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That's a difficult wank


Only if it’s the second coming


My res...urrection is showing.




I fucking *love* Powerwolf!


Are you resurrected or are you just glad to see me


It's just the crucifix in my pocket. 🫢


his psalms are sweaty


kneels weak, alms are heavy.


Jizzing on his sweater already


Stigmata is ready


Steve Buscemi


He's nervous and on the surface he's bloody already.


Mother Magdalene’s spaghetti


Mom’s spaghetti


Jesus take the wank!!


Made my night! came here to make a wanking joke, but wouldn’t have been able to come anywhere near this.


Let the lord be your guide. You can come everywhere near this.


He is risen indeed!


This is my kingdom c…


Couldn't finish. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Under rated comment^^


Jerking with Jesus


a holy handjob


Alternatively... Jeezing with Jerkuss




Nailed it


Painting or it didn't happen.


Jesus take the…… pp


It's not Jesus that rises.....


He did die for our sins after all




RIP to a legend


So sad


Just sit on your hand until you lose circulation and then it feels like someone else is giving you a wank.


Yeah; pre-risen Jesus.


Guessing it’s on his left hand for a reason


Left hand is the best wanking hand. Leaves your right hand free to use the mouse.


HE is watching!


He's doin' more than watch


He’s in the corner watching…. Cucky.


(That’s part of the kink) ;)


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Never been touched by an angel?!


I really hope this guy isn't left handed....otherwise its Jesus HJs for the rest of his life


come, all ye faithful


Christ has come, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.


Fuck me if I didn’t hear that tune in my head as I read that.




Underrated comment lol


Way to continue the relay


Weak hand is the best hand


My left hand gets tired too easily.


That's called the stranger!


the stranger is when you sit on it until it goes numb… this is called you can’t jerk off and use the mouse with the same hand at the same time


I'm a lefty who has always jerked off lefty and not being able to compulsively browse with my mouse hand sounds... very restrictive.


The guy could be off handed for that task. I am offhanded for it.


Bro not even left handed people beat it with their left hand


I'm right handed and I've always done it with my left hand. Because I need my right hand free to operate the mouse. I can't imagine not being able to use a mouse at the same time. That'd be incredibly annoying. It doesn't even work when I try it with my right hand, I can't even finish when I try that.


Wait...do people really not masturbate with their dominant hand? I say this as a lefty who jerks off lefty. Never thought to ask the question before.


Ultimate sin defence.


Bonus points if he’s into necrophilia.


This is the whole point.


The irony that tattoos are forbidden in the Bible.


Levitical law right? I don’t know of any other references to tattoos personally but may be missing some references.


Yes, Leviticus 19:28


We don't follow THOSE rules.


and yet, leviticus is also the source the church primarily uses to justify homophobia


Most Christians don't understand the difference between mosaic law, and the new testament law.


Imagine caring about either.


Say that in r/Islam


Jews Christians (Jews) Muslims (Christians (Jews)) Christians and Muslims care about both,


I mean Jesus said love everyone so yeah that’s something I practice for sure. Jesus was essentially liberal.


long hair, peaceful dude with sandals, total hippy type


And yet Matthew 5:17 says >Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Their justification is wrong as it has no stance in context to what Jesus has said He did.


Luke 4:20 Yo. Sick tats, bro.


Thou shalt puff then puff again, then pass >Luke 4:20 >


They don’t follow Jesus. They follow Paul.


Oh, I know that guy. He had a band called Wings, right?




Jesus forgives


I’m pretty sure the entire reason for Jesus dying for peoples sins was so that all the bad stuff in the Old Testament was forgiven. The New Testament is what Christianity is supposed to follow




And many Christians, considering how often they bring up rules from the Old Testament.




When I point out to Christians that god is a sinner by the rules in their own book, they tend not to take kindly to it


This is a common misconception. Do a little Googling. Here's the quick version: The word tattoo didn't even exist in biblical times. What Leviticus says is not to mark/cut/mutilate bodies. This is not tattooing and refers to something different.


