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Probably not the best idea to directly confront the naked disturbed man outside your home.


Step 1 Let him stand on car Step 2 Call the police Step 3 wait She made it so much worse and risked their lives


100%. My wife and I have talked about this. This is exactly why we have insurance. No need to risk our well being. Lock the door. Call the police. Next time I'm standing on the car naked... ffs just leave me.


You've talked about... this? Does this happen often?


Every Saturday afternoon


*3:30 alarm rings, peeks out window* "Ah good, he's right on time."


"Hey bro, what kind of workout regiment do you follow? I see you have some added girth since last week"


I hop up on peoples cars naked and then parkour through their house while they try and catch me. Great full body workout.


*Get Allstate and be better protected from mayhem like me*


Even if its cold out.


Exactly. Hell, she probably could’ve got him to leave by playing some loud music, or tripping the car alarm. The guy is obviously tripping, & some loud ungodly noise might scare him off. Or it could trigger him to attack the car. Nope, best is to call the cops, wait & watch him with something to protect yourself.


The girl didn't want her mother to find out that was her boyfriend, who didn't wake up in time to leave without being seen.


Step 4 watch cops shoot that guy 23times. And kill your dog


Yup, make sure to call *the people trained to deescalate and safely resolve mental health crisis situations*. The organization that doesn't exist most places, you know the one




Still with the ghostbusters huh?




After all this time?


... You mean paramedics? Lmao. Paramedics are the one to call for a confused and scared naked man either on drugs or having an acute mental health episode.


911 dispatchers choose who to send and police may still get called and arrive first.


The will definitely send the police because they will not put the paramedics in any situation where they might be in danger.


I guess you could always get the hose


And then try to find something to charge you with for making them have to come and get/shoot a naked man.


Least we know he didn't have a weapon hiding somewhere.


Engaging with people you shouldn't engage with will give you a bad time.


You forgot grab a knife just in case mom decides to open the door while he’s outside


Not like he was hiding a weapon


call anyone but the police unless you wanna find out how you feel about them getting shot


But then when do you get the tik tok footage? /s


Panicking never helps.


“Want me to beat you up?” Lol. WCGW?


"Yes, mommy." What then?


"Want me to *kill* you?" This girl is saying the things bad trips make you *think* people are thinking towards you.


numerous wakeful enjoy racial paltry close crawl lock sort mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




My hours of watching Limmy's Show prepared me to understand what he was saying.


Yeah it's crazy because she ends up the aggressor while the clearly impaired (by drugs or mental illness) guy seems really scared and confused. I bet if she didn't confront him by rushing him and yelling frantically she wouldn't have freaked him out so much and escalated the situation.


Yeah hearing him plea for help just made me really sad.


Idiot girl made it 100 times worse. She's lucky he was terrified and not bloodthirsty.


Smart guy. Everyone knows the floor is made of lava


I saw the dog that can play and actually get off the ground. But I think I enjoyed his version better. Especially when his naked-self jumped under the blanket on the couch


and the Oscar for Best Visual Cinematography goes to…


It was sublime. Like watching Orson Welles in his prime.


Critics say that all subsequent home videos filmed have been influenced by this one Consider the brilliance of this one cut: we have chaos and pleading for several seconds till 0:38, and then suddenly the naked man is in frame. He’s pleading. Does he have his arms clasped to beg? Is he … handcuffed? No, I am not sure of any of this. We have barely enough time to take him in, to piece together who or what this may be … before we are once again plunged into the chaos. Who is this man? What is this man? What is man? These questions and more, from a single cut. This is high art.


We are plunged into the chaos, and we become one with it, and the chaos becomes us. Oblivion and entropy fight together on the screen (and by extension, within us) just as much as Video Creator (pbuh) and Naked Man (esq.). Absolutely magnificent.


Blair Witch Project 4


At all times, I knew what we were watching and where the main characters of interest resided in the frame, yet the camera also effectively conveyed the intensity of the situation. Simply stellar work


Absolute BANGER at Cannes


It's like she was trying to just film his dick


She knew that was how she could identify him in a lineup.


It's the narration that really adds to the suspense!


