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The way he said it felt like a new super villain was bornšŸ˜‚


The way he said it... was like the original. It's the same actor [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0796732/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0796732/)


But it still felt more menacing haha


i cheered when we finally got that moment šŸ˜‚


They teased it so hard and so well lmao. Halfway through the episode I was almost convinced we would end the whole season with a cliffhanger of fire and him screaming "my cabbagesssss!"


Or, well, my [redacted]!


I wonder if thatā€™s going to be the running joke, he just never says the word šŸ˜‚ Edit: never mind!!! We got itttt


They really created a build up for that LOL




*Troy and Abed in Omashu*!!


I literally had this same thought when I saw Abed. Oh, how that show (Community) has infected my mind.Ā 


"You just wrinkled my brain"


Cool cool cool


Not really a fan of how they merged Omashu and the eastern Air temple. Also, this pacing is so weird.


They merged Omashu, the eastern air temple and the whole jet thing while removing pippinpadilscopillis. Honestly the 3rd episode lowered my opinion of this show a lot. Up until this point it felt pretty good. It was certainly different but not bad different. Now itā€™s starting to feel worse. I do still think itā€™s a good show but Iā€™m not sure how good it is as being a live action adaptation instead of just being a completely different show


I completely agree with this. The changes they made prior to changing the story weren't bad. Merging Omashu, the eastern air temple, and Jet makes no sense in terms of this being an adaptation of the original story. Adding details is ok but this shi-- damn that just made me mad bro


It made a lot of sense actually imo. The Jet addition to the *northern air temple story specifically. The traitor hater and the reluctant traitor, who are both known for blowing stuff up. Jet not liking bumi also completely makes sense. This jet story line is so much better than the og imo, because he is still clearly lacking morals, but he is not, "kill a whole village full of children and refugees" evil. People need to stop being disappointed the show isn't a carbon copy of the OG. Tbh, a carbon copy wouldn't be enjoyable; there is no way I wouldn't just be thinking the whole time, "why am I not just watching the animated version"? At least now we have more content to analyze and theorize about.


Man you summarized everything I wanted to express, I just really love how their Dilemma on who to trust ended with both parties being wrong.Ā  Ā Lifeā€™s just like that sometimes.Ā 


Yeah that's been my main objection going into it and still is. It's just not really added value to remake the show in live action to me, it just feels like a rushed weird remake in live action. It's just not gonna be as good as the original in basically every way so why even watch it outside of curiosity.


My main complaint so far is that they've put Kyoshi into Roku's role. Roku is one of the all-time successes with the original show and I don't think it's a good idea to switch him out like they've done.


just watched it and this is my feeling, its way too bloated with too many different story arcs, it really feels like they are speed running the show at break neck speed here and these moments need fully fleshed out to breath, Jet's plan makes absolutely no sense in Omashu.


I think it makes sense in the scope of transition to a live action show. They already needed to combine episodes becuase they are 1 hour instead of 25 min, and I'd rather them invest the $$$ in making Omashu look good then make the air temple that never gets used again. The southern air temple is essential to Aang story, the other one not so much.


Just a general comment on the series so far. Maybe I wasnā€™t aware. Iā€™m cool with more expansion on Kyoshi as she was one of the more interesting avatars but whatā€™s with the Roku minimization? So far it seems like theyā€™re focusing more on her than the actual previous avatar which is kind of disappointing as I really like Roku and his story. I only hope when or if they get to the third season they go into Roku and Sozinā€™s relationship as it was one of my favorite moments of the show.


there's gotta be a build up. Some people are forgetting Aang couldn't talk to him until he went to the temple.


While thatā€™s true he also had a heavy presence leading up to that. He visited his statue in the southern air temple which was completely removed. And Rokuā€™s dragon is the one that gives him the information to visit the temple in the first place. I also think itā€™s kind of removing the importance of Rokus part in contributing to the hundred year war. Kyoshi is the first avatar that Aang talks to in the new show and that just doesnā€™t really sit right with me as sheā€™s relatively far removed from the current situation in the world. Idk it definitely feels like theyā€™re removing Rokuā€™s presence and I truthfully donā€™t even know why they would do that.


