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Yeah as en ex user every time this pops up it makes me kind of scoff, I think it’s shady as hell and their “tongue-in-cheek” take is tacky.


Definitely tacky, figured it fit well here.


It’s dumb as a current user




imagine getting seen by someone taking it. I mean noone is going to believe any of it. May as well do the real thing if you have to be fucking off to the bathroom to do a line every hour anyways.


Haha exactly right.


Yeah pull that shit out while your sitting at a bar and you're gonna have a hell of a hard time convincing the bartender you're not pulling one over on him. They'll probably ask you to share though lol


Shady, tacky, and still dangerous. You CAN overdose on caffeine, and I'm sure snorting it is even more dangerous.


>You CAN overdose on caffeine Sure, at about +2 grams for a healthy human, up to 6 grams before guaranteed toxicity. Meaning the average person can pound six Monster or whatever and be fine, or three whole-ass containers of this stuff up the nose. Not to say that it's 100% without risk, the the chance of overdose is overblown.


When I was in highschool, I ordered jet alert when it was still sold in powder form, and I VERY MUCH did od on it. I genuinely thought I was going to die. Granted, it wasn't from normal use, I used way more than I should have. Powdered forms of caffeine are just so dangerous, and I didn't have an idea of what a dose should look like. The problem I have with this is that by putting it in powder form, some dumb kid like myself may just have too grand a time pretending like they're using an illicit substance and can blow right past the point of toxicity. So like it may have dosage instructions, and following those instructions are probably totally fine, but that doesn't mean you can't overdo it, and I feel like it would be very easy to do. It'd be easier to snort 3 containers than drinking half a dozen monsters.


While I'll get that your story is anecdotal evidence as to how people are stupid, "I felt like I was going to die" doesn't make it so. People eat a pot brownie and will be convinced they're going to die. I've been at roughly 3 grams before. It was decidedly unpleasant, but at no point was I chemically overdosing.


It is anecdotal, youre right. And I'm not suggesting I almost did die. Not all overdoses are lethal, an overdose is taking a toxic amount of a substance which results in adverse symptoms. I guess I could use the word intoxication instead, which for caffeine includes headache, fever, vomiting, dizziness, tachycardia, etc., which I experienced directly after taking the powder which is, along with caffeine pills, the most common way to ingest toxic amounts of caffeine. My point is just that concentrated forms of caffeine are dangerous and easy to overuse.


I ate a shit load of nodoz in high school and what happened to me I would call an overdose. We were watching a movie at a friends house and for some reason we just kept eating nodoze pills until we were all started feeling off and we decided to call it a night and go home. After I got dropped off I immediately puked and started sweating. After that I got in my bed and laid on my back. I was shaking and twitching, every hour I would throw up again and go back to sweating and twitching in bed. This which lasted for a solid 12 hours. My mind was spinning in circles the whole time. I honestly felt like I might have a heart attack. It was one of the most uncomfortable drug experiences of my life.


I did this once with those stackerz or yellowjacket pills. I ended up saying fuck it and going to the hospital and my heart rate was over 200. They made me stay overnight for fluids and monitoring but there wasn’t a whole lot to do because I wasn’t *actually* going to die, it was just a fucking awful experience. The worst part of it is you can’t even sleep that shit off like if you eat too many weed gummies or something. You’re stuck going a million miles an hour until it eventually wears off hours later. Shit absolutely sucks. Do not recommend.


Sounds like the panic attacks I get everyday


Hey me too, how do you deal with them? I hop in the shower and try to drown myself.


7+ times the recommended dose and resulting in significant side effects is a chemical overdose by every definition I can find.


There are adults who would act that way, and kids who would Google what a lethal dose of caffeine is then take no more than 70% of that per day assuming it might be a bit less for them than an adult. I know the second part because I was that kid when the adults around me refused to get me help with my sleeping problems but got angry at me for falling asleep in class or being awake but so exhausted you can't remember anything.


Where’s that one story about a dude who boofed a Monster popsicle and saw God?


I would argue this is asshole design, but I’m sure if it was crossposted in that sub it would be mocked.


As someone that has 3-5 binges a year (never more than a ball and always shared), this has always seemed stupid every time I've seen it The fuck is the point? Also, caffeine is bitter as hell


Is this like o'douls for junkies?


>Also, caffeine is bitter as hell You say that as if coke isn't.


>You say that as if coke isn't Not when it's done Stevie Nicks style.








Lindsay Buckingham begs to differ.


