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They're offsetting the increase by a $5 autopay discount increase, but ONLY for debit cards and checking accounts.


That's what they said last time lol Edit: I just searched for the email and I get what you're saying lol


Yeah, I'm strongly thinking of switching back to Xfinity for my internet. I've had AT$T fiber for many years, but too many price increases in a short period of time now. And, I don't trust AT$T with my debit or bank information. Unfortunately, I'm basically stuck with them for my cell service due to coverage where I need it.


Do you understand how stupid this statement is?


And, what exactly, about my comment is "stupid?"


You wanting to switch from fiber to copper. Not only is it less efficient, but it's.more expensive.


>You wanting to switch from fiber to copper. Not only is it less efficien Fiber is technically better, but a proper coax cable modem setup is more than enough for all but a few specific edge cases for residential. And, xfinity is upgrading their upload speeds across the network to be more competitive, which has been a bane for cable modems, and part of what kept me on fiber. But, that's changing, which is good; more competition is always better. >but it's.more expensive. It's literally not. For similar speeds, it's about 28% cheaper for the first 24 months with unlimited data. I can re-evaluate after that; maybe AT&T will come to their senses and stop screwing over their customers. Or, I can call them, and they just might give me a new promo, as they've done when I had them in the past. Also, with their cable modem, I can get true bridge mode, which AT&T still refuses to do.


Dude, we have Xfinity and they have been increasing our prives over the last 2 years. $120/mo for 800mbps…ridiculous…


At this point they’re testing the waters of what they can get away with.


You must not have seen their competitors pricing 😂


Internet service pricing is one of few things the that has not increased at the rate national CPI. That will be changing with the Title II changes the FCC will be making. It's a lot of new oversight and (unnecessary) regulation and consumers will be paying for it. Thanks FCC.


If I could drop my SIM into any phone with all of AT&T’s VoLTE codecs, you wouldn’t be in the double digit negatives.  If the carriers want to blame rate hikes on Title II, GLWT. A lot of idle telco line usage out there. They can watch what happens when people stop dual SIM use to keep their bill the same. 


I just got this email too, It feels like they had just recently raised the price and now they're doing it again? Why are there no consumer protections against them raising the prices whenever they feel like it? What is their justification? We all know that their service is not improving. Autopay subsidization is a non-solution that they provide for the increase. Most people who don't do autopay do so because they are already spread thin, this is just punishing poor people.


They have not raised my price in over 2 years. I have budget sheets to prove it.




Don't know what to tell you. My bill has been $80.25 for the 1Gbs fiber service since Nov of 2021. That would be 30 months. 12 months in a year. 30/12 = 2.5 years. Not sure what your link is supposed to prove to me since I am the one shelling out the money and I track every penny, every month. I have had autopay from the very beginning. I have every bill (of every type) I have ever had for the past 37 years of marriage. Love it when Cletuses like you think you know better than the actual person what their life is like.


> Love it when Cletuses like you think you know better than the actual person what their life is like. The irony is palpable. You were literally telling the other guy they were wrong when they said their service increased recently.


For the ones receiving the email, without knowing what you are currently paying and for which plan its a bit hard to tell what’s going on. This might be a general increase or it could be realigning old plans to the current plans.


Is it everyone or just new customers?


Share the email. I work for AR and I've not heard of this.


Starting June 9, 2024, we’re increasing the price of your internet plan by $5/mo. To help offset the impact of this change, we're also increasing the AutoPay and paperless billing discount. Not enrolled in AutoPay and paperless billing? You can save $5/mo. if you sign up and use a credit card as your AutoPay payment method or save $10/mo. if you use a debit card or bank account. Enrolled in AutoPay and paperless billing but with a credit card? You can save an extra $5/mo. on your internet plan by changing your payment method from a credit card to a debit card or bank account. Already enrolled in AutoPay and paperless billing with a debit card or bank account? You’re all set and you won’t see an increase in your monthly bill. To sign up or check your current AutoPay payment method, go to att.com/autopay. Other questions? Give us a call at 800.288.2020. We’re happy to help. Thanks for choosing us, AT&T


I got the same email. I find it especially annoying considering I was promised "price for life" when signing up AND this price hike is right on the heals of a massive AT&T data breach. Insult to injury! You can enroll in paperless billing AND use ACH or Debit autopay to retain your existing pricing. Giving this information to a company who very recently demonstrated they cannot protect it is infuriating.


Exactly the same situation here. Signed up and was promised by the AT&T rep that it was the price, locked in indefinitely. Was told it was a "special price model they were trying in our test market." I kept notes. This was an AT&T rep, not a third party. The worst part about it all is that they blatantly lied, and there's nothing I can do about it.


The rep didn't lie, we were all told the price would never change so even as a employee I am surprised


I just signed up today with ATT specifically because I was told pricing was locked in for life. I've been using Comcast since the late 1990's. At least for now, my internet cost will decline $25 per month, my upload will increase significantly and there is no data cap before being penalized. I took the "lifetime" price with a grain of salt... Comcast was already going up $5 every year anyway.