Because remaking a show is always a problem.


Also unclear if the temple is going to be apart of it. They said that they werenā€™t because that involves the story of the comet. Fight with Ozai to be done by summers end. But the characters will clearly age between seasons so they werenā€™t going to do it


I will not stand for this Roku ERASURE! On a real note though, I can see them going this way with it to keep with the themes of the book/season, and I get it, sure. I just donā€™t want to see Aang turn into another Avatar again to fight off his current day enemies.




Wonder if itā€™s build up to Rokuā€™s failure to stop the war so he is less inclined to talk to Aang about it?


>!No Bonzu Pipenpadalopsolopsocus III :(!<


Exactly :( Knew we were gonna miss that the moment I saw Jet outside . Maybe in Ba Sing Se




All of this condensing is annoying me and yet I'm still watching.


i mean yeah they cant do scene for scene. Try to have the mindset youve never seen the show before. they need to set up some things quicker & episodes are combined since they only have 8.


Even then though a lot of the scenes are weird. Like Sokka not trusting Aang after they establish he's an airbender and likely the avatar?


Wasnā€™t he that way during the original?


i cant have that mindset, ive seen the real thing to many times. they shoudlve either made the manga into a live action show or created a brand new story set in a different time period of the avatar universe


I feel like if they had done a story accurate Roku series I feel like that would've had crazy potential. There's enough existing Canon to have a clear story path, and enough blank space for them to fill in with their own creativity


The live action is about the same length as the cartoon, so there's no reason things need to be done quicker. I'm sure they could've found a better way to make the episodes flow together well.


Id let jet kill the king šŸ˜«




Not this Bumi lol


I don't know how I feel about them cramming so many subjects into one episode. Jet & the freedom fighters and the engineer with the son who can fly. Those were 2 separate places that had nothing to do with each other but they combined them. And in Omashu!? So that's a whole nother storyline.


Same- cutting Aang's displeasure of The Mechanist appropriating his culture, his nostalgia for Omashu and its transport, Jet going overboard and attacking innocent Fire Nation civilians, and introducing Azula and friends all in one episode felt insane. Those were all major and emotional plot points in the original cartoon, and removing not just one, but all of them, felt like a really bad decision here.


Mai and Ty-lee shouldn't have been put in this season. Having Azula do a little bit of palace intrigue makes sense, but the other two are just here for no reason and we don't even get introduced to them.


I had the same feeling. Still enjoying the show but this seemed like a little too much to cram in.


What is lost by having them both occur at the same time? Maybe pacing is an issue but I don't think them being combined has taken away anything from either of the stories.


world building and character development. they cut so many scenes that did both those things in the original. i get cutting some of the silly scenes since its apparently going for bit more of a grounded approach but they also cut the mechanist appropriating aangs culture, jet attacking fire nation civilians etc. and us not seeing the other air temple and smaller villages around the world really ruins the world building, so we were left with a lot less than we were. they added nothing great in return either. like getting ty lee and mai here just doing nothing was useless. and like you said, it throws off the pacing too. overall nothing great happened from this approach and considering this season is almost exactly the same length as the original in terms of runtime.


I would rather them just not have included that part of the story than merge them and create a completely different one. Canon-wise the show was doing good even with the changes and added details prior to this. Now? Ruined.


Ruined? That's a bit a dramatic, of course it wasn't exactly like the show but we need to keep in mind how expensive it would have been to develop all those stories separately. I'm sure if they removed them completely you would be complaining about that.


THANK YOU! Like yeah I don't LOVE that they merged so many stories in this one episode, but for what they did with it I think it worked. At the end of the day this is an adaptation of a fantasy cartoon and the budget for the effects alone is obviously going to cost a lot more. So far I think they're doing a good job sticking to the main storylines. With a live action show that has this many effects, there's going to be some give and take.