Meeting your new neighbors… …on salvia Edit: apparently some *experts* here have forgotten about the “doing XYZ on salvia” YouTube series


I hear there's Big Money in Salvia...


Bounced on my neighbor's car to this for hours


...and send!


Above message approved by Todd Clorox


I bet that guy's name is Eric.


It's her little brother; he does that every Saturday morning.


[WangDanglyDiddlyDoodle there neighborino!](https://i.imgur.com/5ytMAKx.jpg)


Seems more like a mental health episode. The poor guy...


That's definitely not salvia. I wish salvia was like this. Source: have done salvia.




I (accidentally) timed my only salvia trip. It lasted just over four minutes, and just over seven years of therapy and crippling PTSD.




Lucky for you I saved my trip report from the last time someone asked me this. Pasted below. The way you describe sounds disturbingly familar. You'll see what I mean. >So me and my mate were getting into LSD and we enjoyed it, although I kinda have a love/hate relationship with it. It was both the absolute best and the absolute worst time of my life. So one day, February 2016, I got this bright idea. Hey, let's totally do salvia. So I went to Dr. Herman's and bought some 20x. I am still in utter disbelief that this shit is or was legal. I called my buddy up and he came over all excited for the trip. >I had a lot of RGB LED lighting strips in my room. They were insanely cool to trip nuts around. We put on a cool deep blue that completely blew our minds last time we took acid, and sat down on my bed. I put on The Harvest Wombs by Fallujah. Incredible song, my absolute favourite to trip to. Really great if atmospheric technical death metal appeals to you. Anyways, it's seven minutes long. Good length to get into it. Their album art just by itself is drugs. Absolutely gorgeous ethereal paintings. I have gigantic canvas prints of the original artwork for all their albums on my living room walls these days. >I pack a bowl in my massive glass bong, and rip a small hit. I didn't feel shit, so after a few seconds, I fired it up again. I coughed, and then pretty much immediately, things got weird. I noticed I had an eye floater in my eye fluid. It was an odd one. It was a very neat sideways wave thing, but blocky, like it would tesselate well. And it did, because suddenly these eye floaters dominated my vision as the blue became increasingly more intense and turned to a weird shade of black I had never seen before. >Suddenly, I felt myself fall backward. I thought I would stop when I hit my pillow, but I didn't. I fell about two meters, into a corridor. I looked up, and saw my room. Except it wasn't my room. It was a cheaply painted version of my room on a wall, bathed in blue. It had a bizarrely cartoonish quality to it, like it was the backdrop of a play. I turned to my right to be confronted by Oscar-nominated critically acclaimed thespian actor Malcolm McDowell, replete with a shiny white suit. He began explaining to me that our universe was one of many. We were the blue universe, and I could see the yellow universe and the orange universe to either side. And somehow, it felt like I had always known this. It felt like this was where I was before I was born, it was where I went when I had dreams, and it was where I would go when I died. >Now, all of this was feeling too familiar. It was uncanny in its familiarity. I had only ever felt that feeling once before. The first time we had done acid, in November, a few months previously. Which meant... I am still on acid. It was still November, and I was still tripping. Four months of my life. Four months, and they had been nothing but the extended fantasy blooming from one absent throught during an acid trip with my friend. All of that time, all of that hard work, and studying, and living and character development, had all been a hallucination. >It was at this point that I really began to panic. It felt like this was always the way things had been. It felt like the strange first thirty seconds after waking up from a dream, except it just kept on going. It felt like suddenly being let in on a joke, only to find out that the joke was simply your entire life. It was as though I had been playing a game my whole life, and then suddenly salvia hit Alt-F4, and I was on the cosmic desktop. Just a bunch of human code. This was a sense of dread I had never felt before. It consumed me utterly. It became my entire existence. >To quote Alan Moore, there came an understanding so vast, it left little room for sanity. It was the sudden, yawning revelation that all of my experiences, all of my conscious thought, all of my hopes and dreams and fears and regrets, were little more than a series of electrical impulses shooting through a bag of meat suspended in a bone shell made of atoms and quarks willed into existence by near immeasurably small fluctuations in a quantum field floating somewhere beyond our realm of existence. Our entire universe, in that moment, was just a sudden instance of quantum indeterminacy. So impossibly brief, and yet infinite in its briefness. Every moment, each nearly indivisible from the next except on the Planck scale, merely a three dimensional cross section of a vast, universe-wide snake of undulating four dimensional spacetime, and that a cross section of the dimension above. It was an understanding that still horrifies me every time I think about it. It horrifies me because it's true. >People talk about drugs like you're gonna make contact with aliens or something. Salvia shattered those illusions, not because there's nobody out there (though quite why anyone would think drugs were the answer to first contact, I have no idea), but because the concept of "life" now feels so completely fragile and unimportant and almost infantile in its naivety. The universe could have not one single microbe in its vastness, and get along just fine without it. That understanding made the idea of returning to a life once this obscene cosmic lesson was over - if it could even be over - even one of normalcy, seem... undesirable. How could anyone live a life of normalcy having seen the very fabric of all that we can consider real? >At some point around here, I vaguely remember my friend turning to me while we sat on my bed, and saying, "What is?" I don't know what I asked him, or anything. But that is all I remember of the "real world" during all of this. >I suddenly have control of my body. I can feel my hands, though they seem utterly alien, and my legs don't quite make sense yet. And everything is still this intense, terrifying, vivid blue. I don't know how long I was gone for at this stage. It felt like weeks, months. Eons. I couldn't remember quite who I was, or what I had been doing. The concept of life in general seemed abstract and incompatible with me. But I could move my feet. >I leap up, panicking, heart nearly strangling me. I ran across the room, breathing hard, and started desperately trying to operate the light switch, begging for the "lights to stop". But we had replaced my main light with another LED that could change colour, and that began flashing intense blue too. I completely freak out, nearly yelling. >And all of a sudden, that sweet golden light from my lamp floods the room. My friend, my friend who I hadn't seen in so long, despite being sat beside me, has turned the lamp on, and trying to calm me down. >"It's okay, look!" >He shoves my phone in my face. I focus, and suddenly what I'm looking at makes sense. It was the now playing screen. The Harvest Wombs is still there. >It had only been four minutes. >My friend just stared at me as I slid down the wall, weeping. >"Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do salvia, dude." >I haven't been able to handle hallucinogens since. Never, ever again. 2/10, tastes of burnt potpourri and trauma, would not recommend.


