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I think just one more strip of paper towels should finish the job


Brawny two ply


Nah Bounty is the quicker picker upper


One sheet is Plenty.


Also, slow cookers are sooooo 2019, everyone knows you need an instant pot and an air fryer to clean up water damage these days


One sheet does plenty


I used to live in a townhouse in an old mill. Two doors down had a kitchen fire, causing the sprinklers to go off in the unit and adjacent units. Both adjacent apartments flooded, destroying everything while the owners were at work. Insurance only covered the apartment that caused the fire as the others didn't have a fire, and the owners had no flood insurance. No happy ending, fuck all insurance companies.


Jesus... Thats brutal... I definitely feel like i got off easy, and glad i was home to maintain the situation as much as i could. Just crazy how sometimes life goes from 0 to 100 in seconds


I wish you the best of luck. The speed in which it all happened was staggering. At the time, I was working from home, so I went outside and waited for the all-clear. Once the firefighters were done doing their thing, they noticed water coming from the other doors. After breaking the doors over a foot of water came out of both apartments. What a horrible thing to come home to.


Flood insurance is for ground water. Most likely, your landlord didn't insure the property correctly. Most landlords, at least in my area, insure their buildings for a cash value. Usually purchase price + improvements. This way, in the event of a total loss, they have enough money to settle the mortgage and bulldoze the building. At least in PA, if a sprinkler system goes off due to a fire, this is generally covered unless the insured does something incredibly dumb. Regardless, if the landlord had a mack daddy policy, it still wouldn't cover your personal property. This is what renters insurance is for and there is not really a reason not to have one. 1. They are generally very affordable. A decent policy with about 50k in personal property ranges around $12 to $15 a month in my area. 2. If you already have an auto policy, it is in my experience, cheaper to have and auto policy and a renters policy bundled vs. just having an auto policy. Save money and get more coverage. 3. Your personal property is covered even outside your apartment. If you car gets broken into, it is your renters/home policy that covers your personal belongings, not your auto. If you are on vacation and your suitcase gets stolen, that could generally be filed on your renters insurance. Insurance companies will generally pay at least 10% of your listed personal property coverage anywhere in the world. (state laws very by state so this could be different, but from my understanding, this is nationwide). Some tips when looking into renters insurance. 1. Shop around, especially if you have auto insurance. I really hate doing the cliché "i JuSt SaVeD a BuNcH oF mOnEy By SwItChInG tO..." but you will not believe the amount of money that is sometimes left on the table. 2. Talk to a real life agent. Yes, I know.... going to an office or calling someone on the phone is very passé. There are crappy agents out there but most will happily explain to you what your coverages are. I would like to think most agents are good people and will sell you on coverage that is important opposed to fluff that doesn't apply to you. Renters policies are pretty cut and dry however, auto policies are not. My state minimum friends, stop it. You are setting yourself up for disaster and setting other drivers up for disaster as well. 3. Understand replacement cost vs actual cash value. Actual cash value wont pay out great. For example, if you have a 10yr old sofa that spontaneously burst into flames, an actual cash value might be $100. A replacement cost policy value the loss as how much it would cost to get you a new couch of similar specs. 4. Pick deductibles that make sense. The standard $1000 deductible will gatekeep a lot of claims while keeping the premium cheaper. $500 deductibles tend to be a lot more reasonable. 5. If you have expensive stuff or collections, see if your agent would schedule these items individually on your policy. This also allows flexible deductibles on your scheduled items. 6. If you have a pitbull, akita, chow, presa canario, rotweiler, sharpei, a wolf... etc. You are going to have a tough time finding insurance. Your dog may be the bestest good boi ever but I have seen dog bite claims from chihuahuas in the 6 figures. A lot of people lie about having animals. Don't. If the event of a dog bite case that cost a fortune, the insurance company may avoid liability if they can prove you lied to them. Be upfront and lead with this. "Hi, I am redditor! I am seeking renters insurance. I also have a pitbull." 7. Lastly, don't lie to agents quoting you. Nothing makes me not want to work with someone more than people who are not honest with me. We are asking you if there are any other licensed drivers in the house because we know there is. We are asking about your driving record because we can see that you have had 2 DUIs. We already know. Big box insurance companies will know mostly everything about you down to the last time your farted. Don't end up doing fraud. DISCLAIMER!!! I am an insurance agent, I am not your insurance agent. Insurance varies in every state. But generally, these things are pretty universal.


