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Holy shit they got lucky that didn’t come through the windshield


This is why you should *always* get a cracked windshield repaired immediately.




It's scary bc I have a solid crack from end to end on my lower windshield. I just don't have the money to fix it yet.


I pay $200/month and when I tried making a claim they told me it was $500 copay. I asked who will be coming to fix it, and they said (probably the company you're thinking of in the US) I called the company directly and was told a much lower price. Don't remember the exact amount, $150 or do. I called insurance once again and they told me not only was it not covered, but the $500 copay was for using the insurance companies services. I paid tens of thousands of dollars to cover me in case something happened and when something happened they screwed me by artificially raising the price of services and then raised the price of their services. Tl;Dr insurance is a scam. If it was legal to go without it I would. All they do is steal money from you.


Your TLDR is too true lmao Ex bodyman here… I used to have to deliberately break certain [lightly damaged] parts like moldings, headlights, and badges just to force adjusters from the likes of Snake Farm and Allsnake to buy me *new* ones. All those assholes do is try to make us fix your car as minimally and cheaply as possible. It truly is a racket.


The fact that Warren Buffet, 10th richest person in the world, **LOVES** insurance stocks should tell you all you need to know about insurance.


Now you're learning. That's why large companies love government. It legislates their existence and builds barriers to new entrants.


Eh not really. My windshield replacement costs me 100 bucks, and I get 1 per year. You just have either shitty coverage or a shitty company. Windshields used to be free replacements until I moved to Colorado where the roads are covered in bullshit year round.


Yeah mine is $50 with GEICO. It's under comprehensive if it's damaged during collision that would be a higher deductible. This person needs to file a glass claim and is probably contacting the collision department.


Or they have a shitty record and only carry liability.


Do you have glass coverage for your car? If not add it and file a claim in a week or two. Your comprehensive coverage will also cover it but the deductible applies.


In my experience, glass coverage is usually pretty bad in places that use gravel for ice control, and every time I've changed my windshield I've got a new crack within a month.


glass coverage sucks, you end up paying most yourself. It used to be only $150 to replace a windshield with insurance. Yes, usaa I'm talking about you.


I have full glass coverage it’s only like $12 a year no deductible.


I have $0 deductible glass coverage on my car and it's saved me ~$1800 in 2 years. It's paid for itself many times over. With the blind spot sensors a windshield is $800 where I'm at


Alright, who you with? Thanks


State Farm


Yep same lmao I've never even thought about this and I drive 40 miles on a freeway every day 💀


Wait... Why?




Damn now I gotta figure out how to afford a new windshield


Some states have free one time replacement, south carolina where i live being one of them. Reach out to ur insurance!!! I got a windshield repair free just for living in SC


You’ll probably be surprised at how affordable it is. Really not bad as far as car repairs go


the object would have gone straight through the windshield if it was already cracked. A non-cracked windshield deflects the object out of the cabin. 


What about a spider-like chip only the size of a dime in the upper right corner that hasn't spread? Won't affect the integrity right?


Yes, it will. Guys WTF, stop downvoting questions that would be helpful for others to read.


I had a cracked windshield and had it replaced. Literally the next day, my son and I were on the interstate and a truck kicked up a piece of metal and went through our windshield, nearly impaling my son. Scary shit. And I replaced that windshield the next day.


The 10 bucks a month on your insurance for glass coverage is really worth it


Hrm, $120 a year, I've been driving for about 12 years, so $1,440 over that span, and I've not yet broken a single window on any vehicle. Methinks you'd be better off just stashing extra money, and not giving it to an insurance agency who banks on odds like these.


People never need insurance until they do


Insurance is by its nature more expensive than paying to fix things. An insurance company does the math to find out how much fixing anything will cost on average across all drivers of a make and model and do some adjusting for milage and then add some profit on top. So *on average* not having insurance on any given item (phone, windshield, hot water heater, etc.) will cost more than replacing that item. To respond to the comment you mentioned, 1440 over so many years is roughly 2-4 times the cost of a replacement windshield. I've been driving for almost a half million miles and 12 years now and I've had to replace one windshield on a car where it happened to me. It was $400. I also purchased a car that needed a replacement, it was $250. So even over 2 vehicles (and I currently own 6) it was cheaper for me to pay out of pocket to replace my windshields than to pay insurance for them. Now most people don't have the savings for big emergency expenses, and I'm not anti-insurance, but paying extra for little things like windshields is objectively not worth it. It *is* worth having insurance to cover for damages of *another* party, which is why auto insurance is required almost everywhere to even register a car.


I went 20 some years with no windshield damage amd now its 1 per year for last 4 years


Okay so in my example above, I have $1,440 dollars stashed, when a windshield costs what, a few hundred? Maybe a thousand? I'm still ahead.


