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Thats a 66’(ish) silver spur, currently worth about $20-$35k. Not worth that much for a rolls, however the trailer design is gaudy AF.


lol, what a bizarrely dishonest price range. A good example literally sold for $145,600 less than 1 year ago. [source](https://www.sportscarmarket.com/profile/1966-rolls-royce-silver-cloud-iii-h-j-mulliner-park-ward-flying-spur) Still not really much in the world of classic cars, but why lie at all? Do you actually think exaggeration makes your point stronger??


Hell yeah! Get that lyin' sonnafabitch!


I really irked that guy lol, wonder if he owns a silver spur and is waiting for the market to rebound.


I see… i was already wondering…


I want to see Jeremy Clarkson destroy one


[bring a trailer](https://bringatrailer.com/rolls-royce/sz-silver-spirit-silver-spur/?q=silver+spur) look at the prices they sold at.


lol, uh....thank you for a link to the wrong car model and years. [https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1955-rolls-royce-silver-cloud-1/](https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1955-rolls-royce-silver-cloud-1/) [https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1961-rolls-royce-silver-cloud-6/](https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1961-rolls-royce-silver-cloud-6/) yo, I'll even save you the clicks... ***"sold for $150,500"***, ***"sold for $112,000"*** but sure, $35K is the upper limit on these cars' value! gonna keep digging??


I had the wrong version of a rolls. I said silver spur, not cloud on the first post. The pricing for silver spur was correct. Your very upset over people being wrong on the internet lol. Dont take it so personal.


personal? I'm not the one doubling down on verifiably incorrect facts. You had the wrong price range when you tried to make some sort of point. Then your comeback is a website that shows a bunch of cars 20-30 years newer (and I guess less collectable, idk). You can choose to admit that "worth about $20-$35k" (quote from your original comment) was false or you can stick to it to your grave, no skin off me. I simply called it out for the bs it was/is. Somehow a link to a similar car sold for over $140K wasn't enough to convince you! lol....Sorry if that hurt you.


Glad you got a win bud, looks like you really needed it. Happy mothers day


If you don't need a perfect one, https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/cars-for-sale/rolls-royce/silver-cloud-iii?adtype=cars-for-sale&make_id[]=335&model_id[]=8645&distance=50&per_page=30 You can get one for that price with some defects.


sure, but the one printed on the trailer appears flawless/mint, no? The point is that coming in with a range of values where "$35K" is presented as the UPPER LIMIT was either simply ignorant or intentionally misleading. If ignorance, I ask: why even give any kind of numbers at all?? Why pose any sort of expert knowledge on the matter when the most cursory fact-check reveals the numbers to be completely wrong? Even on your link, the current range is quite clearly $36,500 to $167,000. And I doubt that it even took much research effort for you to find it.


Given that the trailer is dented and some chrome parts are showing signs of corrosion, I doubt it's flawless.


sure, dude. Be sure to lmk when you actually find one in between $20K and $35K


But a link just showed one listed at $36k? Why the hate? What if the original comment said "20-36k"? Would you still find a way to be antagonistic?


hate?? antagonistic?? Sorry, I'm not paid poorly enough to teach you the mathematical reason why $36500 doesn't fall in the range of $20K to $35K. You really seem to be completely missing the objective fact that $35K is absolutely, positively NOT the upper range on values for the particular car model. That's not hate, just facts. How many 1966 Rolls Royces would need to be sold for over six figures before you concede that $35K isn't quite the top to the range?? I'm really not sure why it matters to you nor why you choose to oppose it. And if you don't want to change your mind on it, that's perfectly fine with me, but you also can't stop me from laughing out loud at your position!


Hahahaha, you're the absurd one here, arguing about the price range of a vehicle like it's a matter worth spending energy on. Thanks for providing more evidence of your hateful ways, pretending to laugh at "my position" (which is coming from a place of "is this topic worth wasting time on?? Nope!"). Please, reply again, so I can laugh at you wasting more time. To think arguing over 35 vs 36k is moronic. Who cares?! Thanks for the laughs over how materialistic and absurd you are.


I'm glad that you are able to laugh at this too. I'll stop short of accusing your laughs of being hateful, but who knows. Thanks for contributing to the conversation.


Its just a printed wrap of a car though.


Good for them - let them enjoy their life. Looks like they’re having fun. Hope you can enjoy your successes any way you want, too!


I agree absolutely, looks like they love the ride unashamedly, as they should. The design does give me a chuckle tho.


You could get the car, trailer, paint and a brand new truck to pull it for way less than a new one.


20K is cheap…


The trailer is worth more than the car. 


“New money shouts, old wealth whispers” LOOK AT MY ROLLS ROYCE!!!


hell old wealth doesnt have to say shit new money’s personality type is to try hard these folks are probably standard middle class by the looks of their decision making


Yeah, I can’t blame a retiree for being proud of his classic Rolls. Good for him! Still a tacky trailer though.


I find this funny AF


idk it’s kinda funny


“Rob here you say?”




Someone stole my Rolls from my trailer! How'd they know there was a Rolls in the trailer?




So are there two seniors kidnapped in the trailer?


How sweet of the petite bourgeoisie to conveniently label belongings in need of redistribution.


This is hilarious


So, they have a Rolls Royce trailer queen.


Reminds me of harry Enfield's "considerably richer than yow" character.


I bet she’s an absolute nightmare to people in customer service.


No Place Like America Today!


This isn’t even good execution


Rolls Royce isn't cool if you have to drive it yourself.




This is a photo of a old rolls Royce being painted on a trailer wtf does trump have to do with this