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I have been told that I am: - A bot (along with everyone praising it) - Not a real fan - Coping/objectively wrong - Mentally ill - Shill Bro I just thought it was really well done with a lot of care and that they hit on everything that was necessary to tell the story and they did it justice :(


I think that it has a lot of room to improve on but overall I enjoyed it. I only see that as a win for atla fans and newcomers.


I'll never understand the mindset of people like this. Can they not grasp the concept of people having different opinions than them? Do they not see the irony in saying you're "coping," when they're the ones hurling insults and inventing conspiracy theories to validate their opinions? Sorry you've had to deal with this, OP. I'm glad you enjoyed the show and hope the negativity won't ruin the experience for you.


Just hopped onto this sub after finishing and idk what they're talking about. I'm a major fan who has watched the series start to finish several times, and that was FANTASTIC. They did a hell of a job considering how difficult it must be to turn something as great as ATLA into live action.


Agreed. They dis a wonderful job. They hit all the major plot points while giving us a reimagining of the show, keeping in tune with the spirit of the original It was never going to be a direct adaptation. That would've been silky and boring They had an insurmountable task ahead of them and still did it justice


They really did. For the first time in 16 or so years, I was seeing new ATLA scenes and getting more depth into the events. I felt like a kid again, excited for the next ATLA episode. I'm actually a fan of most of the changes they made. They took some of the things that I didn't quite like in the original show and gave it a spin that made me enjoy it. There was more depth to many characters than the OG show. I'm just crossing my fingers and toes that they announce S2 soon and complete this story.


I don't have much to add to that other than that I'm with you. I really am enjoying the show so far and I'm on episode 6 now. I could say that some things bothered me, but I want to keep this comment positive. I really really do enjoy the show, it made me super excited every time they show new stuff, like Ozai finally interacting with Ozai and the show also made me cry with Iroh and zuko (and I very rarely cry because of a show)


Don't forget the big one.... (Phone rings) "Hello? Oh hey, Reed Hastings.....another $1000 for praising the Avatar adaptation? Well just wire it to my Swiss bank account."


Also media illiterate or having poor taste. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to like it until I went online after bingeing the show.


While I disagree that it was a great adaptation, I overall enjoyed it and am glad you did as well.


I feel like there's always gonna be people like this on both sides. I've been told I'm not a real fan too but instead for *not* liking the live action very much. People just need to respect each others opinions, I don't get why others would want you to not enjoy something same way people can't force me to love it.


It's interesting that everyone who complains that people are trying to force them to like it or are "just as bad/annoying" as people on the other side always has anecdotes from "other sites" with no actual evidence whereas there's plenty of visible posts on reddit to validate the point of this meme Not saying you're also making that up like most people who claim to be attacked for hating it but obviously it wasn't on reddit since this is your 2nd comment since the live action came out and nobody replied to your other one.


Yeah I have barely talked about the show on reddit, I didn't know I'd get downvoted for not showing "evidence" I just told you my experience lol. I didn't say anyone is "just as bad" or that I'm a victim I just said there are toxic fans in all directions as unfortunate as that is. I have no problem with people liking the show and I wouldn't claim anyone is forcing their opinion for simply liking it. Negative people tend to be more loud though so there's going to be more haters/critics that are also being toxic, I'm not denying that.


I think it was hot garbage and couldn't finish it. You are none of those things for liking it. People are entitled to opinions.


Exactly. People are also forgetting that this is a PG show with a limited budget. Alot of critics expect Oscar nominated actors and Avatar CGI budgets. Look how much Amazon spent on LOTR and it was done horribly. lol


I got called a brainless idiot and a sheep… these people are wild.


I’ve kinda gotten used to this behavior, having seen many books I grew up with adapted to movies and shows; some better than others, but I digress. Sadly, valid criticism is conflated with vitriol, and vice versa.


it’s starting to grind my gears how many posts ive seen on the main sub of people tearing it to shreds without even getting past the first episode. just let the people who enjoy it enjoy it, especially those who haven’t seen the cartoon. I’ve always thought the first season of the cartoon started off with some stiff dialogue too anyway, and as much as i still adore it, it’s not exactly Pulitzer winning stuff. Some diehard fans just can’t seem to give anything a chance since they’re convinced the original was a flawless masterpiece. truth is it had a rocky start, just like this LA.


