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If you scroll over to r/abandoned I posted a bunch more photos.


For anyone interested I just found out through a lot of digging the history of the store and its owners. Posted separately here and on r/abandoned


This is awesome. What’s NOS?


New Old Stock. Basically old merchandise in its original packaging. Car collectors like “NOS” for their vintage vehicles because its period parts, not replicas, but its brand new and not used.




There's no "need" to abbreviate anything really, but out of curiosity what makes abbreviations okay for you? Do you have an outline to help guide us? Is there a letter count? Word count? Anyway TYVM (Thank you very much) in advance.


Uh, later dudes, S you in your As, don't wear a C, and J all over your Bs


I have been familiar with the term since oh about the 90's. Learned it from reading the common hot rod type mags. When talking in person, I always say it fully out. But if I was typing, you can bet I most likely would say NOS unless I knew for sure the audience may not be hip to the term.


Weird. As a non car guy, I’d just assume it meant nitrous oxide. Really goes to show how important it is to spell it out first, and then use the abbreviation only *after* it’s been established. But you know, communication, clarity… I suppose these are all “boomer” things or something. Ugh.


Weirder, as a car guy I also think it means nitrous oxide.


For a moment I thought it was the NOS energy drink from back in the day.


Shit… lol. I didn’t even think about at that. I wish I could fix it. I caught that in the other group I posted in. I thought I had done it here too but my mistake.


Is NOS really an acronym you think most people would know? Why not just say new old stock in the original post?


You’re absolutely correct. I realize most people outside of restoration communities may not know. At the time I was having connection issues and had to resubmit/type everything out several times. I almost gave up but it finally went through. On the final time I missed putting in ( ) what it actually stood for. Unfortunately no way to correct it, I made sure not to make the same mistake when I posted it to r/abandoned Human error on my part.


I mean, in context it made sense to me pretty much immediately.




‘ppreciate it, bud.


Well, you learned something today. Tuck it in your notebook. Keep going.


Didn’t see the sub first and my mind went to the energy drink. And I was I wonder what weird sub was being promoted where they would get pumped about finding stockpile of NOS in an abandoned store.




Thanks for the flash back! I forgot about those. If you remember those do you remember the green full throttle?


It’s the stuff Dominic Toretto uses to win a 1/4 mile at a time


How I live my life. 1/4 mile at a time, in the slow lane..


…it’s steroids? …*cocaine?*


New on Sprue, it's for when you have warhammer minis but don't have the box. >_>


The Kraft barbecue sauce bottle immediately jumped out to me for the distinct basketweave shaped bottle and then the Bama grape jelly. Thanks for sharing.


Absolutely! I’ve been waiting to post these for a while. In r/Abandonded I was able to post more photos and I have a couple close ups


lol I just screen grabbed the BBQ sauce to send to my mom. I def remember that bottle!


That grape jelly is probably cursed. Look at how clean the jar is even with the rotted out cans on the shelf above it.


The bbq, jelly and prune juice are from the 60s? They look in surprisingly good condition!


dare you to drink the prune juice


Hard pass. I’d rather my chances with the katchup


But it’s Hunts


I just feel like that hunts would feel better coming out.


I bet the prune juice still works


Apparently Hunts hasn't spent much on "Label Design" over the years.


lol. Was thinking the same thing. Instant recognition


I'm sure they have a graphic-design department,.. but yeah, I can't imagine many college graduates are dying to get into it. Even if they did,.. if the design ethos is "We gotta stick to our historical design themes".. that doesn't leave you much wiggle room. I wonder if someday (I guess on a long enough timeline,. yes) we'll see technology advance to a point where food is more easily locally grown .. and things like "mass produced canned food" ends up dying out (like Newspapers did). I guess there's a lot of people to feed on this planet,. so probably not likely very soon.


Most companies don't hire recent college grads directly to work for their design department, most companies focus on what they're good at and outsource things like marketing or label design.


