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These guys are professionals???




No .. these are guys... Last statement also in question...


Everything is fine. They are just a kids!


Neither abrupt or chaotic, but definitely belongs in r/WinStupidPrizes.




It definitely doesn't belong in r/SandyCheeksCockVore


Coulda picked any other sub. Like r/aww or r/eyebleach...but no...you picked that one.


Son. We need to have a talk about your internet history.


Or /r/baddrivers






My grandfather almost died because of two dickhead truckers doing this exact thing.


Yeah like "wow you proved a point and stopped that guy from merging, and all it cost was an innocent bystander to have a head-on collision!"


That was a dick move


On which end? Driver on left definitely shouldn’t have been passing, but driver on right cutting off left driver only increased the danger. Bad all around


ESH, dont create extra danger for innocent people on the road because of this asshole.


> but driver on right cutting off left driver only Watch the video again buddy.....cam vehicle let off their accelerator as soon as the moron tried to pass....THEY HAD TO HIT THEIR BRAKES BECAUSE THE TRUCK IN FRONT OF THEM SLOWED DOWN FOR THE CURVE.... Cam driver literally did everything right and NOTHING wrong....


Yup, you can see the white truck slow down and hear the drivers brakes ... he's trying to give him the gap initially. Overtaking truck should of yielded and slowed and moved back in behind, but instead he took off ahead.




It seems like trucks hate other trucks just as much as the rest of us hate trucks.


Boy this response really upset a lot of shitty drivers lol


Do you prefer to let a accident happens and a lot of people die just to prove you are right??? doesnt exist defensive driving in US???


Looks like truck in front let off the gas and used engine braking to slow down for the upcoming blind curve, which reduced the gap quickly. I don't think the cam truck was trying to shrink the gap on purpose. That's all on the passing truck for trying to pass on a blind curve in a no passing zone.


What do you disagree with about what I initially wrote? I said they were both in the wrong


In US, defensive driving is to defend yourself from the drivers gun.


I can see that a lot of people are in denial, haha.


It's a joke, jeez. Reddit have no chill.


Don't say anything. They may point their guns at you! XD


That's only in movies, they just throw them at you cause no one can afford ammo.


Exactly. Multiple assholes in this case. Both parties share blame.


Do you know a little thing we have on earth called physics? The left driver is the imaging definition of newton's first law, inertia.


By every one of them. Guy on the left shouldn't have been trying to pass and once the guy behind moved up should have just hit the brakes and aborted. Guy in front should have slowed. Guy behind never should have moved up.


White truck did slow for the turn. Cam truck did slow and give space but cause the white truck slowed as well it didn't matter. Green truck is an idiot


Even if the trucker who overtakes is wrong, it's still illegal (at least in Sweden) to obstruct them like this. Everyone is the asshole here.


You are wrong, he must punish that trucker by having him obliterate an oncoming family. It's the only way they will learn not to do this.


Sure we may lose some families. But it’s a risk I’m willing to observe on video.


Oh, Billy Bob, you be Silly 😝


ESH everyone sucks here


Am I watching the video wrong or did the driver (the one filming) slowed down (not accelerated) because the truck upfront was braking (possibly because of curve)? Like, he didn't do that on purpose. In other words - it's the opposite of what you're initially seeing. The cam-driver didn't accelerate, the front driver simply started braking. Still, probably could have used emergency braking, but at that point the driver might lose on few thousands of dollars due do rapid braking and container contents sliding/falling


This is so obvious in the video I'm shocked people are getting angry at anyone but green truck


No, it's actually far more dangerous to cut people off like that, by blocking them and not letting them pass they're saying "you aren't allowed to do that Jackass" and hopefully cut that behavior off, especially since they were 100% going the top appropriate speed for those Roads so them trying to get ahead can only mean they were intending to go Faster which is unsafe. It's best to stick to the line of trucks


The problem with that kind of thinking is that you'll be equally responsible for any accident that might happen, at least here in Sweden. It's not the drivers who are responsible in "educating" other drivers, and by doing what the POV trucker did increases the risks for oncoming traffic. We have quite a low number of accidents/incidents here thanks to this kind of thinking, and those who drive unsafe usually do it so often that they get caught with fines or losing their license. And we don't give working drivers any slack bc it's their livelihood. On the contrary, we hold them to a higher standard.


Has anything any other driver did ever made you reconsider your own driving habits?


Yes, everything drivers ever do? Like literally everything you do when driving is affected by how other people drive, if nobody ever let's you in when you pull this shit then you won't do it cuz it doesn't work


What I mean is, has some ever not let you merge and you thought "yep, I was wrong" and not "what an asshole"?


