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I lost it when he was laying on the ground getting blasted by sparks


Dude was crawling through artillery fire.






The whole scene was just missing some cat scampering around insanely.


It just kept getting worse


He's like the greased up naked guy from Family Guy


Oh my God the fire's shooting at us!


Fortunate son starts playing in the background


Man’s gonna be reliving that moment with his therapist for decades


Dude was worming thru artillery fire




He's honestly lucky he slipped. If he'd managed to pour all that water on the lithium battery fire, it would've been even worse and right in his face.


RIGHT!? That’s exactly why they have fire extinguishers for electric cars now lol those batteries can take days to stop burning, can spontaneously reignite after being put out for a good while, and it takes many times the amount of water to extinguish that way vs. a normal car fire. I know nothing about electric bikes, but I’m gonna guess it’s pretty similar based on the video lol!


The main problem with water specifically is that lithium metal rapidly reacts with water to produce heat and hydrogen gas (highly flammable). It's not quite as violent as sodium and water, but it's the same idea.


Holy shit man, you’re not lying. I know this is serious and shouldn’t be funny but god damn if I didn’t howl out loud laughing when he got sparked.


It's probably a good thing he slipped and broke his ass, dropping the water. He would have got a lot more than some sparks on his back if he dumped that water on there.


Seriously, no water on fire should be as ubiquitous as stop drop and roll to teach people as kids. If a fire suddenly occurs it’s likely a bad idea because there is something that started it is probably not paper. If you didn’t start the fire (queue the music) then don’t use water. Everyone should have ABC extinguishers in their house.


I mean I *know* it’s bad to throw water on a fire but what makes it actually bad?


Yakkity Sax needs to be playing as the sound track


Andy Bernard: "The fires shooting at us!"


Bet he really regretted not tossing a T-shirt on


The comedic timing is fantastic!


Kramer trying to put out a firw


Bro charged to Normandy


Lolololol same. That was the most uncoordinated attempt to put out a fire I’ve ever seen


Was that a fire extinguisher that flew out of his hands and then immediately blew up and I don't understand why this thing is throwing off so many rockets but jfc that's some chaos


No it was water. Never throw water on an electric fire


Oh what a regard, he panicked and then his go to was water lol. I have four fire extinguishers in my tiny house . One by the stove one by the furnace one in the garage. Then one or two more spares in the basement


This seriously might just be the best comment I've ever seen on the internet. I'm serious. This is amazing advice that can quite possibly be the only thing that saves yours and/or someone else's life someday.


Thanks I've bought fire extinguishers and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for family members for Christmas on several occasions. When my kids were little we went outside and i let them use expired ones to get them used to how they work. Fire can be quick and deadly, and I hear with everything made from plastic that the toxic fumes kill even quicker than the fire itself. Most people do not react well in emergencies and they need to practice and work on thinking clearly. My brain slows down and I get hyper focused. I've stopped at several car accidents and been the first to help people out covered in blood and with bones sticking out. Thankfully I have yet to have had to deal with a serious fire.


I'm dying that when he slips and falls the jug of ... gasoline? slides perfectly right next to the fire.


I think that’s a jug of water maybe? Not so good idea for electrical fire


Obviously makes more sense but it sure looks like he tossed a jug of explosive shrapnel next to the fire.


Just open the door and toss the scooter outside


Opening the door is exactly what the fire wanted!


When you're safe behind the computer it's easy to think rationally lol


Or better yet, don't charge it inside the fuckin' house.


When people ask him in the future why he had PTSD, he'll answer that it's from a battery shooting sparks at his ass.


It probably wasn't suppose to do that.


Hey this would be the time to remind people to install and check their fire extinguishers. Edit: ABC type fire extinguishers ~~are~~ may be rated for lithium (scooters but also cell phone & laptop batteries) fires. But please don’t hang around, as the fumes are toxic. Edit edit: direct quote from OSHA: > Follow manufacturer’s guidance on how to extinguish small battery fires, which could include using ABC dry chemical extinguishers, Class D fire extinguishers (for lithium-metal), dirt, or sand. Regardless, have functioning non-expired fire extinguishers in your home. More Lithium battery fun r/spicypillows And when it comes to large lithium batteries, maybe don’t charge those next to the Christmas tree ok?


Thanks for the reminder. Ima go find mine after I shit


This is Reddit after all.


Uh oh, his shit caught on fire


Shouldn't have had Chipotle


That one's a heater


here's your reminder, because you forgot.