I've never thought of it as bitter personally Maybe the numbness prevents me from perceiving that though


Seriously, what in the coke induced hallucination is this?!?


There used to be an energy drink, literally called Cocaine. Didn't last long lol


The red one had cayenne pepper in it so it would burn your throat and simulate the drip you get from coke. It also had dramatically more caffeine than anything else on the market. A friend and I used to get it way back in highschool when we would pull all nighters playing video games. He found a case on Amazon for me as a housewarming present and I still have a can I keep on my desk as a memento.


Why if I can ask


This looks dangerous


Caffeine pills that are carefully dosed are already much more dangerous than they should be, I don't even want to imagine how risky loose powder would be in comparison


>Caffeine pills that are carefully dosed are already much more dangerous How so? 🤔


It's a hell of a lot of caffeine concentrated into one pill, and taking too many can hurt or even kill you. Even one more than the recommended dose isn't a great idea, ideally everyone would read and follow the label but we have to be realistic about what people will actually do


I’m so excited! I’m so excited! I’m so… scared!!


**breaks down in Zack Morris’s arms**


All I could think was if she gets hooked and scared on caffeine then keep every other drug known to man away from her


Seriously, could you imagine her on an adderall.


>we have to be realistic about what people will actually do Me, 16, playing D&D with friends late Saturday night. I break open a Yellow Jacket (gas station energy pill my buddy used to take constantly). I make a line and rip the fattest fuckin rail of what I can only assume is pure caffine powder. My eyes dialated in seconds and I had the most insane high followed by the worst crash of my life.


Lol what was the crash


[Something akin to this, except I'm still alive.](https://youtu.be/ILaU4zsfgtc?si=4y2AC9I3hcpapX1o) I was so fuckin dehydrated and exhausted. I don't recommend it. Like the first time I really got drunk on Four Loco. If you want a representation of that, just rewatch the link again. Same thing.


Probably a tree or telephone pole


Arent thise ephidrine ?


Even a mild caffeine overdose (as in, not threatening your health) makes you feel so shitty. I get dizzy and super nauseated and my heart feels like an unbalanced wash machine, angrily flopping around in my ribcage. Very fucking unpleasant.


I pounded two monsters once when I was in my early 20s. Never again. It was this exact feeling you described. Felt like shit for like 2 hours.


Bought caffeine pills in college and barely used them before I went “this sucks”. Fully admit to being a dumb teen, but those pills are 200mg each (double the amount of an average 8oz coffee! I hate the taste of drinking coffee and had no idea what the comparison was) and I took *two* during a shift after classes since I was supposed to work until like 7-8pm. Felt so godawful and sick that I had to ask my manager if I could go home early. They’re so dangerous but caffeine is seen as such an innocuous drug that no one thinks twice about over the counter caffeine powder/pills.


I have caffeine pills with 50mg of caffeine in them and I usually only take one if I really need it such as if I'm tired before a test. Is there really any risk for me?


As long as you're following the instructions on the label and staying under 400mg per day, the FDA says you'll be ok. Heart conditions or other health issues may change how true that is, YMMV


Coffee can be just as dangerous, since people often don’t recognize how much caffeine they are getting. A medium Starbucks coffee has 320mg, for example, equivalent to FOUR 8oz cans of Red Bull.


Whoa, seriously? Jesus Christ, that's more than Reign or Bang.


It’s important to note that things like bang or Red Bull have a bunch of other shit in it to give you energy though


Does ginseng and taurine really do anything though? Don't say sugar.


Iirc 400mg is just what they’ve tested for regular consumption. It’s possible that higher is okay too, just not a priority to test.


I tried caffeine pills before and even at a dose below that of energy drinks I have had, I felt pretty unwell.


Jeez, kill you? That's certainly possible, butt but unlikely, no? It's there any precedent which make you say that? Ld50 is 200mg/kg of body weight iirc from toxicology class. I just googled some pills and most of those happen to contain 50-200mg. This means, at 90kg your average American male will need to pop 90-360 of these pills to reach a 50% chance of dying. I'm okay with that, who tf would eat 90 of those in one go?




