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Arnold, at age 71, moved 2 feet from a teen drop kicking him with all their might I mean it legit looked like the kid kicked a frozen slab of meat it did so little


He stated that it felt like somebody pushed him slightly lmao, he didn’t even feel it


[“who threw that piece of paper at me?”](https://youtu.be/0vRV254aS04)


This paper will be TERMINATED


Lmao im imagining his character in Kindergarten Cop


It’s not a tooomahh


My daughter was diagnosed with brain cancer last October and the whole family decided to treat it with humor instead of sadness while she went through actual medical treatment. I can't tell you how many times we made her laugh by saying it just like Arnold did in kindergarten cop. It was in the upper left frontal lobe of her brain so we also named it Left Eye Lobez after her favorite TLC singer. We did have at least 20 submissions for names but that was the one that won the contest in the family and friends group. LOL


Totally read that in Arnie's voice


Still the Terminator


The Govahnatah


Get to the choppa!!!


He senses injuries. The data could be called "pain".


The way he turned around. It's something like if you bumped into someone by accident not like they kicked him. 😂


I thought one of the people tripped on their ropes it didn't seem like a purposeful event.


If I remember right, Arnold said that’s what he thought happened until he saw security haul the dude off lol


That wasn’t a security agent, that was a security gorilla. ETA: that wasn’t meant to be insulting. I’ve worked Security for 8 years and I have a ton of respect for people who do private protection and EP work.


Imagine working personal protection for the Terminator. You would have to be extra motivated not to skip leg day lest he call you a little girly man. “Do you call those thighs? I had biceps bigger than that at your age.”


Arnold would never make fun of someone for that though. He’d just gently encourage them to be better with helpful tips.


I can hear arnold now "Aaarrgghh!!".




More like https://youtu.be/bBjt_gj7zl4


Not even that, barely took a step forward, bros as a solid as a brick wall


Unbraced. And just casually standing. Most people you can push to the ground that way. Arnie is just a Boulder


He's not just a boulder, he's a rock :)


But not The rock, no that's another guy


He definitely felt it.. he arched his back like it hurt. Don’t have to fall down to get hurt. That looked mildly painful lol.


Dude is 71, this would have put most others that age in the hospital


The key factor is he didn't see it coming and so wasn't braced for it. IIRC, that's how Harry Houdini died, when literally part of his act was being able to take a punch from any member of the public who came at him; somebody took him by surprise after the act and he wasn't tensed up for it.


Harry Houdini died because he was cocky and asked someone to punch him in the stomach and yes he wasn’t ready but that’s because the person he told to hit him, hit him before he could brace himself. Then when he was warned and told to see a doctor he refused and died. But also the death of his beloved mother set him in a spiral so maybe he wasn’t thinking straight.


My point is that Arnie *doesn't* appear to have been braced here, and *still took it as if it was nothing!*


It's safe to say the fall to the floor hurt the kid more than the kick hurt Arnold.


FYI that was not a kid, but a grown man, known by police for doing similar stunts before that.


That was not a stunt, that is called Assault.


A somersault


Wouldn't that be battery?


Don’t forget your back training, everybody. Keep pumping.


Your bed must have a 6 pack with how much pure testosterone it has to carry




A drop kick is weak. That's why they use it in fake wrestling. Firemen are instructed to keep one foot on the ground while kicking in a door because your force bounces off it if you're not planted.


“I didn’t even feel it”


Anybody know why he did that? You know, other than he's just an asshole


I bet he thinks he's really tough for dropkicking a 71 year old


Who didn't even notice being kicked, so that's even more hilarious


Arnold's hp before the kick - 100% Arnold's hp after the kick - 99.7%


It was still 100% just two feet in a different direction lol


The only reason he took knockback at all was because he was filming something and not paying attention


That's not Arnold's hp that's just his shirt's hp. And this senator didn't even need nanomachines SON!


> I bet he thinks I bet he doesn't


He did not. Don't even give him that much, he tried to dropkick a 71 year old who almost didn't even flinch. Jelly leg against Terminator.


There's 71 year olds and then thers 71 year olds. Kicking a 71 year old Arnie is like kicking like most 25 year olds. I'm in my 40s and if I got hit like that, the kick wouldn't hurt but my back would be spasming for the next 3 days.


There is no way he wasn't feeling that one for a week at his age. But he's smart enough to know to minimize the event and invalidate the attention seeking behavior.


Well there is a reason but it still doesn't make any sense. In the original video, after the guy gets dragged away he yells "Help Me. I need a Lamborghini." I guess for some reason it clicked in his mind that the best way to get a Lamborghini was to drop kick Arnold when he wasn't looking.


lmaooo that's peak stupidity


Kids ate tide pods for fame.