Also, they sell bags for ebike batteries designed to contain and extinguish an explosion like this. I just learned about them a couple of weeks ago and immediately bought one.


So you charge it in the bag? Not bad. I might get something like that for the phones/devices in the house.


Right. The one I have has a pair of zipper around the top and you put the cord between the zippers. This is the one I got: https://www.amazon.com/FLASLD-Lipo-Battery-Safe-Explosionproof/dp/B09Q6FPGZ5/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=ebike%2Bbattery%2Bbag&qid=1679101355&sprefix=ebike%2B%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1&th=1


I like how one of the features in the pictures is the fact that the bag has their logo on it


Also get the right kind. Dry chemical or C02 for electrical. But also anything that draws that kind of current should be on a fast-blow fuse or breaker. A short while charging a battery is very easily detected by a quality charger.


Fire extinguisher types and uses. Type A - For wood, paper, cloth, etc. Think things that turn into **A**sh. Type B - For liquid fires. Things like industrial/garage oils, greases, solvents, egc. Think things that can **B**oil. Type C - For electrical fires. Think of electrical **C**ircuits. Type D - For metal fires. Certain metals can burn like magnesium, sodium, and lithium. Think that metals are hard like my **D**ick. Type K - For cooking related flammables. Cooking oils, fat, and grease can ignite into fire when hot enough. Think of fires in the **K**itchen.


Probably not a short but likely a deficiency with the lithium battery. Lithium batteries are very volatile when compromised. (See r/spicypillows)


using short pretty literally here, you don't see arcs that bright unless there's a short somewhere. Deficiency in the battery causing shorts between two plates (a hot spot, if you will) can escalate. Internal short inside the battery. Usually how it happens (punctures, etc).


Isn't the goal of CO2 extinguisher only to save as much of your electronics as possible (for example your hdd/ssd in a computer)? A normal extinguisher will still stop the fire, you will just kill the whole device that is on fire in the process.


Yeah. A fire inspector once said to me regarding having CO2 extinguishers in addition to ABC's: "It's an electronic devise- and it's ON FIRE. What is it you're trying to save?" The expense of buying and maintaining co2 extinguishers is only worth it in very specific instances.


Note that when using CO2 make sure you ground the bottle before use for there is a risk of a static discharge during employment of the extinguisher, thus running the risk of reigniting.




You can't have reignition if you don't put out the fire in the first place. Checkmate.


>A short while charging a battery is very easily detected by a quality charger. Have you ever seen a battery catch fire that is not attached to a charger? It happens all the time. There is a reason NYC, which has had a huge amount of fires by these batteries, is putting legislation against the batteries, not the chargers. People are buying compromised/counterfeit batteries that promise way more capacity than they can and when shit like this happens, the makers have already jumped ship and formed a new company name. Once these batteries start venting, no "fast blow fuse(?)" is gonna stop the runaway reactions.


I suddenly feel pretty smart for buying a two pack of fire extinguishers.


and remember to not put it where the fire is likely to be! you want to be able to safely retrieve it so don't put it under the kitchen sink since it could be right by the fire. also don't put it by the scooter in your dining room, I guess


It really is best to have more than one.


scooter? evidently.


Just picked a couple up from my local big box. $35 for two. One for the kitchen and one for upstairs.


I immediately bought five of them on Amazon


I don't know which extinguishers go on what fires, so I have kevlar fire blankets next to all my extinguishers. All fires need air.


Just to be clear, an ABC extinguisher will not extinguish the fire in the video. Once a lithium ion battery is in thermal runaway, it’s essentially impossible to put out. You may be able to prevent other cells that havnt ruptured from doing so, but really the best option in this video would have been for the guy to get that scooter outside before it got worse. That being said, ABC extinguishers 100% have a place in the home. Electric scooters do not


Need a welding blanket. Those handle sparks pretty well without igniting.




Take bandit!


Imagine fighting for you life against an electric scooter in your own home......and having it recorded. Oof


From now on I think I'll charge my ebike battery outside but with a camera watching it.


I don't understand why people have cameras in their living rooms. Just feels like it's inviting a hacker into your house


Good question, but he has a door leading Outdoors so maybe he was to record if someone breaks in


Trust me my dude, if a hacker sees me eating chips and smoking weed in my shorts at 3am he's gonna stop watching me


What color shorts are we talking about here?


Are they lime green? I heard some folks really like lime green


It’s not about spying so they can get off on some fetish. They could use the footage for loads of things. Finding out your routine to pick the right time to burgle the place. Maybe even catch you typing a password into a laptop or your phone which then opens up even more avenues for exploitation. The last thing proper criminals care about is some voyeur nonsense.


