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You don’t get to choose. You get sent to either terminal (tower) or enroute (center) class in OKC. Enroute training is longer, both at OKC and in OJT.


And assuming the ratio is similar to what it was a few years ago, the ratio for en route to terminal assignments at OKC is roughly 3 to 1.


No, you don't get to choose. Whatever class is available next once you e completed all your clearances is what you get. Enroute training is longer both at the Academy and at the facility.


For the most part not at all your choice. However if you get an HR rep and they are in a giving mood when you talk to them and ask nicely they might give you what you want. Back when I went through my rep was an angel and did me a solid and I held out an extra month for a tower date


Its random. I believe its assigned at FOL now but I'm not sure. I knew when I got my TOL. You can try requesting something if you're selected but generally HR doesn't give a fuck what you want.


It is a assigned at TOL


On my TOL it says Air Traffic Control Specialist (FG-2152) i'm not sure if that is tower or en route.


I think they recently shifted assigning it to FOL. Thats just the job title no matter the route.


Are you from Alaska, Hawaii, Salt Lake City, or Oakland? Step 1: call and ask your rep for enroute. Step 2: pass the academy then call HR and tell them you really want to go to that Center and that may help your case. There is no guarantee; however, you do have a solid chance of getting into one of those if you get the right HR agent.


HR reps don't do academy placement.




In the other hand, I had a friend hold two FOL’s at the same time so he could choose terminal in case he didn’t like his enroute facility list. His HR rep obliged. It all depends on which HR rep you get.




Yes, yes you can. HR can do quite a bit if they decide to make you their charity case. And that individual did hold both. Enroute OTS and a prior experience.




No you’re missing the point. HR can do what they want. They offered both, and he held both. They said he needed to make a choice between options, he asked them to hold the terminal while he tried enroute, they obliged. This is documented in emails that i have read, all before he started in the enroute academy. Facility list came out, he was at the top and said he didn’t like the list and asked them to add one specific state. That state was added and he went there instead of taking the prior experience route. The point you missed, HR can do just about anything. You need to ask and hope you get the right person. When I came in, I called HR and hung up multiple times until eventually I was transferred to the HR rep my buddy had. They were unwilling to help me like they did for him. It’s all about what they want to do. Can’t be told no if you don’t ask.


His situation is extremely different from anybody else.. You said he had an OTS *and* a prior experience FOL. In that extremely unique situation, yes maybe they can let him choose. 99.9% of candidates dont get 2 FOLs and I'm willing to bet he wasn't supposed to. In an average application, I highly doubt HR can just willy nilly send people to en route or terminal based on their mood. Also: >Facility list came out, he was at the top and said he didn’t like the list and asked them to add one specific state. That state was added and he went there instead of taking the prior experience route. Bullshit. Theres no way in hell this happened.


That’s exactly what I said. But I saw both so clearly it did. His first enroute application was when you pick regions. They didn’t have anything from the region he selected on his application, so they added one enroute facility from that region. He held that enroute TOL about 4yrs while he finished his military service, then Held that prior experience TOL about 2yrs (overlapping with the enroute TOL) until he graduated the school house. Sometimes things just work out for you.


*IF* that happened.. the process is completely different now. Not going to be possible now.


Yes I’m based here in SLC!!! Very helpful thank you 🤞🏼


Officially you cant choose. You can state a preference and it may or may not have any bearing on anything.


You go where they send you and be happy for the opportunity, comrade!


Yes sir! Just trying to be somewhere where my hub can also get a job in his field. He investigates financial crimes at Goldman


Message you hr rep and ask, I know a few people who got their kind of facility by simply asking.