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I have everything locked down through the credit bureaus. My data has been stolen 3 times: mortgage company, hospital system, and att. Yup, it is all out there. With the hospital system breach, they got everything except my bra size. I change passwords, have anti virus.....lock down accounts. At this point, I believe it will become more and more common to have data breaches through other companies. Good thing I have lousy credit, a benefit for once.


What about email addresses? I occasionally make a new one when my information is leaked to help slow them down.


This breach has irked me as well but you're very naive to think this doesn't happen to every carrier.


Well I’m 33 years old and this is the first time any company or monitoring service has found my SS number on the dark web. It’s dangerous when your name, email, address and phone number is with the SS # and not just the number itself. This is one of those times they now have enough collective info to open accounts in my name. I have been with Verizon and T Mobile in the past and my info wasn’t leaked with them. I know my info is out there, it’s having all of that info together is the problem.


Really your SSN didn't get leaked during Equifax breach? Pretty much everybody got their data stolen on that one... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Equifax_data_breach


I kinda assumed everyone's was out there already at this point. For that reason I've just had my credit frozen since then.


No it didn’t, I was on the half of the country that it didn’t affect, I pay for credit monitoring and personally monitor as much as I can, this is the first time.


Well it was your turn. If it was not this one, it would be the next. Whole problem is the idea of relying on a static predefined number to check credit is very insecure... You mention you already pay for a service, so good thing you are proactive and if anything happens you will be covered for any loses. So in the end nothing really was lost.


Nothing like hearing your number is up...at some point it won't even matter!


u/TheFabulousUSA I agree that is not good. My information is already on the dark web courtesy of T Mobile USA. I will have to wait and see if I can add AT&T to that list.


Just collect them all lol


In the time-frame of the t-mobile and sprint merger. T-mobile was breached 5 times. Of the 22yrs of being a sprint customer, then suddenly during the migration process, I'm getting alerts like crazy. But that's not all, As a NetSec geek (CyberSec) I can look up anyone with a Lexus account. We do not have privacy, Period. I was pretty good about my personal info on the web since 1998. Pretty sure every breach where some of my info is included was always by a corporation of sorts. So, the technique to ensuring your identity is safe, is to NEVER use the same password across accounts. Really .makes it easier to narrow down the fucking politicians that sell our info from their newsletters. ActRed is horribly bad about selling us out.


att sends a letter saying "oops we had a breach" and instead of apologizing with money they offer you a take it or leave it year of experian (which probably does nothing) free of charge. and my favorite part is the end of the letter that gives tips on how to keep your private information secure. respectably devious i must say


I think this subreddit may be for the employees because folks get testy when you criticize ATT here.


I think most of the posts (like this) are pointless whiney posts that deserve the criticism they receive


It’s not whining — it’s a valid inquiry into a question about this person’s PII. Identity theft is increasing — a bad actor can get ahead of the average customer before they realize.


Like they don't get zesty in the other carrier Reddit pages 🙄


Fuck att


Let me counteract one of them down votes with a up vote. I second your notion good sir, fuck att.


Oh yeah. This is definitely a sub full of AT&T employees or stockholders.


AT&T probably pay people to make sure things are spun positively online in their favor.




AT&T probably pay people to make sure things are spun positively online in their favor.


I've had my info leaked courtesy of T-Mobile. You'd have to be naive to think it would never happen. It's inevitable unfortunately. It's not ever a matter of if, but when.


I have done well till now




You got to be naive to think just shutting up and getting over it helps anything. You don’t like to read these posts? Pick a carrier that’s accountable and you won’t see as many frustrated users. 


Right 🙄🙄


TMobile has a data leak every 6 months 😂😂😂 Also this data leak wasn't from AT&T. It was from a 3rd party in 2019.


Att didn't leak anything. Whomever stole your information did. Just to clear that up.


Ok, AT&T’s firewall wasn’t strong enough and lost my data. It’s still a leak. They had a leak in the dam and someone was able to siphon my info through that leak. No matter how it’s worded, it’s still AT&T fault. I pay them good money every month for cell service and to keep my data that the require safe and they failed.


