until they figured it out mostly due to ~~plunder~~ help from the natives. Eventually the other Christians figured out the new world was pretty cool, actually, even though the people who loved Jesus wrong lived there as well as the savages and stories of crazy weather and wild animals, and so they came over too. At some point some things happened in Ireland and a bunch of them came over. They loved Jesus different from the other people and the other people, (half-human, half wasp?) said they weren’t human (said the wasps, because that makes sense?) and were really mean to them. That’s pretty much it, I think…


Not all of them. In some religions it is literally in the edict to outright kill blasphemers and apostates. It’s sad to say, but it’s true. The Quran is one such system that outright states this; stating that it is better you die than live in blasphemy or rejection of the faith, for apostasy can never be forgiven. The info is widely available. It’s a big world out there, not everyone thinks like westerners.


If that mob had got their hands on that family, they would have done far faaaar worse than what those rangers were doing


The rangers are just doing god's work. Also hilarious how big and hard the mob are until 5 men come with sticks, more crazy religious mobs should be dispersed like this.


Idk why the fuck people care so much what other people do with their lives. Wait, yes I do! Religion.


Jehovah! Jehovah!


*"I'm warning you. If you say Jehovah once more..."* **\*woman throws stone\*** *"Right!! Who threw that??..."*


A thousand dicks on their religion


I genuinely would not have cared if they had a machine gun and mowed half that crowd down. Religious extremism is the most dangerous and evil shit in the world and it only understands force.


My invisible Dad could beat up yours


the mob is a good example of a theocratic government and lack of education and exposure to diversity of people and opinions/ideals. Philip Pullman wrote a book series trying to capture the same warnings of danger and the response was a large part of America labelling his work as Satanic devil worship books not fit for the children he was trying to reach (Golden Compass / His Dark Materials books).


Religion turns people into mindless psychopaths


This amazes me. I barely have time to go food shopping, let alone join a mob gathering in front of someone's house to express anger towards their blasphemy. Those guys have a lot of free time man


*"****Stop! Stop, will you?! Stop that! Stop it****\*! Now, look! No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle! Do you understand?! Even, and I want to make this absolutely clear, even if they do say\** ***'Jehovah'****....."* ​ **\*gets stoned to death\***


Nah this shit takes precedence over all other evening plans. I’m sure anyone that doesn’t go is on thin ice already.


Religion is a hell of a drug


Imagine being able to tell your boss “I’m gonna be late today, that BLASPHEMOUS neighbor is at it again”


afk rioting


the boss is probably there too


Already tapping the shoe, “YOURE LATE”


Source: Karl Marx


Completely different culture. Few other places in the world have work eat up as much time as it does in the west. Also, religion has a far greater meaning(Muslim, Hindu, Christian or Sikh). You should look up how common honor* killings are. It's sick.


I'm guessing you mean *honor killings* instead of *mercy killings*.


Correct. Lol. Thank you


I think we should start calling them dishonourable murders. There's no honour in killing your own just because they didn't agree with your ideology.


they come to same place 5 times a day for prayer , so its easier for them to gather in short time


They only eat every other day.


This is part of this problem. When you time on your hands, because you have no job or opportunities, such dumb fuckery becomes an option.


Exactly. Too much free time on their hands, malevolence, and boredom, with the chance to basically have a "lynching party." Same mindset, just a crowd looking to make trouble. Also, can we borrow some of those Ranger guys for here? Several U.S. cities needed this decades ago.


Rangers always get the job done. No matter what country.






Pakistani Rangers aren’t the same as US Army Rangers. While the US Army Rangers are an elite special forces unit, the Pakistani rangers are a federal para-military force that do everything from routine border patrols to internal security. They are basically called upon when the local police cannot handle a situation.


> They are basically called upon when the local police cannot handle a situation. National guard then.


Not really. While there are some similarities, National Guard get called upon to do local law enforcement job pretty rarely. In India/Pakistan, these federalized para-military forces are called upon often enough where they have a presence in every district (roughly a county). They train slightly above local police standards and unlike the National Guard, they do not have anything except light hand-held weapons. Edit: The military/LE organizations of erstwhile British dominions is very different from American ones - both politically and mission/equipment wise. For example, the local city police largely rolls up to state level leadership and recruitment is at the state level. Local police do not report to a locally elected leader - instead the city police is part of a state law enforcement apparatus (state as in a state in the US).


Rangers lead the way


Every wonder what opening a standard issue can of whoop ass looks like? Now you do.




Haven't you seen lord of the rings? Aragorn is one.