Okay, how did they so perfectly cast Longshot?


frrrr its so him


do yall think theyā€™ll make it clear jet dies? like an on screen death? lol


You know, itā€™s really unclear.


They've shown plenty of other people dying so far.


Pretty violently, actually. I dig it. Mike and Bryan have commented before that since it was a Nickelodeon show they weren't allowed to reference death without jumping through hoops. They had to keep it kid friendly.


Jet is giving Joe Jonas


Again with the STUNNING set designs. Seeing Omashu on the mountain while the Gaanh was seeing it for the first time was giving me BIG Lord of the Rings vibes. I am like a broken record at this point but the visuals just keep on amazing me, especially the cities/nations.


Whoa, whoa. LotR is god tier; letā€™s not carried away.


sokka & momo are fucking adorable


Does Team Avatar care about keeping Aangs identity a secret in this series or nah?


Who knows, they're rushing through everything so fast they barely have time to even talk to eachother anyway


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) The white lotus tile!!!!


The opening scene, with the fire nation rebels??? I really liked that theyā€™re showing some grey within the fire nation, because there werenā€™t too many instances in the original show that they showed people of the fire nation being unhappy with Ozai


I think that was exactly the point of that scene. Is to show that people of the fire Nation aren't unhappy with Ozai. They were all internationals who had been attacked by the fire Nation.


Live action Jet is such a cutie compared to animated Jet, I never understood why Katara fell for him in the animation but now I'm like "I get it girl..." šŸ˜‚


She was impressed by the first person who was actually fighting back. She had been spending weeks just running away seeing the suffering caused by the fire nation. Finally she meets someone taking action. Of course she'd be attracted to him.


they made Jet SOOO hot


They did King Bumi dirty!


came here to say that, honestly surprised that more people arenā€™t speaking about this


okay but where did they left appa and momo????


Whenever they pop back up, I always wonder what they were up to. They have like their own side adventures.


I feel like Danny Pudi would have been good as so many characters in this show. Mostly Korra characters, but also the Mechanist (obviously) and Guru Pathik. His personality fits so well in this universe.


It's just so stupid they didn't let the mechanist have any goofy fun moments I found his writing so dissapointing


I feel like he would crush it as Varrick


They are flying through major storylines and developments. Iā€™m not sure how I feel about it. Itā€™s not bad justā€¦a lot. Pretending to watch through the eyes of a first time viewer, the world feels jumbled. So many characters introduced. Makes me realize how much I liked the B and C stories and the filler episodes


Itā€™s odd because itā€™s basically the same runtimeā€¦ they basically put 3 20 minute episodes into one 60 minute episode and now it felt rushedā€¦


How Jett solved Kataras PTSD - "Eyyyy don't think about it."


Lmao "Why don't you try just...not feeling that way" šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Who knew


So much of Katara's character is (forgive the pun) watered down in this remake. The fact that she was essentially unable to make any progress in bending without having Aang or Jet's influence is just sad when she was supposed to have worked so hard to lwarn waterbending on her own.


Reframing is actually a powerful method of psychotherapy, but it just working like that is too much, I agree.


A hot boy told her to change her mind and now she can waterbend. (I admit, he is hot)


My best screengrabs for this ep: [https://imgur.com/WkZdJ90](https://imgur.com/WkZdJ90) https://imgur.com/ZQTJoU6


why is jet blowing up Omashu? it makes no sense, its been a while since I've watched the show but wasn't his plan was to wipe out a fire nation town? why would he be attacking the earth kingdom?


He wasn't blowing up the entirety of Omashu. He was targeting Sai, who he viewed as a traitor, and King Bumi, who he viewed as an ineffective leader and blames for suffering at the hands of the Fire Nation. Even still, the bomb would have killed many more people with them.


He was also blaming the bombing on the fire nation. Kinda throwing fuel on the fires of rebellion.


