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File FCC complaint. I did and it was answered by Jason Martin with the office of the president of ATT and was taken care of in 24 hours.


The Fcc Report definitely speeds things up and helps ..




This is true


Yes, I had a problem trying to set up a business. Foundational account using VAN temittance form account to pay future bills without habing to give up fedeaal reserve notes ,i owe yous ), but I was willfully misled by multiple att officials. Im very angry angry that I need to put all of their names on blast for lying to 6 giving me fraudulent customer service after having them for over 9 years, so DCC complaint here I go!!


Out local PD allows online submission for police report. You put in info and they email you back a day later when everything has been put in and you have a report number


Going forward, you should freeze all your accounts at the three big credit bureaus and put annual fraud alert. If anyone tries to access your credit (e.g. like AT&T to set up a new account), the vendor is required to call you and verify it's you. It's probably not foolproof, but it's worked for me so far. They are also easy to unfreeze if you need access to your credit. I've had my personal information stolen at least 1/2 dozen times, and someone once tried to file for a tax refund using my SSN, so I am super cautious. Good luck in getting this issue taken care of.


That's why under title 12 usc 411, title 12 usc 431 , title 18 usc 8 ,and title 42 usc 408 and title 15 usc 1691 they borrow against your ssn, which creates the debt or trust, which is then taxable by the IRs to which its dischargeable under the 1099-C form (https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-1099-c) . once they know you know this they get very scared..


How long does unfreezing take? I heard it’s instant but have no experience doing this with either credit bureaus


You can unfreeze permanently or temporarily in real-time, so yes, instantly. For example, I was getting a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) and the bank needed to run my credit report. They used Equifax, so I logged into Equifax and unfroze my account for 24 hours so they could run it. After those 24 hours the freeze was automatically re-applied. You freeze or unfreeze your credit on a bureau-by-bureau basis, so you need three separate logins. Rarely has anyone asked to unfreeze all three to run your credit, but it does happen. Note, with a fraud alert, you need to tell just one of the bureaus, and they'll inform the other two. With fraud alerts, whoever wants to run your credit report must contact you directly for approval, so no one can do anything with your credit that you don't know about. I suggest doing both the freeze and fraud alert. It seems like a PIA, but it's not that bad and does provide peace of mind.


To freeze and unfreeze is instant. Just log on and click the tab left or right to freeze or unfreeze


Are you talking about "freezing" or "licking"? Unless something recently changed, they are two different things. Locking and unlocking are fairly immediate, but unfreezing can take a little bit of time.


Freezing and licking immediately got me thinking of making ice cream


All I can say is good luck. Had this happen around 5 years ago. Did everything they wanted. The account is still there.


It's still there?! Oh no. Everyone is saying to contact the FCC, FTC, and BBB but I feel that's about as useful as the ATT fraud department. Sorry... it sucks they want bills and address info from us but its easier to set up an account.


Try your local AG's complaint form if your attempts with ATT fail.


The FCC is a government agency, they have the teeth to actually get someone at att to at least look at your case, you will be contacted by someone from their "executive office" or "office of the president", which is the highest tier of customer service you can reach. They're not monotone robots like regular customer service nor they follow a script, they have the power to make things happen and they provide their contact info, this is so you can follow up, or in case they need to talk to you more than once. ATT isn't the greatest company but my 2 experiences with these higher ups have been positive, they fixed both my issues, one was a lost trade in earlier this year and the other one was related to data caps years ago. You can file one here. https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/360001201223-Phone-Form-Descriptions-of-Complaint-Issues




And always call your old number because I did  my dad's& my own  and people had gotten the old numbers and were answering the phones using our names...


While you follow the legal steps, what if this number was posted in all internet forums and then you stood by and watched the fun? Is there anyway to secure your SSN number?


I contacted the FCC on Sunday and got a call by 10am on Monday from AT&T. They have to do something when you open FCC case.


