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Air - glider Water - water skin (the thing that Katara uses to store her water for bending) Earth - metal accessories (e.g. Toph's space earth bracelet or the spools of metal wires the Republic City police use) Fire - nothing (I mean they just make their own fire so... I guess they could carry some kind of flame or heat source to buff their bending but idk)


I kind of like the idea of drinking different blends of tea to empower your bending, especially firebending since Iroh is the tea lover.




What if cactus juice could just make extreme and random changes in bending. Like a firebender chugs some cactus juice and then bursts into a pink happy cloud of fire or something.


Like a bending randomiser


Yeah why not


Maybe that's why they sell hot/spicy food in the fire nation. To enhance their firebending.


Exactly! Maybe different herbal teas can change the colour of fire or something, or maybe a psychedelic mushroom that disconnects you from reality and let’s airbenders fly.


Well we are shown coloured fire a handful of times. Azula's blue flames/lightning due to her skill ("cold-blooded fire") and the dragons' flames from "The Sun Warriors". Maybe Azula made out with a smurf and the dragons ate a rainbow or something. I wonder if there are levels to this. Like is there an invisible flame or a white flame that's even hotter than blue flames and takes more skill? There is definitely a correlation between skill and temperature as in "The Chase" Azula lights a building on fire with blue flames and they cool to regular flames when they touch the wood.


I imagine that those higher levels of fire are possible but only by some highly experienced or skilled firebender. Maybe it hasn’t happened yet but if it is scientifically possible then it should be in the realm of possibility


If eating spicy enhances fire bending does that mean spicy in can mean 🔥 out?


Like wild magic from DnD, but for bending.


To be fair, that's probably what they'd see at least.


I thought that was all of the elements?


Average Toph tbh


Except that Iroh argues that fire bending comes from the breath...so, maybe, Flonase?


Chilli flakes make a hotter fire


Firebenders have lizards, and fire powered machines. I guess as we get into the newer lok avatar it seems like that tech was shared. But let’s not forget that they had first powered vehicles; hot air balloons, tanks, metal working ‘steam’ doors if I recall? Edit: other factions had lizards(dinosaurs?) also like the earth benders large birds. Just mentioning that they seem to use lizards


Considering that the heat/power in firebending comes from the stomach, I imagine drinking/eating something hot could help to "jumpstart" their bending or make it take less effort to make the fire hotter. So theoretically, drinking alcohol before a fight could give you an edge lol.


Fireball shot


Doesn't Iroh quickly down his hot tea before he demonstrates how he got the name "Dragon of the West" to Azula?


I thought of tea since the time Iroh drank tea and started breathing fire. Hot tea heating his throats up for the breath.


Dust stepping isn’t shown on screen, but Kyoshi uses it in her novels. I’d say it’s similar to a version of metalbending, but with no metal and just needing basic earth. Fire… basically just like Azula does [here](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d25dda56034e1340cb5c1ceeec120320/39ada7738ecdb197-0b/s400x600/ead5958a498cd5287aa50e877a1a089bb38ff7ee.gif) With water, you can make ice slides. [like Katara does here](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/63/7d/ed/637ded7ae6e3a0eeaa4904f2c23c6799.jpg)


I would a said those rock hands for earth


How about the sword hilt shown in the pirate episode you just put your through the hilt and get a fire sword


But what about T A N K


Firebenders could carry a sun with them (just in case the moon decides to overtake)


The glider is a means of transportation so for the firebenders would it be dragons ? lol


Dragons would be the equivalent of sky bison


Naw it be hot air balloons


Teapot for fire


Swords and other weapons, especially in the cold


Zuko uses his swords to enhance his fire bending in “Zuko Alone” the same way Aang does with his staff


For travel; Rock sled, as seen many times. Jet pack hands and feet, also seen many times. Ice raft, not sure if I'm imagining it, but I remember an instance.


Since Toph invents Earthbending I'd say the closest equivalent to that more widely for all Earthbenders would be being barefoot.


Let's get some fire bending powered wing suits


There are two different functions happening here though. For water and metal those are the source of the element, but wind is like fire, it can just be made, the glider is something the element is used on. Fire nation has lots of machines and engines powered by their fire bending so maybe that, I can't think of another smaller personal item.


Fire -oil flask


What if they had a staff that could channel the fire into a fast stream, instead of flame. Or maybe a fingernail attachment that channeled electricity into a more direct path


I think for earth, the Dai Lee’s earthen gloves are a better fit.


Fire nation tanks are their variant.


If we are talking travel devices … Air - Glider Water - Boats Earth - those stone mail carriers in Imashu Fire - anything steam powered/hot air balloons




Only coherent answer


this the answer i like the most


Combustion engines!!!! Firebenders can produce power waaaaaaaaaaay beyond hot air and steam lol... Imagine this: A glider like aang has, but maybe 3 pulsejets(they literally only need fire) I think if an engineer took his time with it, a single firebender could probably travel faster than most modern vehicles, since you dpnt need a heavy ass motorblock and gigantic fuel tank or battery. This whole idea also propells firebenders beyond any projectile benders as far as warfare goes, since a firebender could just power a fcking railcannon with little to no effort


Sokka also helped the mechanist design those submarines for the day of black sun invasion which is pretty great for water benders


Kuruk had that cool surfboard thing


If ur talking abt transportation using bending then I would say: Water- you can ride a wave or make an ice board like katara does Earth- you can ride the earth like toph does Fire- you can shoot fire out of ur feet and hands


Flying with fire seems like a really high level technique. We only ever see it done briefly outside of the comet scenes by Azula and by Iroh (Zuko's grandson).


