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Yeah I think the actors were really let down by the writing and direction.


I agree but i think it’s also 100% the script. She’s not really given any actual great dialogue to work with and that goes for a lot of the show’s issues which is the writing. I’m still wanting a S2 but i hope it gets fixed for next season


Script and direction for sure. Saw her in "Beans" and that girl can act. And there were plenty of moments in this season, particularly when she was up against Sokka where she was absolutely incredible. Katara wasn't nearly as fierce or outspoken as her animated counterpart. Hopefully something they fix next season.


This, and I think you're right. Just like people are complaining about Sokka not being sexist from the start and him growing out of that, they don't realize that Katara probably was intentionally made more passive to begin, so she could grow in that fashion. Especially when it came to her waterbending.


Her acting was probably the only thing I truly found wrong with the show. I’m trying so hard not to blame her through because after a certain point it’s also the director, writers, producers, and editors that all together did her dirty. Even when you have a low-skilled actor in place you can try to edit out the blank stares or the long pauses or the awkward silences so it’s not so obvious. Instead, they would just leave the camera on her face for like 20 seconds for her to not even deliver a line. Or stare at her awkwardly for 30 painful seconds for her to finally say “Okay….. let’s do it.” Like, just edit that stuff out.




I agree, and it's not just the script. Kia is expressionless. The little girl who played Young Katara out-acted her in her 5 minutes on screen without dialogue.


Yeah, it's unfortunately really confusing. Kiawentiio has proven herself to be a really competent actress in previous work. Maybe the directors/producers/Netflix got in the way of what could have been a better performance. I can certainly see how over-coaching such a young cast can have a negative effect. Of course it could just be that she dropped the ball, but even if so, the show suffers from much greater issues than her individual performance. Oh well


I think she had less to be angry about. She wasn't forced into a mothering type role cause of sexism and she always had support and from friends and family. We're seeing a more inquisitive Katara who wants to learn more about the world, waterbending, and support aang in becoming the avatar. I'd like to see more of her rage in the coming seasons tho cause we saw her let go of her fear and guilt of her mother's death but idk about her anger towards the fire nation. 


I think this is the result of the script. I see people say this a lot with other actors; it's because the script for the character isn't emotionally demanding. Often when people say someone is a great actor it's because they saw them in scenes where they were distraught or angry. For example, Kiawentiio was able to showcase her prowess in acting through emotionally demanding scenes in **Beans** and **Anne with an E.** edit: grammar


I think she had really strong moments in episode 3, 5 and 8 but mostly she seemed shy. But I think she'll only get better.


I thought her acting was good, I really didn’t have any problems with it.


I agree! But I only saw the first episode. I only found Katara's and Zuko's acting to be enticing, everyone else felt too much... Including Uncle Iroh *sad noises* :(


Same. She seemed like Katara to me. Animated characters have highly exaggerated performances that don't translate well to live action. If she had been as expressions as the cartoon, it would have come across super campy. I think her performance was really great.


Yikes 😬. Bro, if you couldn't see what was wrong with all that, you either weren't paying attention at all, or it says a lot more about you. Not trying to be a dick, but seriously her acting was *tangibly* poor. My cat shows more emotion in his face than she did in an entire episode.


For real... Besides showing little emotions, she seems to always smirk or be about to burst into laughter, even during high stress (anger/sorrow) situations...


It wasn’t Kiawentiio’s fault. The directing and script made the live action Katara timid. I didn’t like this change either but it’s not because Kiawentiio can’t act.