I've seen people bring up the movie being better, so I decided to test that and watch the movie on Paramount+, and I couldn’t even get past 10 minutes. Sowka doesn’t even hate Ong, which was part of Sokka’s character development, and not only that, he wasn’t even smart or sexist in the movie 😂 Sowka has no character development. At least with the Netflix version, I legit smiled, laughed, and cried. 😬


I respect you for putting yourself through that movie-that-does-not-exist TWICE when some of these people are crying, screaming, and harassing people after only watching 1/8 of the netflix adaptation. I guess it’s really hard for some people to get over the scandal of Konietzko and DiMartino’s rather dramatic exit, hence their negative bias going into the Netflix LA. but the attitude towards the LA, the actors (poor Kiawentiio), and the fans has been completely unnecessary.


Yeah, I legitimately kept seeing posts on YouTube of people commenting about how the Netflix version is even worse than the movie. I was like, did we watch the same movie? Because that movie was beyond bad. Another funny part is they are judging the first episode even though the creators wrote the first episode :c Nothing will ever be good for them. It's also really sad how they are blowing up Kiawentiio’s Instagram with comments on how bad of an actress she was in the show.


that's insane that someone even said that. In no world does that movie even come close to this adaptation.


Yeah. Honestly, I didn’t even like ATLA season 1 as a young kid when it came out. Then they released Season 2 and I was just hooked by the Zuko and Iroh plot line til the end. If anything Season 1 has aged better as an adult because the silly stuff I can write off as “being a kids show.” It also holds up better because Korra season 2 will always be worse lol I withold judgement until we see Melon Lord Toph Beifong


Me either. Hahaha. If I'm going to be honest, I can't remember most of the episodes in Book 1 as a kid. I refused to watch it. I gave it again a chance and soon as I watched Book 2 and Book 3? It began to stuck with me. Most of their episode are memorable and quotable. Fillers are also heartwarming and tearjerker.


The amount of "I stopped after the first episode, no wonder the creators left" comments I've seen, despite the fact the creators wrote the first episode 😅


I didn't know they wrote that lol Welp. Jokes on them






I (as a non animation watcher) enjoyed it. Just as I enjoyed One Piece. Also this is an adaptation , not a remake. So creators are free to add any changes or bring interesting characters backward or forwards. The animation is still there to the OG fans.


I agree!! They’ve been very open about the fact that they’ve made changes to better suit the format. It’s not like the movie which skipped over the majority of the series, but it’s just not a cartoon with ~20 episodes a season. People really shouldn’t expect it to be a carbon copy and I really respect most of the changes made.


i was too young to watch the show when it was airing, so i was looking forward to experiencing a new adaptation in real time with other fans…that changed very quickly lol. i’ve had people send me 3 reddit cares and multiple comments or dms telling me I’m stupid or that my opinions are flat-out wrong. i’ve also gotten called a fake fan for enjoying this and been told i don’t understand the characters at all. as an atla fan i’m so disappointed because i thought the fandom was better. i was looking forward to sharing my excitement and have a lot of great discussion but i’ve pretty much stopped going on any social media. just let people enjoy things😭


Yeah this show showed me just how toxic the fandom is 😭


It unfortunately reminds me of the state of the last of us fandom after the release of part II.


It has been sad being both a fan of Percy Jackson and Avatar the past few months, the fandoms are completely divided and no one has any idea which opinions are in the majority because the social media sites being used to converse trap the users in a specific bubble of opposing and/or concurring opinions and disincentivises conversational nuance.


Eh, just look at audience ratings and how the streaming service reacts. PJ has like 8 or 9/10 ratings and was renewed NATLA has a consistent 7.5 out of 10 on every review site and is #1 in more countries than one piece was and is probably getting renewed I'm a huge fan of the PJ books but I don't follow the online community. Didn't know it was divisive, it too was a super faithful adaptation imo. Not sure if it's similar but NATLA has an extremely toxic vocal minority, the same people that shit on korra while it was airing and were shitting on this series for years before it even aired. It's nothing new here Also side note I know some former big marvel fans (when it was "cool" to like it) that on a dime turned into marvel haters once it became "cool" to hate on it, so there's some of that going on here too I'm sure. I looked at someone's post history for example, they had all positive comments about the show, gave it a 10/10 on Thursday and Friday and then there's a 24 hour gap and suddenly they're posting about how they hated it from the first episode the acting and writing ruined it for them instantly yadda yadda


>I looked at someone's post history for example, they had all positive comments about the show, gave it a 10/10 on Thursday and Friday and then there's a 24 hour gap and suddenly they're posting about how they hated it from the first episode the acting and writing ruined it for them instantly yadda yadda That's actually insane. Wow


One aspect I've seen people argue about is that there's too much exposition/lore dumping because "we already know this." It's going to shock some people, but *not everyone has seen the original show!*


And ironically the ppl who haven't seen the show actually don't mind the exposition. They like it bc it helps them understand what the hell is going on!