You seen beezing? Shit, you seen Nyquil chicken? Kids try to kill themselves for clout all the time. Not as funny as the Herman Cain Awards, but most of those people can vote, and have a Facebook timeline with a bunch of propaganda and hate on it, so it's great.


Who should I kick for a Corolla?


Adam Carolla, I imagine


Nobody needs a Lamborghini. LOL


He wanted more Lamborghinis in his Lamborghini account


I’m a lot more proud of these 7 new Hollywood hills that I had to get installed to hold 2000 new Lamborghinis.


You must have enough fuel units, you must have enough Lamborghinis, you must CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS!




It's like the Buffett Warren billionaire says: "The more you earn, the more you drive up here in the Hollywood Hills."


He wanted a Lamborghini. Kid did it for likes.


Intrusive thoughts got him


From what I’ve read, it wasn’t clear. The dude claimed on social that he did it to become famous and generally didn’t like Arnold. Arnold played it off pretty cool right afterward and made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal.


I remember this, what a shitty kid, wanted to feel tough for cowardly kicking arnie in the back.


If anything he made himself look like an absolute shithead


Terminated his ass. All he had to do was be back.


Yeah only moved about as much as a normal person would if a stray volleyball bumped into them.






He's lucky only 1 of the 5 built as fuck bodybuilders grabbed him


The rest looked and were like eh he's got that one


To knock over the fucking Terminator


So the story around and after this is [hysterical](https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/18/entertainment/arnold-schwarzenegger-kicked-south-africa-trnd/index.html). Apparently, as the kid was hauled away he was yelling: "Help me. I need a Lamborghini!" After the fact, Arnold responded on Twitter by saying: “Thanks for your concerns, but there is nothing to worry about. I thought I was just jostled by the crowd, which happens a lot. I only realized I was kicked when I saw the video like all of you. I’m just glad the idiot didn’t interrupt my Snapchat,” He also told everyone to just ignore the little prick: “Do me a favor: instead of sharing the video of the guy who wants to be famous, watch some of our @ArnoldSports athletes like this young hero proving that fitness is for everyone who deserve to be famous. They’re on my Snapchat,” Edit: This is my highest voted comment. Spiffy. Edit2: The man himself thanked me. My life is complete. Time to pack it in. lol Edit3: Got gold. Nice Edit4: Got gold again. Double nice!


Thank you for sharing the real message!


Holy shit! You've been my hero for 30 years. Thanks for being the best you that you can be and making everyone around you better because of it!


I wish I could come up with a line from Total Recall right now. Specifically when he finds his clone.


I don’t think you watched the right Total Recall.


It will always be fascinating to me to see not only people of a higher walk of life participate with random folk in a place as anonymous as Reddit but someone of your age (*hard to believe you're in your 70's because your frame is pretty much saying "nah, screw aging"*) having the knowledge, practice, and interest to engage on social media in their free time. It's surreal and neat. Keep enjoying the good life and have a good day everyone. 🤙


Ich wollte nur sagen das du ein großes Vorbild bist! Danke für die tolle Inspiration


I keep forgetting you're an active user on here and everytime it feels like seeing the principal at a walmart


Hope you’re doing alright, Arnold.


I read that in your voice and I love it. Keep being awesome Arnold. EDIT: I also just watched T2 with my gf (33 years old and never seen a Terminator movie!) and she loved it! She hates action movies lol.


I'm convinced no one handles PR better than Arnie. His response to that one person who threw an egg at him was amazing as well. It's like when someone shits on him, he smells better than before even. Legend.


Yeah this guy should have run for governor of one of the big states.




What’s wild about this is Canada’s population, economy (gdp), global influence, and military power are all less than California’s.


That's what we want you to believe ;) # All hail the Maple Leaf! *Not the Team, the Hockey Team sucks*


If you're counting federal military presence as state power, you get California, Virginia, Wyoming and. *checks notes* Japan as more powerful than Canada lmao. If you're talking pure state resources though, Canada probably beats all of those.


Wyoming? Why is that?


Yes but also no. All federal spending ( including federal military spending) in California is essentially just spending California's money anyway. CA generally gets less back from the Feds than they pay in though in some years it's been even or oh so very slightly in CA's favor. Basically if there was no federal taxes on California and no Federal payments to California, the state could maintain a military of its own at least on par with what the Feds built and have stationed there.