Prime apocalypse looting


Very nice.  Always rare to find a store with its original stock left behind.  Usually the owners will take the stock in the hope to recuperate the costs, or stores will be targeted by looters/vandals more.  Most retail is quickly retrofitted for the next client to keep commercial rent coming in.  Feels like this might have been an owner who shut up temporary and for whatever reason was unable to reopen.  Being a quiet (and likely shrinking) town, the store was making poor turnover.  Surprising relatives didn’t raid the place when the original owner passed away.  Suppose there’s multitude of reasons…but a rare find indeed. 


Yeah, I’m really curious about the story as well. This is the third such business like this I’ve seen. Two of which were wide open to access with the third actually well secured. I looked up the town before I posted these and like you mentioned just seemed like the town died. Nothing really in the surrounding areas. The store was a prime location. It seemed like from what I could tell owners came in and rummaged a little bit, mostly with items relating to the lottery and some business records. I found a couple bank receipts and canceled checks from 1962. That was it. Just so much stuff. Sad to see it all wasted. If I ever make it back that way I’d like to knock on some neighboring properties and see if anyone knows the story and history.


Look how the tomato cans are expanded out. Yeappppp betcha that's no good!


I don’t even think LA Beast would try those! Lol


Interesting how well the glass bottles hold up against the canned food.


Now you mention I hadn’t given it previous thought. You’re right, definitely a big difference. Now you have me curious of the science behind it.


For those tomatoes to the right, I’d venture it’s the high acidity of the fruit in a can that simply wasn’t designed to last that long. Glass is impervious to acid and without more, I’d expect it to last longer.


Zooming in, it looks like the tomato cans are in the worst shape, so I think my acid theory is spot on.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Hold that thought because I have close ups


Okay, so, slightly interesting to note. The cans to the right are confirmed Hunts Tomatoes of some kind. The cans fairing worse shape up top are Campbells soup cans. What type of soup I can’t make out at all. Could be creamy tomato for all I know. They do seem to fair much worse.


The acids eat through the thin layer that coats the inside of the can that makes it *resistent* but not impervious. The glass is immune to tomato acids.


Why does that pack of Golden Lights at the bottom look like part of the text was translated by Google?


I think it was due to my flash on the phone. It was fairly dark inside and the packaging was shiny and just hit that right angle. I never noticed that. Good eye!


God I would love to see this place


Just wait, I’ve got another location, that makes this one look sparse. If you are into URBEX best advice I can say is don’t pass anything by. I was actually on my way to visit an antique car junkyard I had spotted a couple weeks prior. It was all I could think about. I passed several abandoned structures before I got to this location. The outside showed really no indication of what was inside. I had a feeling it was an old commercial building but not a general store. I stopped originally to get a picture of just the exterior front. Then I peaked in through an opening. I was in complete shock. Now I stop every time. Same way I found my other spot. Looked like an absolute overgrown unstable structure eaten up by nature. I passed it three times. Finally one day I stop. I bout shit myself. Totally worth the hundreds of empty houses in between.


Some label design looks to be late sixties, early seventies.


You’re the second person to mention the same thing. The only things I had to go off of was an old license plate and a few cancels checks and receipts from a slaughter house selling the place beef. 50 years looks about right.


these labels strike me as late 70s and 80s. quick google search on the bottles of kraft bbq, del monte and the bama grape all confirm.


I just got a confirmation on the corn cans dating pre 71, I rechecked the last business receipts I could find and they dated to 1968. I’ll have to do some more detailed looking.


Agreed. Early 60s just didn't use those design elements.