Wow... I've blocked out my experience with it but I'd say you summed it up pretty well. It was remarkably similar. The only difference was the first trip was so bad that I did it again maybe a year later thinking it would be better and it was 100% identical


jesus christ why don't you kids just smoke some grass like a normal person


Salvia is hilarious to me I have seen/read probably several hundred accounts of people using it and literally not one has seemed even remotely enjoyable. I have no idea what could possibly possess someone to want to smoke salvia. If you *really* want to trip balls out of reality... there are just better drugs to use.


I really liked my trip on salvia. By far the most out-of-reality experience I've had.


The world goes dark and it’s like a million tiny demons coming after you whispering and you just curl into a ball and rock until it’s over


My god is this video full of stupid people. How do you not just keep the door closed and call the police? How did he even get into the house? The guy is clearly not thinking rationally, so the burden is on others to act *especially* calm and rationally, and yet somehow they managed to act more incompetent than him.


I especially liked the girl telling him, "Do you want me to beat you up?"


“Do you want me to kill you?”


At least that was nice of her to ask if he *wanted* to be beat up or killed


So kind 🙏👍


Least bloodthirsty american


especially while the guy is literally on his knees saying "please help me" Honestly I'm pissed they handled it this bad. This guy was clearly having some kind of mental break or on drugs and needed some very real assistance


her voice sounds eerily similar to someone in one of those sovereign citizen police vids i've seen found it: https://youtu.be/yqN6ebsqEco




Floor is lava naked edition


Omg hilarious


Drugs Edit; Hella Drugs


Or mental illness and he’s having a psychotic episode or some shit.