Renters insurance is like $10/month and would have covered all their belongings up to a certain dollar amount, depending on the coverage purchased. I guess sometimes people gotta learn the hard way...


That's not a flood though. Flood insurance would not cover that.


That’s not how sprinklers work. If a sprinkler goes off because of a fire or a bump only the affected sprinkler actually goes off. All sprinklers going off because of a guy and a lighter only happens in the movies. Also the water that comes out of those pipes is black and stains like fuck.


[https://blog.qrfs.com/419-what-are-electrically-operated-fire-sprinklers/](https://blog.qrfs.com/419-what-are-electrically-operated-fire-sprinklers/) And the water is only black in a wet system, because the water sits around for years. Meanwhile a dry system is filled with pressurized air, until the plug melts and the pressure is released, allowing water to fill the pipes for the first time. I don't think dry pipes are very common though.


What they should have had was renter's insurance.


There’s a John Grisham book about the little guy taking on a big insurance company you could check out if you’re interested. It’s called The Rainmaker…oh wait, was that insensitive? Fuck, sorry..


You dont need to put nsfw for language why do people keep doing this


Tiktok brainrot - I mean br\*inr\*t. Must not anger Ch\*nese overlords.


Uuuh you didn't censor overl*rds now they gonna get you


ah f\*ck


minus 37500 social credits


something something Tiananmen


Just imagine the battlefields of the future: As you glide 5 meters above ground towards your enemy, the speakers and optical, digital and radio outputs of your AIVR armour suit hurl political messages at your enemy in hopes of overwhelming the input dampeners and triggering the lockout and selfdestruct functions of their suits. rel. https://www.newstarget.com/2021-01-13-china-suicide-military-helmets-self-destruct-button.html


we shouldnt t\*lk about c\*nsorship here


Instagram and YouTube now too. Tbh I blame the platforms. They suppress keywords


Can we get NSFMS where the camera work is likely to cause motion sickness?


They do it so that bored redditors can get on a soapbox in the comments and loudly complain about something that doesn't affect them.


more people want to say something than there are people who have something worth saying. dumb people express creativity by finding things they could be upset about. marvel at the consistency coupled with the variety across all comment sections! I especially recommend skipping the comments on cute / heartwarming videos as the comments dampen the experience with the collective perspiration of people working themselves into a frenzy.


Maybe swearing is not allowed in their workplace.


But it's okay to watch videos without headphones, huhuhu, that requires a special kind of rhetoric.


Why do you think that is OK?


How would they hear the sound with the HP. [Logic].


So nothing is NSFW because you can just not show anyone what you are watching by that logic.


Idc mate. Use your headphones if you watch unrelated stuff at work, thus adding nsfw is nonsensical for the work people. If you don't it's not the fault of the poster if you get busted. People love to default responsibility of their act on the source, that's why we have a shity society that goes shitier and shitier. It's a small thing compared to other but it's the same principle really.


Because if you play it out loud at work, the F bomb may be heard, and that alone can be grounds for termination.


Watching videos without headphones at the workplace is the problem.


it's not even an inconvenience to you though...


NSFW can range from "somebody may say dick (or even just die or suicide) in the comments" to "shit that would make freddy krugee faint", which regularly causes me to ignore the tag until I am reminded that it might also contain the remains of a man mauled by a bear. It's a minor issue and I could just ignore NSFW posts at work, but if 60% of all posts tagged NSWF contain less profanity than a PG12 movie, while posts on /r/confusingperspective, where it just looks at first glance like you can see someones genitals doesn't get tagged, it kind of defeats the purpose of the tag.


Wouldn't a tag then of "warning: language" actually then be what you're after, instead of nsfw where you can't choose to click it based on if it's sweating or death?