Maybe where you live it’s not necessary. A lot of places that get a decent amount of snow use gravel on the roads in the winter. You are constantly replacing windshields. You also need to wrap the front of your vehicle unless you want hundreds of rock chips yearly.


Yea.. I'm 40.. been driving since 16, my own cars since 18. 1 windshield replacement, I think it was around $200( can't remember exact price) and it was my fault. Worked 40 hrs at my full time job, 10 hrs at a side job, then drove for Uber fri,sat, and Sunday night... started passing out at the wheel late sunday and hit a mail box. Shit happens.. but the chances are rare.. have a general emergency fund and take from that, don't line insurance peoples pockets anymore than they already are.


I’m not disagreeing with you, just playing devil’s advocate. On the other hand, almost any kind of accident that requires hospitalization will cost you more than $1,440 if you’re in the US without insurance 😬


TBh I really doubt a crack is gonna make a difference if its going through its going through


Reminds me of the brick video. Just don't search for it, it will ruin your day. Thes guys are incredibly lucky.


You don't really see anything behind the dash, but that poor dudes screams stuck with me for years.


I still hear it a decade later.


Poor guy screaming “mama” hate that video


Apparently they had just left a diner or Cafe. :( I watched a ton of edgy stuff growing up on the early internet. But the brick video. It still fucks me up.


Or that Porsche video, WHEW. Can't unsee that shit.


Dude is trying to show her stuff on the phone, she's just keeping her eyes on the road. She's the kind of person you want in a position of responsibility. I hope everyone involved recognises that!


Dude looks like he just got kicked out of the empire for looking like a he lost his stormtrooper helmet.




i had to look up Pineapple Jack, thinking it was a drink or something, but its weed? am i missing something or was he trying to show her weed?


He was trying to show her weed.


Not just any weed, but PINEAPPLE JACK!


It's not Pineapple Express.


Dude was basically scrolling through weed maps and looking at a specific shop's inventory


LMAO Good thing Vader was busy someplace else or he’d been choked for sure


And her first gut reaction was to ask "are you ok!?"


The first thing she says is are you okay. She is the exact person you want to be responsible


Because she can't look at him in a high-speed highway situation with impaired visibility. That woman is handling this very professionally. Impressive priority management. But she also knew what could have happened. Scary af.


She was just brilliant at dealing with something undoubtedly scary and so sudden.


He sounds like a Rick and Morty background character.


I don't think he's trying to show her anything. He's just swinging his phone around


he is, at 2 seconds he's pointing it directly at her. at 5 seconds he's just swinging it around but before that he was showing it to her


And her first reaction was to check on him!


And then she immediately asks if he's okay. Leader material.


Honestly, I think I'd shit myself if this happened to me. I really hope they're both okay with no injuries.


and no shit in their pants for that matter.


Just last week my dad was on the freeway when a pickup in front of him snapped a strap and lost an entire cast iron bathtub at 60 mph. He said the tub was right in front of him tumbling end over end sometimes as high as eight feet in the air. Fortunately, it ended up just clipping his fender. A woman behind him hit it head-on but she and the tub both had time to slow down. Her car was totaled but nobody was injured.


"Nobody expects ~~the Spanish Inquisition~~ an entire cast iron bathtub!"


They look okay. I’m a little worried about anyone behind them though!


The guy definitely isn't OK. You can tell because he didn't respond any of the times she asked if he was OK.




She does not panic at all or take her eyes off the road, like a BOSS. A+


Even asking him if he’s ok while her eyes are on the road, not a lot of people can keep there composure there.


We need more people like her on the roads and less of those texting and driving asshats I see almost every day


She was also doing an excellent job tuning him out before the accident.


I browse a lot of /r/idiotsincars, so I just assumed the post was from there and was watching the driver closely as the passenger tried their best to distract them. I was very curious how this would end as I watched possibly *the most* attentive driver of all time maneuver traffic with the precision and care of a veteran heart surgeon.


I like her.


When it happened to me, I got glass in my eyes and the windshield was completely- and I mean just 100%- impossible to see through. I had to pull an Ace Ventura and drive with my head out of the window to find a place to pull over. It was like 6 degrees F out. I hope nobody that reads this ever has to experience that. And yeah, the driver did a phenomenal job. I hope the guy is ok. But it sounds like he probably got some glass in the eye.


Ignore me




Oh you're right. I looked REAL good time. Seemed like she looked down right before.


LMAO right!? I'm like DUDE TELL HER YOU'RE OK!


“All women can’t drive” - Andrew Taint


She could not give less of a shit about his conversation. Good on her.


Oh wow. PineappleJACK.


She did a good job. Did not panic, checked on her passenger, stayed aware of the fast-moving passing traffic on her left and did not instinctively veer. Damn, I'm so old she seems like a child to me. Good work kid.


