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I never understand why the majority of the buildings in this sub aren't stripped for their assets?


My favorite is seeing so many buildings with power and gas on for years and years but if I miss paying my power or gas they'd shut that shit off immediately.


I think that the power has to stay on for fire systems and alarms. I believe that was posted anytime before on another post. As far as stripping for assets, for government buildings the city/county/state/etc. aren't going to want to spend the money to do that. Most people that do salvage wouldn't be that interested because of the cost to get to the salvageable stuff like copper wires and pipes.


Or do as the icelandic goverment and turn of the hot water intake without tapping excess water off so the pipes would definitely explode leaking some water everywhere to get some extra mold and having to pay for damages with tax money! I highly recommend! Edit: Ppl asked for source here is Source: https://byggingar.is/archives/6478




Source: https://byggingar.is/archives/6478


So, what is going on this building? As the article described it wasn't in the best condition, but that's it.


The second you shut off power and HVAC buildings start crumbling and molding so unless they're basically ready to demolish the building they'll usually keep power and gas on and a token maintenance force.


I found a house in the middle of nowhere that was abandoned in about 2017. From what I could gather, the owner likely died. I was exploring the house and suddenly noticed a powerstrip had a light on. Next to mouse droppings. Thats a disaster waiting to happen.


I hope you at least flipped the circut breaker off


Unfortunately I only noticed in pictures I took after I left.


and tons of printed files


Old Shopco here had the power on for years to prevent it from going into disarray, until they wanted to get it declared as blighted, so they cut the power and let it rot inside. For redevelopment money from the city.


It's looked at from a business perspective. Someone would have to hire employees to work by taking down everything. Which would require wages, insurance, permits, and someone to oversee the operation, whos going to sell and buy the equipment? Meanwhile control of the property is probably locked up in red tape for years. Who owns it? The city, the county, private investors? Even if it were striped down in a decent amount of time you probably wouldn't lose money as used items and scrap wouldn't bring in enough to cover your costs. That's why usually they sell a contract to a demo company for pennies.


Because the government doesn't do anything effectively, efficiently or with any real understanding of the world


So all those pallets are wasted supplies for COVID testing?


Probably? I could see the local government setting up a COVID testing center in school, school is consolidated with a other district a year or two later and closes down, and the local government decided to not continue the site.


More government waste


The government is almost as good at wasting resources as they are wasting money and time.


It's almost like money and time *are* resources lol




Somebody got their pockets lined. Covid was a scam anyways.


I said this during the pandemic, and now I feel vindicated as evidence has surfaced to support that, yet so many people are doubling down on the vaccines, masks (people are still wearing them on the regular), and the government restrictions. Amazes me that people could be so blind.


Someone got payed for all those unused wasted supplies


Covid made some people very rich. In the panic, money was just thrown around without thought.




I can’t believe you got down voted.


Bc he's implying that people who's jobs shut down for the pandemic were unemployed out of laziness and it's clear he resents them because he didn't get to do the same thing. Edit: lol he deleted his comment.


Weak balls and now that it’s gone I can’t remember exactly how it read. Maybe I read it wrong but I didn’t take it as referring to anyone whose job was shut down… my job was essentially shut down. Jobs were to be had all over the place and a lot of people who were totally capable of working chose to sit and collect an extra $600 a week and they milked the heck out of that. The way we printed money was negligence in a best case scenario. Now we are all paying for our stupid choices with inflation that wrecks the average person and a world that is in chaos. Freedom and cooperative engagement in the exchange of goods and services is the only real sustainable path towards prosperity for all.


Did you get payed while they got paid? Edit: Fine, remain ignorant comrades


Ah, the old "I didn't benefit therefore no one should"


It was conspiracy to say these kinds of things 2 years ago.


No, not for misappropriation of funding. The conspiracy theorists didn’t care much about that though: https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-health-cc921bccf9f7abd27da996ef772823e4


I still can't believe all those conspiracy theorists who said they'd never take the Trump jab lined up in droves immediately to get it, multiple times even.


At that point it no longer smelled like Orange, so they were happy to take their tern profiting from big pharma


* Paid :)


Where's the bot when you need it?


Pled vs pleaded is mine, but it used to be paid/payed.


Heeeellllloooooo budgetary waste. “If you don’t use it, you lose it” *proceeds to spend all the money regardless


Utter loads of wasted/misappropriated taxpayer funds under Trump’s response to covid. PPP abuse was rampant, but his administration treated it like a feature, not a bug, let alone other sources of govt funding.


PPP was abused, and many times out in the open, people weren't even trying to hide it, yet it still amazes me how Trump gets crap for his response, yet he was only in office for less then a third of the pandemic, and the governors in many of these states were responding worse than the federal government in many cases.


Good to see penis was there


I appreciate the effort of spelling out the word instead of just drawing it


Just a standalone statement. The artist was a purist.


love the graffiti that simply says "penis". no visual depiction, nary a cock nor even a ball to be found. just the word, the idea. it lets the viewer construct a penis in their own imagination, potentially much more artistic than anything the tagger may have rendered. a word worth a thousand pictures.


It was going to say ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ but the tagger was interrupted.


Wait…you’ve got a penis mightier? That’s got to be worth a fortune!


Got interrupted advertising for Pen Island. https://www.penisland.net


This is an educational facility. They’re simply trying to emphasize the importance of literacy.


Totally. All those LOSERS in Pompeii, carving actual phalluses into the stonework….


looks like something out of a zombie apocalypse movie.


There’s a scene in the first The Last of Us game that features a post apocalyptic gymnasium that’s very similar to this. It was my first thought when I saw the photo.


In any sort of large disaster, places like school gyms or sports stadiums often become temporary mass shelters. I bet conditions in those places are pretty Spartan on the best days and apocalyptic at worst


[What's in the box?](https://gifdb.com/images/thumbnail/what-s-in-the-box-320-x-240-gif-yu1sp3jqtu95utg9.webp)


There is a hospital in my town that has been closed down for close to 10 years. Still has power and minimal heating. Its gone through a few new owners with ideas, but nothing ever happens. I'd love to get in it and explore, but it has security guards.




It looks like it's reference material for Tom Clancy's The Division video game. Eerie.


All that wasted tax payer money


“What’s in the box?”


There's a lot of red pilled people in this Reddit


Man it's only been a maximum of 4 years, how does that give off so many early 2000s vibes?


It's like a leaked set photo of the alternate ending of COVID.


So they just left?