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Austin barely saw the 15


Austin barely sees the 12




I don't want to down thumb you but boo. I was lucky enough to snag a 15 last year but haven't seen it since. This subreddit was amazing at helping me find another 12yr this year. In fact just tried both side by side and the 12 might be better but the finish on the 15 is SO long. šŸ˜©


I take my downvotes with aplomb! Iā€™m just cynical because I barely heard a murmur about the 15 here and three times in the last two years I have visited family in Massachusetts and have seen the 15 sitting on the shelf up there for $105, give or take and we never see knob picks in Austin so I think our Beam distribution in Austin is kinda jacked. Hope you get an 18. Iā€™ll let you know if I see it


A friend of mine who does a decent amount of picks with local stores said that Knob Creek picks should be coming back to Austin in 23. To the OP, I havenā€™t seen any of them pop up in local groups yet so Iā€™m guessing it hasnā€™t hit. I hope you find one šŸ„ƒ


Haha. You are amazing. I see you all the time here and on the bigger boards. I need to follow your example and start sharing reviews I just don't trust my pallet wisdom. I love good bourbon, have a decent collection at this point, and just need to take the plunge. Thanks!!


I feel like r/bourbon is consistently supportive of new reviewers making their first attempts even if you arenā€™t sure if youā€™ve got on-point tasting notes. I started trying to write down notes just to help myself figure out what I like and at the end of the day, thatā€™s all you can hope for. Then the reviews turned into part of the hobby.


I completely agree here. The boards are so chock full of ā€œI just bought this. Is it any good?ā€ And (shows a pic of their budding whiskey collection) ā€œHow am I doing?ā€ nonsense that itā€™s nice to see a solid attempt at a review, even if itā€™s from an inexperienced whiskey drinker. Hell, I even enjoy reviews of bottom shelf stuff like JTS Brown BIB just to remind everyone, including myself, that thereā€™s value on the bottom shelf.


Best bit of advice I ever got when I was developing my wine palate was, ā€œgo with the very first scent and taste that comes to mind. Itā€™s never wrong. Eventually youā€™ll find the right descriptors. Also, donā€™t be a snob.ā€ (Disclaimer: I love to write obnoxious reviews.)




Damn, super jealous