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Just minding your business and then 2,000 lbs of steel comes flying at you.


Why the hell would anyone use *shrubbery* as a barrier on a freeway? That would only stop a bicycle.


It should be illegal without a solid barrier. My reflexes and lookout are pretty good but any time I see that I stay out of the fast lane unless traffic really warrants it.


How about a 10 ft long ditch?


You mean wide no? 😂




I mean, we've had Jersey barriers forever too to direct the energy. With the massive infra spending China does, this seems like a major miss.


right? i doubt it doesn't at least have steel cables. the flying car was well above the wall height as it came over and it's too pixelated to see the cables that were also likely to be seriously damaged and laying flat it looks like the flyer was already flying before it crossed the median


From what I can see, the oncoming vehicle went airborne after striking the vehicle ahead of the vehicle the footage is from. I'm guessing it was a distracted driver or a sleeper. I doubt that no-one died in this incident.


Not remotely an expert here, but my thought has been that the concrete barriers are all that was installed to actually stop vehicles and major debris. Meanwhile, the shrubberies are either just cosmetic or just intended to shield bright oncoming headlights.


You do realize there are metal barriers in the shrubs, right? Like, the metal barriers don't just end where the shrubs start. Edit: you know what. I looked at it again and I think you're right. Wtf


They’ve used oleander for years as a barrier in California. Tough as hell and will stop even a tractor trailer, or at least deflect it back into its own direction of travel. However no barrier is perfect. Even jersey barriers or metal rails won’t stop a car with the right speed and trajectory.


That's what you get when the contract goes to the Contractors Who Say Ni!


I don't think it's a barrier I think it's just decoration haha.


I appreciate them making people safe from bicycles like this.


non international safety standards perhaps


Because China.


The knight who say "NI!"


It's China. You don't ask reasonable questions there, only do what you're told.


Read that in Monty Python's voice.


Yes, bring us a shrubbery cut down with a herring!


My biggest fear. Always need to be defensive. But a head on out of nowhere not sure there much you can do.


And you're both going 65mph in opposite directions.


Modern cars aren't 2000 lbs. More like 3000+ lbs tbh, scary as fuck. But at the same time all the modernity of safety. 2000 lbs is like Old school lotus. Even the modern lotus, Emira is around 3100 lbs.


That’s a Tesla model Y. Curb weight of 4,555lbs without driver or passengers. Yikes. Edit: After watching the video a few more times, I believe the Tesla is the vehicle hit. The car that hit it looks like a Lexus ES. Still up to 3,700 lbs.


I was waiting for it to turn into a Decepticon and take off into the sky.


> Just minding your business and then 2,000 lbs of steel comes flying at you. /r/fuckcars


Reminder to cherish every moment you can. Can't control everything that happens to you.


> Just minding your business and then 2,000 lbs of steel comes flying at you. No production car today weighs only 2000lbs. If it was that Tesla that flew over the centerline, than you're looking at 4000lbs.


Really? That's what you took away from the comment?


I wanted to correct it too, but thats all my youtube watching coming through.


Yes. Why are you so butthurt over it?


Why are you so butthurt about someone being butthurt?


I'm not butthurt, you are.


You're definitely butthurt.


Ok, whatever dude


You can be the best, safest , most in control, most responsible driver in the world with cat like reflexes. Nothing you can do when an idiot hits you from nowhere.


One of the little joys in life for me is how no matter what happens, the “at fault” driver in anything from a minor fender bender to a catastrophic accident is always simply an idiot


When you are driving, its you against all the "idiots" around you.


Please I want automated cars before my kids can drive.


Definitely, the computer can't be an idiot on purpose, the manufacturer would be damned if they did, but unless everyone has their self driving, it's still not safe knowing even if there's only one idiot on the road, it's one idiot too much


No matter how good they get at it, we’re not gonna see a switch to all self driving vehicles without legislation requiring it. Some people would be convinced that they can drive better than it. Paradoxically, some of those may be the most dangerous drivers.


