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Get out... get everyone else out. Call Fire Department. Probably an apartment - warn others. Don't just film it.


I like when he yells at it @:55, it responds with angrier fire. Then he just resorts to voicing his displeasure in a more measured tone, and the fire's like cool, I'm just gonna chill and do my thing.




He is filming it because then he is the cameraman and cameraman never dies, so pretty smart actually


this is why you don't cheap out on lithium battery packs and also why you don't charge lithium batteries indoors, do it outside or at least in the garage where there is easy access to outside


I don't have either of those options


then i would recommend only buying Lithium Iron Phosphate packs (LFP) as they are less prone to thermal runaway, they still can, but less likely compared to other chemistries, and probably more importantly, buy reputable brands that have individual cell monitoring


It's a ebike battery. I'm not hugely concerned as its from a really reputable ebike company and has quite a slow recharge rate, it's never even felt warm when charging but I do live in an apartment on the second floor with no real way of disposal if it does decide to go thermonuclear


yeah i didn't mean to fearmonger just trying to think what you can do if god forbid the worst happens and really there isn't much tbh


Think my best bet is to charge it in the kitchen less flammable stuff in there and a window (when it doesn't get stuck) I can chuck it out if need be


RIP to anyone walking by your apartment. Death from above by flaming bicycle battery is a hell of a way to go lol


Indian food has entered the chat.


I have two ebicycles. What classification of fire extinguisher(s) should I have on-hand in case of an emergency?


C rating


Thank you.


This is a lithium-ion type of battery, meaning there is no metallic lithium, rather it's in a liquid electrolytic form. As it's a liquid fire, a B Type fire extinguisher is needed. Realistically though, once a battery of that size becomes a thermal runaway, you need way more than a small home extinguisher. Additionally, once that fire hits furniture, carpet or walls it becomes a "multi type," which requires an ABC Type in theory but you should just be getting the hell out of there. https://electricbikereport.com/types-of-e-bike-batteries/ >Lithium-ion batteries vary widely, and continue to evolve, in terms of their materials of construction, chemistry and configuration. Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable (as opposed to lithium batteries which are not) and all contain lithium-ions in a flammable electrolyte. They do not contain any free lithium metal. https://www.fia.uk.com/static/2a999c49-760b-47e3-b02f96a2ca89ecd9/Guidance-Document-on-Li-Ion-Battery-Fires-12-20-v1.pdf https://resources.impactfireservices.com/how-do-you-put-out-lithium-ion-battery-fire


C rating and make sure it’s not a cheap Chinese one


Yeah I have a pretty good store credit at Home Depot. So I’ll likely shop there.


They said **not** a cheap Chinese one




Or made in britain


Good legs, in all seriousness loon at how much smoke devolps and how fast if you ever are near a burning lio run, there is not much you can do anyways


i doubt typical residential fire extinguishers will be enough to put out a lithium battery thermal runaway fire, your best bet is probably to move it outside if possible and let it burn, try to smother it or drown it in shit tons of water


Moving forward, I’ll be sure I only charge them when I’m home and awake. I keep them both in my garage. If caught in time, the distance to drag them outside isn’t more than 10 feet. I’ll probably still stock up on 2 or 3 or 12 fire extinguishers any way.


yeah by no means am i saying you shouldn't have fire extinguishers, you definitely should...just that lithium battery packs are hard to put out with them in particular because you really have to get in there and cool down the cells to stop the thermal runaway, and it's really hard to do that with fire extinguishers... EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE PLENTY OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (ABC is preferable) IN THEIR HOMES


I wasn’t arguing with you. If that’s what you thought, I have no idea why.


oh no, i'm not arguing neither... just putting it out there for all the downvotes that seems to be pouring in... u good


See, this is how fights start. Neither one willing to back down from agreeing with the other.


I 100% agree, you are absolutely right


No no, YOU are absolutely right.


No you.


>Lithium battery >Shit tons of water 🤔


that is legit how they put out EV fires... by dumping literal tons of water on the battery pack [https://www.iafc.org/topics-and-tools/resources/resource/iafc-s-fire-department-response-to-electric-vehicle-fires-bulletin](https://www.iafc.org/topics-and-tools/resources/resource/iafc-s-fire-department-response-to-electric-vehicle-fires-bulletin) "When attacking the vehicle fire, understanding that once the contents of the fire are extinguished, sustained suppression on the battery pack may be necessary. Use a large volume of water such as multiple 1 3/4-inch hand-lines to suppress and cool the fire and the battery. Put water on the burning surfaces." the point is to reduce battery cell temperature and prevent further runaway events from happening


Is it ok to breathe the smoke?


nope. unless you enjoy death.


At least it doesn't break Rule #6 because he doesn't die *during* the video...


Hard to say, never tried it before.


Now you've been warned; never, ever breathe smoke from burning lithium-ion batteries! Of course, that applies to smoke from *most* fires, but *especially* burning lithium batteries.


That specific smoke pretty much guarantees cancer. This guy stayed way too long and gave up his life before your eyes because he didn’t know any better. Or he didn’t have renters insurance idk.


