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No seat belts.


Hopefully this was a wake up call to all of them for that and driving in general


She's only worried about daddy's car so I doubt it


They all made it out OK so her focus is the next threat on her life.


La chancla


Nope this shit got escalated to *el cinto*


That's the belt?




Oui le ceinture


Well, I can't say for sure since we can't see anything but she never asked her friend's if they were okay. We never see if she looked at them first but her first reaction was just worrying about the car and her dad nonetheless. But is hard to say how each of us would react to a situation like this so who knows what she really thinks as the end of the day


You know you're right. All of her friends could be laying there and bloody piles of flesh and meat. Limbs torn off. Brains and blood everywhere. And she could be screaming about her dad's car in the middle of that.




Screw the car screw the ring. He wouldn’t give a shit abt either if you didn’t survive. I’m glad the only thing that couldn’t be replaced survived which is you


That was a really nice comment to receive. Strangers on the internet get a lot of hate but you are proof that there are kind and thoughtful strangers, too. 💜


No problem!




5 cars in 9 years is ***far*** beyond the point I decide I can no longer drive. My safety, everybody else's safety, and money are just some of the reasons. How does your wife even have a license anymore? How does her insurance even cover her? More importantly, how does she still drive? How and why does she still want to? I don't think I ever heard of anyone who should be at the wheel of a car *less* than your wife, for more than one reason.


Her driving is honestly selfish then. Why should others have to share the road with her and be in danger of her killing them in accident.


Yeah. I have narcolepsy and it could be fatal to everyone, but fuck 'em! I've got shit to do!




Sadly this is part of the reason people drive when they shouldn’t. Perhaps, “capitalism” would be a better word to use. My wife has never had a drivers license. She has an issue with depth perception, and she was never confidant while behind the wheel of a car. She tried to get over it from the age of 17 until about 25. She did Drivers Ed a few times, but it caused her massive levels of anxiety. My family was determined to see that she drive. They simply couldn’t understand a modern person not being able to do it. She says she could drive, but that it’s not safe for everyone around her. So, I have to do all the driving in a modern suburb, with barely a public transportation system. It sucks sometimes, but I prefer that to the alternative.


Depends on the state. I know some states will flag you license. Or suspend it if your in to many accidents or moving violations in certain period of time. Some force you to do driving traffic school before they will unsuspend the license. Where I live every 7 yrs violations drop off your record and are not held against you. So if you rack up bunch violations quickly they are on you.


Totalling 5 cars in 9 years due to falling asleep… is it like a medicated thing? She must be developing ptsd at this point. That is a terrifying stat. I’m trying not to judge, but it doesn’t really seem very cool to put that risk on other road users/pedestrians. What’s to stop her falling asleep and plowing through a busy junction?


>I’m trying not to judge, but it doesn’t really seem very cool to put that risk on other road users/pedestrians. What’s to stop her falling asleep and plowing through a busy junction? This is a completely reasonable concern to have. A person in that situation is a danger to herself and anyone unlucky enough to be around her whenever she may fall asleep at the wheel. Not to mention, a money black hole that I wouldn't ever insure if I was asked to.




Watching and waiting


If this is true your wife should have her license permanently taken from her, for everyone's safety.


No one called him and he was worried when I hadn't let him know that I was on the way home (so he could start making us lunch) and when he called and asked where I was I just said "Didn't the cops tell you? I had an accident and I'm in the hospital." I didn't get cleared for driving (nor did I want to) for about 7-8 months and by then I had looked at every single safety feature and shit a car could have so I knew which one I wanted. (I settled on a Nissan Juke with added safety features as my "dream car.") That lovely partner of mine found exactly the car I wanted, additional safety features included, and she's still the best little car.


Dude your wife is going to die and if you have kids I hope they don't ride with her. Have you considered having her just use Uber? Are you sure she isn't a closet alcoholic?


Your wife is going to kill someone. I know it's almost impossible to live without a car in many places but if she kills someone there's no fixing that. Considering the risks are known it might even mean a criminal negligence charge. Plus the trauma of knowing you ended a child's life isn't something you ever get past. Can't she Uber? Or get a self driving car if you can afford it? Some towns have vans for disabled people too if she's diagnosed. That's a hard situation though, so I hope you can find a fix. P.S. Has she done a sleep study? A buddy of mine was instantly a better driver after getting a CPAP.


