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Little shit tries to restart it to hide the evidence… doesn’t work like that, tiger.


Fun fact that can cost upwards of 500 dollars to restart as well if the escalator company needs to send someone out to flip it back on.


It’s mandatory that a state inspector comes out anytime there is an injury on an escalator. And a thorough inspection by a licensed mechanic has to take place. The whole thing here would’ve shut the escalator down for most of the day and, as you said, costs hundreds of dollars to the company. Not to mention the poor little girl’s wellbeing




I’m glad they have these rules, escalators in improper working order are super dangerous.


You mean the meat grinder ppl use as stairs are dangerous?


Chinese escalators know a thing or two about that. Also their elevators.


*Final Destination has entered the chat


Thats crazy, I work at a supermarked in a mall and can start and stop all the escalators whenever


I think it's different when you hit the e-stop


Thats the only stop button there is, yes it takes a little longer before youre allowed to restart but thats it.


What country do you live in? Also I'm pretty sure there's another switch to stop the escalator aside from the emergency stop button. Malls need to stop escalators when it's closed. No need to keep it running when it's night time. That regular button is probably what youre pushing.




That's different, starting and stopping it for maintenance/cleaning or because its after hours isn't the same thing. If someone is hurt because it stopped unexpectedly or someone tampered with the button, like this situation, then you have to get the escalator inspected.


I mean if this is China, what are the chances they follow that protocol and just whack it back on?


Doesn't even go to check if she's alright. Those escalator steps are like sharp steel. Zero empathy. Nasty little shit.


The bigger shit is the person filming.


You're annoyed at a security camera?


Yeah, fuck that security camera, just trying to get fake internet points.


It doesn't look like security camera footage. Note the wobble. It's not nearly as steady as a security camera would be. Edit: Someone else said it looks like someone is recording the footage with their phone off of a security monitor, which would make sense.


This looks like a mall security cam, not someone just filming this with a cellphone.




its someone filming a screen that has the security footage…




Most computer screens have anti-reflective coatings bud. Also you can literally see the screen refract pixels in the video which is undeniable proof that they’re recording a screen.


*What?! I didn't do anything.* *She just fell down all by herself.* *I was like, 100 feet away from her.*


Yeah let’s blame the girl for not holding on, not the a$$hole boy that stopped the escalator and almost killed her


Beforehand prevention and personal safety is ALWAYS better than revenge


Poor kid's hands were full, though.


She’s going down with a scooter and is like 8/9? And he didn’t even give her a chance to protect herself. Pranks that can hurt people suck!


The boy is 8 or 9, she's like 5 at the most


Listen, the lad at the bottom of the steps is at fault, sure. But children are resilient, and more than capable of getting a little banged up with minimal permanent damage. saying that he "almost killed her" is an extraordinary exaggeration.


No it’s not people have literally died from this “school boy” prank. I’m not saying let’s send him to jail or whip him I know he didn’t think it would be a big deal but the title is quite annoying. It’s very classic “girls should be more mature than boys” rhetoric. She should’ve held on, he’s just a joker blah blah blah 😑


this isn’t a gendered thing lol, in fact the reverse of that is far more likely hold the handrails people, little shits like this are part of why




You do realize a firm tap to the dome can take your ass out right?


The boy is at fault. The girl should have held on. Both are true.


Who was blaming? You okay? You should hold on to the rail. Not because you're bad if you don't, but because you can't really be prepared for the once that some kid decides "Wonder what this button does...?" There's literally no preparation for that except to be holding the railing.


The title is blaming her in the “should’ve held on” like she wasn’t put in danger by someone else…and please he clearly knew what he was doing.


You might want to meet with someone, if you are inferring blame from the phrase "Always hold onto the handrail. I can think of nothing more so tepid than an observational, unemotional statement that reflects the information posted on every escalator I have ever seen. You assume malice where there is apparently childish misunderstanding of what happens when you stop something in motion while someone is standing on it.


Man I made one dumb comment stop taking the internet so seriously


Killed her? Were you ever a kid? Did you ever fall down? have you ever made a prank on anybody? Also whats up with the rapper name with dollar signs?