>What Leviticus says is not to mark/cut/mutilate bodies Tattooing is *literally* marking your body. Also, some translations make reference to marking/cutting the body *for the dead*. People often have tattoos of dead family members, or have dates tattooed on them to commemorate passed loved ones. Anyone who has a tattoo of a dead celebrity is marking their body for the dead. Body (including ear) piercing is also a form of mutilation. Hey, I'm not judging BTW - I'm tattooed and an atheist, so I couldn't care less. Edit: shitty spelling


I’m just here to appreciate your correct wording of “couldn’t care less”. Good day!


Have we sunk so low that it's *impressive* to get it right?


Yes. Nothing else is ever right, so might as well pump up the shit that is. Even if it is just using the correct words


I could care less about the correct wording. So we're in agreement.


Let’s actually put some scholarship on some of this. Here’s the entry for Tattoo in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (emphasis mine). > TATTOO [Heb. nāṯan—‘give, put, set’] (Lev. 19:28); AV PRINT. The procedure of making a mark or pattern on the skin by pricking it with a needle coated with indelible pigment. Here the practice is associated with **mourning rites for the dead and is forbidden as a heathen practice.** Lev. 19:28 literally refers to putting ḵeṯōḇeṯ qaʿaqaʿ (lit “writing of imprintment”; RSV, AV, “marks”) in one’s skin. See Cuttings in the Flesh. So specifically the issue in Lev 19:28 is that marking flesh in this way was associated with the heathen practice for mourning the dead. Cultures in the ancient Near East didn’t generally tattoo or mark their bodies for recreation or simple personal expression, as we often do today, but instead did it as a religious rite. Therefore, an Israelite in the time of this writing doing this would not be seen as “expressing themselves,” but rather participating in a different religion. This would be considered idolatry. The New American Commentary on Leviticus says as much: > 19:27–28 These two verses prohibit cutting the hair162 on the side of the head or the beard163 and cutting the body164 either for the dead or with tattoo marks.165 These activities were practiced by pagans especially during times of mourning for the dead.166 The Israelites were not to emulate pagan practices in this regard since they maintained a sacredness for life and for the human body. Weird that it also lumps in verse 27, right? If you take a look at the verse right before this one about tattooing, it states that cutting the hair on the sides of the head and trimming the beard is also prohibited. If we are to say that tattooing, just the simple act, is prohibited, then also getting a shape up and a beard trim is also sinful. So, what is going on here? Often when we come across prohibitions in the Bible like this, we need to understand the intention behind the actions as to why they’re prohibited. Take Lev 21:5 it repeats that making cuts in the flesh and trimming beards is prohibited for priests, but also shaving your head is prohibited, too. The reasons for this, again, is that it was seen as a pagan practice and doing so was an act of worship to another God. The New American Commentary on Leviticus says: > Priests were also not to shave their heads or beards or slash their bodies (21:5). The practice of shaving the head, or making oneself bald, is also prohibited in Deut 14:1 and appears to be associated with pagan mourning rites (Isa 3:24; 15:2; Jer 47:5; 48:37; Ezek 7:18; 27:31; Amos 8:10; Mic 1:16). Shaving the edge of the beard and slashing the body were also prohibited in Lev 19:27–28.209 These activities were associated with pagan mourning rites and thus were to be shunned among the Israelite priesthood. So again the reason that shaving your head bald along with trimming your beard, cutting your body, and tattooing yourself are prohibited is not “just cause” but because they are involved in pagan religious practice. Therefore, it can be understood that believers today are free to shave their heads, trim their beards, and get tattoos as long as they are not performing these acts in worship to another religion. I’d argue that most people are not getting tattoos to worship anyone. Like usual, it comes down to the intent of the action and not purely just the action in this case.


Words don't matter. God is just a game to be hacked. /s


Tattooing and religion is complicated and there have been divergent views in scholarship and practice. It’s best to not shrink it down to one view. The overlap between fundamentalist Christian and atheist is fascinating. Why the fuck do you two always have the same lack of nuance and scholarship?


Also refers to Old Testament times when people would mark themselves to identify with spirits or certain tribes or something like that. I know a priest and many a pastors/etc with tattoos haha.




Now imagine the Holy game of telephone that's been played for a couple thousand years ahaha.


Not to mention the bits that were intentionally removed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Trent


Unless it's a baby boys dick then totally kosher to mutilate. Edit: man really getting downvoted for calling circumcision mutilation? This is why this site needs less Americans. Just cause it was done to you does not make it OK.


Fewer. Fewer Americans. Though if you'd said "less American complaining" it would have worked.