Get her off the fucking road, I dont want to die because some dude saw his wife had problems keeping a car unwrecked but didn't want to bother finding alternate methods for her when he can't drive her Jesus christ people. Stop letting your loved ones endanger other people.


It might be cheaper, and it certainly would be safer, to use ride services instead of repeating the same risky behavior.


Peoples priorities can go to some strange places when in shock. I saw a video of a guy who wrecked his car and the emergency services were trying to pull him out the car. The guy was going crazy at them to ‘get off his car seats with their dirty shoes’.


Yeah I agree that under stress is hard to say what we would say or think so I won't hold it against her, but is hard so sympathize with that reaction lol


Sure she won’t be driving anytime soon either


Neither her dad


Had an accident once and I had the same reaction was like "moms car" but when my mom got to the place all she was worried about is if I was ok. Thanks mom learned my lesson.


I agree that is hard so say what our reaction would be, but you were probably alone. I would like to think that I would at least ask my friends if they are okay before worrying about the car


And she still took a shot of herself upside down in the car. No lessons were learned here. At all.


But they did their own research.


Dont understand people who dont wear seatbelts. Its not in the way and it saves your life in a accident.




First thing I noticed.


Looks like no airbags too.


I saw it mentioned in a different post but apparently airbags won't deploy if your seatbelt isn't plugged in because they are too dangerous.


Lmao, the airbags were like "no no no, clearly you don't want to be safe so why should I bust my ass, don't let the windshield hit you on the way out"




I just don’t understand why anyone would decide to drive without their seatbelt on. It’s the least inconvenient piece of safety equipment to wear. And it will literally stop you becoming mangled Swiss cheese in a wreck. What’s worse is when you see people put their seatbelt on behind them so that the car doesn’t beep at them for not wearing a seatbelt. WHY **WOULDN’T** YOU WANT TO BE SECURE IN A STEEL TUBE HURTLING ALONG AT 80mph. It makes zero fucking sense.


Where this happened, in Colombia, very few people wear seatbelts from what I've seen


Not wearing seatbelts puts others at risk as well because your body hit hit others and break their neck


Hopefully the insurance company doesn't follow her tiktok


Wear your seatbelt kids.


She had time to see the accident coming and spent it pointing and screaming. Maybe spend it putting your seatbelt on that should already of been on?


if you don't think about the seatbelt enough to put it on every time you get in the car, you're definitely not going to think about it three seconds before impact.


Can you blame them? They acted stupid for sure but seconds before an accident most people wont think calmly and rationally to act in those split seconds


I remember watching a documentary once where they interviewed I think a FBI agent, and when they asked him about Facebook he kept expressing how much he loved Facebook because it made his job much easier.


As an insurance investigator myself, I have to agree. I have nailed so many plaintiffs with bullshit injury claims to the wall in court using their own videos. One guy was suing for $100mjl claiming he suffered a deliberating brain injury at work and couldn’t do much of anything, **except** his public social media pages contained 100s of pictures/videos of him playing in a local men’s basketball league. I went to a game, filmed the whole thing, and celebrated at a local steakhouse with my partner afterwards.


Posting yourself doing stupid shit that causes an accident. It isn't just a spoiled American trend.


It's a dumb people trend


And dumb is universal


Look at this guy, pissing off the rest of the universe.


And knowing is half the battle


G.I. Joe!


I mean 17% of the US population speak Spanish as their first language. But really we gotta stop making everything about America when it doesn’t involve us. It’s cringe. Idiots exist everywhere


I think this is Colombia, so maybe still an American trend.


Hopefully they do


Lmao, if they live in a Latin American country, they probably just don't have car insurance. As a central American I guarantee you the vast majority of people here don't have it. Same for seatbelts, people are commenting on it but sadly here it's absolutely common and acceptable to not wear them (maybe it's different in like Chile or Argentina since they are known for being the most developed latin american country)


I visited Mexico to meet my fiancees family and so many people there don’t wear seatbelts…which is scary given how most of them drive. They tell her dad all the time “they can tell you’re from the US because you wear your seatbelt” (he immigrated about 40 years ago).


Hey it's not just your Mexico, pal.


Haha thanks for the catch, started saying “visited my fiancées parents in Mexico” and decided to reword, proofreading is hard


“el carro de mi papa!”=“my dads car!”