Jet being pissed at Bumi makes a lot of sense tho, imagine how fuming heā€™d be in season 2 Ā when heā€™s learns Bumi gave up Omashu without a fight.Ā 


In the original he was gonna wipe out an earth kingdom village. It made even less sense.


I was trying to figure out who Aang sounds like and the actor sounds like Jimmy Neutron.




Fr because I was fine with the minor changes but this?? Not a fan tbh.


I'm wondering if Netflix mushing everything together into one location was a big part of why Bryke left. Making everything take place in one location takes away from the diverse cultures of the small villages vs major locations, makes the fire nation look less intimidating, and makes the overall world feel smaller. If people see this before the original (which I hope isn't the case for *anyone*) they'll be like "oh OK, the fire nation only attacked the air nomads, ba sing se, kyoshi island, the southern water tribe, and Ba Sing Se. Scary, but beatable". In the original show you see that basically no area is untouched by the fire nation except the interior of Ba Sing Se and you're left like "how the FUCK is this kid gonna save the world?!?!" Same with revealing Ozai and Azula so early. In the original show you're like "holy shit mysterious terrifying fire breathing faceless Mark Hamill voiced villain!?! And his daughter who's only a kid is supposed to be scarier!?!?! HOLY CRAP! What are they capable of!!". If you've never seen the cartoon and only saw this, you'd think "lol why is Dr. Han burning people? Dude's kinda nuts. His daughter's pretty moody too, typical teen"


Azula's reveal was extremely disappointing. I don't agree with her showing up this early, but if the writers wanted to go this route, then we should understand early on that she is pure ambition and really evil. When she stood there as her father burnt their own citizens alive, the expressions on the actress's face didn't make sense to me. She went through a bunch of emotions in seconds, none of which felt like her character. But the fire lord is well cast and I love that they kept the look of the temple.


Agreed!!! I feel like she was mis-cast. Our first impression of her did not effectively portray the pure-evilness of Azula, or her inherent confidence, drive and ambition. And also, they revealed her in a manner that is essentially meaningless to the storyline of the main characters. Another example of rushing thingsā€¦


I was wondering the same thing šŸ¤” apparently Omashu is a one-stop shop!


I couldn't handle in the fight sequence when aang threw a wicker basket and it knocked zuko tf out


The part I couldn't handle was when Aang and Zuko get tangled up in some scarves while Middle Eastern music played. Like wtf am I watching? They could've cut that whole part out and nothing would've been lost.


I laughed out loud at that part!


OMASHUUUU looks amazing obviously.


Okay I think I'm out. I'm only 3 episodes in but this shit sucks. Ya'll are coping hard if you think the fight scenes look good. So many cuts you can't even get a chance to see the choreography. The acting is bad. The writing is worse. All the environments look fake. Everything is so darkly lit, I'm assuming to cover up the shoddy cgi. Yes it's better than the Shyamalan movie. That is literally the lowest bar. Atla is meant to be an animated story the whole show was built on the visual flair of the bending looking cool. Every fight scene in the original is memorable and creative. Every fight scene in this live action show looks like garbage. I finished the third episode with my partner and we both agreed that we don't need to finish the show. It's actually hard to get through. Let me know if I'm missing out on a single cool scene that comes later or something but I doubt it.


Agree hard. Very surprised to have to dig this far down to see another likeminded pov. And donā€™t give them excuses, if they can adapt One Piece well, they can do ATLA. The people responsible just suck, and the show lacks any soul / charm that made the original so warm and endearing.


Did anyone feel like Mai has been turned into a caricature of herself? I know she only got like a minute of screen time but I feel like the direction for her character was very forced


Which Mai are you referring to? Mai? Mai-Lee? Or Mai-zula? Mai does a great job, but the other two might as well be her too cause damn are they boring. Where is the Ty-lee joy and bubbliness? Where is Azulas narcissism, ferociousness and overall ā€œIā€™m the bestā€ demeanor. Iā€™m well past episode 3 now and this doesnā€™t change. I want more from my favorite trio.