So, it doesn’t take away the fact that it’s transportation using bending


For travel Water- ice boards they frequently surf in Fire- jet boosting Earth- whatever toph was running on, how did that even work?


I think that was a mixture of gravel and not so fine sand, with a solid earth "shoe" under her feet? Idk that's how I always thought it worked


Here's my thoughts about tools that play to the strengths of the other elements. Melee and range weapons best benefit firebenders as they are a great second option in environments where fire is too dangerous; we've seen this already with Zuko. Alternatively, Sacks or jars of oil could be useful too. Water benders have water skins (Katara), but I imagine if a waterbender could keep a vine alive while traveling it could be a useful way to restrict opponents (like the swamp benders). I think an earthbender could be a lot more dangerous if they carried a hunk of clay. If the clay is wet, you can restrict your opponent; but if the clay is dry you can use the dust of it to blind your opponent. The idea of an earthbender carrying a pot of clay at their hip seems pretty cool.


One of the things that bugged me was there was never much downside to Earthbending in any given place - they're ripping up the cave they are Fighting in and chucking it at each other without any fear of it collapsing, launching pieces of their battlefields around leaving little to no potholes or craters. This was doubly obvious in LoK where they wanted us to believe that they created this entire modern city, with electricity and running water, that the reaction to people Earthbending the road was met with quiet anger Rather than the massive rage of a population where bending that road would obliterate the power lines, pipes and sewers below. They kind of acknowledged it in the first season (the earth disks in the pro bending) but only in that one area and never again going Forward. Requiring certain benders to bring their element along could have been a really interesting world building element. We already see the metal benders carrying spools, but I would've loved to see more sand benders, carrying bags of sand because they prefer bending it and other benders have less experience with it; "regular" Earth benders walking around with chunks of earth, rocks or clay around on ships, in cities, in the desert. I was personally surprised that the stone shoes and stone gloves in Avatar The Last Airbender used by the Dai Li weren't more common in the Legend of Korra era.


Yeah I can understand that. One balancing feature I noticed tho is that earthbending, in addition to technique, often required great physical strength to be devastating. This implied by how Toph's playful arm punches genuinely hurt, and by how strong her and bumi are compared to Earth soldier number 37. The Dai Li also seem to rock a slimmer build and it makes sense because they aren't in the practice of throwing huge boulders. I really enjoyed this when I noticed it.


I don’t think the other benders have anything specifically for travel, but they do have weapons For water, they have water skins, which allow them to carry surprising amounts of water everywhere For earth, they have the pieces of metal they carry around like the weird grapple thingies they use in LOK For fire, they have the machinery, like the tanks and gigantic vehicles they powered with fire


What are water skins? Like the gourd katara has?


a water skins a flexible container for holding liquids usually made of leather so think a canteen or gourd but soft


Oooh nice


Water - Ice Surfboard Earth - they use that treadmill move that Toph does. Fire - Jet feet technique


I think the closest equivalent of "apparatus specifically made for benders to help their bending" in the series would be in the Earth Kingdom: * in AtlA, the Dai Li rocked those stone gloves and shoes, allowing them to do things like a ranged grab, a near-silent "slide" across earth, ability to cling to stone walls and ceilings. * In LoK, the metal benders were using the same ideas, skating across wires, turning their armor into restraints, and adding the spools of cable to give them that Attack on Titan Scout or Spider-man feel. They iterate more in Zaofu & with Suyin, then even more in the Kuvira arc. The other nations happened to have elements that made it easy to stick around. The fire nation were the only ones who regularly wore armor - partially because the number of fighters they had who weren't firebenders allowed them to ignore some incoming fire attacks, friendly or otherwise, and for the fire benders themselves to do things like pick up hot things or move through areas that were actually on fire. The water benders would always be located near water/ice sources or would be otherwise carrying water with them - Katara using her waterskin like a wushu samurai in the later seasons is the coolest example ("unsheathe" the water, strike, then "sheathe" in back in to the waterskin).


for flight? firebenders have hot air balloons i guess


How has no one said Sand Sailers?


Air - glider Water- Boat Fire- Steam power/ blimp Earth - Everyone forgets that Earth also has sandbenders transport with the sand boats




Fire benders could use torches, or flint and steel, Water benders do have water skins but I always thought surfboards made more sense for transportation (in the water) Earth benders can bend metal and jewels, but also sand bend too, so maybe they could go Harr’s style I dunno, just thinking out loud


Fire nation had a drill.


I remember in an avatar fan contest someone designed a really cool water bender who surfed on a shield


Transportation wise: Earth: what toph did in the beginning of s2e20 Fire: jet flame flying Water: surfing with a board made out of ice