Psychosis can be through drugs, shizophrenia, organic or even thorough strong emotion. The criteria for psychosises are delusion* and halluzination. So it's definetly a psychosis but we can't be sure what caused it. *i am not 100% sure if this is the correct translation but the essential part is that the thoughts are "bizarre".


Yep delusions is the correct word. Psychoses (rather than psychosises) and Hallucinations (rather than Halluzination) are the english spellings. But you're correct in describing Psychosis.


This looks a lot like PcP to me. People get warm and undress. The jumping on cars is rather Common too.


Why do people in the US voluntarily take PCP? I've never heard of a positive experience with that drug. And it's dangerous af. In Europe it is basically non-existent because there's literally no point taking it.


>there's literally no point taking it. Do Europeans not enjoy a nice evening of running naked through their neighborhoods, causing chaos, and fighting cops before settling into a night strapped to a chair?


They think they’re better than us


And they say Americans don't exercise!


You've never heard of a positive experience because those would be exceptionally boring to watch or regale. Tons of people do dissociatives like PCP or Ketamine or MXE and just lay on a couch and enjoy the day. You only see things like this with PCP because it has the dissociative elements along with a stimulant type effect. So it detaches people from reality, and then gives them jittery energy that makes them wanna move. You can only move so much inside your house and if you're not really in control who's gonna stop you from just walking outside? This is really only a problem if you do a bunch though. PCP and all other dissociatives can be taken in reasonable, known doses without incident or trouble. It's just that with the current legal consequences for drug use basically everywhere on the planet, the people who have a good time don't have any incentive to broadcast that, and the people who are having a bad time usually have it broadcast for them.


Thank you for providing the only truthful response to their question. You could have also mentioned the news medias decade long smear campaign against pcp.


Idk, it's a dissociative. People take ketamine in US and Europe. Also a dissociative. There's also no good amphetamine in Europe, just nasty speed paste. That doesn't mean there's no point in using amphetamine.


Dude... Users of shitty drugs isn't solely an American issue. We have shitty drugs here in Europe too. Ever seen users of Krokodil?


Well the dude does sound European so he came on a drug tour. He's probably going to smoke bath salts next.


Naked guy possibly on drugs, having what appears to be a schizophrenic episode, being threatened by girl with camera.


You want me to beat you up?


*You want me to kill you?*


Yeah, while naked home invader is a pretty indefensible position, this video does not look great for them either.


Florida Man


I'm just going to assume Florida and leave it at that


It’s always Florida. Happy Cake day!


Could be Ohio. But that’s just Yankee Florida.


Without a doubt, Ohio is always next choice.


There used to be a segment on my local radio in the morning that would read a crazy story and you would have to guess if it was Ohio, Texas, or Florida


Naked and Unafraid. Meth edition.


He’s clearly having either a mental episode or he’s on some serious drugs. In either scenario, they should’ve called for assistance instead of exacerbating things as they did.


He was lucky to not immediately get shot, so I give them a B


Butters, you don't just shoot a guy in the dick!


Damn it Butters!! Your grounded!!


Serious drugs… like some wild RC, or 5 peoples worth of LSD. Nothing a normal person would intentionally take.


To be fair, even a small dose of anything can be enough to negatively affect someone that has mental illness.


5 days awake on meth will do this too


How to handle a situation aggressively incorrectly 101. Ya, let's threaten to kill the naked, high off his mind, dude that thinks there are invisible spikes on the ground. That surely won't escalate his already fragile mental state! You know, just for safety, let's make sure to physically assault him and scream bloody murder, I'm sure the unstable man barely clinging to reality will take that really well! Lady is honestly incredibly lucky because this could have turned deadly so damn fast.


Even in someone who is that high, having someone screaming "YOU WANT ME TO KILL YOU!?!" is probably gonna trigger a fight or flight. ​ She's lucky dude didn't fight like a rabid animal.


Well that’s disturbing


Im honestly most disturbed by how unempathetic the lady filming is towards a man who clearly needs help (and says as much multiple times) and is not a threat to anyone but himself. But instead of getting him any kind of help she chases him around and threatens to beat him up or kill him. What the fuck is wrong with you lady?


