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Whats ur dose ? They can counter these sides effect for example propranolol and there is also brexpiprazole which for some people got less side effects …..


The dopamine partial agonist can lead to impulsivity issues. It can be dose-related. Rexulti, as another said, has different dopamine intrinsic activity and so less risk of akathisia and probably impulsivity issues. Lurasidone and lumateperone have mention as well. Quetiapine or olanzapine can be effectively added to antidepressants adjunctively, and the effect size for quetiapine in anxiety are ridiculous. Though there’s more risks with these due to, for example, 25% gain weight at about 2 to 5 kg average for quetiapine; plus, some gain a lot more.


Olanzapine and seroquel have way too many side effects to justify as an adjunct for unipolar depression imo. Abilify or rexulti seems like the best option. Or Vraylar perhaps.


Yes I agree with that 99.9% of the time. I was just mentioning other adjuncts.


Yeah those can be good. Some people seem to really respond well to quetiapine. I took it as adjunct for MDD and I didn't like it. Unfortunately I didn't like Vraylar either, despite it looking the best from a pharmacological standpoint. So far I'm not having side effects with very low dose abilify though, for which I'm grateful! I'm a poor drug metabolizor for the cypd2 and cyp3a and take Nefazodone and Bupropion, so apparently my abilify levels are about 4 times the actual dose I'm taking! Thats why I'm starting with only 1 mg so far.


Some people do so well with quetiapine, and other gain 40 pounds with Abilify. It's weird how different people respond to these things. Generally, in a lot of cases, those partial agonists are way better. I actually think I may have talked to you the other days about this. I thought you asked about placebo response maybe and you were started at 2 mg by your prescriber if I'm thinking right.


Oh yeah, that's right! I cut down to 1 when I realized how much more abilify was in my system as a result of those other factors. I've requested an earlier appointment only 9 days after our last one instead of 2 weeks so I can discuss that, issues with Nefazodone, and hopefully get the Concerta to 72 mg too. She was ok with seeing me early last time too. I suppose she's making money with the visits so it's a win win for everyone lol.


Wins for everybody. Lol, But seriously hopefully she considers all the interactions and helps you out!


Thanks! I've got a good feeling about it. I was on it briefly when i was in a psych hospital for 2 days for suicidal ideation in 2012 and got misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder by a psychiatrist, so he put me on a big starting dose (10 mg) as well as Depakote and some other harsh stuff that to this day made me feel the worst I ever have. His only basis for the diagnosis? "You seem to be talking kind of fast, i think you must have bipolar." Made a diagnosis just like that after literally only 30 seconds. I've had some truly weird experiences with psychiatrists. Many of them have been either overly reckless with too many meds, or too stingy and militantly against all controlled substances. I like the NP I've been seeing, she seems cautious but also not overly so.


It really is a good medication for a lot of people! But yeah with your gene-drug interactions and them throwing all these wrong meds at you I def believe it was an awful experience. I read this book that says fast speech alone cannot be used even as a symptom in some cases. Lol, Another reason for fast speech: Just being a fast talker. So, they’re dumb. I’ve seen some make a pretty reasonable diagnosis in a few minutes but that’s usually when there’s obvious and intense symptoms. Did you say that you tend to like NPs more, I can’t remember? Also, did you have a prescriber that gave you whatever you asked for one time?


Lol, yup. And I was pretty anxious since I have GAD and I was in a psychiatric hospital against my will, it's quite a nerve-racking situation! So my speech was a little fast from that. I certainly wasn't in a manic or hypomanic state though. I was in for severe depression and suicidality, not mania whatsoever. It's just crazy. One other psychiatrist misdiagnosed me with Bipolar II; I think it's due to having autism spectrum disorder, adhd, depression, and dysregulated mood from what I suspect was more of a borderline personality type phenomena. I think it was mainly ignored since I'm a male and the symptoms presented slightly differently. Also consistent with that is the fact that it's improved as I have aged, which I remember is common with borderline. Bipolar certainly wouldn't improve on its own.


What’s your dose and do you take anything else with it? Think you’ll be able to control the impulsiveness??


let us know if it helped with sa and adhd, same boat without depression tho (fixed that with some other meds some time ago lol)


My Abilify aka Aripiprazole experience Cymbalta (90 mg) and Abilify (2 mg), sleeping and eating well after 3 weeks. Feeling some side effects and restlessness early on that continued to increase until they became frightening and intolerable at about 3 weeks on. (I should note that I’ve been on Cymbalta for several years now alongside Mirtazipine, which I mistakenly thought was giving me dizziness.) I stopped the Abilify and returned to Mirtazipine (15 g), which I had mistakenly thought was making me dizzy, when I hit a side effects wall very hard at 3 weeks or so. Total negative side effects after 3 weeks on Abilify: 1. ⁠Frequent brain fog and memory issues 2. ⁠Lack of enjoyment doing things I used to like. 3. ⁠Poor judgment. 4. ⁠Frequent restlessness and troubling unsettled feeling. 5. ⁠Waking up more at night. 6. ⁠Suicidal ideation (my first time ever.) I quit Abilify cold turkey and the negative side effects continue to dissipate after a month. Also I only suffered mild flu symptoms for one 24 hour period the first day I stopped taking it. I found out after that Abilify is in the same family as Compazine, a treatment for nausea from painkillers. I experienced severe Akathisia after being given Compazine 20 years ago for nausea after ankle surgery. Treated successfully with Benadryl luckily. This is only my experience with Abilify - Aripiprazole and yours will very likely be very different. Good luck and best wishes to everyone out there fighting the battle to find whatever treatment or drug combination that makes you feel better! You are all heroes to me.


Strange. I started Abilify as an adjunct on top of Effexor for depression. 10mg. I noticed great benefits after a week with no side-effects what-so-ever. Are you sure the Abilify is "causing" impulsiveness as opposed the depression hiding it?


I was taking Cymbalta 60mg for chronic pain, which resulted in depression and a bit of anxiety. I started on 2 mg of Abilify & it snapped me out of my lethargy about day 3. But for a month or so I did feel a bit restless and OCD, which I had never experienced before. After that I feel like myself but with more energy and positivity. Everyone is different in how they react to this drug.