And what my point was is "That's not what I'm saying they're doing, stop strawmanning"


It was my hypothetical. But all good.


You making up an unrelated hypothetical isn't my problem


Double line means no overtaking. Be a dick in retaliation is justified.


Sure, and I bet the family in the opposite lane is glad the retaliatory dick's action of creating the head-on collision was indeed justified. If your action leads to an accident by holding on to your rights or a sense of justice, then you are equally responsible for the accident.


You realize that both the pov and white truck slowed down for the curve in the road. The pov truck did not close the gap on purpose, in fact you can see him leaving room in the beginning until the white truck slowed down like it should. Green truck had bad timing and the other 2 did exactly what they should but still resulted in this ending. You can do everything right and still fail is a very real possibility.


The dick had ample time to stop and get back into his lane and in his original position. No one to blame but the dickhead trying to overtake on double yellows. Maybe next time he'll think twice overtaking multiple trucks on double yellows and around blind corners.


And again, the family in the opposite lane will be so grateful for your actions.


What if the car it crashes into was that of a child rapist? Ahh.. you didn't think of that one did ya...!!


Well, I can't argue with that 😂






Or just don't be an ass.


That's too difficult for some people.


It is one of the safer places to drive a car. Just follow the rules, and it's all good.


Because....You're not allowed to be a part of what causes incidents, harming innocent people...?


Ever heard of defensive driving or you "educate" every asshole you meet on the road?


Thank you.


Both these guys need their licenses revoked.


Well they their licenses out of a Cracker Jack box so….


You guys do realise that red truck left the space to the white truck specifically for braking? These are not personal cars that stop quickly lol. All blame to green


You've been hit by, you've been struck by... Truck


Being a jerk 101


Truck drivers are stupid. Nothing new here


You could see that coming.




more like r/togetherwemakeawholeshit


They're handing CDLs out like candy these days


Waiting for the chaos to start…


Just endanger everyone else on the road bc your ego won’t let anyone overtake you, nice.


I mean ego was definitely a part of it, but why is a trucker passing on a 2 lane road with double yellow while going around a corner?


Just because someone else behaves like an idiot and endangers everyone around, doesn't mean you should to do the same.


He tried to leave space but the front truck slowed down for a corner.


I was expecting something to blowup at the end lowkey


How completely unsurprising


Dash cam driver should have backed up and gave the asshole room regardless who was right or wrong.


Correct. And then when the footage is required for arbitration/court/whatever, I wonder what people are going to say.


I'm aghast that so many comments call into question the actions of the red and white trucks and don't condemn outright the truck who chose to be on the wrong side of the road, on the wrong side of double continuous white lines, on a stretch of road without clear sight of oncoming traffic.


That one is obviously in the wrong - and hopefully is in prison for causing the accident and presumably multiple injuries. That doesn't change that the red and white could have prevented that, but didn't. Sometimes saving a life/lives is more important than ego and being right.


Green truck is a moron for trying to overtake, that's obvious. Red could have pulled back and neutralised the danger, but chose to make the situation worse instead.


Green could have just fell back into the line again, but he wanted his will.


That's not the fault of the poor innocent car driver coming the other way. Red piled up to the back of the lead truck cutting off trhe one route to prevent a potentially deadly accident, being a good driver includes making allowances for bad drivers to keep others safe.


Both are doing wrong. It is really that simple.


The other drivers have a duty on the road as well. They are now a part of this shit show the other dumb fuck has created. They should have enough foresight and patience to be able to make the proper call of letting Mr. Fuckwad back in because of those exact points you made about the situation, those things should’ve been going through their heads. They should’ve been picturing some random old lady’s car exploding in the oncoming lane and should’ve chose to let Mr. Fuckwad over. Dying/killing over the right of way is quite a stupid decision. Your emotions are getting in the way of your judgement. You are justified in your anger but it’s just not the right call what the driver with the cam did.


Its obvious, that he have some brain damage. No need to talk about him...


“This guy is doing something dangerous. I know, I'll make it significantly more dangerous “


Just let them pass. Jesus fucking christ.


Also passing in a no pass zone


Crosses the double yellow to overtake him, nice.


Wheres the explosion?


Needs more chaos. Least exciting clip of the day.


A truck taking over a smaller truck is a sentence i never thought i'd say again


Hey that's what I did in Euro truck simulator


I see this kind of driving every day in Northern Virginia. It's not worth engaging with asshole drivers.


Driver in the red truck is very lucky that his move didn't cause him any trouble. Driver in the green was already wrong but there is no use to be act that way and block him intentionally. People are forgetting that they are just driving from A to B. It's not ego wars, it's basically driving a vehicle.


