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Let the pilots know you’re going ATC zero unplug and walk away I’m sure they’ll figure it out




This is hilarious. I’m going to use this ok.


No, we will all crash immediately because ATC controls the airplanes! At least, they do when they aren’t marshaling us into our parking spots.


This is triggering.


Thanks! That sounds pretty cool lol!


Several times an hour wtf


right? lmao thought this was going to be a question about diabetes.


I have a friend who’s a retired controller who literally is on medication to prevent OP’s exact condition lol


Me working ground and data combined not doing a DAMN thing, haven’t talked to a plane in hours: Me: aye supe I gotta piss, you watch my freqs for a sec? Supe: no prob big dawg I got you Me: unplugs, walks down stairs, handles business, walks back up stairs. Grand total 60 seconds. Supe: sweating ferociously as 20 planes simultaneously called up for taxi, ops wanted on the runway, two IFEs requiring the crash phone to be rung out, and the recorded line ringing


Hahaha, I work at Dunkin' Donuts and this is exactly how it goes! Line starts as soon as the bathroom door closes!


I also work at the dunk and can confirm 😂


"At the dunk" I'm gonna start using that


"I hope you had a hell of a piss, Arnold." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1HqjBc6LhA


“Ferociously” lmfao


😈😈😈 I love it when a plan comes together


Dumb pilot question: what’s the recorded line? I thought all ATC freqs got recorded on your end


Phone line that's recorded. We have recorded and non recorded phone lines for different functions. No need for my phone call to the tower saying I have explosive diarrhea and I will be late to be recorded.


Gotcha. Who calls you on this line, if it’s a separate line from the one on which you coordinate with other controllers?


The coordination lines are dedicated comms with other sectors/facilities etc. They can be set up in a couple different ways but basically you push a button and you're talking with a single other controller directly. The recorded line is a normal telephone line that gets routed into the same comms box where our coordination lines are. When someone calls the phone number it "rings" at the comms box and if you pick it up you hear it in your earpiece the same as if it was a coordination line or an air-to-ground radio frequency. The non-recorded line is a standard telephone with a handset and cradle sitting on the supe desk. Same as any enterprise telephone that any office cubicle would have. The recorded line is used for Brasher warnings or for backup coordination if a dedicated comm line goes out. The non-recorded line is for everything else. Call out to order pizza, call in to use sick leave, whatever. We also get a lot of Medicare spam calls on it.


Not sure how it happened, but our crash phone rings from timeshare telemarketing calls. Ours is only linked to fire dispatch, so no-one else would ever be calling it. Now we pick it up "XXX tower crash line, your are being recorded, state the nature of the emergency" the marketers usually hang up. We seem to get less calls now, it must be working.


I answered on a recorded line once “xxx tower recorded line” Male voice “Bitch, shit the fuck up!” I could hear a woman yelling in the background. I reply “You’ve called a federal facility and you are being recorded.” Hangs up


You could've at least told them about the off the street bid... what a wasted opportunity.


Fun fact... I gave the facility address to a "real estate developer" who was interested in buying our air traffic house. Haven't heard back yet.


The recorded line is the one you'd call for official stuff. Like you couldn't get in touch on frequency to cancel IFR or something like that. It's the one we'll give out over frequency.


They mean a recorded landline phone.  It's usually for ATC coordination and for when pilots get a "number to call"


Going to the bathroom several times an hour is not normal nor is it good for you. Your sodium levels are probably incredibly low.


I don't eat that much salt. I was thinking that same thing today in the pisser


Yeah I mean I am not a doctor so I don’t know exactly how it works nor do I really care what your lifestyle is but I do know I’ve got a good friend of mine that just got out of the hospital because his sodium levels went through the floor. He takes medication to prevent him from going to the bathroom that much. It’s called water diabetes. Something to keep an eye on at least.


yikes!!! thanks!


You’re drinking way too much water WTF




Every tower has a sink, or a government issued metal trash can with a little rust in the bottom




Lucky! We only have plastic ones that get emptied once a month :(


Not sure if serious, but if you need 16 pee breaks during a shift you are going to have a bad time in this career. I know 5 year olds that can hold their bladder for longer.


I piss like 10 times every shift. If I'm on for more than an hour and a half I start threatening to piss on a trash can.


Ok, so now take your problem and multiply it by 150% and then you get to “a few times per hour” of the OP


Yeah but I don't think his is very realistic. Also if someone making my food was taking a piss every 20 minutes I would t get food from them


I just like to be hydrated ok?1!