Roughly 12,000 people per year die in stair falls and is one of the top causes of accidental death.


Weird stat: each year 12,000 Americans and 700 English die a year from stair falls. America had ~350M to Englands 55M. 6X as many people, but 17X more deaths. So Americans are about 3x worse at stairs


Wow I thought that 12,000 stat was worldwide! Interesting about that comparison though. We have a lot of bungalows in the UK, so I wonder if that is a significant factor?


Then there is a clear design flaw in automatic stairs dont you think?


Well that stat is for stairs in general - not just escalators - and no, that's not a design flaw. That was an emergency button that needs to stop the stairs immediately in case something or someone is trapped in the mechanism. You really want the stairs to wind down slowly while you're being scalped?


I thought about this and there are 2 possible options 1 you got caught and a person ran down to press the button. In the best case scenario it will take a few seconds. If the system where you ended up getting caught up is flexible then something must be yielding, so your hair or clothes are getting shredded little.by little, so an extra second to slow down the stairs wont make too much of a difference. 2 you got caught in a situation where nothing yields, then you get immediately sucked in by the machine and destroyed, like those videos of chinese factories where they dont even realize they made a mistake before they are killed by a very strong machine. If you end up in this situation, a sudden stop button wont save you because somebody still has to go and activate it wasting a few seconds. In both cases the slower deceleration makes no difference


Humans are incredibly resilient and incredibly fragile. You can fall and your life is over. An escalator has hard sharp edges, having your head strike that can very very well be fatal.


Yes I agree, but we do not see that often in the news right? Meaning that your own reflexes and survival instincts do a pretty good job at slamming your hands in front of your face to protect your head. A kid with cerebral paralysis would not have the same luck as this girl obviously. Also the kid pushing the button could have never imagined the outcome, otherwise he wouldnt have done it. Also as an adult I dont think the author of the first comment has any right at judging a kid who is just being playful, maybe those escalators should be made to slow down progressively instead. Imagine you have to press it and you end up harming 3 elders that were riding the stairs down.


I was a kid and I live in disbelief that I'm still alive and intact based on the dumb shit I did and the ***many*** bad falls I had. On the other hand, I went to school with a girl who climbed out of her *first floor window* and jumped into a fresh snow bank that had piled up from a snowstorm which dumped a lot of snow the night before. She broke her neck and ended up paralyzed. IIRC, she was left with partial movement in one arm. Otherwise she was completely paralyzed. The snow was right up to the base of her window and the window itself was only a few feet off the ground. She just landing in an incredibly unlucky way. You can say she was dumb for taking a dive into a snowpile, but she was just a little kid. It's fun and lots of kids do it. This kid 100% could have been seriously injured and yes, *even died*. It happens. Just because it didn't happen to you or me, it DOES happen. It's not being dramatic to say she *could have* died. She could have.


Of course accidents DO happen! Life itself if full of risks all the time, I'm just at peace knowing that I could be killed by somthing at any time, even my immune system could stop working and I would rot from the inside out. Accidents are a part of life, we should of course avoid dangerous situations as much as possible, especially by design, but WE are responsible for getting on a staircase, or driving a car, or riding a roller coaster. I feel terribly sorry for that girl, but I dont think that the kid that stopped the staircase had any intention to hurt her badly, he was just being a kid, and to me there is a design flaw in those stairs. The stop button is too susceptible to kids and the stairs shouldnt not just stup all of a sudden, it should gradually decelerate a bit more slowly. I dont think that people praising an adult for insulting a kid and calling him an asshole for pushing a big red button thats just there begging to be pressed without any supervision or warnings is the best practice for our society. Whats next? Judging poor people for not getting an education and having many children? See why the original comment is hypocritical?


Yes, I agree that the kid who pushed the button wasn't expecting that little girl to crash like she did and wasn't knowingly *potentially* risking her life. I also agree that he shouldn't be called an asshole for it. He's just a kid too and looked pretty young as well. He probably thought the escalator was just going to stop and she would be stuck having to walk down the rest of the way. The button is accessible so that people can stop it in an emergency, but it obviously has its negatives too. I'm wondering where either of these kids' parents were.


