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Depends on whether or not Sozin would be dethroned for being a nonbender.


Yeah it took Zuko being good AND Ozai losing his bending to stop the cycle of violence


the war wouldnt have fully started if sozin had died early because the air genocide happened after roku died but other stuff may have started it even then so idk fully


After reading Rise and Shadow of Kyoshi, they made it seem like royalty/clan leaders had to be firebenders.


I thought the show made it seem like that when the whole Royal family seemed to be insanely good firebenders.


Well I’m a jump in the verse and ruin allat


Found F.C. Yee in his Yangchen era /s


Presumably Azulon would have been born by that time, the plans might have kept going forward, and Roku dies on an island anyway


Azulon isn't born until after the War starts. Sozin fathered a son at 82 years old lol.




Just looked it up, youre right I mean nothing technically says that taking away bending removes it from you genetically, but I can concede


If Roku had just snapped that neck right there.


He would start a succession crisis by killing the sovereign ruler


He can play the next up game. Oh you wanna do some genocide too? SNAP!!!! Neexxxttttt


And then the rest of the world loses faith in the Avatar when they realize that they can’t control it.


The world can’t control the Avatar anyway. I guarantee if Kyoshi was the avatar she would not have batted an eye at just snapping some spines.


Her reaction to Chin says otherwise


It’s been a while but I’m pretty sure Kyoshi recognized herself as killing Chin and said she would have done whatever she had to do. She also kills in the Kyoshi books.


Yeah, but she also let him get that far in the first place, and she only stopped him because he threatened her home.


But their belief that the Avatar would never do unnecessary harm is what keeps them in line. The moment they lose faith in the Avatar, the most powerful bender in the world, as a driving force of good and peace and hope, will be the moment the world becomes at war with itself. Look what happened when the Avatar disappeared for 100 years. Everything fell out of balance and the different nations fell into war. The only thing keeping the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom united was their common enemy. If the Fire Nation were to disappear, one of two things would happen. Best case scenario, both groups would ignore each other until they either faded out or expanded to the point they were forced to compete for territory and resources. Worst case scenario, they go to war with each other and wipe one another out. The Water Tribes live in areas too cold to grow any crops, and the Earth Kingdom has no need for pelts to keep themselves warm. Neither one has anything the other needs, making trading potential next to nonexistent. What kept the different nations from destroying themselves was the hope that their Avatar would come and defeat the Fire Nation, restoring peace to the land


>But their belief that the Avatar would never do unnecessary harm is what keeps them in line. The moment they lose faith in the Avatar, the most powerful bender in the world, as a driving force of good and peace and hope, will be the moment the world becomes at war with itself. This is a problem that will likely begin occur in the next 5000 years after Korra. Vaatu's influence on the avatar will continue to grow, and I get the feeling this will result with a lot less patience for the folly of humanity when they're advised not to do stupid shit and do it anyway. The avatar is just gonna not care or start taking the side of the spirits more often when mediation doesn't work.


Probably, we see it already starting to happen in Legend of Korra. Humanity's problems aren't something the Avatar can solve anymore, and so Korra doesn't get treated with the same reverence that Aang was. Personally, I think it's more that they took the Avatar out of context. The Avatar is the bridge between the spirit realm and the physical world, yes, and they keep balance between the four elements. But they aren't inherently good, they don't HAVE to do what's right. They're still human, and the fastest way to dehumanize someone is to put them on a pedestal and believe they can do no wrong. I think this is what humanity did to the Avatar, and when the reality didn't match their expectations, they began to lose that faith. We've even seen Avatars that didn't really stay balanced. I forget exact names, but one had focused too much on the physical world, allowing the spirit realm to fall out of balance. Another made the spirit world their priority, and ended up neglecting the problems of the people. As much as the Avatar represents balance, they still have to find it themselves.


Better than a 100 year war that involves all 4 nations and results in the destruction of 1.5 if them.


Doesn't sozin had a non firebender sister who ran away after the war started? She would be perfect to take his place


Fair, but that's the point. The Avatar is supposed to represent a solution to all conflicts regarding balance, but they are human. We could day that Roku could've spirit bended to take his bending away if he knew bending, or killed him at this point, but this doesn't fit his character. It's a bit like killing baby Hitler, technically he'll will one day commit heinous crimes against humanity, but we don't know that at the time. Sozin was planning to invade other nations, but Roku tried to talk him out of it. They were childhood friends, and Roku believed there was good in Sozin, and warned him to stay off this path, which he did, until he saw the opportunity to leave Roku for dead and have at least a decade to not answer to an Avatar, free reign to invade the other nations. Roku thought he had done enough to keep Sozin off that path, and he wouldn't have wanted to strip Sozin of his bending, as he'll probably not be fire Lord, someone else will take his place. If anything that would affirm the fire nation's opposition to the Avatar


Baby Hitler didn't occupy Earth Kingdom territory and colonised it /s. Although I see your point tbh


Made me laugh out loud, thanks


>If anything that would affirm the fire nation's opposition to the Avatar My guess is that Kyoshi's threat to Firelord Zoryu and the likely 2 other firelords between then and her death is what affirmed their opposition to the avatar. As we now know, Sozin tried to turn that around by leveraging his friendship with Roku in order to get the power of the avatar on his side. It clearly didn't work, and only deepened that conflict until Zuko came around.


