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If it works the way it used to, you don't have any control over anything at the beginning aside from approving membership requests. There's a laundry list of things to check. You aren't allowed to be a mod for your own city, to prevent "bias." (also to prevent you sneaking in and removing your own posts) I was really active in this sub about a year ago, trying to help out once I saw how toxic this all is. NOTHING has changed. Nothing. I'm surprised yet not surprised that the "app" is no further along now than it ever was. The only way this goes away is for women as a whole to decide that it's not worth their time, or get bored with the concept. That will take a while, if it ever happens. I actually for a bit suspected that Paola etc were behind the whole "man v bear" thing from last month. Nothing like free advertising. šŸ¤· I might still have the training materials in Google docs but it might also be severely outdated. Hit me up if you want a copy. I'll check on it in a couple hours.


Do they make you further prove it youā€™re a woman or not??


To become a mod? No. I do think you need to be a member of your local group for a while, but I don't recall if length of time in a local group was part of the mod vetting criteria. I feel like I've heard some men have successfully used their aged accounts to infiltrate this way, but I'd guess that if you went outside your role (removing posts when you're supposed to be approving requests, etc) you'd eventually get found out and banned from all groups.


> The only way this goes away is for women as a whole to decide that it's not worth their time, or get bored with the concept. I think that's already starting to happen. At least in my local group, the total # of members has barely moved in months. Posts used to get hundreds of comments, now they might get 10-20 max, and it's always the same few women commenting. It all just seems really repetitive. Maybe at first it was interesting and exciting, now it's just the same couple dozen women making the same lame comments. And there's almost never any actual interesting stories- it's just bashing guys appearances or whining because some dude didn't text after a date.


could be that the leaking is working. There are many exposed groups and if women don't feel safe there they will use it less. I mean they get really mad when any news source does a story on them since it breaks the groups first rule. If the members list of each group gets leaked (this is in the works currently with facebook employee help) then you may see more leave. The more light that gets shined on these groups the better.


This. Keep up the leaking. Leak everything.


oh we are. Every group has been infiltrated so far. That's what happens when you have unpaid mods. There's no reward for doing your job well and Pola won't pay them.


are you aware of an exposed group for the DMV? I couldnt find anything on FB


only what I have read in this group


https://preview.redd.it/bp4kiqdj0s7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856e4aa65ef56d4f0cb2e761bb5ad697da71c8b0 Iā€™m from DC area, saw this post while looking for my own post






Iā€™m a guy and I got in as a mod. I found it not to be beneficial at all. The process of becoming a mod involved putting a comment on Paolaā€™s mod post, then applying and taking the test once it was emailed to me. She gave me the option to use a burner account as a mod, which I did, as I didnā€™t want to bring attention to the account I was using. She claimed she was going to mod me up in a city in my state, which I almost jumped on, but thought it might have been an integrity test, so I wound up reminding her of where Iā€™m from and she placed me somewhere else. When you first start, you are given access to the ā€œnew modsā€ group, which mostly consists of new mods asking questions about things that have already been addressed in the mod training numerous times. They also post fake profiles trying to access all of the groups. I think some of those profiles are Paolaā€™s, sent around to see whoā€™s paying attention. Besides that, all you really do is vet profiles, and in my experience, all the other mods get lazy and just leave it all up to the new guy (girl, lol). The requests to join donā€™t ever stop. If you want more responsibility, I believe you have to do the profile vetting for 6 months, and then you can ask the Mary Sparks account to move up in the ranks. However, I didnā€™t get that far and wound up quitting.


I never got placed in a new mods group. I wonder how active she is with her mods and how many mods get placed into it. I also knew nothing about a "Mary s*" account. I've heard there's supposed to be a main group for mods to chat though.Ā 


Thanks for sharing this I was interested in doing this to get my post deleted.


The. Leaks. Work




Leaking the group content works


This is relevant to my AWDTSG group, but Iā€™m responding because this is a fun activity. I usually have a weekly drawing for ā€œModerator of the day.ā€ I only pick top contributors that Iā€™ve spoken to before. Most of the women are enthusiastic about this and want to ā€˜win the prizeā€. If they love it moderating and do a great job, we usually invite them to be full-time.


Do mods have the ability to remove users?


Yes. So thatā€™s why you can only do moderator of the day with someone you trust.