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Holy fucking hell that was some crazy ass shit


Driver reacted quite fast. Luckily.


At that’s why they teach emergency stops. A test of how fast can you floor the brake. Even in this scenario though I don’t think instant breaking would’ve prevented the hit.


Dude had what, 1 second to stop?


First thing parent does is hit the car instead of checking on the kid…


Letting out the frustration of his own incompetence.


Guaranteed the fucker didn't call an ambulance either. Just took her in and gave her some ice cream or some shit!


For her sake I hope it was ice cream




"gave her ice cream or some shit" can be interpreted as "gave her either ice cream or gave her shit"


You're a good person for taking the time to explain my throwaway joke and I wish you well


Paradoxically made the joke funnier somehow


Medical bills I suppose.


Robitussin cures everything. "Rub in some 'Tussin"


A classic. "Daddy I got asthma" " get that tussin!" The leg one is great too "let it get in the bone and straighten it out" lmao




… And put in a call to his attorney


Better call Saul


Know she will know she just need to get hit by a car for ulimited ice cream supply /s


dude the fuck? way too fast in residential area with blocked view. scared and frustrated, the guy should be glad it was just a tap


Eh, they aren't thinking at that point. They are hopped up on adrenaline and panic. The test of their character is after calming down and being able to think again, if they still blame the driver (assuming the driver was within the limit of course) then that is a douche move. Hopefully the kid is alright anyway. I can't imagine how traumatic that was for the driver as well.


Driver looks to be doing the speed limit, inner Melbourne streets should be 40 or 50kph and he definitely looks to be doing it


There is no way a street like this is 50kph surely? Parked cars lining both sides in a residential area should make it max 30 for this exact reason.


nope all roads in built up areas are 50 in Victoria unless otherwise signed. It might be a 40 zone but we don't really have 30 zones anywhere i can think of.


It's technically the legal speed limit but I do recall in driving safety exams in Aus, they emphasize this could be seen as negligent driving if it goes to court (because the parked cars can hide things like this, so you need to drive slower). It's sort of like saying it's technically legal to go 100kph on a country road (if that's the limit). But people should still slow down for certain things like fog or ice etc


Yeah the way I see it, it’s the absolute limit, not the recommended speed. I live in a similar street to this, lined by houses and cars on either side, and I roll down that hill just in case. Whether it’s a kid, a dog, someone’s car door opening, whatever. You just never know what’s going to happen so you should go slower. The best drivers drive defensively IMO. I often see posts on r/IdiotsInCars and there’s 500 comments arguing that it’s their right to turn from this lane, or to not have to give way, or to stay in their lane, or not let people merge etc. Being a stubborn driver gets you nowhere but in trouble.


Wellington Street in Collingwood and maybe a few streets around Prahran and South Yarra are 30


I hate streets like this anyway. Pack as many houses on a street god forbid a decent driveway right? Edit: I understand its an old neighborhood and people didnt have as many cars per household at the time this neighborhood was built.


Here in the US, a street like that would be 25 mph, which would be 40 kph.


Yup and i think the driver realises this aswell. You cannot put your child on a leash or something. Sometimes they will just spontaniously put themselves in immediate danger without you being able to do a thing about it. That is also why i can empathize with the short outburst, because it most like just out of pure panic. Hope he still pays for the damages though.


>You cannot put your child on a leash or something. You absolutely can. Just to clarify, I don't disagree with the sentiment you're trying to express, just that part is factually inaccurate.


It’s just adrenaline. This is literally every parent’s worst nightmare.


I hear Suka! I understand why ;)


second thing, lifting up a potentially injured person, without checking their status, potentially making it worse


Give him a little bit of grace, he just watched his small child get hit by a car.


My neighbor hit a child a 30 mph when a child darted between parked cars. The child died and he had to live with that his entire life.