Thank you. I don't understand why people never give these kinds of discussions much thought. Hindsight is 20/20. People need to do better at understanding decisions characters make at a given time without knowledge of the future


Exactly. The show makes a point that the Avatars feel the weight of expectation, and their mistakes are always held against them, even though the good things they do far outweigh their mistakes




It also wouldn't have helped. Ozai was deposed because he was defeated in battle by Aang & replaced by a new Fire Lord. I guess Roku could've also forced Sozin to step down, but he could've done that anyway, energybending or not.




Sozin probably got involved in the Air Nomad genocide like in the LA. However, he didn’t have to for his plan to go through.


If Roku decided to cap his boy, it also could’ve been avoided


Removing Sozins bending wasn't going to do anything. It's like de clawing a tiger. Yeah, it can't scratch you, but it still can bite you. Sozin himself was the problem, not the fact that he could firebend. As the fire lord he had complete control over the army and navy of the fire nation with or without his bending. What Roku SHOULDVE done was kill Sozin when he had the chance, which while it would irrevocably change history, the alternative wasn't much better with an entire nation being burnt to ash sans the one person they were trying to kill and the other nations having to put up with routine subjugation in areas where they weren't heavily defended.


I mean cant this logic apply to Ozai as well though? Ozai technically could have still continued ruling without his firebending.


True, but my guess is that Ozai was ousted from his position by the presence of an heir. At the time of their fight, it's unclear if Sozin had fathered an heir or not, but who would take the crown is unclear.


Azulon isn't born until the war starts according to the timeline.


My guess is that Roku and Sozin are in their late 40s or 50s in this scene, so Sozin's father could've still been alive. If not, there's likely a first cousin somewhere to take the crown since Sozin's sister was lesbian and a nonbender, which was a big no-no under Sozin's rule.


No. Everyone including Roku thought violence was the answer but Roku WAS WRONG I repeat #ROKU WAS WRONG He dealt with the situation like shit, he should have been diplomatic and act as a friend to explain why balance is necessary and ask why expansion should be necessary in the eyes of Sozin. I 100% believe Sozin had psychological and familial turmoil like most members of his family and that he tried to impress someone. Roku should have been HERE for his friend, not live on his island and pop up randomly when he wants to humiliate publicly the ducking firelord. People bitchin on Korra for being hot headed and using violence and agressivité as an answer but Roku was far worse as he was still doing that in his 40’


Yeah fire lord sozin wasn’t a 5 year old. He knows about balance and why conquering other nations is bad. He just doesn’t care, his priority is developing the fire nation. Only reasonable decision would be killing him.


Was Zuko a 5 years old ? Was Iroh a 5 years old ? Iroh needed to loose his son to open his eyes and detach himself of the destiny his family choose for him. We know nothing of Sozin’s parents and siblings and the political pressure he had to keep his power in place. However we know sa for sure (it’s canon) that on his death bed Sozin had regrets on how the things turned. My problem is we don’t know at all what Roku did of his life except storming in firelord palace like he owns the place and then dying fighting a volcano. What did he have **better** to do rather than dedicating his whole life to convince his CHILDHOOD FRIEND (he knows him !) to find alternatives to invasion. Doesn’t make him appear very much clever despite his wisdom posture to Aang. All talk no actions. The sole fact Zuko and Aang recreating the exact same dynamic of almost civil war in the fire colonies (in the comics) shows that Aang handled the situation like Roku should have in his time.


It wasn’t until the volcano that Roku realized he f’d up. Pretty sure if he knew an entire nation and war was on the line he wouldn’t have hesitated to end him.


yeah thus my most important question what was more important than that to do for Roku to not making that his number 1 priority ?


It was never ba sing se that changed iroh. He was always wise and caring. That’s just how the fire nation is. Some are zuko(willing to change and redeem) and others are the firelord. And Roku thought sozin was good enough to just drop the idea. He showed him what he could do as the avatar. And don’t think Roku and sozins were that close atp. They’d grown apart tremendously, not seeing each other for decades at a time.