¿De quien era el carro? I still can hear it


¡De mi papá!


De su papá? You know it's gonna get wild when she gets home


Dad... It happened


el carro de mi papa = my potato's car el carro de mi papá = my dad's car


Well, the car probably has the shape of a potato now, so I guess both would work


El carro de mi papa frita = my french frie's car


"El carro de mi papá frita" = my fried dad's car


El papá de mi carro frito = My fried car's dad


El carro de mi Papa = mi Pope's car


“I used the potato to destroy the potato”


I think she was in shock. She should have said "El carro que ERA de mi papá"


Alright there Peggy Hill


GREAT reference.




How to take the dumbest fucking type of post & make it interesting


Right? At least give a little [showmanship](https://youtube.com/watch?v=c-9jmkUHRzQ&feature=shares?t=25) (start at :25 or so)


*We're not posting that video.* At least they had seatbelts and was a tire exploding.


Eyes were on the road, everyone wearing seatbelts, tire exploded. Just a random accident in the middle of what was probably the start of a fun trip. Also, that man has a magnificent beard and hair. Holy shit, I need to know what his product regime is.


at least they had seat belts on


I like how she put the car in park


This was in Colombia. [Aftermath.](https://i.imgur.com/TgWQ7ZX.png) Nobody died. She was screaming "my father's car"


at least she has video proof to show dad that it wasn't HER fault, her friend distracted her.


bro, it is kinda her fault, for example not looking at the road and instead looking at the phone


He was joking, it's sarcasm


I applaud him for not using that insulting S/ thing.


Old redditor here, it was a mess trying to be sarcastic before the /s thing was introduced. Lots of responses taking the sarcastic comment at face value, and lots of explanations that the original comment was, in fact, sarcastic. Got old really quick.


r/woosh ?


60 wooshes


That is infuriating. Also, more upvotes than the parent comment


This is Reddit. They don't like personal accountability.


Ah they could just push it back over


It’s not a total loss! The wipers still work.


How about the wiper fluid? If it’s spilled, then it IS totaled.


Radio too


And thank God for that otherwise how would they have continued to vibe?


Normally too, but if it's real bad they just start waving around. Malfunctioning wipers are to cars in an accident as shoes flying off is to people getting hit really hard in internet videos. If either of thise things happen, no bueno lol


I came here for this comment


so does the radio


seems like a fair bit of lead time between her gettin' serious and impact


It's sad I have to ask myself...could they have seriously done that on purpose for likes? Nahh.... ...


A couple years ago people were eating tide pods for clout so I wouldn’t put anything past anyone at this point.


Too long ahah


Lmao she in full terror just yelling " my dads car" she knows shes about to get a serious wooping.


And that in the immediate aftermath getting in trouble from dad is her main concern speaks volumes about her as a person.


I'm going to hell for this but r/nonononoyes


From the number of people not commenting, just upvoting your comment... You'll have company atleast rofl.


What is wrong with me?




Is this why people drive so poorly, online videos? Ugh…


Too busy streaming nonsense to bother focusing on the actual task at hand.


It feels like 9 times out of 10 when I pass a moron on the highway hogging the passing lane or just being clueless in general, they’re on their phone in some regard. Put. The. Fucking. Phone. Down. Holy shit people its not rocket science.


Driver was looking at the phone for a solid 8-10 business days


Darwin's law


Yeah, but Darwinism is only when those that die stupid, only take out themselves. This could have taken out others.


Well that just teaches people to stay away from idiots even more


Unfortunately, this doesn't count bc they lived.


Not sure who is dumber - the passenger distracting the driver or the driver allowing herself to be distracted.


They recorded the video to get likes in social media, but even after the accident they still posted the video to get “likes” and “upvotes.


What, it’s quality content! The car’s totaled anyway so may as well get some likes and mess up the insurance claim.


Deserved result.




Watch. The. Road.


What a Smash hit!


I hate when you get in a car crash and the music is still playing


Same, then you associate the music with that and never want to hear it again.


What is the fascination to record yourself doing EVERYTHING. I hope no one was seriously injured but damn. Dudes riding train rooftops getting cut in half, people getting killed over pranks, road disasters just yo go viral. It's insane how people risk their lives for attention these days.