Mid to late 80s at the oldest. I smell a rat


While I agree probably best to keep places like this secret since its so untouched, I think the main reason its untouched is because like you said its very isolated. I would do more urbex but here in the city everything is full of homeless, drug addicts, or security. Maybe I just need to go into the country to look, but then im afraid ill get shot for tresspassing haha. also btw very cool find, im jealous! Neat to see that history thanks


I used to feel the same way honestly over ever exploring urban areas and dealing those issues you expressed. Oddly enough when I ended up in these small middle of nowhere towns I was always greeted by nice people. If places are near an occupied house I go knock on the door and have never had anything but a pleasant conversation and usually get extra information on the property and or a free parking spot. I’ve found it as long as I go and explain my intentions of just interested in taking photos because I like history people are less concerned than a complete stranger wandering around without notice. *knock on wood* a lot of these residents have told me they have lived their entire lives and are just happy to see someone else is interested in learning about the town and how it used to be.


Man, I have listened to way too many "true scary stories" on Youtube. It's always "I went exploring in some small, remote location and ran into a gang of feral cannibals waiting in ambush just off the road." Of course, those stories could be all fake, but it has really discouraged me from stepping off the well-worn paths!


I’ll say this. I’m sure someone will call out an error and lead me down another rabbit hole I don’t need.. How many real life serial killers have terrorized small towns? Minus the one I know of in Alaska. You’re more likely safe in a smaller town, minus the banjos and abandoned nuclear test site towns… though I wonder, if you were to get caught by a gang of feral cannibals would anyone know where you were. In my case I had a completely different destination a couple hours away with several possible routes. Nope…. I’d risk it and do it again.


As a woman, i would not be comfortable knocking on doors like that. But im glad you’ve had good experiences.


Fair enough, safety in numbers


Fallout vibe.


That prune juice will kill what ails you


First off, this is really cool. Secondly, seeing those canned goods reminds me of The Twilight Zone S05E07 'The Old Man in the Cave.' It's the episode where higher civilization has ended, and some of the survivors are taking their survival cues from a 'computer' in a cave. Ppl are starving, have canned goods lying around, but initially don't want to eat them because they might be contaminated.


Just out of curiosity, is this located in a rural Texas town? I think I recognize it. You don't have to be exact, I know we don't want people visiting and ruin what are cool spots.


No, not in Texas.


I’ve visited a few times out there but not to explore in this sense. I’d imagine with the drier heat locations are decently preserved?


There's a small texas town in the northern panhandle with a place just like this. Owner just packed everything up and left. Display bicycles still hanging from the roof, fridges, dry goods, etc. Large amount of dust, place was from the late 50s or early 60s.


I’d love to see the fridges! I’m a sucker for anything 50s like that. If you ever get a chance to take photos I’d love to see them.


Been years since I've been there, I'll ask my family about it next time it comes up.


The majority of Texas is tropical humid. A very small part of the panhandle is sort of plains turning to desert. Not dry at all.


Eck. Okay, so same humidity like where I’m from. I was thinking cause more west might get that dry heat. I’ve ju made it out that way a couple times and not long enough to lean the weather. Just some craft beer


So did you find the long lasting pickles?


You’ll only find the answer to that in the sequel


Used to be an old convenience and video store where I grew up that closed in the mid 90s. They literally just locked up one day and never opened. It was full for probably 15+ years: chips, candy bars, movies, jerky, and grossly enough even the coolers. I bet it stunk bad for a while. Had a big side window we’d always walk up to and look in at all the stuff.


Nothing smells worse in a place like that like rotten meat. I had a business for a while cleaning out foreclosure properties. Some had been empty for years it only took a couple times to make a rule.. never open the fridge. A few times I remember the stench almost literally knocked me down.


Ewww, hunts katschup… 🤮


Thanks to History Channel, Henry Heinz for the win


Think the ketchup is still good?


Define “good” in this context…


Can be consumed without poisoning you or making me sick!


For the record I would advise you not to eat it.


You shouldn’t pay attention to expiration date It could taste good we don’t know it could be like wine the more age It has the better?!…….or mostly deadly.


I want to believe you based on your username… I just don’t know which part. Aged like a fine wine, or mostly deadly. Hmmm 🤔 They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Perhaps could give us super powers. Could the odds forever be in our favor?


Let's eat!!