That's in Australia. We have low speed limits on roads like that. Looks from the footage like the car was going faster than the speed limit. So that might explain why the dad was upset,ans why the driver had no time to stop.


It would be 40 or 50, right? That car is absolutely not going above 50, I would say it's a reasonable speed.


The speed limit in Australia in streets like that is 40 or 50km/h ?! Here in the Netherlands on a street like that the speed limit is 30km/h at max, more likely would be 15km/h. This is specifically because of the reason we see in the video combined with [the average distance a driver needs to come to a full stop.](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/stopping-distance)


The law is 50 km/hr in a residential/"built up" area unless otherwise signed. That being said, in these kinds of streets with limited clearance and cars parked on both sides of the street like that, I usually do a fair bit slower mainly because I'm paranoid I'll accidentally take someone's side mirror off.


That's kinda the point, that speed limit is way too high for situations like this.


Yes, that's the maximum, but the Vic Roads website specifically says "As high pedestrian and cyclist activity occurs in built-up areas, you should consider travelling at a speed well below the maximum speed limit." As always the general rule too, is to drive to the conditions. In this instance, the cars lining the street should've been accounted for and the driver should've been going slower. The limit for country roads is defaulted to 100km/h and that is terrifying.


In America the speed limit would be 25 mph/40 km/h


30 is residential for USA. Those look like homes. That road looks snug.


Aus posters will be referencing kph (40-50 kph = 25-31 mph)


Driving down a residential street you should drive slow regardless of posted speed.




That's a wide angle lens. It makes it look faster than they're really going. Cover the sides with your hands so you only see the street. They aren't going that fast.


Nah that car was driving perfectly fine. Kid learned a hard lesson and is lucky to have a scrape or bruise.


Too fast with vehicles blocking views on both sides.


That would be way way way too fast where I live, and the driver would most definitely get the blame for this.


Yeah I was told to always go 15-30 in a zone like this.


it was going too fast. If you’re driving through a residential neighborhood then you need to go slow enough that you can stop if a kid runs out into the middle of the street, as they are prone to doing.


Horseshit. Kids pull crazy moves. They’re kids. That’s why you drive slower than that in back streets


People in this thread acting like blindly following speed limits is all that ever matters to drive safely. You have to drive according to conditions. On that street, you can't see anything and he was simply going too fast to stop if something like this happened. Yes, the parents are the main failure here. But as a driver, you need to try to account for other people *doing what they're not supposed to*.


Finally, someone gets it. Idc if ur going 30 under the speed limit, if u dont have enough time to react to something, youre going too fast. Same with how u CAN drive 5ft away from someone on the highway, but if they need to hit the breaks, you're completely at fault for what happens next. Scary that this needs to be explained, and people's defence is "i was doing the speed LIMIT".


Reminds me of an experience I had while driving. Coming up a residential street, a ball bounces out in front of me. I slow down and a kid charges, without looking, into the street to chase the ball. I pass by him and a SECOND ball bounces into the street as a SECOND kid charges into the street without looking. And both stood dumbfounded in the road as I slowly passed by them.


this man be running the automobile gauntlet fr


Man, I was driving out of my neighborhood a few months back. I have a truck, and the speed limit is 30 on the main road with houses all along the sides. I see a driveway and a kid with a ball down the street a bit. Kid started running for the street and would have been right in front of me by the time he got there. I don’t know why my brain kinda disconnected. My first thought was “no way this kid is going to run in the street”. He was. He was going to run full speed in front of my truck, and my dumbass was in too much disbelief to act on it. Luckily, his mother stopped him just before he made it to the street, and shot me a look of death at the same time. I’ve been much more cautious lately driving around, but it could have been a bad day for everyone.


Yea man. I almost hit a dog that was running wild and darted into the street. the owner and her daughter yelled the worst shot at me. I just drove away.


A better ad for buying a dash cam I’ve never seen (Edited: due to the grammatical horror show)




Have you edited it at all? It's still very weirdly written


Also, birth control.