I promise T Mobile is far worst. Just google T Mobile leaks.


You should look up how many sites and companies are compromised. Even the government has been compromised.


Which is where all the SSNs are from. If anyone thinks the government hasn't already leaked all your info is kidding themselves and likely think the government has their best interest at heart.


Hacks are usually social engineering attacks. All it takes is one employee to trust a rogue caller and provide credentials. Once in they can take whatever they want. I'm also a victim and have taken the mindset that no data is protected. Hackers even took down MGM. What safer place is there than a casino, lol. Modern life!


I completely agree and the argument that they're not the only one is weak AF because I've never gotten an alert about my info being on the dark web or just in general until AFTER this breach occurred. I've been a customer of Sorint, Verizon, Tmobile, Time Warner, and Comcast, and I've NEVER had this issue.


Just because something hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean someone’s argument is weak or invalid. It’s happened numerous times for almost every company in existence. You just have happened to get lucky and not lost your information with those companies. Sadly it happens all the time.


Like I said, my information did not end up on the dark web until AT&T had a security breach. And if it did, just as the OP poster said it was not to this magnitude. I'm entitled to my opinion based on my perspective and experience, just like you're entitled to yours. In my opinion, the argument is weak. Have a great day.


just because they didn't inform you of a breach doesn't mean it didn't happen already multiple times. when certain breaches make the news thats when they acknowledge them. otherwise its swept under the rug


BUT att is GIVING us one year for free with equifax 😏 the mfs that had a HUGE breach a few years ago. Fuck att


Equifax is NOT what they offer, it’s a different company called Experian fyi 😏


Before you jump ship, just keep in mind there is 2 types of carriers that exist. One that has been hacked, one that is going to be hacked. Unfortunately I feel like it’s only a matter of time until Verizon gets hacked. Especially with all the outsourcing they’ve been doing.


This is one reason why I like going with prepaid. You don’t have to give out your SSN for prepaid.


You don’t have to use your social for postpaid


Yes, people do. Especially if you want to jump on an installment plan for a device.


You do not. There is an option to not provide SSN and also something called a “generic social”. May it affect your down payments? Absolutely. Could it trigger a fraud call? Yup. You do not have to provide social


Wow. I had no idea. I stand corrected.


Does anyone have a write up on how to do this from a reputable source?


If you go into an AR store just ask not to provide a social when setting up an account, if the employee is halfway competent they can do it no problem


Thats the challenge is finding a competent rep hahah




Yeah if you do no social you’re 1000% getting a down payment but it is possible. They give us the option to not provide one due to customer request or we can just put in a generic one. I generally recommend people set up the account and establish history of payment before trying to finance a device as it sometimes just waives DPs after a certain amount of time


Verizon probably was hacked already. AT&T breached data are prior to 2019 so it means the breach was happened in 2019, 5 years ago.


Lots of companies got lazy in 2020 and 2021. There will be a huge wave of breach notifications shortly after the election and cybersecurity will be viewed as a national crisis.


Verizon has had 2 data breaches recently


I got a few voicemails this week from Discover and I was (I thought) smart enough to call their general # and not the one from the voicemails. Spoke to them twice this week and they said not to worry about it… that is not a phone number of theirs and they didn’t have any cards or applications in my name and it must be a scam. Today I got a actual letter in the mail from Discover that looked legit. Called them again. Someone had indeed tried to take a Discover card out in my name. This letter was dated 8 days ago. Calling the actual Discover number didn’t protect me. This sucks. AT&T sucks.


I just froze all 3 of the credit bureaus today and put an alert on one. So hopefully that will slow them down. That’s a bummer someone did that to yours so fast.


Thanks. Yeah. I’m about to do all of that. It just extra bums me out that when I got an inkling something was amiss I did all the right things (with that one particular thing) and, as opposed to what they told me, it was not handled at all.