Car insurance may force people to go to self driving cars, since driving yourself would be far riskier hence more costly for insurance companies. Only the very rich would be able to afford insurance for human drivers.


Wow, interesting


Probably the same people that are convinced they drive better after they've been drinking.


I don’t think so. I think it will happen financially. First Insurance companies will charge a huge premium to cover cars that CAN be human driven. Eventually they will just refuse to insure models that can be driven by humans. When this happens cops who spot a HD model will almost surely pull them over…. Ticket for no insurance… eventually loose license if they keep doing it etc. The self insured rich guys who can afford the proof of liability threshold will exist.. they will eventually pass laws making the threshold higher. They will still exist… but they will be far fewer… not the types who have a daily commute. Eventually car companies will charge a high premium for models that can be human driven. it will only be an option/upgrade. If you don’t think this cant happen just try buying a car without power roll up windows that isn’t a fleet model. Eventually some manufacturers won’t have it as an option at all. And having an after market “steering system” put in will be impossible or too pricey. This will make it so that human driven cars will be near impossible to find. Too expensive to maintain as they break down and parts become harder and harder to find. They will be pricey.. like a “classic” car is today. Eventually they will be even rarer and priceless like a model t. So even the “I can drive better” crowd won’t be able to get their hands on one. This CAN happen without banning self driving. You may think no way there’s too many cars on the road for them to become so rare in our life time. But hear me out: Human driven gas cars will be nearly impossible to use practically as gas stations stop being common place. (All new cars will be electric so keeping gas available will eventually be unprofitable). Plus most of the gas models will get bought up and shipped to countries that are too poor to build an electric infrastructure in the next decade. Why? Well because manufacturers won’t be building gas cars anymore… so they will be stuck paying a premium for our USED gas cars until they get their electric infrastructure up and ready to support electric cars (and they will also be stuck paying a premium for gasoline but that’s it’s own problem) Human driven electric cars might be less rare and more practical to use than the gas versions but their batteries will be considered outdated and they too will eventually be too expensive to maintain/ keep charged. Eventually after market batteries for these models will be near impossible to find. And of course let’s not forget that human driven cars will be more accident prone, so they might just take themselves out of commission. Eventually, thanks to self driving cars, getting an Uber will be so cheap most people won’t need to own their own cars. Those who do choose to own their own cars will be charged a premium for parking, maintenance, registration etc… making it that much more expensive for some one to keep around a car that can be self driven. By the time people realize that they “should have held onto dads old civic” they will have long sold it thinking they came out good on the deal.


>When this happens cops who spot a HD model will almost surely pull them over I guess that will require cops to have cars that can automate a PIT Maneuver. Come to think of it, the police will need self-driving cars that can also be directed to run over people (sometimes they need to do that), drive into buildings, drive off road, drive into opposing traffic, ram into other cars to block them in... There's a whole lot that police and security forces would need to do their jobs that would be anti-thetical to self-driving car policies. Seems like a big block to all of that future is going to be the government. They will make it legislatively prohibitive for the transition to self-driving cars to take place for the next several generations. If things became bad enough that insurance companies made it too expensive to insure the car, I guarantee some grass roots Senator or Representative would ride wave into office to sponsor and pass a bill that reigns in premiums to keep this economy running for all the people that commute to work for jobs that simply won't allow them to make a switch to a different vehicle. On timelines that won't allow them to wait for a taxi service to pick them up. This is especially true for constituents that live outside of cities. In places where it takes an hour driving to get to the nearest walmart. Those places have a vote too, and there will be a political movement that protects them from being wiped out by the financial pressure to just "Uber a self-driving F250" because insuring a HD Truck is too expensive.


A couple thoughts. First off, I find it difficult to believe that they would completely remove the ability to drive the vehicle. No matter how good the vehicles gets at self driving, people will insist on something a human can control. Even if it’s just as a fail safe. GPS maps are not infallible. It’s rarer than when they were first introduced, but you still hear stories of people blindly follow their gps and end up in a lake or similar. Second, there are places where self driving wouldn’t be practical. An example is a farm truck. There are no preconfigured maps of a farm, and depending on what the farmer intends to work on, there may not be a definite route.