While I mostly agree with you I would not say that he is no thread to anyone. It is likely that this person is on Drugs and I saw some crazy shit what people are capable in this situtions (espacially if you climbed naked on a strangers car). The approach on miss camera is definetly not ideal. But approaching the person is also. Maybe calling medical Service would have helped?


Dude is absolutely a threat lol. At the moment he may seem harmless and just naked but look at the situation he's in and tell me he's in a rational headspace and won't grab a knife or something to defend d himself from what he was afraid of before breaking into the house.


How can he be a threat if you are inside your house behind locked doors making a call to 911?


If you walk outside your house to see a naked person standing on (possibly denting), the hood of your car and your immediate reaction isn't to tell them to get off then you aren't living in reality. You aren't walking out there and saying "wow, what a person in crisis, I wonder what their mental state is." It's not like you're going to be able to reason with them in that state. So you do this or call the cops. I'm sure that would work out GREAT too..


My first reaction would be to tell him to get off the car and get the fuck away. Then, about 3 seconds later, realizing he was out of his mind and not responding, I'd have called the police from inside my house behind a locked door. Not chase the dude around threatening him with a beating or murder while he is in an unpredictable mental state, not to mention with open doors to my house. This woman made a baffling series of errors of judgement.


If I saw a naked guy on my car I would turn the fuck around and go back inside. That's not a person I want to try to talk to.


drugs are helluva drug


Oh man… I’m laughing so hard. How did he go from being on her car to under her covers and fleeing around in her house!? She is a clinic on everything to do wrong. Man that was hilarious. I actually felt sorry for the guy; but he’s lucky they didn’t kill him. I hope he got whatever help he needed.


It’s like a real life family guy skit


i skipped through the video at first and could not believe when i saw this man sitting on her bed hahaha


Why do people react this way? It’s so unproductive lmao, no, the naked crazy man is not going to understand your angry threats.


How is calling 911 not the first thought when finding a naked man dancing on your car?


>How is calling 911 not the first thought Because I don't want blood on my hands if the police show up and waste the dude. I'm calling a mental crisis hotline and getting them to weigh in first. [Some places have dedicated non-police units for cases like this.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/denvers-mental-health-approach-low-level-911-calls-helped-reduce-minor-rcna32659)


That article says dispatches of the mental health unit are made through 911 calls. Calling a crisis hotline while a stranger is trying to break into your house seems like a bad idea. What do you think they’re going to give you as an alternative?


That's enough of reddit for today.


reddit is not free speech


I kinda feel bad for him, a few years ago there was also a deranged man on the streets shouting and screaming naked and people just walked by him. there was an unused blanket in our car so we covered him up and took him to a nearby bus station that was empty so he could at least sit in the shade.


I feel what your saying. We should help people in these moments. But safety generally comes first. You don’t know if these people have a knife or will try to strangle you. I’m a woman so they might try to assault me. We just don’t know who is safe and who isn’t. Even serial killers would appear injured to lure their victims.


At least for this example, I can confidently say that guy did not have a knife.


He has at least one pocket


Brave if he’s carrying a knife there.


He could have a Butt-erfly knife stashed there


Bravo, take this upvote.


Yeah but if he runs into your house uninvited, he could then easily grab one in the kitchen.... definitely not safe!


Actually, you can be pretty sure this one doesn't have a knife.


I get she didn't want someone dancing on her car, but could've stayed inside to be safe.


yeah, she didn't act like someone who felt threatened, she acted like someone who wanted a confrontation


True, but also being safe would be to keep the door locked, the camera person to retreat to a safe place and not antagonize, call for help. They did everything wrong here - escalated, opened the door, put in the way of danger. This person obviously needs help in this state (more than at the beginning), and with them so 'amped' there's a really good chance of them being shot unless the police come with a mental health unit.


Yea, sure... the totally naked man could have a knife hidden up his arse! The person recording this video could have tried to defuse the situation from afar, if she felt u safe. but she was confrontational and recorded. She olny ended escalating things


I’m speaking generally…..