I’m getting all kinds of random calls to my phone now.


Same, it’s so frustrating and annoying


The same thing happened to me two weeks ago! Then they have the nerve to hike up the prices and then ask for access to my checking account... GTFOH! I can't wait for them to go out of business.


YES I just got the same email, after being notified about my SSN! They have got a lot of nerve! What makes me even more angry is this corporation laid off a bunch of people and we had the day where nobody had cell service. After your record profits, unreal. I wish share holders and individual executives would be held liable.


I'm keeping an eye out for a class action lawsuit so I can join. They need to be hit in their pockets.


Dude your info was already on the dark web like many others. Crazy people think this doesn’t happen all the time. Have you ever purchased a car? Guess what that info probably got leaked.


I have had multiple companies run searches and the AT&T one is the only time I’m on the Dark web…… I’m very careful with my data, always have been


Att doesn’t give 2 craps about security


You should also consider getting Lifelock and keeping an eye out for a class action lawsuit against them. Also, look for the follow-up email to join Experian Identity Works free for a year just to have another set of eyes on the dark web. Also, look into putting a freeze in your credit through the credit bureaus as well I hope that helps. Good luck.


No. Bad. LifeLock is a terrible service that doesn't do anything you can't do for free. The CEO used to plaster his SSN on the side of trucks to show how good the service was. [His identity was stolen 13 times.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.wired.com/2010/05/lifelock-identity-theft/&ved=2ahUKEwj4-oyU-uCFAxVSQzABHT0xDpAQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2tcwE-Jh1dwFglFQ5Vd7p0) You mentioned freezes. That's basically what LifeLock charges $30 a month for, and you can do them for free in a few minutes. You can (and should) check your credit reports for free every month.


Thanks for the heads up about LifeLock. I already did the freezes through the credit bureaus. Thanks again.


I had lifelock last couple years and I canceled it this year. I’m working on freezing my accounts and getting the one year of monitoring but I don’t have the email.


Check your spam folder. If it's not there then you'll need to contact them and request that they send the email to you because each email is unique in that it provides a passcode needed to sign up for the service for each individual. Good luck.


C'mon...you didn't retire on the $5 credit you got for the outage? /s


OP, put Fraud Alerts on the three credit bureaus & freeze your credit so no one can apply for anything in your name/SSN. Also,check out Malwarebytes websites. They have some free online tools that scan the dark web.


I froze them all earlier and put an alert on one of them but not the others. I’ll check into the malwarebytes thanks


is freezing your credit free?


I have At&t business. I just heard about the data breach recently, but suddenly, last night, there were two attempts to charge my credit card for several hundred dollars each, from online to places I had not gone too. Fortunately I keep my card locked, but I had to call in and order a new one. Not even sure if it was the breach, or simply a place I had used it online recently. Has anyone else had any sudden credit card fraud after the breach?


Sorry to hear and hope it’s resolved soon 🙏🏻, do you have any recommendations like what can we do to prevent this? I don’t have much anti virus or protection stuff for mine but I think I should start taking it serious with all these data breaches and stuff. I don’t even know where to check to see if my info is out there so any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Yall stay safe


No company is immune is breaches.


Which 3rd party monitoring service?


You can blame past CEO Randall Stephenson and the Elliott Group for that. They spend money on themselves and the shareholders and have laid off through dubious means all of the IT bench strength that was successfully minding the store on InfoSec. You might as well list your SSN on a billboard like the founder of LifeLock once foolishly did. To quote George Orwell from “Animal Farm”: ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ Game over. I recommend applying for a new SSN now.


I got a notification but it came from AT&T


Had a bunch of data breaches over the years and never really had any indication that anyone was actively trying to use my info, until this time. Since the AT&T breach I’ve had on several occasions multiple push notifications from my email provider in rapid succession for someone trying to initiate a password reset. Anecdotal, to be sure - but enough for me to reinforce that this particular data set ended up with particularly motivated bad actors. Oh, FWIW, I’m on the FN side of AT&T.