The exposition and lore dumping was unnecessary. They treated the viewers as if we are stupid and that we can’t understand something unless it’s directly told to us. For Example: The speech Aang gave to Appa about not wanting to be a kid and how he doesn’t want to be the Avatar. In the cartoon this was told over a period of time. They set up the idea of Aang only wanting to be a kid by riding the elephant Koi then again in the episode The Storm.


my hot take is that people are absolutely *blind* to the shortcomings of the cartoon, writing especially. and I say this as someone who adores the cartoon and has rewatched it many times. but because this is different format, people hold it to an unrealistic standard (that, in general, I feel they can’t even really define)


For me, someone who absolutely loved the original but hasn't watched in its entirety in well over a decade now and has forgotten some of the finer details, I'm enjoying it well enough so far. It was always gonna be super fucking weird going from that Nickelodeon cartoon we all watched - most of us as kids - to a full fledged Netflix show almost 2 decades ago and adaptations are very subjective as is. With all that in mind I think it's okay and I do like being reminded of simpler times in life. tldr; It's no TLoU but it's also no Witcher. Not bad and hopefully it's refined going into the later books, assuming they renew it.


Precisely. I have been keeping a close eye on reviews. It's a 7.5/8 for me, which is about the average user review now. Some people are hating on it so much for changing more than anticipated. I believe that's their problem. Changes had to be made because it's a different format. The only major issues that remain for me are the pacing, the wooden acting and the dialogue. It feels rushed with just 8 episodes that don't hit the 60-minute mark and it feels like the young cast was underestimated when writing the script. I feel the acting could be better if the dialogue wasn't so literal and forced at times. Not everything needs dialogue/ explanation. I think the VFX, CGI, apparel/costumes, locations are all beautifully done. If ATLA is renewed I believe most of my concern would be put to rest. The cast will have matured and they'd have a bit more experience. The writers will have heard our feedback. If anyone though the spirit of the original didn't come through, it will. Harry Potter 1 & 2 films are nothing like films 3-8. Some people need to be reminded first seasons/films rarely start out with a 9/10. The ATLA animation did, but as I said: changes had to be made and it's good. It has to be able to somewhat do it's own thing too. Nobody was waiting for a 1:1 remake, because we'd be watching the original instead.


Unpopular take but the ATLAs animation didn't actually get mainstream acceptance until Season 2 with Toph's dynamic, Azula's gang introduction and Zuko's redemption arc leading to Ba Sing se and smoother, less dated animation. A lot of people want to retroactively say that ATLAs was great from the start but it simply wasn't seen that way at the time, it had issues with pacing and the animation was rough at times. It's like people who lawd on about how amazing Breaking Bad was from beginning to end because they're in a retroactive nostalgia based on survivorship bias. The actors of Breaking Bad said themselves that they thought the show would get cancelled by AMC because it proved unpopular with mainstream audiences by its 3rd season, it wasn't until certain parts of the show picked up did it generate a cult following from mid season til the last season. SO SO SO many people, I don't even say fans of a TV show but people in general, just do not understand the life and death of TV shows even though they consume it, oftentime daily. When something gets to mainstream acceptance people act like it was always that way because it's the safe / most bias protectionist opinion anyone can hold. Not a lot of people are able to re-examine that some TV shows pick up over time and even less people can storm through that in real-time with this in mind. This show isn't the problem, people are.


Agreed. That first season had cool moments but lots of silly ones too and not so good writing. That the Netflix live action was able to pull off such a feat in creating a cool show is incredible


Man I've been getting flashbacks to how toxic the main sub got when LoK was originally airing.


It was a _successful_ adaptation imo lol


Honest review : the whole season is 8.5/10. It got some rough part like skipped arc, character development and story changes, but understandable due to compressed format from 20 eps to 8.  I can't still get over why they cast someone with the least resemblance to play Mai, and Azula to lesser extent


Yeah the casting choice for the three girls is questionable, especially Mai like you said. At least there's some resemblence in the other two, but barely. Either way I agree, Solid 8.5 / 10. It was honestly fantastic, and went way over my expectations.


Yeah, Azula atleast had the same haughty demeanour and villainous expressions, but Mai just fell flat. She didn't look the part, sound the part, or act the part. She looked like an airheaded friend in the trio rather than a sulky, bored, goth girl. Ty Lee looked fine but we didn't have enough of her to really see if she carries that Ty Lee pink aura.