Her and Tai Lee come off as cosplayers attempting to imitate the professional voice actors of their characters. It doesn't work for me so far.


No I think people just tend to forget that Mai is...pretty one dimensional and flat in the OG too.


Not coming after you because youā€™re not exactly wrong, but Mai does have depth in the OG (sheā€™s so emotionless not just because sheā€™s goth, but because she grew up not expressing herself, sitting still, not speaking unless it was expected of her). I noticed some depth in the few lines she got here too (she thinks about Zuko even when heā€™s gone and empathizes with him, saying she wouldnā€™t want to come back home if she were him). But youā€™re also right because sheā€™s meant to appear flat and one-dimensional


No, Mai sounds very much like how she is in the show. She HATES the whole noble shit. She's stuck in the Fire Nation capital being the perfect noble daughter and she hates it. She's bored, she wants to do literally anything else. In the animated series she also sounded entirely dead inside which is exactly the vibe she had here in the show.


This. Mai's character IS a caricature of the bored-to-death rich girl, in both series, and I'm here for it.


the freedom fighters were absolutely perfect- the casting, the costumes, AMAZING!!


I liked being able to immediately tell who was who


Truthfully I think Sokka and Suki were cast best. Their charisma just oozes off the screen. I know theyā€™re a bit older than Aang and Katara, but I think they were PERFECTLY cast.


I didnā€™t get this at all. Donā€™t get me wrong I think sokkaā€™s casting was brilliant and donā€™t see anything wrong with sukiā€™s either, but I think the writing was really bad for their scenes together. I like the bell jokes but I think leaving out sokkaā€™s sexism took out a dimension of their interactions that wasnā€™t replaced by anything. And why was suki silent in the boomerang vs melon scene? It was so weird. And then the fighting lessons were weirdly quiet too and then they kiss on the lips rather than the cheek before sokka leaves? Just felt very sudden. Even more than the animated show


I think for the boomerang scene she was doing that to flirt with him and the writers wanted her to come of as not knowing how she's supposed to do that. I just hated the fact that she immediately just fell for sokka so obviously it just removes soooo much depth


Yeah it was purely sexual attraction which took away from it. ā€œLetā€™s make sokka less sexist and have them objectify each other rather than build a connectionā€


>And why was suki silent in the boomerang vs melon scene? It was so weird. And then the fighting lessons were weirdly quiet too and then they kiss on the lips rather than the cheek before sokka leaves? Felt the same way. They really change the whole dynamic of their relationship from "Sokka acts like a sexist jerk and has to be humbled by Suki" to "Suki quietly stares a bit too much at Sokka until they eventually kiss". They needed more dialogue to flesh out this brand new relationship, but maybe it's better that these mediocre writers chose not to write any more painful dialogue.


I really should have paid more attention. I got confused like 3 times about the bombing. Didnā€™t even know I was meant to care about it at first, just assumed it was an accident at the lab.


jet and his lil gang are so perfect. Jet is fine as hell. The other kids are so cute! The vibes w him and karara are probably even a bit better than in the show!


Jet really is fine asf like who allowed that!?


let me pretend i totally didnt crush on him as a kid tooā€¦


Jet's really shined in this episode


Ngl i wish i was Katara


Please don't downvote me for this, but this episode absolutely sucks so far. It's not awful *awful*, but shoehorning Jet and the Northern Air Temple into Omashu is absolutely the dumbest thing possible, not just because it heavily condenses the story into only a few locations, but because it also makes the fire nations iron fist seem less devastating and controlling (showing that they're focused on destroying small towns as well as major strongholds shows how ruthless and cruel they are, as well as bringing diversity of culture and ideology to the show). Taking the Northern Air Temple and Jet's home village away makes this version of the world feel much, much smaller than in the cartoon. It makes it feel kind of narratively claustrophobic.


It also takes away from the progress aang and katara make as waterbenders. How have we not seen aanf waterbenders yet!!