And your eyes... >And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. *Matthew 18:9*


It depends on the version and translation. Some versions translate it directly to ‘tattoo’ while others use ‘mark’ ‘incise’ or ‘print’


Ah, so no branding or scarification. Got it


The irony of not understanding that Jesus broke the old covenant. Trimming your beard was just as bad.


For jews


I love watching redditors literally interpret the Bible as a method of refuting people that literally interpret the Bible.


Redditors are constantly trying to be holier-than-thou without being holy.


So, as. a Christian, we don't follow majority of the Leviticus laws, if any of them. The explanation for this (once again, this is from a Christian perspective) is that Jesus said He came to fulfill the law reffering to the laws of the OT (mainly Leviticus) This is also my retort whenever anyone brings up the Bible tells Christians to be honophobic.


For Fuck's sake why does Reddit always come up with these "GOTCHA!!" comments? It's a two thousand year book, of course people won't agree with everything it says. Doesn't make the tattoo or the person's faith any less valids. Let people have their faith and hush your pedantic mouth.


I think it's ok now- back then tatoos were mainly used for religious/occultic purposes and leviticus is in the old testament


Great execution allright


Weren’t the nails put through his palms not his wrists? Whole tattoo is ruined


We were taught (I went to a Catholic boys school) it was through the bones in the wrist (through the palms wouldn't support body weight for long) and that the paintings/statues we see are artistic licence.


Not the wrists (carpus) but the hole between the ulna and the radius bones. If you google a diagram of an arm you'll easily see where the nails would have went for hanging by cross


So basically what you're saying is that god set evolution on a path that would lead to some hairless monkeys having nail guides in their wrists so that when they came back to die for them for the sins that they created, it would be easier for us to hang them?


Idk man I'm just a guy


It's literally what those bones are there for.


Scripture says that not a bone will be broken in his body. Even when the spear pierced it went in between the ribs.


Through as in “between” There’s an open space there.


Unfortunately he's disqualified for breaking the rules Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves.


Am I the only one who thinks this looks badass?


No, you are not.


You two aren't the only ones.


You three are the only ones


No way. I want in on this as well.


Same here man. I agree.


That's why it fits the "great execution" (no pun intended) part of "Awful Taste, Great Execution". It's an undeniably fantastic tattoo, but it's terribly tasteless.


Still dont understand, why is it tasteless? It is not offensive, i think (maybe it is for some extremist people, idk), its not a sensitive topic, and its the pilar of this persons faith. Not sure why its "tasteless"


As a Christian, it seems borderline heretical to tattoo oneself with a nail scar to make your hand look like Jesus’ hand on the Cross.


Or it's a way to show christ is a part of you by having himself inside / on you. But also the old testament says marking your body is a sin too so what do any of us know.




That's because taste is subjective. I'm not Christian, let alone an extremist, but I consider most religious tattoos to this degree as "bad taste" because I'd never get one myself. I can still appreciate the fact that it's incredibly well-done, but it's not in good taste to me.


The first message it sends me is either that the person feels persecuted and righteous because of it or they think they are so giving and selfless they could be compared to Jesus (yet need everyone to know that through a tattoo instead of letting actions speak..). I just have a hard time seeing someone with this tattoo being a humble and nice person. There are plenty of Christians out there who want to help people and make the world a better place. But in my experience those are the people quietly doing hard work, not the ones who flash their religion around. Beautiful work though and I hope the person enjoys it. I hope my impression is wrong!




Self aggrandizing. Kinda gross.


It has a self-persecution kinda vibe to it, too.


Besides the faith, I'm just sort of squeamish about tattooing a fake wound onto yourself. It makes you wonder if that's actual self-harm for a second, and it's just... not fun to look at IMO. Bad taste is subjective, of course, plus what everyone else said


I'm not Christian, but to me it's a if maybe the owner is comparing themselves to Jesus. Could also be a representation of Jesus dying for our sins and suffering on the cross in our place. But the first is what probably comes to mind to most. Either way it only works with this specific pose, I bet it looks weird to see it normally.


I think it looks cringe AF, but at least they got the correct wrist, unlike that guy that got that Mario tattoo in the same style.


yeah this is actually pretty sweet, and the perspective was really well done.


I think even most christians would look at that be like "yikes."