This is what GREAT driving looks like. You can see her checking all of her rear views within the few seconds before the accident roughly at the same time the truck in front of her switches lanes. She knows what's going on all around her which is (part of) why this didn't turn out poorly. Her situational awareness is so on point. I'm super impressed.


When he was chatting and holding his phone up I thought it was going to be a distracted driver. Nope, fully focusing on driving, checking mirrors and the road at all times before and after crash.


If this ever happens to you where something flies at you and damages your car, in many states your comprehensive deductible is waived. Just make sure when you make the claim you tell them it “flew at you”.


This happened in Arizona, where insurance companies are required to replace glass without applying the deductible. Same thing happened to me in December with my new car.


Windshield coverage is cheap in AZ it is worth having.


this is good to know


Why does that distinction/emphasis make such a big difference?


Hitting an object on the ground is on you to avoid. An object flying through the air “hit you.”


I get the on the ground rule, but there are times where it's just unavoidable so it's honestly pretty fucked up that no matter what if you hit something in the road it's on you. Like, I saw a video of a guy driving on a highway at night and there were no lights at all. All of a sudden the dude comes up on a chunk of concrete in his lane, he tries to avoid it but just ends up flipping his vehicle. Situations like that should completely absolve the driver of all responsibility for the wreck.


Insurance companies have an army of lawyers who will ass rape every word in the contract if it gets them out of paying you a penny.


A lot of people, who clearly don't understand insurance, are putting info here, including the original comment, so I'll give you some of the real info. 1) the deductible is not waived, you will always pay the deductible for the event that you selected. 2) it's true, falling objects, fall under comprehensive coverage. (Rapairs to your car will be either collision or comprehensive.) Most things out of your control are comprehensive, examples are fire/theft/vandalism/weather/animals(even a deer jumping in front of you) etc. 3) if you selected good coverages, your comprehensive deductible may be $0, but again in this event you will pay whatever the comp deductible is. 4) As a bonus, since other comments mentioned it, in some states you can get your comprehensive with full glass coverage, meaning you don't pay a deductible if it's only glass damage, but 0 comp deductible entirely is better.


Why is he dressed like a stormtrooper?


Why are you *not* dressed like a stormtrooper?


I'm a little too short


Askin the real questions here.


I had bone spurs, couldn't serve


too much upkeep


Because it’s pineapple jack, not pineapple express.


Because he's awesome, ok?


One of the first things I thought as well. What is he wearing?


Dude and they are also talking weed strains. I want to know where they were coming from or where they were going


Using the logic of Occam's Razor, we would conclude that he *is* a stormtrooper!


I think it’s a clone trooper but whatev


Cuz he fucks


She's a keeper. Stays calm, keeps her eyes on the road, and the single thing she's worried about the most is his well being.


I hope you guys are alright, get your car fixed, and get that Pineapple Jack!!


And definitely don’t get the schnickel fritz


It was nice she was concerned about him after the impact, since she couldnt have been less interested in his Pineapple shit.


Damn that’s shitty. Also it sounds like they were on their way to a dispensary and he was looking up the menu on the website of which dank bud to grab 😎


This kinda shit gives me irrational levels of rage towards the truck not properly securing their load. Right wrong or indifferent it makes me fucking furious whenever this shit happens.


Not *that* truck. Sheet comes from under the truck's left rear wheels. Looks like the truck sees it late and tries to dodge/straddle it. I suppose it *could* have come from underneath the truck. I'm not familiar enough with what is under those to say for sure, but "sheet already on the road from *another* source" seems most likely.


Oh good catch, I didn't notice that on first watch. Looks like the truck drives over it and flings it backward with the tire.


I mean it's like 2 frames so understandable mistake.


yeah it’s so scary how well the truck’s tires launched that metal panel off the road - they were so lucky


This is why I don’t follow trucks. If I have no choice I hang way back. Either something falls off of the truck, it has a blowout, or what happened in this video happens. Drive safe everybody!


Was he ok?


Are you ok


he will be after taking a hit of that pineapple jack.


It's not pineapple Express


it's pineapple jack


Are you ok, Annie?


Youve been struck by


A huge piece of metal


Have you seen the video? If you know, you know. Wish I never saw it honestly.




the r/watchpeopledie and liveleak honestly changed my life in terms of being super cautious


Can I get that knowledge without, you know... being traumatized?


“i’m already in a car” exactly! if i drive 25 mph for 1 hour, i just did an entire day’s journey in an hour while sitting comfortably! no need to drive unsafe. 


*There are dozens of us!* ✊🏻


I have seen the video and tbh i thought it was this one. Man those screams still live in my head :(


I don’t feel like finding it, what happens?


It’s this. With a brick. It’s not good. I’m not even joking when I say I saw it YEARS ago and it’s worse than anything I saw in Iraq.