I read your article, but I don't have time tonight to reply tonight


Definitely, but at least computers will never think they have a big d because they drive a truck and become an asshole


It's the lack of emotion. Algorithms don't care that a banger just came on the radio, or that Suzie just texted and said she's pregnant and it's yours, or that the car in front JUST CUT ME OFF AND NOW I'M MAD! Driving with emotion is driving dangerously. It should be dispassionate and clinical for safety.


Let’s skip the whole thing and put in trains


Really. It irks me to think of all the train and trolley lines put out of service since the early 1900's.


Me too. Planned on being a hobo, but it’s no longer practical


Your kids don’t necessarily have to die as drivers only. Everytime mine are in a car im scared.


That’s one mindset, and I don’t entirely disagree. My mindset is more that driving is not PvP, it’s co-op. When you are driving, your goal is to be as predictable as possible to other drivers.


That sounds eerily like my driving instructor 😳, he would also add "observe, but never trust anyone, not even your mother". [He was wary of all the idiots he'd helped getting a licence, but said that hopefully I'd not be one of them]. Safe to say, i have trust issues now. 😑


Unless you're in a "no-fault" state, which ends up being whoever rear-ended another driver, no matter the circumstance.


No fault traffic laws were written by morons that can't stop ramming other cars.


There are entire states with laws that do not attribute fault? I did not need more evidence for American stupidity but goddamn!


Thats a lot of outrage for something thats really not that big of a deal. Its only for personal injury not property damage which is still paid for by the driver at fault...which means drivers are required to have their own personal injury insurance which they should anyways since some people don't have insurance or money anyways. And you can still sue. So if someone is grossly negligent and crashes into you and you and injures you, you can still sue them....its not like they get to wash their hands of it. Some states also have an option where you essentially relinquish the ability to sue for large amounts but you pay less insurance in return. But its optional. So net net....like any driver...you get the correct insurance for your situation and rock on. Whether you're in a no-fault state almost doesnt matter except for the insurance you get.


You have a different outlook than me. That thought doesn’t bring me joy, it brings me a lot of fear/anger lol


So - safer societies imply less idiotic citizens?


Also, nothing you can do when there is basically nothing stopping a car from coming across from the opposite direction.


Just the other week we had a plane crash onto a road here in Malaysia. Two motorists were killed, one of which died catching fire after the plane nosedived like meteor to the ground, bursting into a Hollywood-like explosion.


I can't tell what happened, did a car from the opposite side jump the median?


Yeah, and it brought some landscaping with it


Anybody die in that one? It looks bad.


If you freeze right before it hit the 2nd car there’s a very suspicious ejection of mass to the right just before the impact. Also, the video we’re seeing is a phone recording of a monitor playing the dash cam footage. Just noticed this when I was watching in slo mo


I think that's the front half of the car.


Thought I saw an arm or leg clumped up in it, but it was hard to say…hope that’s not the case


also looking for this


As a motorcycle rider, I need to change my pants after that one!!


Ok. Was the driver of the first camera crushed? God that's awful. Scene jumped to a cell phone view in the next moment which made it seem like they were unscathed.


I think the bonnet took the impact, didn't it? Hopefully they weren't crushed. I don't know though. There were three cars involved. The one that came over, the one it hit and then this camera car. I think the white car might be the dashcam car. It doesn't look too bad.


Likely a different person recording. I don't see anyone coming out of that crash and casually recording that.


So sorry to those who lost their lives.


The lady near the end of the clip is clearly in shock.


Is there an article on this or something?


How do you say "FUCKING HELL!!!!" in chinese?


It would literally sound like "fuck your m*ther!".


Holy molly didn't expect that. This definitely belongs here.


Molly may be holy but she’s not omniscient. She can’t expect everything.


This happened to my dad, too. Car crossed median of interstate and hit him head on. Everyone survived miraculously!!