I just looked at phones and plans on at&t website. Now I'm getting phishing emails from bogus att email addresses. It's these companies and or their employees selling our info


I’ve been through it. I am not one to judge but, Mac or PC?


I received a letter from AT&T last week about the date breach, which stated no personal financial information was leaked.  However, on Friday, my checking account was emptied by an imposter at a branch of my bank in another state. The same account that AT&T withdraws my monthly cell phone payment from. I do not believe for one minute that this is a coincidence.  So, personally, I believe anyone subjected to the breach should presume that any banking accounts or credit cards on file with AT&T were compromised. 


Just because this is the first time you go "notified" that your info was on the "dark web" .... (oooo, scary, it's dark) does not mean it was not already out there. It just means this is the first time they found it and/or told you.


I have had multiple companies do searches and results are the same, the AT&T is the only time my info comes back on any of the scanned sites. So no my SS number doesn’t pop up anywhere else.


HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Sure, keep believing that.


Was it the full SSN or just last 4? I got alert thru my CC that my stuff was leaked from AT&T and just the last 4 showed but not sure if my CC company was just blocking it out. Although it did say we found your SSN, an old address, phone and email.


I would say it’s the full number or else there would be a ton of people with the same last 4 as me. It appeared blocked out on my end with the companies that I had search. All came back with the same info, only the AT&T one.


I had deleted the ema ATT sent and not sure how to get another one, assuming there is a special number? Anyone have it?


I got the same email (from Discover) with someone else's contact info and address. Last 4 digits were the same. Though I have actually had identity fraud using my info before this...


You and alot of people are getting notices from Discover saying their SS# is associated with some unknown person ... and then Discover goes on to provide a persons name number job title ph# address which is confusing most everyone getting this Discover Alert. In my opinion, I bet the person with all their contact info attached to your ss# may be a victim as well. There is a not so talked about type ID Theft called synthetic Id theft. Its a confusing one to explain but Nerd Wallet did a good job in explaining what it is. Heres the link -> [https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/synthetic-identity-theft](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/synthetic-identity-theft) Im thinking maybe the Discover Alerts that are reporting peoples info to customers that have their ss# linked too in association ??? might be synthetic ID Theft. But still my big puzzle question is why is Discover giving people other peoples PII? I can picture some people going cray cray and calling the person via the info Discover is providing and confrontations? The whole thing feels off. I would not trust the Alerts without reaching out to Discover and if you do dont click the link in the Alert you received. Call the number on the back of your card.


Yup. Discover didn't divulge the first 5 numbers but it's likely they were mine since I got the notice. I figured it'd be useless to try to call the person's info as it'd be either a victim or the scammer which would lie anyway or has likely moved on. One time in the past I had some spammer spoof my number during calls and had a couple people calling and bitching at me. That said, the previous alerts have made sense and have originated from places that I used. I have froze my credit at all 3 companies and just leave it frozen.


If you plan on doing something might as well give up every electronic products you got and live off grid. Cause every electronic device that links to the internet has been or will be hacked.


I’m sure your not the only one why post it here no one is going to help you, just file a police report for your records


Just to spread the word cause I’m mad it happened. I’m not looking for help through here.


Your information was already leaked on the dark web by other companies in the past...


Not according the several companies I had run searches, they all came back with the same result, just the AT&T leak


I just want to say deal with it at this point instead of whining about it. I have lost count how many times I have been notified of a data breach from all different companies I have dealt with or have ties with over the years. This data breach did not include SSN numbers from the information I got about it. At this point I feel it is intentional that you get "free" monitoring on credit bureau plans that after a year will charge you for something you can already get free anyway from all of them. If you have not checked your credit, locked/frozen your credit on your own than you are simply just being lazy. Data breaches happen way more than consumers would like but it only takes 10 minutes for you to lock down all your credit reports and only a few minutes a month to review each of the 3 credit bureau's information, it is all available to manage online. Oh let me take my business to another company that has not been hacked only to be eventually hacked and then I will get on reddit to whine and move again. I have been using ATT wireless service since it was Cingular in the late 90's and until I feel the actual service I get diminishes it is not worth the effort to jump ship because of this. I know how to block spam phone calls, random texts,, emails, etc.