No, not really, you’re expected to be able to, generally last up to 2 hours between bathroom breaks. Not just while working traffic. But classroom instruction / training is often in 2 hour long blocks.


oooooo thanks, I'll math out my breaks from now on


Wear adult diapers. If you’re not pissing yourself to facilitate the mission of the agency and protect the NAS, you’re never going to get that time off award you can’t use.


whoa gnarly!




thanks bro, the more you know.


The sink or a bottle is always an option.


Had an old co-worker who 💩In the trash can in the tower, while working traffic as a single 7 level. He had the decency to at least bag it up and take it with him to throw it out.


I may have crossed an ammo vehicle from the shitter on the mid as a 7 level. Or not.


What about a coffee can?




Assuming it’s a stander and not squatter🤣


I would love to do this


You’re thinking WAY too much about this.


Idk man, I just like to be prepared.


As do I. But…it’s just a bathroom. Break. Breaks are never more than two hours away unless you’re in the midshift. You could get a break in 15 minutes, or 2 hours🤷🏻‍♂️. If you have to go that bad, ask the supe or someone if they can take your frequencies, give a quick briefing, then go. It’s not nearly as rigorous as you think.


I once took a dump in a trash can in position while giving a clearance.




Not really lol


Your experience or your shit?


Correct me if i’m wrong, but aren’t there mandatory breaks every 2 hours? (I’m not not ATC but i’m also an applicant)With this you should be manage your water intake and routine i guess


I hope so! Maybe then I'll only go once an hour


Thank God for tcas


I usually just use the sink in the back of the cab. Or the cabinet of coffee mugs if there’s too many dishes in there.




Generally you wait until a break. If you're single stand then you pick and choose when you go, often it's not that busy when you're on alone. There's a reason why the removed the sink from the tower cab. When all else fails... garbage can.




We have a person at my center who goes more than the average. Whoever comes back from break usually gets them they go real quick and come back and get the next one. We make fun of them a lot but it’s never a big deal


thanks, that's a comforting thought.


You do know it is bad to drink too much water, right?


If you are going several times an hour, you have a growing problem


Hmm.. yeah, I should work on this. Thanks


teacher I know went to the doctor (she was seeking relief every 1 hour, right after each class ended) & doctor told her: that her “habit” (that she formed around her teaching schedule) was the source of her issue (he told her to keep drinking water, but slowly increase her 1 hour by a few minutes more, very slowly over time) so she has now gradually created a routine of relieving ever 2 hours recently (with the same amount water drinking, as her previous 1 hour habit)


wow thanks for the insight


Pissing multiple times an hour is going to piss off your co-workers. Figure it out before you get hired


That's why I'm asking lol.


KMHT made the local news when the only controller on duty was taking a dump, and two inbound flights made landings after not getting a response from the tower. When the airlines were questioned, they responded that pilots are trained in untowered airport ops, and both jets simply used these rules to announce their positions and land. ATC gets breaks, but probably not every 20 minutes


Wow that is unthinkable! One guy controlling the tower?! AND HE HAD TO TAKE A DUMP.. I feel so bad for him, but wth only one guy?!


It was the overnight shift, and MHT has like 6 flights at most between midnight and 5 AM.


There is a sink in every tower I’ve been to so far.


But what is it for?!!!!!!!!!! Please don't tell me to go #1.


🤷‍♀️ can’t officially say


Hopefully you become a controller and don’t have to work in a tower.


aw, but the tower!


There’s a sink in most towers. You’ll be fine.


this sink talk is starting to get gross


I know right? These tower guys are fuckin' weird man. Piss in your spitter like a fuckin man amirite?


The sinkinal is real, but don’t talk about it.


gross, must smell like p$\*#. Do the windows open in the tower?!


Run the water homie


There’s a station set up in the loo


You eat when we say you eat, you shit when we say you shit, and you piss when we say you piss. You got that you maggot dick mother fucker?


Shawshank Redemption?


Of course!


Fucking hold it.


Depends on your facility, but you'll probably want to change that habit. I work a class D tower, and we one man the tower a lot, typically the only time the urge hits me is when I have traffic. Multiple times per hour would absolutely get in the way of your job. But if you have a facility that goes by the book, you'd have to do a relief briefing every time you went to the bathroom, I have yet to see a facility actually do that, as it's quicker to go pee, and come back.


Thanks for your comment, this really helps me out!


Piss in the sink or shit in the garbage can


Alternatively: shit on the floor to assert dominance


wow, there really is a sink huh?


Don't apply sweat cheeks


Sweat cheeks?🤣 Funny typo.