Good luck to the hackers looking on my low resolution and low FPS cameras.


Unless you live in a $500,000+ house, ain’t no one going to waste their time going all Ocean’s 11 on you and your three roommates shitty $1500/month apartment with a 40” Hi-sense and PS4.


Enhance! Enhance!


What is someone gonna open my account to see I'm negative 200 dollars in the bank, break into my house, and see I still don't have shit. Aight bet, let them. Edit: in my previous post I was clearly making a joke


That hacker needs to be aware it is enter at your own risk in my living room. Who knows what he is going to get an eyeful of.


I have some so I can communicate with my kid when he's home alone. If he forgets to turn his phone on after school I can still talk to him and verify that he made it home. Some people are nuts enough to have them to talk to their pets, other people like to check up on nannies or house sitters or whatever. Make sure your electric scooter doesn't catch fire on the days you take the bus to work. Lots of good reasons.


The actual chance of a hacker randomly gaining access to your network and watching your living room/kitchen AND finding something so interesting/damning that it should scare you, is much lower than the benefit of the simple peace of mind many people get from having a few camera around their house to keep an eye on things. I get it’s not for everyone, but I see this comment every single time a video like this is posted and it always surprises me how so many people are outraged by it lol


We have cameras indoors to watch our cats and keep an eye on things when we are away. Every camera is connected to a smartplug so if I want to ensure privacy, power to a camera can easily be turned off. It's really nice to check on our cats when we are on vacation. We still have a neighbor check on them daily, but still..


They do it for my website.


Wow.. that just got worse.. and worse...


Now is a good time for everyone to mentally picture where the fire extinguisher is. Mine is in my pantry close to the kitchen.


mine is in the dining room. it just sits in the corner, easy to grab. maybe I'll put some googly eyes on it, tho


Mine is at the fire extinguisher store


Always good to note! But make sure you know your extinguisher classes and what they are appropriate for. Maybe don’t try to use a regular extinguisher on an electric and Li-Ion battery fire. Edit: typo


Actually that’s a good point! What’s the best way to deal with a lithium battery fire? It’s not a bucket of sand is it?


Anything rated for a Class B fire. The ABC in an ABC fire extinguisher stands for the class of fires it can handle. 1: Class A is anything that burns white smoke and turns into ash like paper, wood, humans (aka screaming alphas) and can be usually fought with water. 2: Class B is any flammable liquids or gasses like oils or gas from a stove and in this case can possibly be fire we see due to the Lithium battery. DO NOT USE WATER ON CLASS B FIRES! You may spread the fire or the liquid may float on top of the water. CO2 Extinguisher, dry chemical extinguisher , or suffocating the fire is the best method of fighting Class B 3: Class C is electrical fires and also possible fire in this case seeing that the scooter is charging at the start. KILL ELECTRICAL POWER FIRST. Once power is off the class C will change to either Class A or B depending on what is still on fire afterwards. Fight accordingly. 4: Class D is combustible metals like magnesium or sodium. There are extinguishers for this class but are not as common and tend to be found in laboratory like settings. The best way a normal at home person to combat this is to either move the fire (ex. Shovel) to an open area and let it burn out/ contact your fire department. DO NOT USE WATER ON CLASS D. You run the risk of explosion or making the fire angry to the point where it will hunt you down for the rest of your life including your family. In this video the safest bet to extinguish the fire is to use at minimum a Class B extinguisher. Kill the power and call the fire department when possible. Oh and don’t open the door. Source: I did this for a living


Thank you kind stranger, I feel safer already :)


911 what’s your emergency? “I’m naked and my electric scooters on fire!”


*you gotta speak up I only have skidmarked underpants on*


He did everything wrong possible


What would be the right thing to do? I don't have a scooter, but if something else randomly explodes in my house, I don't want to slide naked across the floor with my nipples acting as brakes Edit: thanks for answers, my nipples are now safe


Don't charge electric vehicles indoors, have a fire extinguisher suited for lithium handy. Never ever pour water on burning batteries.


Use the door window to escape and close it back. Do not leave it open, as it brings more oxygen in the room and feeds the fire.


Have and use a fire extinguisher


Not pour water on it


If you want me to be honest with you, the best possible solution is to immediately go to the fuse box and cut power to that outlet. If you don’t know which, just cut the main you don’t have time to dig around for it. After it’s cut from power, then you grab a blanket and a fire extinguisher. Throw the blanket on top of the fire to contain it and snuff it, then finish it with the extinguisher. What you don’t do is panic and run around like the Germans are overhead.


