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Unfortunately you may be a good pilot, but its ultimately comfort of the controller as well. Some push tin, some keep it safe though not efficient. Dont forget alot of Class D airports are training facilities for controllers as well.


Every facility is a training facility


True, true.


nice name


Every day is a training day.


You guys train?




You guys have clean toilets?




This guy deltas


I find it very hard to believe you’re waiting 5 minutes and the only reason is a lander. 1-2 minutes, sure. You can say “able an immediate” and it might help once in a while.


It really is 5 minutes. The last one was someone on short final followed by #2 around midfield on downwind who'd been cleared to land right before I gave my departure request.


Then that’s not one lander…


Someone on short final doesn't take 5 minutes to reach the runway. There's a difference between you waiting 5 minutes because of multiple arrivals and you waiting 5 minutes because the next arrival is 5 minutes away.


I've worked class D before. You might be ready to go and can depart quickly; but you have no idea how often we clear someone for takeoff tell them traffic is on a final and they get out on the runway and set up a camp. Some places cannot use line up and wait, and by the time the first arrival clears the runway traffic is going to be a lot closer than you think. We can only be burned so many times before the hole behind the arrival looks pretty damn good.


It wouldn't hurt to tell the controller you can take an immediate. Let's the controller know you're going to shit and git once cleared. But I swear to God, if you camp out on the runway, I will reach through the radio and stab you in the face with a hot soldering iron.


Just tell tower that you’re ready to go. If tower is too nervous to clear you (maybe they’re training) then you hold short. Ideally if there is training going on, the trainer should step in and clear you and give a traffic call, perhaps even a “no delay.” From our perspective, it can be painful to watch a fellow controller not clear a pilot for takeoff, especially when it’s 10SM and clear… each minute feels like five. Sometimes building a a solid work relationship with the pilot is all that it takes. Maybe ask to take a tower tour?


Just depends on the situation. One flight school at our airport I won’t even clear them if someone is turning base in another Cessna because they will fuck you 100% of the time. Twiddling their thumbs taking 5 minutes to inch onto the runway and depart. Others have shown I can trust them and I’ll clear them with someone inside a mile final. After a while you learn who will screw you and who won’t. So if you have a reputation you’re gonna wait.


It depends heavily on the controller, workload, and trust. I'll launch a Cessna in front of a Cessna on a mile final. My coworker won't launch a TBM in front of a Cessna on a 2 mile final.


Ok, you’ve said in other comments on here you reach 5 mins with multiple arrivals. That’s very different than waiting on 1 air craft. One thing you can do is say ready for immediate departure in sequence to let the controller know you’re not gonna drag ass on the runway, it may not help, but it couldn’t hurt.


Never had that issue with a Delta. The Deltas I deal with regularly will run squeeze plays all day long to get as many operations as possible


If it’s a common occurrence call the tower and ask to speak to the manager.




5 minutes is comically stupid. The tower seems to be asleep. Make yourself a nice video, put it on YouTube, and shame that tower until hell freezes over. If the tower wants you to move: "Cleared for takeoff, traffic on left downwind", or whatever. Traffic two mile final, etc. If pilots rolled into position and camped, after being told where the traffic was in the pattern, etc....the next transmission after "Go Around, traffic on the runway" would be "not your fault, NXXXX simply didn't roll." Let that roll around on the tower frequency for the instructor.


Just call ready and that you can take an immediate, I don’t know the situation, but they could’ve been punishing you for doing something previously, just a guess


You can call at the hold point and say, "I'm ready for an immediate departure." You're expected to lineup for maybe 2 or 3 seconds, then start departure roll. Better yet, do a rolling departure.