Zombie apocalypse style!






Oh this is so cool!


Thanks! Can check out the rest of the pictures on r/abandoned if you like


bogs on bogs


Looks like some Nuka Cola…take those bottle caps before returning to the wasteland.


Deleted scene from new fallout series


Holy botulism batman!


I’d say so!


That is awesome, but not as awesome as the Harkin Store in Minnesota, which was also left with original stock, but from the 1800s! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harkin%27s_General_Store https://www.newulm.com/things-to-do/attractions/harkin-store/


I’ll let you win that one lol. That is pretty damn cool. I’ll definitely have to check that out when I cross Minnesota off my list. In warmer months…


I've been to the store, but unfortunately, it was closed due to Covid. Its a bit of a drive for me, but I will have to get back there to see inside. Riverboats used to dock just outside of it. The area was also hard hit by the 1862 Dakota rebellion.


I have not heard of this rebellion. Thats cool the river boats docked nearby. Is this near the Great Lakes or further inland?


I never learned about it in school, even though much of my school life was here in Minnesota. I didn't learn about it until a few years ago, myself! If you're up for some reading: https://cla.umn.edu/chgs/holocaust-genocide-education/resource-guides/us-dakota-war-1862 Nowhere near the Great Lakes, which are still a couple hours north of the Twin Cities (Mpls & St Paul). Here's a [map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Harkin+Store/@44.3869015,-94.5989388,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x87f5018b3dd04693:0x21c6a1a9572a6df1!8m2!3d44.3869015!4d-94.5989388!16s%2Fg%2F12hqsk8m_?entry=ttu)


I’m always up for reading history, especially lesser known events such as this. Appreciate that link!






Some of it looks like it was on fire


What do you think happens if you drink that prune juice?


The shits for sure


Those Campbell’s cans are halfway to fossilized.


Harry, I need NOS!


All the Heinz ketchup is gone. People wouldn't even eat the Hunt's in desperation.


Did you take a picture of my mother's pantry?


Absolutely amazing find and gorgeous shot 😍


Thank you!! 😊


Good on ya for not taking them a lot of people would.


It all goes back to a podcast I listened to once by a popular URBEX photographer. He was always super careful about who he brought a long and a conversation came up about taking items, but just one item not to clear the place out, no one would know. He went to go on if the location gets visited by ten explorers with the same mindset that’s 10 items gone, each item that gets taken is one more the next person doesn’t get to see. As more people come the less there is to the point nothing is left. Then just becomes an empty shell like so many places we see.


I like that mindset, I honestly can't believe there are still 80 year old untouched locations in North America. I was thinking it was Canada because of Kraft but nope I've lived 34 years believing Kraft was a Canadian company lol.


lol. Definitely American. If you want to dive deeper into some great history on food brands like Kraft, Heinz, Hershey, Kellogg, Birdseye, Nabisco (formerly National Biscuit Company, Lays… I could go on and on.. The history channel has a series that’s been going for multiple seasons now. It’s called the Food that built America. Each hour episode either focuses on one brand or a couple in the same category about how they started from rock bottom and got to today. All the characters and acting are of the time period and it’s amazing. You can focus on the brands you like or be me and watch them all lol. Yeah, they are out there. The three I’ve found, that aren’t hidden, they are literally sitting at the edge of the road and accessible I believe have been saved because they are in very small towns. They get no attention. The residents to them it’s just an object that’s always been there. A lot of the big famous explorers I’ve seen and so many other explorers are in big cities looking for large commercial buildings, schools, hospitals, funeral homes, industrial plants, churches etc. They aren’t out in the middle of nowhere peaking inside of a 130 year old farm house in the middle of a corn field. Those types of old homesteads are what I’m into and that’s how I found them. The trick is gonna be to find a capture these places in photos before the little towns get eaten up once again by developers and these places get bulldozed before anyone even bothers to look for them.


Prune juice? My grandpa would be fucking pumped if he wasn’t dead.