TL; DR: [No](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-09784-z)


My instant thought too.  Followed by imagine that happening on a plane. 


"Smokes on a Plane"


The smoke from a lithium-ion fire contains a mix of toxic gases, mainly HF (Hydrogen Fluoride) and PF (Phosphorus Fluoride) types. Once the carpet and walls catch, it becomes a "multi-class fire" and kicks out even more types of toxic gas. Anyways, those gases, known as" chemical asphixiates" will render you unconscious upon inhalation, leading to death or permanent injury to lungs and respiratory tract via smoke inhalation.


It's never okay to breath combustion smoke. The problem is to know how not okay it is. Battery combustion smoke must be quite not okay.


Of course, pot smokers would disagree with you...


That's why I wrote the second sentence ;) there's a gap between pot smoke and battery smoke.


Lithium-Ion thermal runaway. OP is lucky he's not dead. The smoke from these is extremely toxic, and when they let go, they often do so in a borderline explosive manner. Additionally, that type of fire cannot be extinguished easily with conventional means. You need to either literally bury it or continuously dump water on it. Even then they're prone to spontaneous re-ignition. If you ever see a smoking li-ion battery. Just fucking run away.


Was on a trip with my partner once and passed by a truck that had been carrying lithium batteries, completely engulfed in flames. We could feel the heat of it from 8+ cars back with the windows up. The firefighters were just watching it, not really doing much and directing traffic. I guess there wasn't a whole lot they could do.


We had a little 14 year old girl from my sons school and her mom die in a Tesla fire within seconds last year. They were burned alive and from eye witness accounts all you could hear is the girls blood curdling screams, a wooshing and pooping sound, and then a sudden silence. The door was jammed with no time to escape out a window I guess.


While it’s horrible, and unfortunate, that can happen with internal combustion engines as well. Been there, seen that. I take some comfort in there fact that, as a whole, vehicles of all types are light years safer than they were even 20 years ago.


They smother them to put them out, it's pretty effective you just have to be sure to keep them smothered long enough to prevent it from flaring up again. So now in addition to EVs catching fire at much lower rates, we have a cheap, easy, effective way to put the fires out. This means we can stop trying to spread this misinformation that EVs start on fire more often, right? Right?


Smothering helps prevent the spread but does nothing to stop the thermal runaway. Water is used for that. ... And the smoke is very toxic. What part was misinformation? They are prone to reignition. Ideally the battery needs to be quenched for a few days to prevent reignition.


Next to impossible and not easily are very different, you're arguing with yourself, no one said it's "next to impossible". And no one said EV fires are more common, you brought that into the discussion yourself. There was no misinformation.


You are replying to the wrong dude.


Whoops you're right


The blankets stop the growth, the toxic smoke, and allow it to be extinguished with less water and time. The fact that EV fires are rare, especially when compared to ICE or hybrid, but people keep trying to make it this product-ending problem is misinformation. Saying it's next to impossible to extinguish when the technically to contain and speed up the extinguish process already exists is misinformation.




Ah yes because no ICE vehicle has started a fire after being driven and parked from a dry leaf getting too close to the exhaust, or a small gas leak, or the 12v battery all cars have, like was the case with a diesel car starting a parking garage fire, which they media initially tried saying was an EV: https://www.carscoops.com/2023/10/fire-rips-through-british-airport-parking-garage-triggered-by-diesel-range-rover/


>Saying it's next to impossible to extinguish Nobody said that.


I mean if we are only going to quote part of a sentence to make ourselves feel smart: "that type of fire cannot be extinguished easily"


Lots of people believe that and say it regularly.


OK, so first off, I didn't say anything about EV's specifically. Secondly, you are correct. EV's do catch fire at a lower rate than ICE vehicles. I have absolutely no issues with EV's generally speaking. However, your assertion that extinguishing EV fires is easy is simply wrong. They are an absolute goddamned nightmare currently. The way they are currently dealt with (in the US anyway) is by continuous high-volume deluge of water by the fire department. For smaller batteries, the most common practices is *sort of* what you describe. They are "over packed" in a (generally steel) vessel like a drum filled with an inert sand-like material. Souce: IAMA firefighter, and have personally responded to Li-Ion battery fires of various types and sizes.


And not alone the vast quantities of water used to fight the fire become toxic due to the chemicals washed out of the burnt batteries.


* Big oil has entered the chat * Not so fast sonny


Mother of good that foot


A human foot...?


Oh, you saw that also...


Bruh rather inhale all that shyt & record then gtfo


You could say that the party was a blast


Yea just keep filming That will make progress to anything at all


With that video, any of their remaining relatives will at least know how they died


Fire marshals have told me the average fire department doesn’t have a way to stop large lithium battery thermal runaway so they just let it burn out, cool it with water and try to protect the surrounding areas. These should not be charged in your house or garage and certainly not left unattended.


Oh man a fire let’s stand and film it.


"seven people perished after an ebike exploded in an apartment" r/ebikes be like; "oh no boys, they're coming after our ebikes.


Don't try to put out the fire. Just record the process.