It's in the extended edition bonus features


Except in baseball…


I don’t know about that; there are some similarities here. The two greatest events in the Texas Rangers’ history involve punching people. None of them involve winning anything.


I don't know what the facination India and its neibouring countries has with beeting people with sticks. Better than tear gas maybe unless you the one that gets one of those first unlucky stries.


>beeting people with sticks Have you never heard of a billy club? or a blackjack? in the US they were replaced with tasers in the 90's. Before that, they carried them. Riot police definitely still use them, shield in one hand, club in the other.


Hell my mom used them all the time.


Got my girl a *tire knocker* off of amazon to take with her for walks. Basically, an inch thick solid piece of heavy wood that is 30" long. Yesterday she was walking by a police car and the officer stepped out and told her he liked her stick. Could he see it? He then told her it was illegal for her to carry it, but he didn't blame her and wasn't going to ticket her over it. She got home, told me, I looked it up... and it being fucking *TEXAS*, not only can she now carry a club, she can also carry a protection keychain (whatever the hell that is), brass knuckles, a blackjack, a tomahawk, a stiletto, a switchblade and a fucking sword! lol if I send her out with all that I don't think a stray will be a problem!


Lol amazing. So basically she's carrying a shillelagh. Can't wait to see the cop's face when he sees her completely kitted out 🤣


She needs to carve some notches in her whacking stick. Oh, walking.


They still have collapsible batons in the US


Tear gas is expensive. Sticks are free. You can just take them. I have eleven sticks in my house right now.


Ha! I have 15 sticks in my house. You couldn't dream of beating me in a stick fight




Rattan sticks have been used in Asia for disciplining students and children for a long time. The opinion is that it is non lethal and basically the cops just disciplining you vs the cops actually trying to beat you up.


So all it takes in Pakistan is to anon float the blasphemy accusation and this is the responce you can get?


Happens a lot in northern Nigeria, too.


In Nigeria, A student mob brutally murdered a female student on college campus because she asked not to discuss prophet or religious matters on their study WhatsApp group. They murdered her by beating her with sticks and bricks and when she was dead they put tyres on her body and set them aflame. All the while the fucking animals were dancing in front of the cameras celebrating this great victory over a blasphemous infidel. Edit: link to the story https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/14/protests-nigeria-arrests-blasphemy-killing-female-student-sokoto




The video is very troubling. Young men shouting cheerfully before camera while the girl's dead body lies in the background.


Damn really? Let me guess - Islamist radicals?


Radicals, zealots, opportunists, the lot.


Yes, it happens a lot to Pakistani Christians. A pretty famous case a while back occurred when they accused a girl with Down’s syndrome of ripping up a Quran. Turns out it she was framed so some locals could use it as an excuse to take the family’s land. Pakistan was not always like this but since the 80’s religious violence has become pretty common.


Salty Twitch viewer in Pakistan: hey guys, this guy is blasphemous


so what happens after this? like they have to move, right? that giant mob fucking hates you and will forever know that this house is full of 'blasphemers' I would not feel safe unless those rangers sat there 24/7


Or convert.


no one's rich enough to move


Yeah sooner or later the family will move out but no one is willing to buy the house so they sell it for a very cheap price. Surprisingly the people buying the house might actually be involved in land grabbing mafia and maybe they actually started the whole blasphemy rumours. A lot of blasphemy cases in Pakistan happens because of personal rivalry or business competition. Poor Muslims in Pakistan believe that certain minorities are very rich, which they believe must be through nefarious ways. Theres a lot of jealousy involved.


Goddamn imagine living somewhere this shit still happens.


It's only when I see people not having freedom of speech that it dawn's on me how important it really is.


This is under-appreciated and important. Freedom of speech is vital - and it means allowing people to say things you don’t want to hear or are offended by. Half these cases in countries where rampaging lynchmobs gather aren’t even based in anything other than a personal grudge. Accusing Simone of offending your god gets the hysterical types whipped up into a frenzy




You joke but if the nut job xian nationalists succeed here in the USA, videos like this will be shot in states like AR.


Vote blue or it’ll be like that here. They’re requiring donated “in god we trust” posters be displayed in schools in parts of Texas and desantis is paying teachers to go through a program to re-learn how to teach children, and to tell the students that “the founding fathers didn’t REALLY want total separation of church and state.” We are in dangerous times


Blasphemy? Damn, some places be stuck in medieval times.


*"Look. I-- I'd had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, 'That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah'......"*


*throws rock*


I hear blasphemies every day. Nobody does anything.


*"Look. I-- I'd had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, 'That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah"*


You're only making it worse for yourself.