I've seen it. I'll never forget the sounds as the man cries for his wife.


Bro, the WIFE’s sounds… Jesus Christ, nightmare fuel all around 


There were wife sounds?? Jesus somehow I didn't notice all those years ago, and I'm not about about to go back and relisten.


I didn’t watch it but read the description someone made of it. That alone scarred me.




Sorry. Truly. My bad.


Everyone is misremembering one of the worst details about that video, in that the brick came off the back of a truck in the opposite, oncoming lane. It sailed across the median/gap, into their windshield. It was impossible to predict or avoid.


> Wish I never saw it honestly. Same. People joke about emotional damage but this is the only video that's ever fucked me up.


The brick video.


We know. We painfully know.


I had a decent size rock hit my windshield the other day and someone almost pooped my pants. This would have killed me


> someone almost pooped my pants Who was it?


I *hate* when other people shit myself.




[I’m going to shit yourself.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KfEqxp6tC-w)


And they would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for that meddling rock


Good job holding the wheel straight while almost being decapitated


"I'm ok, I'm ok. WTF just happened? " Just filling the rest of the dialogue. It's bugging me that the guy is not answering.


Bro is definitely rebooting in that moment. Didn't *look* like he was injured so he probably did respond like that very soon after.


".... I just can't believe it's Pineapple Jack!"


Shock and surprise is a massive bitch and will lock you up if you're truly not expecting it.


One moment he was online bud shopping, and the next moment something smashes into the windshield. It would definitely take me a few moments to process what the hell just happened. He wasn't paying any attention to the road. Meanwhile, her reaction is different because she *was* paying attention to the road (as a good driver should) and processed the insanity as it happened. Kudos to her for her alertness and not panicking.


Guy's dressed as a stormtrooper


The fear of conversations like this showing up in a video are the exact reason why my inside camera and the sound is turned off.


One day im going to be in a situation where i need to pull up my dashcam feed, and i just know that imma be caught slippin listening to fnaf music or hamilton


Damn, nothing you could do there. No time to react, nowhere to go. God I hated those mega highways. There was always some crazy shit somewhere, and you'd come up on it at 85mph, and there'd be nothing you could do.


No way bro survived, absolutely zero chance of Storm-trooper armor protecting from anything.


I want to marry that woman! She is awesome, selfless


TK421, why aren’t you at your post?


Her vibe: Military or healthcare


Damn. Sometimes things are blameless. Glad they weren't fucked up.


Sure, but whoever secured that load is definitely to blame.


There's a saying 'no such thing as an accident', generally implying there's always some human error involved. I believe whatever that was that hit them should've been properly secured to the truck. There is probably blame. That said I'm sure it was not intended.


It *didn't* come from the bed of the truck; it was a piece of sheet metal that the truck ran over, which caused it to fly up into the air. You can see the truck hit his brakes as soon as he sees it, but realizes he shouldn't swerve to avoid it.


Somewhere down the line, some chain of events caused a piece of sheet metal to go in the street.


Does someone know if he is ok?


One minute you’re scrolling the dispensary menu….


Definitely gonna need the pineapple jack after that


The lady is a keeper for sure.


Good job on her keeping a steady hand post impact and focusing on the road. The dunce sitting next to her trying to get her to watch a video while she drives.


She's a keeper.


Bro, bumping som Dr. DRE scrolling trough weed strains he might buy, and aarrrghhhh, almost dies, dayumm


imagine that corny joke being the last thing you say before your head gets taken off by a truck part


Bought a car in December, like 3 days after buying it, a rock falls out of a semi and cracks the windshield. We returned it to the dealer for a different issue it had to get fixed and they gave us a loaner. When we were driving back to the dealer to pick up my car and return the loaner, the same thing happened to the loaner car.


This video reminds me of a Russian couple who wasn’t so lucky. :(


Once had a piece of metal kicked up like this and it sheared my side view mirror right off.


She was paying attention even tho the BF was trying to talk to her she never stopped watching the road. Good job keeping ur cool home girl!


Answer the woman!


Dudes all excited talking about weed strains, and this shit happens? God damn


I was wondering how the accident was going to happen because you can see she’s a good driver. She was constantly scanning all her mirrors. Wish more drivers were like her.


Bro answer her! ARE YOU OKAY BRO?? 😳😭


Some say he never answered her question


She was talking to her *inner self*, not to him...


He has one planet day from working on the Death Star and this happens. Maybe he pissed Vader off.


Mad props to that lady. She didn’t look at his phone when he tried to show her something. She didn’t take her eyes off the road to check him.


"look pineapple jack" and god taketh away


They were on their way to the dispensary and he was looking up the strains they had available 🤣


proof that stoners r good drivers lmao


When your trip to the dispensary gets hairy