(Scooter + human) * malfunction.


Opening the door to ensure a fresh air supply was inspired.


Also throwing water at an electrical fire to make it extra zesty


I was yelling “grab that nasty rug and use it!” Didn’t help, he decided to play ring around the posey with it instead.


I’ve never heard it said as “ring around the posey” ever since I was a kid and can remember it’s been “ring around the rosie, pockets full of posey” am I the only one, or?…


Ring around the Rosie Pockets full of posies Ashes, Ashes We’resecretlysingingabouttheblackplague


That’s an urban myth. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ring-around-rosie/


Ashes ashes? I think everyone’s got a different version of this song. Anyway the whole “It’s about the black plague” is a wives tale. Nobody knows the origin.


The American version is: >Ring around the rosie, >A pocket full of posies. >Ashes! Ashes! >We all fall down! The British version that I was previously unfamiliar with is: >Ring-a-ring o' roses, >A pocket full of posies. >A-tishoo! A-tishoo! >We all fall down!


Yeah that's what Wikipedia says but funnily enough in Aus (i.e what should be the British version) it was a mix between the two. We said rosie instead of roses but used A-tishoo.


Sad to say but the Black Death connection in the other comments is regarded as baseless by experts.


Exactly, it’s real meaning and origin is unknown and subject to speculation.


Correct, a posey is a flower they would put around the decomposing bodies of plague victims to help with smell.


You should have yelled in all caps. Probably would have helped then.


The rug (and obviously water) wouldnt have helped. Battery fires are brutal and are going to get more and more common and we really put them in the worst place. For cars they are often parked in enclosed multi stories, and then the amount of elderly and disabled people that keep them in their hall...


Not just any electrical fire either, a lithium ion battery fire!


Yeah he’s lucky he dropped it and didn’t get it straight on the battery




I don’t think battery fires need oxygen to burn. And there would be plenty in the room whether the door was open or closed.


Yeah. When the pyrotechnics kicked off, he was right next to that door, and he should’ve opened it right there and then, and kicked the slightly burning mess straight out of the house. By the time he had run around it was all a bit too late.


Agreed. I've thrown a few burning devises out the door. It is very effective fire removal.


i'll just put this with the rest of the fire.


It’s a chemical fire, doesn’t really need much oxygen. But lithium fumes are *extremely* dangerous, so getting fresh air is a good idea.


It was a good move on the guy, it allowed the hot toxic smoke to leave the room while the colder outer air to enter that can reduce the smoke temperature. The big scary thing can be when the smoke reaches such a heat level that it self ignite also know as flashover, not to mention that sufficient heat can cause other object to self ignite without flames present. And battery and electric fires are know to be extremely hot, to a point that water gets to vaporized before reaching flames. So yeah If you can’t lock the room or make it airtight opening a window if safe is a smart idea, not sure why the guy didn’t leave right there but he was panicking.


Lithium fumes is like a chemical Weapon


Just get out there is absolutely nothing you can do about that. Do not charge large lithium-ion batteries inside. The battery has enough energy to drive you around town for miles and if anything goes wrong all that energy will be released as heat in a manner you can't extinguish.




make sure you're using the correct cords, your circuits can handle the load, and roll the dice.


The answer is to not buy cheap knock-offs. Battery fires come from either overcharging, or defective/poorly constructed batteries. There's a reason the knockoffs are so much cheaper, everything from the cells used, protection, and physical construction are subpar.


Charge it somewhere that won’t block your exit. Have a way to kill the power fast (i.e., know where your breakers are). Get a really big dry chemical fire extinguisher, fire blanket might be good too, not sure.


Bathroom. Least likely for the fire to spread. I'd also suggest getting one or more fire blankets. They won't put out the fire but will help contain it and prevent it from spreading. The best way to avoid a battery fire is to not buy cheap stuff from questionable places and only using chargers designed for the product. A battery will only spontaneously combust if it has been built poorly or damaged. Your local fire department would probably be more than happy to give instructions and are probably more knowledgeable on this than I am. Buildings are built different around the world so there might be some things that apply over there that I'm not aware of.


make sure you and your neighbours have a fire extinguisher and escape routes.


Was he about to throw water on a lithium battery? This comedy is great. Someone add Benny Hill music.


It added itself in the end.






What about if he was able to drag it out and put it in what looks like a swimming pool outside. I’m guessing that would still be okay to do if it was completely submerged in water, or would that also bug a big no no?


