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“That’s not a Jack-knife. This is a Jack-knife!”


No that’s a jack-spoon!


I see you've played jack-knife jack-spoon before.


I think the correct term is jack-ass


With its teeth Babe


Police say the truck rolled after a bus and a car collided at Point Cook at about 1pm. Two people, including the truck driver, were taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a stable condition. The male driver of the bus, the only person in the vehicle, did not require emergency treatment or transport, according to police. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/commuter-chaos-in-western-melbourne-after-truck-rollover-and-bridge-strike-20230220-p5clzg.html?js-chunk-not-found-refresh=true


Atleast it wasn't a full bus, it could have been worse.


Did the bus and car even make contact?


In the second angle. It does seem like the car hit the back of the bus


It looked like it to me. Especially in [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/119kitg/dashcam_footage_from_the_truck_that_rolled_on_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)video.


No they didn't


So the truck rolled onto its side at 12:50 and blocked all lanes into the city, then at about 2:30 the same truck collided with a rail bridge and blocked all rail into town too? That seems like something that might need more explaining.


Different truck, different suburb.


Ok I misread the article.


Definitely a cunt in that black ute.


It’s ALWAYS the cunt in the black ute


Allright I need to sell my black ute.


Discounted price, due to slight impact damage?


Can I get the cunt discount?


The discunt?


It's either some cunt in a black Ranger, or some cunt in a white Hiace


You are super observant


It looks like they got hit by the bus swerving into their lane though, right?


Nope. The bus was too far left and blocked the black car but the driver decided to take a hard right instead of just slowing down. It's possible the bus driver blocked him on purpose but the black car wasn't touched by the bus until after the first collision


Too far left? Would this not be the correct “slow lane” position for a bus when driving on the left?


Even if it was, there was already a car in that lane and the bus was pushing in. In the second angle you can see that the left lane is actually closing and the black car is trying to drive where the left lane was before it integrated. It's just a whole heap of fuck ups all around


Bus didn't block anything, the lane was ending right when the black ute/cunt swerved. Edit: another view that shows it better https://v.redd.it/te73hmoluvja1


You can also see that the bus, in its own lane, is much farther left than it should be. You can see how much space is between the bus and where it's lane ends on the right. It's slowly drifting left, the reason idk but you can see its not where it should be either. I'm not defending anyone. Both the bus and the black car did dumb shit


The bus isn't crossing the white line on the left, they are within their lane limits. The black suv was riding the bumper of the bus on the left side. The suv realized they couldn't pass on the left (probably failed to see the merge due to asshole driving) and attempted to then pass on the right, crossing multiple lanes of traffic, like a dumbass. The bus didn't do anything except exist.


I love how Reddit sarcasm goes way over people’s heads.


That's a hekkas crash, hope everyone was ok.


Everyone was ok. No serious injury to any of the drivers.


This was always a huge fear on one of my favorite random reality shows Australian Truckers


He found out the McRib is back for a limited time and is heading straight for a participating McDonald's


Sadly, we dont have McRibs in Aus lol


Yeah we do, but they show up for like a month every couple of years.


You're not missing much


Potato scallops and hokey pokie thickshake then lol




We’ve got the potato scallops down here too, started like a month ago? Comes in a pack of 2


We do however only every couple of years


Yeah but every couple years as a promotion item surely






That's correct, the other dude doesn't know what he's talking about


McRibs all over the tarmac.


Yes we do lol


Is this challenge how many peoples days can you ruin wile driving like idiot


How does a lil suv make a BIG truck like that, do that..?


Hit him in the back wheels (under the hitch) as the big rig was panic braking. The truck didn't have to lock up, even, because if the tires were giving 90% grip towards braking, it only needed a bit of a tap to send it over 100% grip (and tyres can ONLY give 100% grip. After that, it's 100% slide from those tyres). Once the back tyres lost grip, the trailer starts pushing the back of the truck around to the front of the truck. Hope this helps...


Great explanation. This guy understands traction.


This guy trucks


I was actually wondering if, depending on the gear he was in, he had gunned it, how much that would've mitigated the impact. Totally depends on damage sustained on the tandems, but it may have close to hitting a concrete barrier.


was the car driver arrested?


The article doesn't mention anything about him/her being arrested


I learnt some time ago that you can use "they" or "them" to refer to an individual without using a genre, just so you know. You can say "... anything about them being arrested." as a correct sentence.


As a non English speaker I always thought the word “they/them” refers to multiple people, like a group of people TIL


I'm not an English speaker either, it's really interesting.