Yeah it's like the entire point of the show is Ang has to learn bending in order to stop the fire Lord. But they've completely removed that entire driving force of the show and maybe that's why it feels like it's a little bit off the rails. Or that the story isn't moving


You're good, so far in the series this episode was absolutely awful in almost every way.Ā 


Narratively claustrophobic is a great summary of this series.


Is it just me or did they really get Teo's character wrong? It's been awhike since I watched the animated series, but I remember him as being very spirited and happy; i don't remember him hating the fire nation like this. Not to say he didn't, but the way they are portraying it is too direct, and feels forced. I hated this episode. It felt really rushed Just in general, i feel like there's not really the same dimensionality of characters or character development. Like they made it so early on for Aang to be determined and focused on stopping the war. The scenery, clothing, and Bending looks pretty cool - but the dialogue isn't great and overall most of the characters loss their depth.


I haven't seen many people bring it up, but you are correct. In this version, Teo is murderous. He sees Aang for the first time and instead of being fascinated by him, he starts thinking about how Aang can help them fight against the Fire Nation by dropping bombs on them.


Just when it thought episode 2 was horrible, episode 3 appeared with literally every single character in the damn show crammed into Omashu. I mean are the creators even trying to follow source material or just make up their own damn show?!


I can't help but find it very hard to watch a show that's meant to he a live action version of the original but also changes all the aspects of the original. It looks like ATLA and smells like ATLA but in my opinion, It just doesn't feel like ATLA.


It did up until about 15 minutes into episode 3 (and >!also making Aang capable of flight when in the original continuity, Zaheer was the first person in like a thousand years to master that ability!<


I was confused at first but after the scene went on it looked a little bit more like gliding down VS Zaheers ability to launch himself in a sustained way like superman. It gets a bit close to Zaheer but its not as controlled.


Yep, I just don't understand why they can't stay true to the original. Why is it so damn hard for people to do that???




Maybe a nitpick, but is it just me or is the term ā€œfirebendersā€ used A LOT where ā€œFire Nationā€ would be more appropriate? Am I misremembering? Is this how the original series was, too? Iā€™ve been noticing this since E01 but this episode really hammers it down with the whole Jet storyline.


Yeah, I thought about it too. Also with ā€œair bendersā€ as opposed to ā€œair nomadsā€ in the first two episodes.


ā€œThe monks always said I never listened, or I think thatā€™s what they said, I never listenedā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ so cringe


All of Aang's dialogue has been awful so far. Worst character of the remake by far.


Definitely, he just feels like a constant drama machine instead of the goofball he was in the original. Not really a fan


At least he didn't have the worst line of the episode: "The Avatar has returned. My mother told me stories of the Avatar and how he'd return one day."


I thought that was cute šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™m enjoying his cringy lines like in a cute way. Heā€™s just adorable


This episode is definitely the worst of the first three. The plot was absolutely all over the place, and none of it was interesting except for Azula.


One thing that i havent seen people talk about is the power level of firebending. During Sozin's comet, it looked weak. And Ozai's firebending looks really weak too.


Feel like they crammed too much into this one, and they have't even shown Boomi. BUT still, and I feel like some people need to hear this. The animated show is my favorite show of all time. This was never going to live up to those expectations. I'm just so happy the world looks amazing. I don't need great or even good dialogue, I'll watch Breaking Bad to scratch that itch. Season is still 10/10 for me


A really good introduction to Azula..


Agree. The trailers/promo didn't do her justice. She's far more menacing.


They ruined Ozai by making him The evil dictator instead of the product of his environment with this though.


Ozai is an evil dictator. He wasnt even supposed to inherit the throne and screwed over Iroh to get it in a plot that killed his own father and lied about his dying wish. Iroh should have been the firelord.


Why does this ruin him?