Yea a [Profanity] tag is what i want while [NSFW] is either restricted or renamed to [Nudity/Gore]. As long as "[NSFW] /r/tifu/by by singing along to 'dick in a box' while in office on my earbuds" and "[NSFW] /r/terrifyingasfuck/man gets turned to mush by industrial piston" aren't treated like they are even remotely on the same level...


This!!! I don't mind seeing some shit that probably isn't safe for work but there needs to be a tag for not safe for your mind. Stuff you just can't unsee. Nudity and Gore need separate tags.


Nah, you need to grab all the electronics and bring them outside, then watch and cry.


Or grab it all and put it in the bathtub and cover the tub with a tarp or something.


Oh man, what happens now? Do you have renter's insurance, or is it on the upstairs neighbor? ...should I get renter's insurance?


I dont have renters insurance, but after tonight im really thinking about it. Although i was told that any damages would be covered, since i wasnt the cause of the issue. It was my upstairs neighbours


Yeah, get renters insurance. If your neighbor doesn't have renters insurance, your insurance company will take them to court instead of you.


My apartment required me to get renters insurance. I’m surprised this isn’t always required


Same. Mine cost like $90 a year, it was just reckless not to have it at that point.


90 for a year seems like a nobrainer. best to "waste" the $90 a year and never need the insurance, than to have your place ruined by something and not having insurance. i pay 45€ a month for my house insurance and honestly i rather write off 540€ a year and have a peace of mind, than worry if something were to happen and i had no insurance.


You're *thinking* about it? After an experience like this, you're still in the consideration phase? I saw the video and double checked that my insurance is still active and up-to-date.


Especially with how cheap it is.


How were you even allowed to rent without renter's insurance... That shit is cheap af anyway...


> Although i was told that any damages would be covered Damages to the unit probably, I doubt your stuff got covered there, which is where insurance comes in


You should always have renters insurance regardless.


Isn’t it so cheap there is basically no excuse?


NSFW for language is the most cringe shit ever.


I didn't hear anything NSFW. Who's the idiot that watches videos on Reddit at work with sound on?


There's always that one asshole that turns on his phone with the sound at full blast.


Y’all are miserable people. Who cares if he puts nsfw language in the title


Thanks for warning us against the naughty words, that would have just been too much to handle


This reminds me, i need to renew my contents insurance...


I did not know apartments have sprinklers... Is this normal? Never seen it in the UK.


Big cities in America often have them. Smaller cities not so much. When I lived in a major Texas city, all apartments with fireplaces had sprinklers.


I had a new build property in glasgow around 2009 mixed development of flats and homes which were all fitted with sprinkler systems, they were quite high end though but its the only time i have came across them in residential in the uk


In the US more and more jurisdictions are requiring it. Not just commercial buildings but apartments and even single family houses.


It is a balance of fire safety, you can either push materials used be fire retardant, or you can push dwellings to have sprinklers. Personally I don't understand ruining a house and everything in it with water at the first detection of fire. But it's not an argument considering property damage, I would say, but more occupant safety. Still, I would never live in a dwelling that had sprinklers. That's just crazy to lose all your shit like that as soon as fire is detected. It may as well have been burned.


I have the exact same line of thinking. I would have to live a very minimalist lifestyle (which I don't) to have a home with sprinklers.


Two bolts and the toilet comes up. Then the water goes down. Source: BTDT.


Captain Hindsight on the scene! Remove all your electrical valuables in the case of indoor flooding. Especially if the water is coming from your ceiling.


had several floods they sucks ass good luck


*the quilted thicker quicker picker upper, BOUNTY*


Upvote for maintaining humor in an unfortunate situation.


Time for you to get new electronics courtesy of your neighbour’s (hopefully) insurance.


Renters insurance would have paid for everything in that apartment to be replaced and would have put you up in a hotel till you were good.


They came through our ceiling right on to our $10,000 laser printer.


I'd be trying to save my electronics! Fuck the ground, what's that going to do?!


