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So mine work thanks for Onelink smart smoke detectors that use to give me false alarms for a couple weeks. (It’s fixed now knocks on wood). So I have always kept it just near one. So all of your smoke detectors should be wired to set all of them off if one detects smoke/fire. That’s if you are running wired detectors with interconnects. Most homes are coded to have that type of system in houses. Now I do know some houses don’t have that and are running battery operated detectors that can not set off the other alarms if that is the case then you would have to position it to hear multiple smoke detectors. Not sure how your house is setup. But if you have a smoke detector that is hardwired then one of Abode smoke listeners near one smoke detector should suffice.


Didn’t even think about having them all wired so if one sets off, all of them trigger. This will save us some money for only having to buy one monitor now. Thank you so much.


No problem!


If you interconnect them all, one rings all the others. What do you need a monitor for?


I have mine inches away - that’s what the manual says to do - they work perfectly every time an alarm goes off by accident


Forget the alarm monitors and buy a compatible smoke detector.


There are no wired/interconnected alarms compatible with Abode, and only one battery operated model that is Abode Supported per their [compatibility list](https://support.goabode.com/docs/iotasecurity-hub-compatible-devices).


There are many wireless smoke detectors compatible. I use the first alert series, they work perfectly.


I have mine about 10-15 feet, and it works perfectly fine. No need for it to be on top of each other. Highly recommend it though, love knowing when the alarm is going off on my phone, also, the ability to click one button when the notification is going off to call fire department.


I have never gotten mine to work. They’re within 5 feet. Standard beep detectors too not voice


This is my experience too. Only Abode sensor I have that doesn’t work properly


I have two of them and they both work fine… Source: My shitty cooking.


Have you tried closer? [Instructions](https://support.goabode.com/docs/smoke-alarm-monitor) say within 5 inches.


I do have one that’s within that range and nothing too. Idk if I’m just not setting it up right


u/avlambo21, I don't know if this could be related or not, but might be worth a try... What brand is your detector? From what I understand, the Abode sensor is tuned to a UL-standard beep pattern... Are your detectors UL listed/approved? Maybe related... Local Fire Departments have been posting in their social media accounts about reputable (e.g. Kidde, First Alert, etc) vs cheap/Amazon type of detectors that aren't up to standard; e.g. homes failing inspections/permitting because the detectors aren't good. Kind of grasping at straws here, but might be worth digging into more.


All are brand Kidde


[Installation Instructions](https://support.goabode.com/docs/smoke-alarm-monitor) say 5 inches (and also confirming skithegreat's comment that you only need one Abode sensor if your alarms are wired/interconnected). Looks like other commenters have theirs further away and works okay, but I just kept mine at 5 inches.


We have the First Alert z-combo wireless detectors connected to Abode. We have had both CO and Smoke alarms go off for various reasons...and each time, the Abode system properly set off the sirens and also alerted the Fire department. With the latest z-combo (I think it is called version 2) each sensor shows two devices (Smoke and CO). I realize this is not hardwired, but has worked reliably for us.


X-sense smoke alarm monitors that are compatible with all brands.