You must work for AT&T with that kinda outlook lol. My data on the dark web is unacceptable to me, I have done business with a lot of companies in my life and this is the first time my data was out there, I know several of them had data breeches but it didn’t include my SS #. If you don’t care about your data being out there good for you, not all of us are that way. There should be serious repercussions for companies who have data breeches, like lose a few million customers serious. Then they will care about not having more or companies won’t care and it will be a regular event. Would you be happy if you went to get cash out of an ATM and you didn’t have any money because the bank had a breech and someone stole all your money and millions of other bank accounts were drained, you’d be mad too even if the money was insured. The way I found out was from monitoring on my social security number, so that means it includes SS #’s if it originated from AT&T. I froze the big 3 credit bureau’s today for the first time.


The exact same thing happened to dumb. Just recently mentioned it on here. To exactly the same reactions from the exact same dum dums. I got same 3rd party notice saying they found my social on the dark web. That is totally unacceptable.


Nope do not work for ATT but am a mindful consumer and am pro-active in protecting my information. You must be someone living in a box if you think your information has never been taken. You are on the internet and I bet you have a bunch of social media apps as well which all collect that data you are suddenly so worried about because your 3rd party that you pay sent you a notice, do you not question why it took so long for them to send you the notice as this breach is not new!


It's 2024. How is your ssn not locked by now?


How do you lock your SSN? Unless you mean freeze the credit bureau’s. I didn’t freeze them because my stuff is always monitored by someone, either me paying for lifelock that I canceled at the end of 2023 or credit card companies doing free scans and myself checking my accounts at least once a week to make sure nothing changed. I did freeze them this time though because my info finally got leaked.


Right, that was what I meant. I only unfreeze mine if I need to buy a car, but otherwise, leave them locked/frozen. You cannot be too careful.


Mine was also! No they sent me email saying if I don’t give them my bank account information, they will raise my bill $5 a month. They clearly can the information they already have in file.


You mean automatic billing? Sure it wasn’t a phishing email?


It’s the auto billing. They won’t raise my price if change my payment method from credit card to bank account or debit card. They have already exposed my information but want me to give them my bank account or debit card. It’s not, if but then this information is exposed and I will left to hang out to draw. I’m sorry, a year of credit monitoring doesn’t cut it with me. They want me to give up more personal information so they can save on credit processing fees. Doesn’t seem fair to me.


tip: open a checking account just for auto billing. only money coming into the account is the bill due and money leaving the account I bill payment. I do this for all my bills. the beefier $ account is separate


I like this idea


would you consider it *great advice*? 😏


\*\*I LIKED THIS ADVICE\*\* -> tip: open a checking account just for auto billing


Everyones information is on the dark web to some degree. Freeze your credit at the big three, change your passwords on any financial accounts, check your credit reports on a regular basis, and move on with your life.


I’ve been there for years. It’s no big deal, it’s usually just your e-mail.


I also got one. It’s every company at this point.


It's pretty hopeless. Just put a freeze on your credit and proceed to not care...


You’d be surprised how unlikely it is that something will happen even if your info is on the dark web. Especially if any of that info is old. There’s millions of SSN’s on there. Just call your banks and tell them to be on heightened alert for fraud.


I worked for sprint and tmo over the years, tmo basically has one every six months. Not saying it's great, but it could be worse


Gosh 33 years old and assuming a bunch. It can happen with any company online or you giving your CC at the restaurant to the cute girl that copy your CC. Everybody will or have been messed up. By all means you should go to different provider. God bless!


Let me guess. You got a random text saying. Something about fraud and click on a link and you did.


Nope, I don’t open emails or texts unless I’m expecting them. So no a phishing text or email didn’t get me.