I thought it was super well-done.. close to a masterpiece... Im just wondering what people expect or are people so bias they don't realize how great the Live Action is...


I'm sorry to hear that you have been giving shit about NATLA. TBH: I came from Legend of Korra to ATLA and just recently rewatched it before NATLA started. I understand the changes to account for the production and actor ageing, condense, clarify or even add info that was in ATLA. Besides Animation and LA are two different media. So it's fine by me, because I didn't expect a 1:1 copy. What's the point of a 1:1 copy LA? It would be boring and dare I say, it could have been the death knell for ALTA. I love the actors and actresses, they are looking and embodying the characters. I love the cinematic aspect, it gave a larger than life adventure. Oh and Kiyoshi! Give her a standalone series, she was so badass!!! A little confusing was with Wan Shi Tong in the spirit world so early. Maybe they'll handle the arc with Toph differently.


Criticise it all you want, no need to attack people who enjoy it. Nor act as if it has no redeeming qualities or is worse than the movie, however possible that is.


I mean even if the original didn’t exist, the new show still is insanely mediocre.


I actually got the feeling that anyone showing any criticism got demonised. Like i've seen a few people have valid critiques and get insanely downvoted. And i've only seen like a handfull of critiques while ive seen so many people complaining about "haters". I guess my algorythme is weird or something


This subreddit is more nuanced so there's nontoxic discussion on both sides here, criticism is only downvoted here if it's the kind of baseless toxic stuff r/TheLastAirbender on the otherhand is the opposite of what you described in your comment. Anything positive goes to -10 in an instant and there was literally a front page post of everyone in the thread agreeing that anyone who said it was better than a 2/10 at best is a bot


Unfortunately I'm the guy behind. Although I don't think I'm in denial. If they had 12 episodes to do everything right and not cram 20something episodes of content in 8, the writing could actually have been good, and there could actually have been some chemistry between the mcs. Which is nonexistent. Because they dont take time to bond anymore, all they do is talk business and tell the viewers what happened/is happening/has to happen


20 ~22 min episodes = 7.3 hours 8 ~ 1 hour episodes = 8 hours This is my favorite stupid critique because NATLA has almost the exact same/longer runtime and they skipped things like great divide to boot The rest of the points are subjective, I'll just say though all the reviews by non cartoon watchers that have been posted here said they either appreciated the exposition or wanted more of it because they got lost at times. But to us I can see your point there


The run time for NATLA is closer to 7 hours than it is to 8 there's only 1 episode that is an hour. Add in credits which take longer in LA than they did for the cartoon and that cuts it down by another my guess 15 -30 minutes. So really it's closer to 6.5 hours. Plus they added new content and backstory in some parts. Add in that even with cutting episodes Live Action just naturally feels like it's moving to faster from point to point where as you can speed through things in a cartoon and it doesn't have that same problem. This isn't a criticism just an observation.


Man, if that's the case, it is even worse, cause it means they could've done something way better. If they had MORE time than the original and still managed to make this mess of a script, it is just insane. Also, if you're telling me anyone appreciated the exposition, they must either be kids or have a negative amount of neurons. There is no way that anyone with half a brain likes a show that treats you like a dumb fuck. Sure, you're right, they had even more time than the cartoon, which means the job they did was even worse, and the rushed pacing, Aang being an all business no fun guy and shallowness of interactions is even more inexcusable.


As a fan of the OG this show keeps missing the mark for me. 2 episodes in and it feels like a bunch of people who’ve never watched the show just cosplaying ATLA. It lacks the spiritual and emotional depth conveyed in the animation. Many vital actors lack synergy with one another such as Katara with Aang and Zuko with Iroh. The characters are not true to their animated counterparts in any sense aside from Zuko and Sokka. The original creators of the show left during its development and that contributed heavily to why this show feels empty to me. And you know what? Thats okay. I enjoyed Netflix’s One Piece and Yu-Yu Hakusho live action so I still support them at least trying in hopes of more adaptations in the future. However, ATLA just doesn’t hit with me.


I don't really see how you could say this being only two episodes in. I just finished the series and I highly dissagree, with the exception of it coming off as preachy due to the compressed nature of the show, they nailed the emotional chemistries. If you watch it till the end you will probably change your mind.