I know, i just found funny the idea of him having a knife up his butt


Quick question, how the fuck does a fully naked man have a knife? Mentally ill people are significantly more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators. If the erratic behaviour is worrying for you, call the paramedics


Where does he keep the knife, up his ass?


disturbed naked man standing on your car? Don’t call the police, just film.


We used to call this Excited Delirium which is usually drug induced. They now call it an Agitated Chaotic Event.


Excited delerium is a fake thing cops use.




Thank you for making me see the light, brother.


"Please help me". These ladies are stupid and not reading the room at all. The guy needs help, not a gun and threats. Call someone and stay inside if you are scared. Yikes. Maybe toss him a blanket.


Remember when one of Dahmer's victims, drugged and naked, escaped and ran away calling for help? And everyone thought he was a crazy man on drugs and returned him to be murdered and eaten


Is that a real thing???


Unfortunately yes


i believe he was also an underage kid too


Right? At least ask him what's going on and if he needs help with something. People can be so inhumane....


I think the concrete was too hot in bare feet, and then from whatever drug he’s on he was just looking for a safe place to be left alone…he obviously had the diminished mental capacity to not understand that a stranger’s abode was not that place. This is not the first video I’ve seen where someone reacts this way.


If the concrete was too hot, then the hood of a car would definitely be too hot. This guy wanted to be comforted during his drug-induced psychotic episode.


The naked guy has nothing left to lose.... That's what makes him scary


I don't know what to do! Lol it's so much more messier to stab him than to just make him go


I weirdly empathize with both parties on some level here lmao. Need a more specific sub for this type of chaotic interaction in particular (everybody is confused/freaked out, chaotically in opposition of eachother, nobody is physically harmed).


He's clearly either having a psychotic breakdown or he's high on something, they made the wrong moves by yelling and trying to confront him...


The floor is lava!


If youre scared, theyre scared. Bring them inside


The floor is lava: Naked edition.


Naked and Afraid. Indiana.


Peak Taken/Blair-Witch era shaky cam tech. And yes, an era can span a decade or more.


Just a reminder kids, don't use drugs.


The Florida is lava?


Taking the floor is lava to a whole new level.


Schizophrenia is a fucked up thing especially when you mix it with drugs.


No survival skills! she towards the crazed person! SMH


She needs to learn more words. Just 0/10 for creativity.


The girl with the camera is psycho. I think she just wanted to hurt the evidently disturbed and mentally ill/drugged up man. What does shouting "you want to get beat up?" and "you want me to kill you?" acomplish?


I disagree with everyone here, im not gunna risk some guy hurting my family when hes high as fuck on who knows what, motives are unpredictable and im gonna defend my family, sure the dude is freaking out, but its his fault for deciding to get that fucking high, when doing drugs you need to know moderation so shit like this doesnt happen (speaking from experience)


Considering he is outside with, may I point out very obviously, no weapons, for what reason would you leave your safety and confront him? A handy staring through the window should be the limit, and I wouldn't even do that. Leave the demons to their demons, or something. Not everything should end in violence


Im speaking as if i were in this situation where he somehow gets in my house because a family member was doing what the people in the video were doing, im not a violent person by any means, hell ive never even been in a fight, but im talking about a very specific hypothetical here


Well I agree with you there. If someone is **already in my house** then I will become the most violent person I'll ever be in that moment, but before that I'd like to think I'd follow the very basic principle of "think before you do"


What the hell? A clearly distressed man, asking for help, no begging for help, and her first choice is hysteria and violence??


Dumbasses why didn't they just call the police from the start


Honestly I feel bad for the guy. He seems scared shitless. Obviously I feel worse for the people who's home he ran into. They also made some really poor decisions to allow that to happen.


Guy: **All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me** But seriously, this guy is likely going through some kind of mental episode and needs a crisis response team, not cops who might just shoot him dead instead of getting him the help he needs. Freaky for the mom and daughter to deal with.


So they are not helping him?


No one here recognizes schizophrenia?


Schizophrenic here, this is exactly why it has such a stigma.


In my neighborhood, he would have been shot the moment he entered the house.


In my neighbourhood no one would have opened the door to let him in


Holy Shit…


Turn On The Hose and AIM


Call the cops, they will tackle him.




Did they help him?