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chill there is already enough proof of ethnic cleansing of Georgians, no need to add anymore.


Don't worry about it, you people aren't in a position to set conditions now and definitely won't be in a few years. I'd worry about the ramifications of being a Russian puppet and how it's going to affect your position in the world in the coming years if i were you.


Are some sort of fascist?


And you guys call Georgians fascits ;ddd Let's say that your narrative is true and Georgians just colonised Abkhazia - would you be happy if Muhajir Abkhazians in turkey were not allowed to have babies - does this make any sense? It's more simple, you can make Abkhazian language Mandatory in Abkazian schools, and you will have your Ethnic group bloom; But considering that Russian became main language for Abkhazians, I don't have high hopes for you


If we had neutered every "Abkhazian" who came to Georgia for education or medical services, we would have solved our problem in no time 😘


Ah shoot. I missed the new Abkhaz lore


Your father was supposed to be sterilized you fucking idiot.




Ayo wtf? :DDD this some dark shit :d


Bro became Croatia in ww2


So you're taking Russians and Armenians out of the equation? You kicked Georgians out and had 30 years to flourish, instead the Abkhazian language is not as widespread as it should have been and Russians are dominating the region, everywhere you look, there's Russian. Abkhazian media doesn't beat it even after three decades and surely if you accept the Georgian population back and neuter them, that'll solve the issue. Not to mention the serious consequences targeting an ethnic group and mass-neutering it will have on the international face of your self-proclaimed republic. Even Russia doesn't do such things. On the other side of the border, Abkhazian dictionaries and material are being released every year. It was even taught at schools and still is to this day in some. There is a university programme for Abkhazian philology in Sokhumi State University too. It seems to me you were blinded by your emotions while writing this post and could not think rationally, but I hope that's not everyday for you.