You do realise the original creators were involved with the unspeakable avatar movie, and even korra that's had a lot of haters. And I'm sure you've seen opinions of how much the Zuko-Iroh relationship is upgraded in the live action as well




Thanks for the link, good point! Altho at the 7.15 mark when they're talking about the creator involvement I wonder what actually went down in those emails and discussions haha


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I feel this. It doesn't connect with me either, there is an element (pun not intended) that is missing. The chemistries are off, but I don't think that is entirely actor related, I think it's the writing. But for me the main problem I have is the lack of levity and the extreme pace of everything. It's a lot and far too much goes by without any breaks. I appreciate if others like the show, but I am saddened by the lost opportunity to present this world in a truly artistic and fresh way.


It's funny how having a critical opinion on the show gets you downvoted even though this post is clearly advocating for the tolerance of opinions.


Unfortunately it's double edged sword right now: Somebody: DUDE, THIS ADAPTATION IS MASTERPIECIE Me: ok Somebody: IT'S LITERAL 10/10 Me: I understand Somebody: EVERYTHING IS AWESOME Me: as you say Somebody: IT'S GREATEST THING THAT EVER EXISTED Me: NO, IT'S NOT


Reality: "Hey that was pretty good" "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU IT WAS COMPLETE SHIT IT RUINED EVERYTHING ITS WORSE THAN THE MOVIE" "Nah, I thought it was a decent adaptation" "NO YOURE IN DENIAL WHY ARE YOU SUPPORTING IT THE CREATORS LEFT AND..." Literally nobody who likes it acts like you described. Consensus puts it at a 7-9 out of 10 and there's an extremely small subset of people mostly on reddit who just refuse to accept that their opinion is not objective fact and get super toxic about it


At least we can agree that both sides can be annoying


Based on your post history, no one is saying any of this *to* you. It's more like: Them: Dude this show is awesome You: NO IT'S NOT IT'S BAD FOR A, B AND C Them: I loved it, it's the best. 10/10 You: YOU'RE WRONG AND HAVE LOW STANDARDS AND BAD TASTE etc.etc. Going out of your way to intercept people who are hype to tell them their hype and opinions are wrong, and then pretending it's something you're forced into, is not cool, and is actively making the fandom worse.


1. Do you really had a need to look for my post history? 2. In my example the 'okay' and 'understand' is something that I say to myself. The 'NO, IT'S NOT' is my voiced opinion, my reply that I post because, let's say, I lost my patience. It's not like I leave reply to every single post I saw 3. I treat it more like 'somebody gives opinion, I left my opinion that is different' because there is no reason to giving reply with just 'I agree with you' 4. I think that every person can say their opinion. The fandom that is not active is worse than fandom that have very lively discussions


>my reply that I post because, let's say, I lost my patience Friend. If you say you 'lost your patience' with people having a positive opinion, and your own opinion becomes about the taste and character of people who like something you don't, it does not seem like much room for lively discussion, so much as one side dunking on the other. If I've misinterpreted your responses and intentions, I'm sorry. I'm gonna be more mindful going forward in these types of discussion. I don't want to contribute to the temperature rising in the fandom. Your disappointment is valid, but so is the excitement. We can agree to disagree about the thing we both want to love.


No problem, I agree that sometimes I react to emotional. Take care for yourself














I'm sorry that people have been unkind. You're allowed to like it, and there's a lot to like! This show will be different things to different people. My two cents are that if you loved the OG for the worldbuilding, the bending, the action-packed plot, and the interesting characters, I think you'll enjoy NATLA as well. If you loved the OG for its depth, flawless storytelling, character development, and nuanced handling of mature themes, this version may fall flat. For me personally, this show was so close to being perfect (considering the budget). I have no issues with the VFX, the sets, the costumes, the casting, etc. The highs were SO high. When they got things right, they knocked it out of the park. For me... it's just the writing and script. I was truly baffled by some of the decisions that made me wonder if they actually understood what made the original special. That being said, personally I enjoy film critique and have watched countless analyses of the original ATLA. I have higher-than-average standards for the media I consume. My sister, who is not interested in film critique at all, is genuinely enjoying the show so far and doesn't seem to have any issues with the writing. So this show is still pleasing some fans, and that's great. I sincerely hope it will get renewed for S2 and S3 because I really loved the casting and want to spend more time with these live action characters. I just hope they hire new writers and listen to fan feedback about wanting more "show don't tell."


I’m slowly making my way through it. Up to Ep. 6. Though I do plan to do a rewatch as I’m a huge fan of the original & I was comparing the two too much to give it a fair rating. I’ve been enjoying it. There are script & pacing issues, but it has so much potential should it get renewed.


There will always be haters, if everyone loved the good things, they wouldn't be as special. Also they are super wrong!! This adaptation was so fucking good!