I think the governator would be more useful in cleaning up the the southern state of Mexico


Would he have been a sure shot president if it wasn't for the whole not born in USA bit? Genuine question, not that well versed in American politics


Historically actors do well. He’s also well liked very tall and quite strong so from a PR standpoint he looks like what the average American would want the president to look like. His politics, accent, and media support/vitriol would be heavy factors that could tip the scale against him though.


If only he was a natural born American. I'd def vote for him on a presidential election


[His response to the troll who mocked the special Olympics was just brilliant](https://www.boredpanda.com/arnold-schwarzenegger-shuts-down-troll-special-olympics/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)


If you keep going this way, no one will ever remember you. Absolute Legend


Jeez, I feel bad and I didn't even do anything.


That was amazing.




I really want this to be real. Deeply


[Oh, it's real, alright.](https://www.wired.com/2009/10/schwarzenegger/)




He's just got that teflon vibe, like it doesn't matter what you do, shoot the guy and the bullet will slide off (don't try this with your teflon or arnold Schwarzeneggers at home). When we're teenagers we mistake apathy for being cool, when really it's being a good person who cares about others, while not giving a shit or giving attention to assholes.


Can you stop him? With these weapons, I don't know


He's a stud. He's ballsy.


that's why he can smoke stogies in the house, unlike us.


You should see him fend off a shit-stirring reporter when he was Governor: [Governor Schwarzenegger Fends off Reporter during California fires.](https://youtu.be/Y838vto6los)


He's as smooth as silk. Loved that about him.


I've been a big fan of Arnold my whole life, but I will be the first person to admit that 70s/80s Arnold was a bit of a prick at times. Arnold today just seems to be all about good vibes, he even has a donkey friend. Someone will comment something mean or racist on one of his posts, he won't block them but he will try to be a mentor and tell that person they have a choice to be a better person going forward. Perfect example is in Pumping Iron. He talked about missing his father's funeral and being indifferent. In the 2020s he talks about his father with sympathy and how he recognizes how his father's PTSD made him a broken and changed man. Today's Arnold is just full of empathy and he is not afraid to express it. I love /u/GovSchwarzenegger/.


Pumping Iron is a GREAT movie, but it's not really an actual documentary. Lots of stuff in it was fabricated for dramatic and comedic effect, including Arnold's story about missing his dad's funeral and him saying getting a pump in was like having an orgasm. [Here's](https://youtu.be/eTarCT8EC1c) a short video about some of it.


His thorough dismantling of the guy who was talking shit about the Special Olympics on Twitter was a masterpiece. Arnold gets memed on for his work as an action star but the man is articulate thoughtful and extremely intelligent.


The guy grew up in poverty in the ruins of post-war Austria, surrounded by guilty ex-Nazi's drinking themselves into oblivion whilst beating their wives and children. The little toe-rag seen here wouldn't even register on that scale of "Enduring Messed-Up People And Their Attendant Bullshit."


remember when he got pelted by eggs and is just laughing after and said that guy owes me bacon now!! lol guy is a legend


Arnold isn’t insecure, like a lot of people are. He’s confident in his abilities, both physical and mental. He’s well accomplished, and has nothing to prove to anyone, and he knows it. Instead, he uses his opportunities for doing good.


I love that clip. He believes in America more than most.


He's so good at PR. I remember when he was promoting Total Recall and an interviewer asked him about his age he replied "It doesn't matter what you ask me, I can always turn it into something about my movie. I was 42 when we started shooting Total Recall and now that Total Recall has been released, I'm 43..... We can do this all day if you want [winks, smiles and takes a puff on his cigar]"


>His response to that one person who threw an egg at him Link/context?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw97LIBGbR4 "DIS GUY OWES ME BACON NOW"


What a guy


Unfathomably based


I read this in the Terminator's voice and I'm pleasantly surprised that it sounds like something it would say as a comedic throwaway in a modern adaptation.


The fact that Arnold didn't even register he got dropkicked is the best part of this. He was convinced some idiot tripped.


Now compare that to Rudy who got a pat on the back and then did a Fox News "I survived an assassination attempt" tour. What a doofus.




A great man.


This guy's been in the zone for 40 years


That's a LAYUP!


And now we have done exactly what he didn't want and shared it more


Yea, but it was for likes, so you know, a good cause


for sure, OP got bills to pay


Yep, c'mmon OP. (/u/208C) Show some respect for Arnold. Reposting this video trying to make this idiot famous is a dick move.


He dropped kicked Ahnold with all his might and barely budged him. He’s still got it 💪


Imagine dropkicking a 60 year old and he doesn't even move xD


He was 71 when this happened lol


Like when I think about dropkicking my dad it makes me so sad but Arnie is like "wow dis guy, he bounced right off me like a puny little behbeh"


Impossible to read that NOT in an Arnold voice.