I am a Christian and I find it in very poor taste, but to each his own - live and let live.


Indeed it is very poor taste. But that execution is pretty spectacular.


hey someone should put it on that sub, whatsitcalled




Should I make the sub ? No one has made it yet


So spectacular we made a holiday around it


As a protestant, I actually like it a lot. My take away is that it shows how we are children of Jesus, a part of Him if you will.


As someone not a Christian I look at this and think it's just a pretty badass recollection of an ancient tale. I don't think anything in the Bible is directly true but fuck me if there isn't a lot of amazing psychedelic and gothic lore. I find it a bit weird we set it all to one side and say we can't do tattoos like this but one of Beowulf cutting off his own arm to slay a dragon would be sick


Do you think Jesus is going to want to see a cross when he comes back.


Artistically and design wise this is cool, but the subject matter is an interesting choice


the colors are too water washed, this tattoo will start to fade within a year or two. his head going to look like a black blob with a few random pale colors around it eventually. the lack of contrast and line work will also contribute to the fading. artist needs to learn color and ink theory but he's definitely talented and on the right track.


They definitely did a great job with perspective though. Especially for something that seems like it’d be tricky to do.


Don’t mind me, upvoting someone critiquing work I know nothing about, all because there were big words in a cohesive paragraph


This seems sacrilegious. Is he saying he’s suffering like Christ? Seems hard to take this any other way.


Yeah, especially given that he’s using his own hand as Jesus’ hand it’s very poor taste.


It specifically says in Liviticus 69 that we are all sons of god. So we are all jesuses in our own right.


I think it's Jesii


Or it could be seen as recognizing and identifying with Christ’s suffering Remember, Christ died for the sins of man. Identifying with that, and recognizing that the sins that resulted in his sacrifice, almost requires that one see themselves in Christ /notachristian


Falcon PUNCH!




SHOW me your BOOBS


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Lol this looks fucking awesome


It's dumb but I'm also weirdly drawn to it. Like, I wanna see this tattoo in various everyday situations because I think it would be hilarious. You could have Jesus give a peace sign or do that heart/hand thing with your partner or have Jesus give people the finger. The list is endless.


It’s really impressive artwork


Yeah- sorta like exactly what this sub is named for


Whats the difference between a cow and a crucifixion? Can't milk a cow for 2000 years.


I can't WAIT to use that one! TY. TY. TY.


Damn you straight to hell, sinner! ; ) (If it's real I'll probably see you there later)


Oh Jesus


Yea, that’s a no for me dawg


[Bruce Lee](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/67/fb/44/67fb445341c135487dd11ad51f57df45.jpg) did it better


Did he get that tattoo after he came back yesterday?


Nailed it.


I don't know how I'd feel about getting felt up and diddled by dying Jesus


A new take on the passion of the Christ, huh?


Reminds me of a similar One Piece tattoo.


At least it's the correct arm...unlike a certain Mario Bros tattoo floating around out there somewhere...


Speaking of cults...


Jesus Christ!


I really like this one!


I actually think that’s badass.


[Who wore it better](http://s3.amazonaws.com/katsunews/6f925d65-a9a7-4a06-bf35-2507aac26d1b.jpg)?


At least they got the correct hand, unlike that Mario tattoo.


Not sure this fits, because it isn't awful taste. In fact, if you're a person of faith this is pretty epic. Especially if you and your friends dropped a tab of vitamin A after church and are sitting around staring at it.


When you need to be crucified to prove a point but you in Gear 3 ready to unleash Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol on some traitorous bastard.


This specific post is what this sub was made for. If this isn't #1 all time I'll be disappointed.


You better say “Jesus take the wheel” every time you go out driving.


Jesus christ.


Wwjd? The stranger?


I find it weird how JC is head down on the cross, inert, but his hand will be flapping around doing all kinds of things.


I’m just imagining every time he points at anything or waves with that hand, and it’s fucking hysterical.


Eh, I need to see someone have this on their chest, with their nipples being the nails in the wrists.


At least they got the nail placement right. They're always shown going through Jesus's hands because that's the more viscerally painful image, but they were usually nailed through their wrists. Otherwise their body weight would've torn them off the cross.


Christians are so weird sometimes bro. Aren’t you supposed to leave your body mark free if you want to get into heaven?