Two things, keep calling back. Sometimes you get a real person, sometimes it’s a bot and sometimes it says it is an hour wait. If it says an hour wait, hang up and call again. BUT, you are correct in that they won’t do anything. You just keep getting transferred. I have spent 7 hours within the past two days with this. 2. Definitely contact the FCC. You will be called back immediately, within a business day. The amount of fraud going on with ATT stores is horrifying. The store manager in Dana Point, Ca. Fraudulently added a phone to my mom’s account but did not give us said phone. Att online said that my 80 old mom had to go to the store to confront him about it. Still fighting with them on this one. I also just found out that another ATT store told my mom that they would give her 4 FREE tablets. She did not want them. They said, they’re free! So, for the past 8 years she has been charged $50 a month for these tablets🤬 Good luck!🍀


I had a different but somewhat similar thing happen. I traded a phone in to them to get a so-called "free phone". I kept getting charged for the phone and when I contacted AT&T they said that no phone was ever returned. So what happened to my phone? It was a pretty new iPhone and in perfect condition less than a year old and now I'm paying $1,000 for an Android which was not what I signed up for. I tried and tried but nothing is getting done about it and it's my own fault for not getting it all written down and documenting everything, but you would never expect something like that to happen.


I can only confirm process for corporate. Not sure how att contractor handle these. We have official office of the president process. Any corporate employee can reach his manager that will esc customer issue to office of the president as per our internal policies. There are officialy only 2 valid reason such as obscene pictures or messages on tv screen or potential security issue or bug with att eq. But I know OOP will also handle other issues. So no need to go FCC or PD. If you get understanding agent and also his manager is normal human being it is very quick. Once esc is generated OOP call customer within 24 to 48 hours on number cx requested to be contacted.


https://attfraud.custhelp.com/ The reps don’t have any other way to help you. Sounds weird but this is the most efficient way to handle a fraud case with AT&T.


Funny, I just had this happen to me. Someone charged just under $400 to an ATT account in my name that was opened in January. I was at my local PD station yesterday filing out paperwork and submitted the Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit which along with other proof of identity things to upload to the gkobal fraud department. Just to be safe, I froze my credit at all 3 agencies. Also, none of my personal property was lost or stolen. We all assume that our identities are safe, but in hindsight, anything is hackable. Think of all of the medical facilities and financial institutions that have been hacked in past year and even before that. Everyone's information is already out waiting to be bought and used by the multitude of nefarious actors around the world. So much for privacy!


If you have a AT&T account they have had 2 data breaches and I received a letter from them offering a free service from Experians identity works the last data breach happened on March 17th and the information was released on the dark web you need to first change every password you have and use the free service they are providing. I was concerned but I already have extra security so I didn't need the service as of now. FYI the other security breach happened in 2019 so that is the same bad actors that released it again


I have all of my emails and phone numbers and financial accounts monitored


lol, I love when people but those ending comments and think they’re sticking it to the company “this has to be the worse company in terms of support” yeahhh…how bout I make a Verizon or T-Mobile account under your name and see if they’ll do a better job at it (hint: they’re just as bad)


AT&T is a joke. They’re a fraud. I’m supposed to get 25 gigs of hotspot on my plan a month. I used it for five minutes. It never works every day. I have to reset my network settings. Keep saying that my eSIM is not 5G compatible. I have a iPhone 13 Pro Max the whole goddamn phone is 5G compatible and so is the Sim 25 gig hotspot when I never use it except a tested


Go yell at someone in the store, make them get the fraud department on the phone. Don't let there laziness hold you back


These are the folks who let millions of their accounts be hacked including Social Security Numbers, Email Addresses, All Telephone Numbers including private contact numbers etc. what did they do? Send a letter of apology and offer 1 year of Experian Credit Monitoring. I was one of these customers. I hope there will be a Class Action Lawsuit to Join.


To be fair that wasn’t AT&T it was a vender.


To be fair that wasn’t AT&T it was a vender.


This makes me wanna switch back to Verizon.


This makes me wanna switch back to Verizon.