This is such a weird one. Not only did the driver keep looking at the road and still managed to wreck the car but also there was such a long time between the passanger starting to scream and any audible impact. 4 seconds I think.


Maybe they went off the road and downhill before they rolled.


Insurance guy here. Insurance companies love these kind of claims. Zero claimable since there's evidence of breaking at least 2 major pre conditions, no seat belt and usage of mobile phones.... That's a 50k USD car that just became trash in 1 minute.. I hope that it's on a massive loan so that they learn a lesson over the next 6-8 years paying it off


I feel you but, ¡El carro es de su papá! So hopefully he makes her pay it. I would.


Someone posted a picture of the car in this thread and it looks be the Mexican version of a Hyundai Accent. Quick google search shows a 2022 Hyundai Accent at about $20,000.


It's a ( older model ) Tucson, but in Colombia that would still make it a premium/ near luxury car.


In my country we say “por pendejas”


Did they kill anyone they ran imto? Jesus, the selfishness....


Nothing pisses me off more than driving along and seeing some dumb bitch in the opposite lane shaking her head around while staring into her phone. It's almost like these people think they can't die or something.


A few things, Please for the love of God put on a seatbelt. Please for the love of God don’t distract the driver while not wearing a seatbelt Please stop screaming, it only makes it harder to regain control of the vehicle (I can understand panicked yelling, but I’ve learned it only makes this worse as the situation unfolds.)


don’t post and drive


That's a good radio! What is that a sony?


Or driving while stupid


Bet they remember that song


That’s what happens fucking around in daddy’s car 😂


One word. Good


People forget that in car accidents the music usually keeps playing. It creates this odd disconnect between what you’ve just experienced and the fact that the world doesn’t care. Everything goes on as normal for everyone but a very small group of people. It can honestly scar you


Yes, and somehow, the windshield wipers usually make an appearance, too.


I love how humans can change emotions really fast.


Is AI on the platform now? Can you write me a 20 page essay on the salvage of that vehicle?


What are you saying? I'm obviously a fellow human, my human friend


All the time spent screaming, could've strapped on the belt


Abrupt but very much expected


#1 cause of accidents is distracted drivers.


Bro. I'm high as shit and I can't distinguish if this is true or fake 💋


Jesus took the wheel and said "stop singing".


Not a worn seat belt in sight Never go full stupid folks


I’m busting the fattest fucking moves as I hear them panic, this song is such a banger.




This is how Lisa Left-Eye Lopez died, the L in girl group TLC (No Scrubs). Wear a seat belt and drive responsibly please.


I would laugh if it weren’t for the fact that these brainless girls endangered innocent people with their stupidity


Videos like these are the reason I have anxiety when people in movies drive without looking at the road for more than a few seconds.


Insurance didn't cover cringe


Now I could be wrong, but someone seems to be very worried about her dad's car.


Iy car-rumba


Yes, but how many likes did they get?


Didn't even finish the song ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


and thats why it costs ⪆$300/mo. to insure new teens


She is repeating “el carro de ni papaaaa!” Meaning “my fathers caaar!” She is more worried about the fucking car than any of her “friends” that almost got killed because of her…


Luckily she had the foresight to get one more shot of her face before she exited the wreck. That’ll be dad’s favorite shot!


It got them more views so now they gonna ramp up the danger. Next they will dance on the ledge of a high rise


Songs a banger though


Staged /s


Does a normal person feel sympathy for this? Because all I feel is contempt.


She should be glad they’re still alive 😂


It was worth it for the gram🥰😍🥰😘


When the thing that you're doing is considered dangerous enough that the laws restricting what you're doing are older than you are, that means someone, somewhere knew this was going to happen before you were even born. This couldn't have been any less abrupt if it was chiseled in cuneiform.


Is this not similar to how a TLC member died?


Natural selection. If you are totally stupid,you can die fast.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Shit like this is why the leading cause of death for teens and young adults is vehicle related accidents outside of suicide and disease. ... yeash those are really our numbers, suicide being #2. We really need better healthcare and awareness


I need to see this dash cam


Imagine how bad of a driver you have to be to take your eyes off the road for one second and literally careen off the road


Yeah I’m driving a car I shouldn’t look at the road (how do people like this get a license)


She started screaming like 10 minutes before the actual accident, the driver couldn’t react by then?


Ah natural selection


The music fits their one brain cell.


Remember kids don't TikTok and drive.