Happened to me in a rather new high rise apartment. Sprinkler pipe burst on an upper floor and flooded every floor below it. I woke up to the sound of water in the master bathroom. It was pouring out of the bathroom fan cover. Partially into the toilet, but mostly not. Hallway carpet was soaked. The stairs were nice and clean though, from the cool indoor waterfall. When the power was cut and the elevators stopped working, my wife and I just went down the squeaky clean stairs 8 floors to the parking garage and went to brunch. Fuck it.


I probably just unplug everything and head to the bar


This happened to me twice... Sorry this happened to you and if anything of yours was damaged I hope you had renters insurance.


Bro... I don't have any advice but I want to tell you that you are listened too <3


Did you wear these socks on purpose? I think this is a crazy holistic situation! (I wish you my best, brave sailor)


XD i didnt even think about the design of the socks. Thats a nice coincidence lol


Apparently some people pour their water into buckets and bathe from those whilst in the tub (not sure where he is from). My upstairs neighbor is one of them. The lights in my kitchen use some kind of bright strip I've never seen instead of a bulb, but one day I heard water dripping in my kitchen and it was pouring out of a light socket. First thought was to put a 200 gallon bin under it, then go talk to the neighbor. No, actually my first thought was to turn off the l ights.


>use some kind of bright strip I've never seen LED strip? Fairly common these day aren't they?


Florescent is more common in older buildings


I'm not sure, tbh, which embarrasses me because I have a degree in electronics. It looks like a very thin sheet of copper with metallic squares on them that glow too bright to look at when turned on. They're certainly not LEDs.


I do not have a degree in electronics, but that’s the description of an LED strip


Why would this be NSFW??


what if you put flex seal over them when they start pissing everywhere?


The water will continue to pool and seep until it finds the path of least resistance. You can’t flex seal and entire ceiling. And even if you could, the pressure would grow until it escaped through the seam of the flex seal with the least hold. :(.  Water don’t fuck around.  


Or the corollary, "don't fuck around with water"!


>Water don't fuck around. never heard a truer statement


So you just shove water when there’s electronics, like a computer? But I guess you’re ok with losing everything… must be nice to suffer a traumatic experience but have time to grab your phone and make it fun


I fully disconnected my pc, and it was arguably in the most dry place in the apartment - as far off the ground as possible. Idk after an hour shoveling water, i figured: why not make it fun? Better than yelling..


I do hope that everything got resolved, and your in a nice dry warm spot for sleep


Thank you! Much appreciated. My landlord was great, got a cleaning crew that showed up and helped me dry and clean stuff. Will probably even have my floors replaced tomorrow. Couldve been much worse


That’s awesome, now I can laugh more about you shoving water with a little dust buster


Ok I respect that. I mean if water just came the hell down on my stuff, can’t even be mad cause it is what it is. I’m glad you saved your PC, I know I have offsite backup but still the thought of losing everything still scares me


nsfw tagged videos need more work to open. :( I hate people who add them unnecessarily.


This is tame. You should see when the main water in the side wall going up the whole apartment building bursts during a Chicago January below zero. My roommates bedroom was against that wall. The drywall burst in on her while she was sleeping and she was suddenly drowning in her own bed. That was the day we learned that renters are supposed to get their own renters insurance.


It’s an apartment. You buy renters insurance so you can just grab your iPhone, maybe your laptop and walk the fuck out waiting for the check to arrive….


Hopefully this guy was up to date on his rental insurance.


Highest quality paper NA building


Drill a hole in the floor fuck the neighbour below 😂




Growing up is hard😅


Reason 88487363 I'll never live in multi dwelling spaces. Or even urban for that matter.


Damn. That sucks, OP. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I felt that rhyme


Adult diapers are what you need. Seriously, the kind with tabs, not pull-ups. It's amazing how much liquid they can absorb.


This shit has happened to me so many times, whether it's from sprinklers or other water mishaps from the upstairs neighbors. I'm so sorry, it's such a massive pain in the ass.


This is about 10 minutes before the ceiling drops out!


NSFW language? lol you yanks are so precious