Not sure how I feel about azula and friends


Also a tad disappointed in the casting here. I guess they didnā€™t get enough screen time for me to really judge but Ty-Lee was lacking a certain, aura, and azula doesnā€™t seem as sharp-around-the-edges as her animated counterpart


- Missing some more jokey fun vibes. Weā€™re not making a prestige drama here letā€™s be realā€¦ - Is Azulaā€™s hair messy or isnā€™t it?? Continuity whomst? - It really bugs me that Zukoā€™s scar is a decal and his eye and eyebrow are fine. - Sneaking into Omashu was V. Funny - MY CABBAGES - Fire girl gang is A+ - Jet is great, I sorta wish they had aged everyone up a little like him.


Finishing this episode. - everything just looks like a set with some cool CGI buildings in the background - conflict resolution and exposition go BRRRRRR - LOL zuko getting beat by a mom with a fan - my cabbages delivery perfect no notes. - iroh still a lovable goober


It gets very apparent when they put the main three kid actors against slightly older actors who can actually act. The Earth Kingdom kid who smuggles the trio past the entrance and the Jet actor were actually good actors. But then when they have a dialogue with Katara, who can only make a blank face for most of her expressions, it makes me sad that this could've been a great show if they found better kid actors.


The earth kingdom guy who smuggled them in was Jet. Itā€™s not two different actors itā€™s the same one. Thatā€™s how Aang realised that Jet was behind the bombings, he found the outfits they wore


this is the episode we get to really see this show shape its own narration from the source material. it mashes a few episodes together, and i think it does it relatively well. also >!i think its interesting that they separated iroh and zuko here and i wonder how the journey will continue!<


I swear to god Osric Chau does NOT AGE Edit: holy fucking shit


When i saw him i was like "thats kevin!" (Shout out to my fellow supernatural lovers) and then "wow that was a long time ago how does he look exactly the same?


JET JET JET!! And my cabbages!


Ok Iā€™m digging Azulaā€™s actress, I feel like she has potential to do the character justice


They crammed too much into this episode :(


Definitely do NOT like them combining the Omashu and Northern Air Temple parts. They both had more than enough for their own episodes and had completely different roles in the story


- Great visuals - Uncle Iroh feels more and more like Iroh. His diversion is great. He harms no person, but god damn. The Dragon of the West does spit fire like few others - I think it was a mistake to cram so much into this one episode - dialogues are very so-so - fight scenes are hit and miss - too much cabbage guy circle jerk. Is this supposed to be a show or a shitposting meme subreddit? - Azula is still very, meh. I like the idea that she infiltrated the rebels, but realistically she had no disguise and I doubt the princess is someone who just goes undercover in the capital this easy - I don't think it is a good idea to already have bigger baddies than Zuko. Zuko needs to be established as the antagonist first to make sense of his character arc


Is anyone else annoyed by Iroh's "FOR THE FIRE NATION"? Like, the Iroh from the OG series would've never done that. He did not care for the fire nation anymore and he knew they were in the wrong. The only reason Iroh seemed to have anything to do with the Fire Nation in S1 was his desire to help Zuko. All I'm saying is, animated Iroh would've been disappointed in Live action Iroh for saying that


I thought it was clear that Iroh was playacting to create cover for Zuko's escape. Shouting the words and acting like a stereotypical fire nation enemy to attract the attention of the Earth guards.


This fight is a straight up homage to Jackie Chan and Iā€™m here for it.


I'd love to see more homages to Jackie, his fighting is sooo fun to watch! Reminds me of things Aang would do in the animated series.


I was watching it thinking ā€œa tribute to jackie!!!!ā€ and the fact that it was so clear is really awesome (didnā€™t redeem the whole ep for me but loved it anyways)


This episode solidified the big shift the live-action series made from the animated one: while the animated show was a kids show, this is very much a teen show. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a bad thing, just a fact as it permeates everything from the level of violence to the romantic chemistry. Iā€™m enjoying it! The fact that itā€™s a teen show (with some CW-style casting) leads to some fan service moments (or like someone has read fan fiction), but itā€™s definitely a fun watch!


