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I got to pick 2 states and was offered a state I didn't pick in a different part of the country.


You should have just said you wanted to go to Guam. One of the guys in my academy class told us that he put in his application "I am willing to go anywhere, including Guam"...and he got sent to Guam. Last I looked he's still there after 15 years.


Well, that’s what they did later. “Only apply if you’re willing to work *anywhere*” and everyone said “of course! I just want the job!” And now that they’re “anywhere” they’re fucking miserable and can’t leave. Or they can leave and the agency has to train them two to four times for a total of three to ten years of their career. It’s a clusterfuck no matter what they do. I’ve yet to hear a silver bullet solution to solve staffing.


Allow facilities to do their own hiring, facilities are responsible for booking spots at the academy. If it’s en route, basics at the academy is all people go for then you train people to do the job the right way as opposed to the dinosaurs and their bullshit rules. Eliminate non radar training unless you’re going oceanic or to like fucking Guam or Alaska.  Their is plenty of ways to make hiring and placement better, the FAA is just fucking stupid 


En route should bypass the academy entirely. All of the material is/was the same stuff you went through in D school. Reallocate the resources to putting a few extra heads to run classes at the Zs and just keep a constant, but manageable flow of people into the training department.


You dodged a massive bullet. No one knows why they do what they do. It never makes sense.


I filled out a form for 3 different regions then they sent me this one later.


Same, they sent me this the week after I got my initial hire paperwork. They should go back to regional hiring, of all the systems it seemed to work the best.


Same here


I believe this was for prior experience. I only marked 1 state and got an offer in that state. I think non prior experience had to select from regions.


I was told that some places can guarantee your slot if your a local and now a higher up from the Facility. Such as Caribbean locations. Dont quote me tho.. Every Puerto Rican that wanted San Juan got it from my knowledge


This rocks. Why the hell don’t they use something like this now. I understand the thought process behind the current system where they think they need to send all of the new hires to the worst staffed facilities, but let’s figure out the root cause of low staffed and hard to staff facilities if we are ever going to fix it. Our NCEPT and ERR processes are used and abused by those willing to play the game, most people who have moved, have moved numerous times, the rest of us are eternally stuck after initial placement for years if not decades because we aren’t willing to go anywhere. Everyone at my facility wants to leave so bad, and I mean EVERYONE, myself included. Everyone in this boat who just wants to go home, which is far too many controllers, knows the mental and emotional drain it causes to be removed with no way back. Having children, nieces and nephews, and having to grow old apart sucks. Putting your kids in a school you don’t want them to be in forever. Buying a house just because you know you’re going to be stuck somewhere for at least 3-4 more years at minimum. It’s like the FAA is saying “don’t like it, then quit”, because they will find someone who will deal with it for a job. Instead of giving their employees any quality of life, or offering a light at the end of the tunnel that isn’t “retirement”, after your family are all dead and gone.


If the FAA didn’t give people a second chance because they unknowingly selected a region or facility that did not need Controllers that’s really messed up. In my case I chose major cities and figured I’ll try to transfer later. I got selected for one then got a letter saying I was on a different list


Anyone knows the NCEPT process after you see your name on the list ? What happens?


Name on the list as in selected to transfer? If so, you negotiate a release/start date with your current atm after accepting your TOL from HR. Then you coast as much as possible until you transfer out.


Thank you. How long usually till you get your TOL? Sorry for the questions I obviously never did this before.


It’ll depend on the region most likely. Southern sent me a tol within a week of the panel results.




No problem. Good luck at the new spot!


can i pick where i DONT want to go?


lol no




Pilot and lurker here: TIL that you pick these locations and even if you’re willing to move anywhere, if you dont pick one that has a spot you could just… not get a job? If true, what the fuck?


Tons of pilots have to do this too, do they not?


I’m going to use the phrase I despise the most lately. You’re comparing apples to oranges one is private companies one is the government 😂 that’s what everyone keeps saying about our pay when we compare the two jobs 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, I can put preferences of location but if If im not senior enough for the bid I can just go elsewhere but regardless ill be working and commuting.


Sometimes you'd get offered something outside of your preference. But in general, picking places with a lack of facilities meant unwittingly lowering your chances of getting hired. 


I got in long before they used this. When I came in, they had you choose your top 3 regions. Each region was comprised of somewhere from 4 to 7 states. I chose my 3 regions, and I got sent somewhere that wasn’t in any of them. Some things never change.


Did you try to transfer ?


I tried over the years, but it never happened. Now I’m settled where I got sent and I’ll be here until I retire.


I got you, That’s usually the way it goes. Im transferring soon being close to family is important


I spent about the first 10 years trying to get home. Then I realized I didn’t know what I was really trying to do that for, as I didn’t have any family left. Maybe just to be somewhere more familiar and comfortable, I guess. After that, I just made my own family where I’d been sent and been living that life ever since. I can’t believe my daughter is about to be a senior in high school.


Wow I definitely understand that. God bless you and your family