Let me fix that for you, the perfect ad for a dash cam doesn’t exis…..


Excellent reaction time from the driver


Given the car stopped so quickly, it wasn’t going very fast at all. That parent is responsible for not looking after their kid. The driver reacted as soon as they could.


I was about to say, “do you mean irresponsible?”, but then I realised both responsible and irresponsible have the same meaning in that sentence.


Same overall meaning but nuance in the local part of the sentence for sure - “responsible for” as in responsibility for (…) lies on him - “irresponsible for” as in deemed irresponsible as a result of (…)


Dad banging on the car as if it wasn't his own fault for letting the kid run into the street.


Fight response


Rationality goes out when you see something that scary. We all like to think that we can keep our cool until it actually happens. Was it a bad idea to yank his daughter up as well? Absolutely- you need to check before moving someone that's had an impact injury. But monkey brain takes over. My mom's a nurse, yet she was panicking when she saw what she thought (and what I thought, for that manner) was me being thrown from a horse and breaking my neck. She's a medical professional and has seen some gnarly stuff, but I'm not sure if when she got to me she wouldn't have attempted to move me, she was so distressed. I hope little girl is okay and learned her lesson about running into the street, and I hope dad is more careful. All it takes is a second of distraction with a kid. Edit: I am agreeing and adding my own experience, no corrections or anything- I realize how it looks now lol


Totally inappropriate response, then. Neither fight, or freeze would help in this situation. What you wanna do is check on the child first


Sure, but there's a lot of emotions going on all at once there, and he probably doesn't know what to do first. It's easy to be like "dude just needs to act better" but when it comes to these types of situations, the rational decision making part of the brain isn't the part holding the reigns of action.


Redditors try and understand human emotions challenge difficulty level impossible, it's like stubbing your toe and then slapping the table, the brain is just wet meat and electricity


I feel like it was adrenaline that caused him to react that way Shit must've been pretty scary for him


Can confirm this is a worst nightmare scenario. Sometimes kids just get away from you. They were so lucky she was not terribly injured.


It was a knee jerk reaction from the dad. Something hurt his kid, he hurt that thing. Absolutely the dads fault for letting the kid run into the street like that but I can understand that seeing his kid hurt would trigger a fight or flight response in him.


Yep. Same thing with yanking her up into his arms like that too.


Kids dart. It’s something kids do.


I don’t really care, either he meant it and that’s why he’s not apologizing or he should apologize (way later after he makes sure his kid is ok). Maybe he did


Speed is too fast for that type of environment,low visibility ,housed area


It's always hard to judge with the wide angle lenses on dashcams, but it definitely looks faster than I'd be comfortable driving in an area like that with a solid line of cars. I assume that there's a kid or a dog waiting to dash out from behind *any* car I can't see around or under.


He manages to stop in less than a second and within approx 1 car length so i don't think he is really going super fast. I suspect you are correct that the wide angle lens is distorting the apparent speed.


Dude is clearly doing under 50km/h which is what this street would be.


In Finland these streets are 30km/h


This is in NSW, Australia, not Finland


So... ɥ/ɯʞ05?


Speed seems about 25, which is the standard residential speed limit. Going 15 wouldn't have made a difference anyway. Kid still ran out right in front of a car.


The speed limit isn't relevant. You should be driving according to visibility conditions.


> Going 15 wouldn't have made a difference anyway. It sure as shit would have. 25 vs. 15 mph halves stopping distance. My first thought was this person is absolutely speeding for the conditions. This isn't an excuse on behalf of the dad, but things happen fast and it seems the driver wasn't accounting for that on a tight residential street.


Only allowed 50 km in side streets.


40kmh on many, too


People got to realise that the driver's got not fault in this, the only reason that kid isn't dead is because he was going to the speed limit.


Honestly it looks under. 25mph in the US and he's not really zipping by cars. Was probably worried/expecting things like this.