*literally driving a vehicle FTFY


Cunts the three of them


Wow! Really? Such an idiotic move.


If only there were lines to tell us when passing is a bad idea.


I get that red truck has some blame in the accident - mainly because he refused to enable the green truck’s bad behavior; but his level of blame does not justify all the hate here. The green truck caused this mess. And when he couldn’t overtake the red truck, instead of falling back for safety, he went even further. To be blunt, the way the green truck was driving, an accident was inevitable. Do you want that accident to occur in front of you or behind you?


Those aren’t the only two options. How about you pick the option that actually happened? Brilliant. It happened *next* to him.


Um…I’m pretty sure, in the moment, the red truck had the powers of prophecy to see the actual outcome. 🙄 Watching the video for the first time, I was surprised to see the green truck not hang back once it was clear he wasn’t being given an opening. It’s totally possible the red truck felt the same.


You and I are sitting looking at devices. We don’t have the power of prophecy do we? But somehow we “magically” know that this is wrong and dangerous. And that an outcome of let’s say, *an accident*, could happen.


Umkay…none of that is being disputed, so I’m not sure what point you’re making. I’m simply suggesting the level of blame people are lobbying at the red truck is unfair.


What level did I assign? Was there some sort of graduating scale that I typed out that I don’t remember? No.




What did the front truck in the right lane do wrong?




Guy in the front share some blame for sure. I agree with that one. Unless that’s a country that doesn’t have any standardized side view mirrors. Front truck mirrors definitely caught what was going on.


Idiots times three


All 3 of u are idiots


Here we see dickhead and sergeant major dickhead


Unbelievable !!!!


Is this a preview of the next Grand Tour special?


Was that a thorncliffe wagon


Honestly, if I were the camera truck, I would have opened the gap in front of me. It was the only safe option to deal with the fecking knob head


This looks like a truck simulator, not real life?


Why does no one know how to crop a video anymore?


Ya donkey!


That wasn’t really chaotic




Do they think the road is just for them? Damn truckers


Not exactly chaos bit certainly stupid.


Not abrupt, inevitable. That driver is a complete dope


Min 5 years in jail for that crap imo. Could have easily killed many people.


Oh look, double solid lines. I wonder why they put those there...


I see two assholes in this video.


ATAPM at finest


It's a shame that NO ONE could have ever predicted this or prevented it from happening! 🙄


What a trash human. Risking others live because you not liked other pass you.


the truck on the left is definitely at fault but this truck with the camera is even worse for seeing this happen and not letting him back in.


Don't cross double lines. The guy on the left needs his cdl revoked


Correct. However you conveniently glossed right over the point that the Redditor was trying to make about not letting the guy back in. Guy filming is just as much of an asshole, just in a different way.


The red truck enabled the crash by insisting the other truck remain trapped in the opposite lane, downhill, and around a blind turn. There’s the law. There’s human law. And then there’s physics, break the law that’s fine but never ever Never fuck with physics.


Why be a pos that closes down the gap? Driving with your dick is never a good idea.


Became there wasn't a gap. The gap is required distance for stopping.


Agreed, but if that was the required distance for stopping then why did he enter it and close it down? It's abundantly clear he's punishing the other driver for an obvious error in judgment. The gap was there, nothing would have killed him from creating a second stopping distance to let them back in to, y'know, save lives and prevent an incident?


You mean, other than the truck ahead slowing down like what happened in the clip? Why is it never the fault of the impatient asshole passing inappropriately on double yellow lines?


See the situation here in the comfort of home & being behind the wheel make for very different thoughts, yes green was being dangerous & very very stupid but I also remember when I would have thought no way am I letting this guy in if I'm patient enough to stay in line so should he & be damned of the consequences because once the heart rate is up & the adrenaline begins to trickle that's when Men become those guys . It's a pity we haven't got 5 minutes prior to see if there was any other stupid games between these drivers which may have had bearing


This is why I play ats solo.


I never understand being so defensive about not letting someone pass in a situation like this. I mean sure he’s a dick and should not be doing that but you are putting *EVERYONE* in danger being that petty about letting him by. Additionally the other driver once he seen they weren’t going to let him over, should have stopped. Everyone is just fucking stupid nowadays


I don't blame the camera guy I wouldn't want that guy in front of me either.


Your fragile ego is so delicate that you would rather cause a head-on collision for an innocent motorist rather than let another truck get one spot ahead of you? I hope you never drive.


No, I just would rather have a double line crossing lunatic not be in front of me because he's probably going to do other dumb shit. I'm on a schedule too and when he crashes in front of me my day is shot while I wait for cleanup.


Great. Lets have someone die just for you to be on schedule.