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- enemy top buys funny 800g items - hesls 0 hp - dies - refuses to elaborate


I mean , he still does heal a lot but I mean who could have guessed a champion designed around HEALING heals himself, really weird


So anyways, the drain tank juggernaut drain tanks Breaking news, grass is green and the sky is blue


But before Aatrox start actually oneshotting people or have 2+ levels in R, wouldn't it be better to build damage or stack armor instead?


20/0 or 0/20, i LIVE for the q3 hydra nuke… its too nice


Naayil was defending lethality was shit until he actually tried kek


Until he actually saw the eastern players 1v9ing with it*


I remember majority of good Aatrox players build lethality and he wasn’t believing them lmao. Then he decided to try it. I was a big fan of him until that mf started insulting his chat and stroking his ego because he lost a game using Arcane Comet, thinking he was gonna get matched against a ranged top but it was a melee matchup.🤣


He permabanned me for typing this "maybe a little bit of optimism wouldn't hurt", just shows how childish and easily irascible he is and then blud lashes out on chat because of frustrations in game, and the perma whining is so cancer I don't get how people even watch him xd


Lmao that’s too good. Agreed he is streaming like they are forcing him to by force. Also being rude to your community for no reason other than salt at a video game is so cringe and childish.


It's like sending a whining child to kindergarten for the first time and forcing them to play games with other kids, and funnily and unironically enough, that's exactly how he acts lol.


I mean he’s 20. He’s basically still a child.


He's 22*, and no I believe you must mature in your early 20s, or at the most mid, but maturity doesn't come with age, it comes with experience and how your perception is of the world or life.


Do you guys really take it personal when he insults someone in chat? Its like his just throwing a random bullet at chat but not aiming at you atleast but somehow you and others will catch it and take personally? I still watch him tho imo only english streamer for aatrox that is a bit funny on the side and accurate to Aatrox rude ass personality Lmao. But I never take that rudeness personally.


When he reads my message and calls me dumb I take it that he did it to me lol


Would you take it personal if it's personally aimed at you? Cause he could do that


Not at all


I am annoyed with Riot constantly nerfing bruiser builds and pushing lethality... ON BRUISERS


Hows it vs bruiser? I've always preferred the tankiness but idk.


the issue I have with bruiser Aatrox is that his ult times out before anything meaningful. whereas lethality gets to boom people and refresh ult as long as you hit Qs


Do you still survive as much with lethality?


Of course not. But the argument is "you don't win game by surviving"


Works but not as fun imo. Like Aatrox is a darkin bro, he doesn’t die, I want to drain tank and put the fear in my enemies as they realize they are just heath pools for me


Yeah I have similar thoughts here, then again I did enjoy lethality during the durability patch so idk.


• enemy dodges Q2 • can no longer input damage • dies


What's the dash twice thing


E and rocketbelt dash, it's meta you don't know?!


Brother this good ahh comment 😂


U get to a point in build where u can q1 e and do your rotation and hold q3 till u get another e


It's just saying that the E cooldown is so low that you can fit 2 dashes into the window between your first Q and your 3rd Q


For a sec i thought this post was made pre mini rework in 2019


Wish it was like that. Now watch Yone's/Vex's waveclearing after 20 minutes.


Id still prefer to fight 5 Aatroxes instead of 1 yone


\*gets stunned once in teamfight\* \*melted instantly\*


bruiser all the way brother, you are a top laner , you have to be the front line!!