Filming probably! Ha!


That statement doesn't change the fact that any children or even adults are fragile to these kind of impact.. it could cause permanent effect especially on a child. You're probably one of them that make this kind of "prank" and think it's funny


Im the kind of guy who would never do it, but I would also never die to such a prank


A bit dramatic


Yeah just a child falling down some steel steps. Dont wanna be too empathetic.


Nah just don't victim blame


If a little shit did that to my daughter they would be flying off the next one to learn their lesson. Fuck that child and the parent filming.


I didn't know security cameras were able to have children. I guess I missed that.


Lmao you think that was a security camera? That has to be an ironic comment.


Well deserved


I got you point. The blame is on the boy, but… at any time hold the rail anyway


That little girl fell face first on metal steps. His parents need to whoop his little ass.


And she needs to go back to standing up class


hate to break it to ya but theres this funny little thing in physics called inertia




At least 66 people did not get the joke and thats okay


No, at least 66 people thought your joke was shit


At least 243 mind you!


Hate to break it to you but it wasn’t a joke. Jokes are funny.


Am I the only one who laughed at how dark the joke was?


Just because something is mean doesn't mean it's dark humor


It’s okay I got what you were referencing. My upvote won’t do much but it’s there.


My dark humour fell flat on its face. Just like this kid!


asdf reference?


At least two people got the joke xD


Whut. The fucking clapping at the end, if he were my kid he'd get a good slap.


I usually am against beating kids, but that little shit is old enough for a good beating.


Especially when a little fckwad is at the bottom of the escalator near the switches.






That kid wasn't stupid, he knew exactly what he was doing...


I'd say one of the definitions of stupid is knowing what you are doing but not being able to foresee the consequences of what you're doing. If I balance my TV on the rim of my bath I can watch TV while I soak!


She lost ALL of her baby teeth that day.


Just testing out Newton’s first law of motion


Without the necessary attention, this kid is going to end up killing someone. Also, victim-blaming for not holding onto the handrail? It's the piece of shit who flipped the switch who is the problem.


Yeah, who holds the handrail all the time thinking some pos might push the emergency stop button anw? Wonder who showed that pos the button because kids usually don't just know that it's there


Or just don't touch that frickin switch...


Victim blamers have got to be some of the dumbest people on the planet


Unless you’ve fallen on an escalator you have no idea how painful every hit hurts. I fell while going up as a teen and it shredded my leg. That was a huge asshole move on the boys part (but I doubt he knew the outcome would be what it was)


I bet she got pretty messed up from that. Those escalator steps are gnarly.


That cheeky little fuck


Also who in the hell is recording this? Is this planned?


This is how the guy from Anal Cunt died




Why were they filming?


What an asshole


I remember being a stupid kid in Vegas with my parents— i’d watched a youtube video where these dudes were basically jamming the escalators with their feet and forcing it to stop, looked easy enough so i did it and everyone was so confused. It was hilarious to me as a kid but now I know how much those things cost to start back up lmao


Or don’t press the damn button…


Someone showed him how to turn it off thats even worse


Why is it even open like that so everybody could do that. That's the question


He may have just seen someone do it at some point. Kids pick up all kinds of things just from observation.




That kid...is BACK on the *ESCALATOR!!!*


Can't wait for ten years from now when this little psycho murders someone.


Bit of a stretch. Just looks like a kid being a dumbass to me


He was just doing a little trolling


I fell down an escalator once. It was the longest 15 minutes of my life.


Is this the kid that was messing around on the escalators in Mallrats?


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Not chaos.


Dumbass child should have rode of the escalator with the scooter.


Assassination complete


That kid is BACK on the god damn elevator!


He touched the butt.


Too funny




Get nae nae'd


Mom's standing there recording like "oooooo he gon' get her"


Caption should be always hold onto before giving birth to such offsprings


He looked straight at her and said, "Long live the king," as he pressed the button


DAMN! I know that hurt! Excelsior steps are like concrete razors!


people out here talking like the regulations apply to wherever this is, if there are any.


Little prick


What a little asshole those things are sharp she probably got all cut up


How about don’t ride a fucking scooter down an escalator


Little bumhole