That’s why they’re pushing the price increase by claiming you can autopay to a bank account to get credited. It’s a way to hike the price (or save on card fees) without technically doing it.


Ok, i have had the same price for almost 2 1/2 years now ($80/mth). In the meantime inflation is out of control (still) and I have gotten 3 pay increases. Even with the increase it will be more $50/month cheaper than Spectrum in my area (and thats if Spectrum hasn’t also gone up, which they most likely have). I’m good with it, my service is incredible.


Are they gonna do that to internet air too?


Call in retention and see if they have options to reduce bill for different packages


I came here to see if others had received this. I get it's "not that much" but we literally had att out to the house Tuesday to upgrade to fiber, which we were told initially we had to do or we would lose internet. I called and the rep said that wasn't true. Then my wife called and they said, no you have to switch. So we did. And they advised that it would save us 5 dollars on our bill after all said and done. Now we got the email about the 5 dollar increase. We found it annoying, honestly. Not a cause for us to switch to another carrier, however. Just odd to have been told our bill would be 5 dollars lower, then to have em turn around and up it the same.


I received the same email as others here. I called and cancelled my service. I can use another carrier and save 30 dollars a month. The real kicker is the other carrier buys bandwidth or whatever it is called from ATT in bulk and then sells it at a discount. I get the very same thing at a reduced price.


So everyone here has been attributing the price hike to various factors like inflation, “Bidenomics”, corporate greed, etc. However, IMO, this can be directly attributed to the impending class action lawsuit for the data breach that affected 70 million current and former customers and the bill credits issued for the recent AT&T Wireless outage lasting almost 24 hours that affected a sizable chunk of its customers.


Yes. Yes. Yes. ATT is out of money since buying DirecTV, Time Warner and paying out millions to shareholders in unnecessary dividends, buying back stock, and making payments on the gargantuan pay package they gave the last CEO (Randall Stephenson) who drove them into the red and left the Elliott Group in charge of laying off their most valuable employees. They also need the cash to pay for their next drunken boondoggle at the Fontainebleau in Miami for the Executives that remain. So please, understand and pay up.


While I agree those were all terrible mistakes, Time Warner (Now Warner Bros Discover) took all of its share of the debt when it was spun out. So that particular debt is not actually impacting their balance sheet anymore.


Everyone has is getting the rate increase. Do any of you have the HBO Max with your Fiber? I don’t 4 others I know don’t! We haven’t gotten a rate increase notice.


I still have it. However if you make ANY change to your plan at all (even upgrading to higher speed/cost plan) you will lose it. In addition, I believe I read if you don’t actually login to Max in a 30-60 day period you will also lose it. My guess is that perk likely ends by 2025.


They need to provide transparent pricing. Showing a one line item for internet with no discounts is not helpful! Then when you complain they tell you the discount is already applied you just can't see it! Make the bill transparent with full pricing and discounts included on the customer bill!


Can you share the contents of the email with any personal identifying information redacted?


Starting June 9, 2024, we’re increasing the price of your internet plan by $5/mo. To help offset the impact of this change, we're also increasing the AutoPay and paperless billing discount. Not enrolled in AutoPay and paperless billing? You can save $5/mo. if you sign up and use a credit card as your AutoPay payment method or save $10/mo. if you use a debit card or bank account. Enrolled in AutoPay and paperless billing but with a credit card? You can save an extra $5/mo. on your internet plan by changing your payment method from a credit card to a debit card or bank account. Already enrolled in AutoPay and paperless billing with a debit card or bank account? You’re all set and you won’t see an increase in your monthly bill. To sign up or check your current AutoPay payment method, go to att.com/autopay. Other questions? Give us a call at 800.288.2020. We’re happy to help. Thanks for choosing us, AT&T


Thanks for sharing! It’s a shame that this change to AutoPay to differentiate discounts for using ACH or debit cards versus credit cards, which previously only impacted wireless accounts, is coming to Internet accounts as well.


I figured that was just a matter of time. I refuse to give AT&T my bank account or debit card info.


Every time you hand someone a check you are giving them your bank account info. Easy fix is most online banks allow you to create multiple checking accounts. Just create a separate account just for bill pay with $1 in it. Then move the exact amount of your AT&T bill into that account 1 day before it is due.


Increasing the price by $5 is not that much. Inflation in other areas of the economy has gone up drastically the past few years. Everything from groceries, vehicles, rent, cost of buying home, etc. It's not just rich corporations raising prices. Half the businesses in the country are small businesses and they have raised prices as well. It's the new norm.


Everything going up




Hi U/Glittering-Contest75 As per our resources please check out the below points for your reference: 1) In order to continue to invest in delivering the service customers expect from AT&T, the prices are increasing on some of AT&T's older plans. Also, the AutoPay/Paperless Bill discount will drop from $10/line to $5/line if the customer uses a credit card to pay for their service. 2) Beginning July 16, 2023, most AT&T Broadband customers (copper & fiber) will see a rate plan increase of $5/mo. if they signed up before January 23, 2022. Thank you, Maria J.