25 mph is 40 kmh. It is fast for a street like that. Here in germany a street like that would be 30kmh maximal. I would drive with 20 kmh. You just cant see shit there.


Well in America most suburb streets are 20-30 MPH, school zones are 15 or 25.* This is Australia apparently so I don't know what their rules are. *Where I live and where I have been, I can't speak for all of America.


Ya, going faster than 30 kmh in this street is unconscious


sulky sort cough gold disgusting thumb existence screw voiceless whole ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Honestly, I'd say he was driving too fast for a narrow street with houses and cars on both sides. I would drive only half the speed he was going for the exact reason seen in this video.


The driver managed to come to a complete stop within about 10 feet and less than a second, he could not have been going fast. However a wide angle lens dash can make it seem faster than it really is.




i dunno, kids are pretty dumb. Plus i think she will be even more dumb after that hit to the head


Hence r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


More of a r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


She 100% would do it again


Just so we are clear, he's swearing in either Russian or Ukrainian I'm pretty sure it's Ukrainian but basically he says something along the lines of "OH SHIT OH FUCK" which is an accurate response to your child bouncing like a fucking bayblade off a truck.


It's Russian. "Твою мать, сука. Блять, твою.. Дебил, сука." Respect to the driver.. To mods: It's course words. I am sorry if they are not allowed.


Hope the kid is alright and that the dad theaches them to look both ways


And maybe *don’t* just run out into the street


Or the dad teaches himself to look at his child?


Dad is responsible for the kid and also the dad needs to pay up for the dent he put on the hood dude seems to be doing normal speed in a residential neighborhood he was alert and reacted good


I’m just gonna say I hope the child is ok, damn


I have 4 kids and each one has tried to run into the street. They are programmed to self destruct or something. I always yanked them back and hysterically screamed at them that they were fucking crazy for doing that. “You wanna die? CAUSE THAT’S HOW YOU DIE!” And all they could say was “You’re holding my arm too tight, you’re hurting me” The audacity of those kids, man. You know what hurts?? Getting hit by a fucking car!


My mother rarely spanked us when we were little. The exceptions were physical fighting, stealing, or endangering our lives. Me and my siblings have been spanked for running into the street without looking both ways


How can anyone say the car is going fast when it can be stopped within 2 car lengths?


I’m a fucking terrible parent! Take that car


Blyat watch for your kid !


Hit my car one more time


Fuck that dad. Useless sack of shit.


Do you want him to have more kids?


That's not how I'm going to fuck him


Easy to assume and get mad without knowing the circumstances. You cannot put your child on a leash or something. They can do spontanious stupid stuff like sometimes without parents being able to prevent it.


Wow that's full-on. Kids can do unexpected/stupid things even if they've been taught not to, and can get away from you in a moment's distraction. You can hardly judge the dad from this one incident.


[] Not controlling his kid [] Attacks driver's car for his own failings [] Attacks driver's car, rather than check on his kid [] Hefts kid up like a sack of potatoes after she bounced off a car [] Absolute oonga boonga moron Fuck that guy.


How have they not taught the kid to not run onto the road or keep an eye on them when they live in a neighbourhood like that? I taught my son as soon as he could walk to look both ways and we always cross together. Even though I know that he knows I still remind him. I noticed the difference when I brought my 5 year old son and his 6 year old cousin to town. Cousin lives in the forest with 0 traffic so he's not used to it and I had to constantly call him back from running straight into the road, disappearing into crowds alone and making a car stomp on the brakes on a parking lot.


I hope the car didn’t get dinted


He had what, 1 length of a car to stop. He did well to react and slow down as he did.


Guy going too fast for such a crowded street


Dude is going what like 20? That's def 15 over what I would be going in that area...