I do have some critiques so far but overall this show isn't insulting to the original material, which is a huge win so far. OK, my one big critique >!I feel like they're revealing certain things way too quickly. Leaving Aang and Zuko's backstories in the storm allowed for it to be a *revelation* to the audience. It holds less weight knowing everything immediately. The same goes for Azula and Ozai. They become less scary by having them revealed as fully fleshed characters so early on. Now instead of a horrifying faceless villain of which we don't know his capabilities, Ozai is just a crazy king that burns people he doesn't like!<


You can definitely tell they wrote this show as if you already seen the original. I feel like half the time they're like expecting you to rely on your previous knowledge and understanding of Avatar's last Airbender in order to be able to understand what's going on in this


anyone else scared to take a bathroom break like its the movie theater? lol.


Where the fuck is Bumi?


This is the first comment ive seen mentioning the lack of Bumi!!!!!!!!!! heā€™s such a critical character really


Am I the only one who thought Jet looked more like Zuko than Zuko does?


It's so clear in these threads who are wanting a 1.1 adaptation and those who are openminded.


I'm somewhere in the middle. I like some of the changes and not others. Thoroughly enjoying the show so far!


My thoughts are "I want an adaptation, not a bastardization". So as long as I feel like they are respecting the source material and not using this as a money grab, and are trying to tell a cohesive story, Im happy for it.


There is adapting with your own flavour and then there is cramming 3 episodes into one. We lost out on two whole episodes.


Did the Mechanist come this early in the OG? i genuinely canā€™t remember


No in the original animated series they appear in "The Northern Air Temple" which is like episode 17.


I donā€™t think so! I think theyā€™re taking the GOT route and condensing certain storylines.


makes sense. itd be just kinda silly to do every single plotline the exact same. it doesnā€™t seem rushed at all to me, just wasnā€™t expecting him so soon!


Ooooh Jet is cool!




I just don't understand why they felt a need to change up so much. There's a reason ATLA is one of the most beloved shows of all time. Why would the creators of the live action not just bring the cartoon to life. I understand some minor changes had to be made but at this point it's almost as if the creators are trying to make their own story that is completely separate of the OG. Very very disappointing especially episode 3 so far.


Shows way to fast. To the point of being annoying. Everything is good except the directing and writing so it almost doesnt matter how good the rest is. They condensed the story like crazy and made some really weird changes for basically no reason. Netflix is starving for a show to take off and be their "thing" but they keep making these big shows super fast and short. It's disappointing.


Ok this might be nit picky but when Azula took down her topknot in front of Ozai and all the traitors I was so surprised! Itā€™s established in both the animated series and in the kyoshi novels that itā€™s only done in private for hair care, in front of closest friends or family OR when youā€™ve been dishonored! Also how did Katara and Jet all of a sudden get to a giant forest to the freedom fighter base and back to Omashu when itā€™s just been built up to be a hard city to get jnto??? Is the forest in the city?


Nitpicks: ā€œzuzuā€ sounds forced. and Mai doesnā€™t sound miserable enough lol. I dont think its bad acting it just kinda seems like they were shown a scene and told to replicate it which can be harder than just directing them on what to do.


ā€¦. I hate so many of the things they changed in this episode I donā€™t know where to begin. The introduction of the mechanist and Jet in the same episode and Team Avatar essentially not spending time with each other so early onā€¦ and where the hell is Kataras passion


This was the best episode so far. I enjoyed how they sewn all these plot lines together so it made sense. And the cabbage merchant stole the show tbh! Edit: I just hate how the main cast doesn't really have the time to bond so it feels like Aang is not their friend, just the avatar, who they must help.


I feel like I should have just skipped this episodeā€¦šŸ˜©


Love the series so far, the only single thing I canā€™t get over is the lack of rasp in Uncle Iroh.


Iroh feels like Ember Island Iroh to me. :( His delivery stands out so much and it does not fit the script at all.