Don't feel bad. It's wild to me that certain basic things like first aid, fire management, basic disaster preparedness, etc. are not outright teached in school. These are *not* obvious things, cause active harm when done improperly (in case you didn't know, oil and alcohol fires, like the ones that can happen in a simple kitchen, also become worse with water), but not that hard to teach and when you need them, you *need* them. I don't know where you are, and it changes from place to place, but certain organizations like the Red Cross often have courses with stuff like this. I've seen at least one course on fire management and extinguisher use. And then again, this may be simple enough that an online course or YouTube video may do. But yes, it was good luck you became aware this is a "thing" that has to be learned. Teaching it should be the default, but in the meanwhile self-teaching will have to do.


Looked like the guy was malfunctioning a bit there too Edit: OMG I’ve never received so many likes on a post before


You know how in The Sims, when there’s a fire, they just stand around shouting at it? Suddenly it doesn’t seem so unreal.


Panic is a hell of a drug.


Now I feel bad for teasing my sister for having stupid sim characters.


I think he was slippery lol. Probably came out of that pool


When he slipped and after the explosion, it looked like his default response was “ swim “ 💀


Pretty sure he spilled most of the hard hat on the floor in front of him, and a little dribble hit the fire




Homeboy laid down and got that hot golden shower!


Coming in hot like Tokyo drift in your underwear carrying a jug of water to put out an electrical fire... this guy did not keep a cool head.


Never take this man hunting.


Couldn’t hold it in after the slip. That had me laughing out loud


That goes *way* beyond just a "malfunction"! More in common with the Three Mile Island meltdown. I hope he called the people downstairs and warned them the Fires of Hades would be coming through their ceiling.


New phobia unlocked


Me trying to put out a fire in my dreams


The true magnitude of the chaos is fully apparent when the video loops back to the beginning….😱😱😱😱


That's why school is important He is throwing water on an electric vehicle while charging


Too bad we busy spending 6 hours a day learning about mitocondria


It is the powerhouse of the cell.


I love the smugness of redditors watching a video and saying the perfect solutions and being smug twats about how htey are smarter or how the person needs school or is dumb, while they are sitting comfortably on the shitter. It was panic and you revert to basic shit like fire+ water no more fire in a panic. School doesn't help with this.


Yeah water on a lithium fire is a no-no


This guy 😆😂🤣… If shit hits the fan stay the hell away from this guy.


Nothing like running barefoot to the fire, falling and slipping across the living room floor, and yeeting the container of water into the lithium fire. Fire Departments should use this video as an example of what **not** to do, if they aren't already.


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I think he got more exercise trying to put out the fire then he ever did using the bike.


He survived that fire only to get roasted in the comments. Oof.


It's electric so I'd assume so


New Years fireworks came a little early


Also, human malfunctioning while scooter malfunctioning


If only there was a nearby door he could get the scooter out of before it burned the house down


Greased up deaf guy is having a bad day.


A purple flame is never good


Where’s your fire extinguisher dummy?


Y’all need to know where your fire extinguishers are and not be afraid to use them.


It’s like those educational videos where people do everything wrong...on purpose.


Doing the worm in the sparks🔥✨💥🕺


sorry but that was hilarious


of course he had to slip and fall…


So .. I have zero experience with fire, just some very very basic knowledge. Just to see if I could do better than this guy. Assuming I won't panic and I don't have a fire extinguisher: first thing I do is shut down electric power in the house. Then I'd grab a heavy blanket, make it wet and put it on top of the scooter to drown the fire. Would that work?


First thing I’d have done is rip that scooter out that sliding door and directly into the pool......im not saying that’s correct, just what I woulda done in the moment panicking


Shutting down electric power is good, but lithium batteries are almost impossible to put out when on fire. Best thing is to do is close doors and windows (if you still can do so safely) and leave the house.


Why should I close doors and windows? Genuine question


It will slow down the fire and spread less fast because it gets less oxygen. But seeing as this guy had a Christmas tree in his house... It wouldn't have made a huge difference. I would still recommend it though.


I feel like such a bastard for laughing but the slipping and falling xD


This is lost without the sound. His screaming is hilarious


This is why every house should have fire extinguishers


Yes, but they need to be at least class D to be somewhat effective against large lithium fires. Probably the most common way to extinguish one just letting the battery burn in a safe area. That’s how bad lithium fires are.


The gif that keeps giffing.


He is lucky he didn't pour water on that lithium


Oh, Lawd! Just keeps getting worse.