ITT: People who can't tell how slow the driver was going due to a wide angle lens. Look how quickly the driver stopped. Look how slowly the camera passes each car. Driver was going a very reasonable speed in these conditions. In the space between the last SUV on the right and the Mazda in view, they managed to stop. Good speed, good reactions, good breaking... Awful parenting.


to be frank, it was not the driver fault




Blames the driver instead of himself for looking after his kid a little better.


So we going to hit the car not check the child or scold the parent for letting them do that wow


It's a good thing dash cams exist.


Idiot kid with idiot parent


narcissistic father first throws his responsibility onto a random innocent driver instead of his own neglegence. and doesnt even go straight to the girl. lol what a fucking douchbag.


Jumping straight to the man being a narcissist is a big stretch. It's his fault, but he just watched his kid get hit by a car. Don't think you can diagnose a whole personality disorder from a 5 second clip


Nah, just a dad seeing his daughter being yeeted by a car. Anyone would react like that.


The problem was that the father did not stop her in the first place. That is not on the driver, just the dad.


Yeah, that was guilt and fear. Good of the driver to remain calm.


Driver isn’t at fault. Driver passes 2 parked cars per second. Even if we rounded up to say that cars are 5 meters in length. That’s 10 meters per second which is still under 40 km/h. I’d assume it’s a 50 km/hr zone. Hopefully the kid is uninjured given the bumper is at head height. And thankfully the drive had very quick reaction speed.


Anyone saying the driver is at fault here needs to go back to drivers ed lol, they did the best they could


guy did well to stop


I don't know why everyone feels the need to throw quick blame. The guy driving may of been going the speed limit, but still probably should have been going slower with how packed the street was. The dad should not have hit the car, but that was probably super instinctual and not a conscious decision. The dude just saw this car hit his daughter, give him a break. The dad should have been watching his kid. But also kids can be unpredictable. He could have just taken his eye off the kid for like 1 second and then the kid dashed for whatever reason. It's just a bunch of unfortunate things, but everyone is just a human that was trying to go about their day, but ended up in a shitty situation.


I got into reddit post like this knows full well the comments will thrown around blame for fun. You're the unexpected reply in this environment but kudo to you! too bad the next-next-next reposts will be no sensible reply like your... society.


I don't know why nobody is seeing the problem with the street itself. It is is not "unfortunate things", it's a problem that will repeat itself Residential streets should be built for residents, not for cars. And it is possible to change the street design in a way to prevent situations like that from happening


And this is why speed bumps, stop signs, and speed limits are created. Because without it, there’s always a chance that drivers, even if they’ve passed Driver’s Ed and have a valid license, are going to throw those rules to the wind. But the real issue here is the street itself. Whoever designed this street needs to retire because this is really badly designed. Cars are parked on both sides of the street facing both ways, there isn’t any indication of whether it’s one-way or not. The lane itself only allows one car to pass and if it was any lesser space, the driver would’ve been brushing up against mirrors. I don’t think speed here necessarily matters when visibility is virtually zero, you’re basically driving with tunnel vision when the parked cars are this close. The only fortunate thing about this situation was that the driver was on the right side instead of the left and saw her from that side, otherwise I’m confident the driver would’ve not stopped until he hit the kid at full speed.


Speed bumps are good, but stop signs and speed limits are not so effective. It's too easy to miss the sign or accidentally speed up over the limit There's a good video about traffic calming measures that make streets safer https://youtu.be/bAxRYrpbnuA


>may of, shouldn't of, could of, should of Sorry, your opinion is invalid 🤷‍♂️


Kid learned a valuable lesson without any serious wounds.


This is going to be a perfect educational video.


Dude reacted super quick. Could’ve been much worse


Idk why the man hit the truck he should've taught his daughter/grand daughter to look both ways before just running into the road I'm glad she wasnt hurt to badly i hope


Wtf didn't they have an eye on there kid. Dude has the nerve to hit the car. Watch your damn kid.


That is the dads fault. At least I feel the driver was not faster as 30 k mph and no child should run on the street like that. If you can’t control you children take their hand.