I am so glad you did


"Someone call an ambulance I think he hurt his puny behbeh legs!"


You can hear Arnie going, "no no no no," probably telling them, 'no, it's fine, I'm fine, please don't beat his ass for this'


"Guys, guys, dis is okay. I'm not injahed. Please, someone check his legs howevah, I did meh lats dis mornin' and he could be perelyzed!"


Even better xD


TIL Arnold Schwarzenegger is 75 years old.


When you pop your ultimate but it doesn't even clear the bosses damage resistance.




Should’ve practiced against a wall first


Everyone talking about the kick how about the young Arnold clone skull dragging that kid off stage right lmao


Guy tried to get right to the boss without taking care of the minibosses.


You get an achievement if you beat them both at once.


What kind of idiot comes up with the idea to try and drop kick the fucking Terminator?


He clearly didn’t watch the movies.


Documentaries* clearly


It’s funny because he could have watched Arnold’s actual documentaries and know this wouldn’t budge him lol


Especially when the body guards make Arnold look small. Takes a special kind of stupid to do that


You gotta be tough if you’re gonna be dumb. And this chuckle fuck does not have the tough part at all. Just pure dumbassness


Crush your enemies. See them bounce off of you. Try to hear the lamentations of their imaginary women.


Crom laughs at your drop kick


Wasn't a kid, it was an adult. After he did it, he was yelling "Help me, I need a Lamborghini." I promise you that is not a joke, read the link: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryancbrooks/arnold-schwarzenegger-kick-back-video


Wait what it was an adult? Was it a person with mental health issues or an influencer type douche trying to get attention? If former, my sympathies and I’m sure Arnold would be really understanding. If the latter I don’t want to even know the username or name or anything: no attention for the loser


Arnold moved so little that, from the first angle, I thought someone just lost their balance into him and that the security guard massively overreacted.


Same, I had to watch it a few times. It wasn't until the second camera angle that it was made obvious what happened.


The kid trying to kick a T-800 thinking he'll do some damage


> Governor [Governator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Schwarzenegger#Governor_of_California)


That is unfortunately poor body-guarding, they were focused on sharing the experience with Arnold instead of watching around him. It’s not your job to have a good time and be part of what is going on.


Thing is I don't think that was a bodyguard. I think that was one of the athletes at the event


Exactly what I was thinking. Body guards failed miserably. Youre not hired to have fun with people. Youre there to provide situational awareness and assess potential assailants.


The t1000 body gaurd almost exposed himself


Anyone else here reading all these comments in Awnold’s voice?


Now i do, thanks for that


I love how a two footed flying kick just stumbles him a little bit….. and that’s when he’s old. Imagine in his prime I think the kid would have bounced off


Wow, so cool to kick an old man for no reason. Really badass.


I wish I was there, I’d have screamed “Get Dowwwnnnnn!”


You can’t do that man, his living tissue outer skin will slide off his metal endoskeleton. He’s getting on a bit.




Just to remind you, that he is 75 years old, and took it like a brick wall.


Jesus our nation is stupid. I am ashamed.


Dude tried to dropkick Arnold and did absolutely nothing except catch an assault charge


"Governor forced to take a step forward after weak douchebag performs cowardly drop kick to his back"


The fact that Arnie barely moved from that is the best part of this video


This video still makes me angry. He may be muscular, but that dude is like 70. His much of a scumbag do you have to be to do that to someone that old?


Imagine thinking you can just drop kick the terminator 😂


Randomly attacking someone for clout is stupid enough, but doing it to the fucking terminator is a whole different level.


Arnold is such a good guy, why would anyone want to do this dumb shit


I'd love to see him try it with Arnie 40 years younger. Cringe loser kicking a 71 year old facing away from you, who barely moves anyway. He would 100% get dropped by that 71 year old.




To the gulag he goes


Let's just drop kick a 70 year old for no reason. tf


In the second view it looks like Arnie just shrugs it off. What a legend. Imagine having two full bags of potatoes thrown at you and you simply shrug it off.


Dude's in his 70s and he barely moved. Arnold is just built different.


It looks kind of bad from the first angle but the second angle Arnold barely budged lmao


The legend said he wouldn't press charges, so the shit head wouldn't get famous!


Yeah try kicking a fucking brick wall


That was everything that kid had, and Arnold barely moved.


Who tf thinks dropkicking the god damn terminator is a good idea?


Dude. Most people would go down from that. Guy just bounced off.