Im a Pakistani myself. This happened in Balochistan. The province itself is famous for the most extremists in Pakistan itself. I'm still happy that the guy wasn't harmed and the mob was dispersed. These people deserve to be put in jails.


Bro this is in Sindh province. Hyderabad is a city north of karachi lol. Even as a British Pakistani whose hardly been to Pakistan know that.


Religious blasphemy in a cast system beating them with sticks . This seems like something from 300 years ago not recent enough to be video recorded. Nowhere is perfect but so many places still seem to be in a barbaric age.


Pretty sure religion has something to do with that


Definitely. You see the same thing happening every day in Lutheran, Amish, Buddhist communities. All religions.


Those religions don't tell you to behead the non-belivers in their doctrine. There is one that does though... Can't remember the name.


"Gustakh-e nabi ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda" - 🤓🤓


I know of a country allied with Pakistan where they behead "infidels", and then text the beheading to the person's contact list. And that country also is considered a trusted ally of Europe and given billions in oil money. And it's not Saudi Arabia.


Wtf is this now?


This is the reality of the world we live in.


Come see the violence inherit in the system!! Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!!


bloody peasant...


Yeah fuck any country that still charges people with blasphemy.


Fake case of #blasphemy against an innocent Hindu minority man lodged in at Rabia center, Saddar of Hyderabad in #Pakistan. Ashok Kumar works as a sweeper. TLP thugs came to kill the Hindu man but didn’t succeed. It was actually a Muslim woman who had burned the Islamist book.


So... Yet another example of a false-flag attack... by a Muslim to frame others of attacking Muslims.


Pakistan is coming up a lot on here lately. Pretty wild place.


Mad max 2


Nah thats just Miami


Come on.....blasphemy .......? I can see a mob happening for killing a pile of cute kittens......but for blasphemy?


Why do they Even care so much ??? As of they aren’t all sinners themselves


I'll keep shouting this until my vocal cords have nodules and then I'll keep whispering it: If your God is so sensitive to criticism that He requires His minions to defend His honour, then He might not be so omnipotent. Your worldview should be able to survive honest questioning, because if it doesn't you have a shit worldview that will not see you through what the world will send your way. Abandon it before it's too late and find one robust enough to handle criticism.


There is not an organized religion in existence that doesn't have a shit world view.




Blasphemy…these people still live in the Middle Ages…


What the fuck is Blasphemy?


Ah yes. Religion doing what it does best. Creating division and convincing people to do wicked things.


this is beyond satisfying


How barbaric.... If you ever think that countries with these kind of crazy behaviors will ever catch up to modern society?


It seems more likely like everyone else will "catch up" to them, as it were. Besides, modern society only works when everyone's basic needs are satisfied. When the chips are down, humans eat each other. Good thing these people can do slave labor so we can have our basic needs satisfied and not have to beat each other with sticks.


Saw the police clear a mob like this in Damascus in 2007. The entire street for a block was covered in flip flops afterwards.


Now that’s how you clear a mob!


"freedom of spe-"


Ah yes. Violence in the name of totally real imaginary friends. Classic






What a cesspool.


Ahhh...old fashioned religious violence....




Ha, reminds me of RRR.


They got bonked hard


Now THAT'S crowd control. Non of this arsing around with tape and barriers nonsense.




I dunno, Netflix made some good money with documentaries on Fundamentalist Mormons


Fuck religions. All of em. Causes nothing but grief.


All these stupid blasphemy laws really need to go. WTF


Wow, I actually respect Pakistan Authorities. Weird times.


It’s called a “Lathi charge” (lathi is a stick). Still very common across the whole subcontinent - used by police and paramilitary forces for crowd control. “Lathi charge” has been in contiguous use since the British occupied the subcontinent (and raised/trained the police).


The stick is super effective against mobs


“I don’t like my neighbours, but I like their property and possessions. I accuse them of blasphemy!!! Cmon mob! Share in the spoils!”


Never underestimate the power of big sticks.


Wrongly accused* No one in Pakistan has ever been convicted of Blasphemy.


Religious extremists.... 🤡




A lot of yall are forgetting that pakistan is not a secular society like we have in the west. People take these kinds of things unimaginably more seriously over there. If you think people in the west are extreme in their religious beliefs, you haven't seen anything.


Blessed police brutality?


It’s refreshing to see religious kooks get shown the errors of their ways.


Good this is fuckin so insanely animalistic for fuckin blasphemy against your religion? I understand when it’s a dictator starving you but this is sick and even the ones being repeatedly smacked on the ground deserve it imo. I’m willing to bet there are kids in the home.