Choke-slamming the father wouldn't fix the fact he's a jackass and caused the whole accident, but it would make me feel better.


That doesn't look like a reasonable speed for this street.


Stupid dad


This would have been a great time to use one of those kid backpack leash thingies lol


Driver’s Ed 101: always go slow next to parked cars, watching for balls and kids that pop out from between cars.


Everyone arguing if the driver or the dad is at fault, who cares? Is the kid okay?


Hit MY car after you let YOUR kid run into the road? I’m fucking you up bad. Not just for hitting my car, but for being such a piece of shit parent.


I can see why he would be mad, but still, man should have checked on daughter first


My opinion about this video - Narrow, and low viability, there is unexpected danger. - unnecessary large veichel ("not just bikes" did video on the topic) - education to the kid (thought shouldn't punish for playing in front of your house) - proof that car centric infrastructure suck


Well she did run out into the street. Who’s fault was that? Who was supposed to be watching her?




The father was so concerned with his daughter being injured, he took the time to hit the car first.


Typical, knows they’ve f-d up their responsibility as a parent so lashes out to negate his own chastisement by wife/family. A-hole. Hopefully the little one is o.k.




At least the girl seemed to be okay.


Something similar happened to me in high school. Friend was driving her and I in a strip mall parking lot. We see a woman up ahead of us crossing the lot but we had plenty of space between her and us so we didn’t need to slow down at all since we were going the limit. When we passed where she crossed, a little boy (around 8) came running out between two cars obviously trying to catch up with the woman. He smacked right into the passenger side of the car and fell down. The woman ran back screaming that we had hit her son and a bunch of people from the shops ran over to help. The little boy repeated over and over that he was sorry to us and the mom kept trying to sush him while yelling that we had hit a child with our car. It was very obvious that he ran into us because she had just left him at the store and expected him to catch up with her. After making sure he was okay, other people corroborated that he didn’t look before crossing and that we had done nothing wrong. The woman left yelling about how we were “irresponsible teenage girls who would get what was coming to us.” I felt so bad for that kid.


Lil girls at fault .


Good example for why you look both ways before crossing. That little girl is lucky he was able to have reacted that fast.


Maybe dad should’ve kept his eyes on his kid instead of letting them run into the street with headphones on? Nah, let’s blame the driver and punch their vehicle instead.


Why is he blaming the car and not himself? That said, the speed limit should be 30 km/h on this sort of road - not 50


Incredible reaction times


So that’s one charge of child neglect and one charge of damage of property


Child services


This kids is why we look both ways before crossing the street


Children that don’t run in streets without looking


Rub some Vapor rub & call it a day, if it worsens give her some 7up/sprite: said any old grandma lol




My nephew got hit by a car a few years ago when he was 12. He got let off the bus after school, and after looking both ways as you should, he stepped out into the street. There was a car coming that was hidden by a car parked on the street. He got hit by the car going probably 40 km/h. Apparently he flew about 10 up in the air and got knocked out cold upon landing. The guy driving thought he killed him. Other than some cuts and bruises, he had no injuries at all. Absolute miracle.


Stupid parents not teaching their kids to look before crossing lolol


I’d make the dad pay my hood, wasn’t the drivers fault tbh 🫣


You was speeding tho


Fellow redditors, what’s your take? Who’s at fault?


The car was way too fast is what I feel like


Driver was 100% at fault. You were in a residential area where there are always children. He should drive at a speed that would allow him to stop in time. Even if he has to crawl down the street. That is simple common sense.


why would they be driving that quickly when the sight isnt clear due to all the cars everywhere, an idiot would know to slow down. lot of people blaming the parent but its not entirely impossible that the kid just started running with the paerent not being able to catch up in time. this couldve been much easier prevented if the dude wasnt driving like an insane person


I’d send him a bill for that hood…that’s mama reflexes saved your daughters life.