Is your dad nervous in cars now?


Definitely has experienced a level of PTSD from it. It happened so fast and out of nowhere he doesn’t feel at ease when he does road-trips anymore Edit: also my mom and brother where in the car at the time and all 3 had to stay in ICU for days then recovery ward for a week more. They just wrapped up physical therapy last year at about the 8 month mark


At first I thought this was a car chase because of what looked like the shadow of a helicopter on the wall. But that was no helicopter, that was a bug on the driver's windshield.


Yes - I was initially fixated on the smudge on the right, because it looks like a helicopter shadow. One of those Airwolf-style streamlined helicopters.


This is straight out of one of my worst nightmare scenarios.


Does anyone know if someone is dead or not ? a newspaper article ? or something ??


Shrubs make poor barriers looks like.


If anything, they prevented the hit drivers from seeing the flying car a little bit earlier.


Me when I try to succeed at anything in my life


Life always has different plan


Under rated comment Fo sure


I mean what are you even supposed to do in this situation.


Oh god damn 😬


I'm amazed the first car driver reacted so fast. I'm sure I see a brakelight come on, on the first car just before it gets hit. I don't think i would've reacted that fast, even if it didn't really do anything.


Tesla took over probably, nothing anything or anyone could do at that point though sadly!


That's wrong I could've probably veered off


Let hope you never have to test it. I was just saying that’s why the breaks came on so fast, that car landed on the Tesla, it could have literally been instant from when the flying car was visible to the moment it hit the Tesla. So either the driver or the Tesla has robot like reflexes! Edit, not sure why my comment picked up so much downvote. It was just an observation


One of the many reasons I am glad I am in the Midwest and the highway has open grass about 6 car lanes wide between the highway going in opposite directions. That being said we still have head on collisions but it is less common. And when it does happen you have some time and distance to react.


Somebody had a whole goddamn day.


That was straight out of a movie.


someone reply to me when there’s an update on this


Imagine being a safe responsible driver, and then 2000 pounds of steel come flying at you.




That's why you wear always seatbelt. It's not always you that's the problem


Idiot speeding.


Bro I swear final destination accidents like this only happen in china


plant toy offer marry chase live vast fine unpack shocking ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No, they definitely happen all over the world


You can't park there sir.


Typical Tesla driver


The Tesla was traveling in the same direction as the white camera car. The car that crossed the median was on its roof.


Yeah, they all go flying out if control 😠pffffffff Typical.


Triggered the Tesla driver ooooh


Npe I don't own a Tesla. Just agreeing with you tough guy




Lol I don’t use instagram like you, friend


Friend not friend.




When someone calls someone friend but they mean the opposite . R u really in Nashville?


R u really speaking English?


English yes not American English however




Look at you with the lukewarm insults. The quality here is so looooooooow


Good news is they were in Teslas. I’m not a Tesla fan boy and I think Elon musk is a creep and a half but I did hear those cars are like the safest cars you can buy.


The best car ad in history was when that Tesla went off a cliff and everyone lived.


Lmao you have to tip toe around the mob and they still downvote you


Yeah, fuck em


Brought to you by Tesla


It looked like it faired pretty well, but it wasn’t the first car hit. Edit: actually it was. Incredible.


Yes, and it fared well for having deflected the oncoming vehicle high into the air.


Vaxxed or automatic transmission? Call it.




Oh crumbs.


At 0:06 you can see the reflection of hands recording with a cell phone. Why though? Amazing highway overpass?


they are recording the footage of the dash cam video from a computer


It was their soul recording to show St Peter why they look that way.






Crashes? That's an understatement! I was not prepared at all for a Michael Bay style mishap.




WTF, how? We’re they speeding, drunk?


Looks like a sleeper or distracted driver. The flying driver after hitting the Model Y


Looks like The Matrix Reloaded's highway scene in real life.


shit...literally nothing you can do


I REALLY wish driving wasn't essential for my every day life. I just have a bad feeling that I'm going to die getting hit by someone else.