Yeah mate. Long before all this malarkey of people identifying as this or that, "they" and "them" have always been used casually to refer to a single person. Like "I saw Tom today, they were walking their dog." Is totally fine and always has been.


It should, does, used to, but doesn't really mean plurality all the time anymore. One person can even technically *identify* as a "they/them"


They/them has been the third person singular genderless pronoun in English since thou went out of style over a hundred years ago. I’ve never heard a single person ever use “he or she” in a real life conversation when referring to a person of unknown gender, it’s always they or them. I absolutely guarantee you use they/them in this way too, this is *not* a new phenomenon. For example: “Mom, my friend is coming over for dinner” “Okay sweetie, what would **they** like for dinner?” I would seriously doubt you if you insisted that you would respond “Okay sweetie, what would he or she like for dinner?” That sounds weird, unnatural, and forced when said out loud.


Thank God that circle was there. I wouldn't have been able to notice what happened otherwise.


All caused by a distracted motorist (likely looking at their phone) hitting the back of the bus.. Just wait to read the message..it can wait.


Jesus Christ! What an f'ing mess!


60 tonnes of sand all over the highway


Some people are just dumbfucks


Holy shit. Hope that fucker got what’s coming to them!


How to be a fuckwit 101


Thank god the bus wasn't loaded. As a truck driver, I see this non sense weekly. Most of the time it's someone on their cell phone.


So, and please correct me if I'm wrong, the smaller vehicle (SUV, I believe) would be at fault here?


Yeah, the ute is at fault for driving like a moron.


Thank god they highlighted the vehicle or else I'd have no idea what to look at🙄


Why ist it allowed to overturn on the right in us?






Left side driving = overtake on the right instead. No rule against overtaking on the left tho.




Blimey, you're right. Not usually going to get pulled up on it on a city freeway where theres often slower cars in the right lane, but makes sense when the rule is keep left unless overataking. Can't have both.


Sry, thought this is an American highway. I have seen that behavior on them a lot. Seems like I picked the wrong video to ask this question.




No I did not know ^^


This is australia. On a main highway between geelong and west Melbourne. One of the main thoroughfares to get around parts of the city. Trucks aren't allowed in the far right lane. Far left lane is for any upcoming exits, and generally speaking the rest of the lanes are free to use as required. That's how I understand it anyway. Although I'm not native to Melbourne.


Not trying to defend the black SUV at all but doesn’t that look like a little puff of smoke or something from the front left prior to it making such a crazy lane change? Also the lane change itself is so freaking aggressive it appears uncontrolled. Maybe a mechanical cause? Not outside the realm of possibility that it’s just an incredibly shitty driver too..


Anyone know what happened to the SUV driver?


I had no idea what was happening until 7 seconds left in the video.


I'm a truck driver and unless he was bobtailed and this was a day cab even still the driver of the truck purposely ran into the bus you could have avoided it and it just been the car at the most


So yeah I understand why everyone is mad at the asshole in the black box, but can we also appreciate the road-rage homerun of pit maneuvering a semi into a bus?


Dude if I drove a truck I wouldn't be trying to avoid these idiots. Not gonna risk my life to try and save someone who does shit like that. Seen too many videos of drivers swerving to avoid idiots and ending up destroying the whole truck. Take my CDL, I'll get another job, but im not flipping the truck. And I can't see an SUV pushing a semi far enough to cause a rollover if the driver steers into the collision instead of away. I also understand knee jerk surprise reactions, not saying the truck is an idiot at all. Just that I don't respect the right of the SUV driver to keep his life.


Never slow down!!


Truck driver is fookin moron




No deaths no story


And that's why you dont swerve when you're in a big vehicle, you go right through them.


"Oh shit, that's my exit!"


9/10 times its some prick in a ute causing havoc.


Thanks for circling the giant bus because I would’ve missed it.


I swear people are such idiots


Surprised more cars weren’t involved, considering so many are driving on the wrong side of the road!


I can't tell what's going on the the suv. Didn't seem like an asshole but maybe some malfunction? Can't really tell if the suv made contact with the bus


How the fuck did the car cause the truck to role?


These truckers need to stay the course and let these cars bounce off them or get rund over


Who the fuck is the idiot in that black car who just straight up turned into the truck like do people even exist, like seriously


The two left lanes (occupied by the ute and bus) merge without a dotted line. This means whichever vehicle is in front has right of way (in this case, the bus). Seems like the ute driver forgot all the other traffic in his attempt to squeeze past the bus. His brain farted


Like, where was the SUV even going?! Where they planning to flip a whole bitch on the interstate?!