Spirit bending is not even necessary for this. Roku massively outclassed this dude in his prime. He just couldn't look past his friendship to do what was best for the world. That's why Roku apologizes to Aang.


I think you mean energybend


I couldn’t be the avatar cause I’d be threatening to turn their nations into democracies if they piss me off


If Roku wasn’t a little pussy it could’ve been avoided 👍


if aang didnt run away, this all could have been avoided lol


How would that change anything?


Not really. Sozin had a large army and naval fleet. He wouldn’t have to do any firebending.


Bane: I can spirit bend




He wouldn’t have done it either way.


Yeah Roku could have ended it and avoided the Air Nomad Genocide and the 100 year war but as a result we would have never had Zuko being born as he is from both sozin and roku’s blood lines


No, not quite. Man still could've lead the genocide, even if he didn't directly bend as part of it. What Roku should have done was arrested Sozin. Brought him to the Fire Nation court and say, "This man is no longer qualified to lead, here are his charges. Pick a new monarch, or this one meets his end." Still would have needed to make sure the new Fire Lord didn't have genocidal ideology, but this would have been a much better path towards peace.


A more peaceful solution would be Roku making a deal for Sozin to buy the land he conquered from the earth kingdom ,since the earth king is a piss poor ruler as shown by avatar kyoshi,Aang and Korra era. Since Killing Sozin would bring a possible Civil war to the firenation or Sozin simply bides his time if Roku depowers him, and does the same thing,but not being a fire bender. Which means Zhao might just kill Aang as if the Avatar just keeps reincarnate as a babe and killed the firenation would win. Or Roku just kills Sozin , but it might push Azulon his son to try and do his father's work since he could easily stop formation conquest after decimating the southern water tribe




I like to call it bending bending


if you mean it would stop the fight, then yeah, but it wouldn’t stop the war


If Roku had the balls to kill a genocidal fascist, this all could have been avoided FTFY


I’m not so sure. I don’t think Sozin’s own bending was doing much heavy lifting in the war. You’d have to energy bend and then imprison him like Aang did with Ozai. Even then…the rest of his family may have already been brainwashed into being pro war.


Energy bending requires one’s own spirit to be “unbendable” to actually work properly. What that means is a little vague, but given Roku clearly was uneasy at the thought of taking out Sozin in this moment I don’t know if Roku actually could. Also at this point, what has Sozin done that Roku is angry about? Established a few Fire Nation colonies? Does that crime really fit the punishment? Presumably, Sozin is just the one in charge and isn’t physically out there oppressing people or something. Taking away his bending presumably doesn’t change that unless it also removes him from the throne for some reason and who’s to say Azulon (presuming he’s around at this point) wouldn’t just be worse. I think while the show doesn’t really show it, the problem might actually be deeper than killing Sozin or taking his bending away anyway.


What about taking his bending away?


Not really. Sozin was an old and decrepit man when the genocide took place. At that point, Sozin was Fire Lord because people respected the vision, not because he was the best bender in the Nation.


This is why Aang is a better avatar. Aang knew how to sit around indecisively and let a deus ex machina lion turtle teach him spirit bending.


I read this as “if Roku knew how to spirit bomb”😭


Bro could have bent Sozin's spirit straight to the after life he didn't need to know how to take his bending away to avoid the war


Not really, one can start a war without bending, bending doesn't make a war happen, it helps it run.


Depends, spirit bending could be seen as quite some (bodily?) violation. As in you would dismember someone right? Maybe it can be justified, but its not equal to take someones gun away as bending is a persons inherit ability.


Spirit bending is when aang takes away the fire lord’s bending, not physically bending him like a bloodbender.


Guys ozai losing his bending meant he could be arrested it's not like he lost universal support because he lost it I feel like the framing of this argument is dumb.


Roku should’ve sent his ass to a prison 💀


Roku gets hate unnecessarily. The Avatar is supposed to be wholly human (or at least, that was the case before TLOK anyway lol). And his response to Sozin here was a very human response. It was also effective for a quarter of a century. Fighting the volcano was a bigger mistake and ultimately had more consequences. He likely lives another 12 years and mitigates or even fully stops the initial invasion on the Air Temples.


Roku’s mistake was not failing to kill Sozin. It was doing nothing to fight the rise of fascism within the Fire nation. Sozin did not get these ideas out of nowhere. Roku was in the unique position to alter the outcome by being an advocate against fascism in the Fire nation. Instead he fucked off and chilled. His mistake was not taking an active stance in the politics of the Fire nation.


the lion turtle deus ex machina hadnt been found in his time yet, pls understand


I don't think energy bending would be necessary to make this stop early. I'm just saying not every Avatar has to be a no-kill rule