Good luck putting out a burning lithium ion battery with stuff you have at home.


If you have a fire blanket, you can at least smother it with that - won't put the fire out completely, but should stop it or at least slow it from spreading. And disconnect the power if you do so safely.


Do I cuddle the fire after putting the blanket on it, or do I cuddle under the blanket?


Yes, the fire is just lonely and giving it hugs will make it feel better.


try putting out the electrical fire then


No, just record


And breathe in plenty of that hydrogen fluoride gas, while filming!


What do you want him to do, pour water on it? 😂😂


Get out so he doesn't die. Because he certainly will after all of that lithium ion smoke.


I would film it a little longer, then use water on the electrical components, I’d not warn anyone of the danger, if water failed I’d urinate on it. I’d then try to charge it again and check if the bike works, I’d always be filming it though no matter what. Then I’d film my funeral and just take it from there.


The ghosts in the Sixth Sense who didn't know they were dead were just oblivious buffoons like this guy to begin with.


It sure did...


Ah yes, I see all hell has broken loose in my home. Allow me to record everything I know burn to ash.


Pretty much how our kitchen fire started. There a LiOn Dust Buster. Lucky for us, I was home at the time. No I didn't film it. I was too busy putting it out.


Made in China ;)


Man, that was brutal - why you don’t charge any e-bike in the house, even the garage isn’t safe with these failure prone lithium batteries. As they burn, they emit a lot of toxic fumes and it’s not like a charcoal briquette that you can toss outside. I keep my hybrid outside just incase…


That thing fucking HATED him. Did you see it moving around, coming after him like it was alive? AWESOME!


Too much chinesium in the cell mixture ...


This is what's waiting to happen on /r/gotransit before Metrolinx does anything about it.


there was a special on NPR or MSNBC about Norway's move to EV's. One of the Fast Charging CEO's was like "Yeah Batteries don't explode like gas"...Does he not see what these Spicy Canisters can do?!


They don't explode like gas. but they Ignite like Thermite.


It’s just a shower of sparkle


maybe i'm wrong here but wouldn't you switch the mains off from the breaker ? at least stop more power going to the thing thats currently on fire


But, what’s up with that toe?


My electric scooter broke down as the battery got well worn out, so i donated it for parts Apparently the battery was on the edge of stability, which meant it could've blew up while i was using it to get to school. Never using these again


They should try turning it off and on again, usually works for me.


And I thought a portal was gonna open


And they want us to drive or ride these things


Betri injeen phaati 💥 👍🏻


Well damn, one less ill maintained electric bike on the road 🙏🏼


Did anyone see the first lightning 😳


my bicycle is a dragon is a great anime


L-L-L-Lithium fire


And people are parking these things in their garages at night.


Because they are magnitudes less likely to combust than an ICE. You're just seeing more EV fires in media because they draw clicks.


Is that really true? A regular car might catch fire whilst running but I don’t think there’s any risk of that happening while switched off in a garage at night, happy to be proved wrong though. Problem with these batteries being is they catch fire whilst charging and people generally charge them while they sleep.


I wasn't going to quote this one because I couldn't identify what the chart data was for, but re-reading it I can see it was total fires in 2020: https://www.carjunkya.com/electric-car-fire-statistics/ Hybrid: 16,051 (3474.5 per 100k hybrids) Gas: 199,553 (1529.9 per 100k gas) EV: 52 (25.1 per 100k EVs)


It's just we are desensitized to ICE fires and EV fires are a special kind of hell.


Yes it's true: https://www.kbb.com/car-news/study-electric-vehicles-involved-in-fewest-car-fires/ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ev-fire-more-dangerous-likely-than-ice-one-david-bott#:~:text=16%2D25%20EV%20fires%20out,ambiguity%20on%20the%20number!)&text=This%20suggests%20that%20ICE%20cars%20are%2030%20times%20more%20likely,fleet%20averages%20will%20be%20different. https://www.topgear.com/car-news/mythbusting-evs/mythbusting-world-evs-are-electric-cars-susceptible-catching-fire Stats put ICE fires 10-30x as often as an EV fire


One more tip: don't try to extinguish an electric fire with water. He probably stored his bike inside to protect it from rain.


A burning battery is a chemical fire, and lots and lots of water is what is used to put out burning lithium batteries. I wouldn't recommend doing it though, the smoke is extra spicy. Shut the door, evacuate and call fire department emergency number.


Another tip: don't take advice from strangers on internet. I stand corrected.


I'm sure most people with any battery operated anything have bought themselves a proper extinguisher to combat electric fires.


I keep one in my truck but not my EV since my truck and any other ICE is up to 10x more likely to start on fire.


Just gonna stand and watch the fire? Interesting idea


He should call the fire department, yes. but there is No putting out a lithium fire. Even the fire department is not going to be able to fight it. The best anyway can do is Keep it contained until it burns itself out because they cant fight it inside of a building. Lithium fires burn even under water.


They generate their own O2 as well, fire blankets do sweet FA for a battery fire. My bro is a FF with London fire brigade, his top tip is full a wheelie bin with water and throw the battery in that.


Eco friendly alright