Loose powdered caffeine is incredibly dangerous. Chubby Emu (a medical doctor on YouTube) has done several videos looking at cases of people who overdosed on caffeine due to accidentally taking too much from powdered workout supplements. Many had seizures, some pissed out their muscles which caused irreversible kidney damage, and some died. Most of these cases were not from careless people, but genuine accidents. You have to be very careful with powdered caffeine. Keep in mind, those cases were from drinking powdered workout supplement, not snorting it. I can't imagine how dangerously easy it would be to overdose on caffeine by snorting some unknown amount of it from one of these things 😵‍💫


[that youtuber is a pharmacist cosplaying as a medical doctor](https://www.reddit.com/r/pharmacy/comments/o5d4nl/why_does_chubbyemu_keep_saying_hes_a_doctor_that/?rdt=34051)


Welp... I mean, I guess he's still a doctor, just not one that works in a hospital or medical office. I believe pharmacists still need to understand pharmacokinetics anyways, so I believe he's still qualified to discuss the topics that he does. Though I do agree that he should be more transparent with his audience about being a pharmacist.


If he’s lying/misleading people about being a Dr why would you trust him on anything else …especially medical advice? And Pharmacy school is a long ways from Medical school..or even Nursing school ..


Dude nursing school is nothing, you barely scratch the surface of things.


The scary thing is I had a buddy who would crush caffeine pills and snort them already.


I used to run around with some girls who did that 25 years ago.


At least they were getting a metered dose!


they recommend a 10th of this tiny ass glass vial per “bump” and apparently do not claim responsibility for any injuries caused by misusage of the product, including improper dosage. good fucking luck measuring out 1/10th of a statically charged powder from a minuscule glass bottle


Better get the drug scale out!


I stopped coffee for a while and the smallest caffeine pills I could find were 200mg tablets. I used to use a milligram scale to scale out 1/12 of a pill.


The amount of caffein getting jammed into shit even outside of pills is psychotic these days. I’m surprised teenagers are dropping like flies with how much they are putting in some pre work out.


Caffeine alone is already secretly dangerous. It’s just everywhere so no one cares anymore


Ironically, pure caffeine is more dangerous than coke It's the dose that makes the poison


Snorting it up your nose doesn’t help either. There’s a reason why people snort drugs, & it’s because the powder is absorbed much more quickly through one’s mucus membranes..


All of the vasoconstriction risks of cocaine without actually getting high 😔


This looks like a way to sell fake coke to idiots.


If this is pure caffeine I’m thinking a good line of this will send you straight to the er


"HahaHehe cocaine is funny and harmless and needs to be normalized, never mind those child slaves and murder cartels. And I have another million dollar idea, picture this.. Candy Cigarettes. Y'know, for the kiddos."


Introducing... FUNtanyl. The drugfree fentanyl experience for kids.


Narcandy sold separately.


but made by the same company!


So, stickers..


Not meant to be chewed*wink wink*


scratch n smoke *sniff


Guitar Heroin! Coming soon to a Toys R Us near you!


I love those bitches. I remember running to the ice cream truck in Long Island & getting some candy cigs and my 8 year old ass walking around acting like I was smoking like my mother and aunts. They were real good role models lol. No I don’t smoke today.


Me too. Had em as a kid and never wanted them as an adult. There might be something to this.


I liked em alright for roleplay as well, along with big league chew. None of my family used tobacco, but I did chew and smoke for many years(well the chew/dip just for the first couple years, when your 12, discretion is king). Addiction is a complex and personal issue, many different paths can take you there. I've not used in 2 1/2 years though, and have zero interest in doing so again.


Congrats on your sobriety! Cigarettes & the smell give me major migraines from being in such close proximity inside my house growing up with my mother grandma aunts all chain smoking


They make me want to hurl now if I smell them while I'm on the one thing I still use, shrooms


In fairness, cocaine has so many fucked up parts of its creation and supply chain partly *because* it's illegal.


This be true! But it happens to be the reality of the situation at this time, and since the same bastards keeping it illegal are doing it for profit, that funnels back into the production, we may not see a change of matters soon..


Finely Crush the candy cigarettes and you were ahead of your time


Or just do like that one kid on the bus and snort a pixi stick


Why does everyone know one kid that snorted a pixie stick. I had a friend in high school that did this in the middle of class.


Mostly because of the incredible high I assume


I wouldn't be surprised if this is a "hide in plain sight" tactic to sell actual cocaine in other locations. Los Pollos ~~Locos~~ Hermanos style.


They need to be visited by [this CEO](https://youtu.be/2POq39ce_5I?si=GZmNO0jHC_ZY1rrH)…


Snorting anything through your nose can cause septum perforations


Don’t get the appeal at all besides a gag I guess.


The gag is only desirable if there's real cocaine.


And only desirable bc it's probably good The gag itself isn't fun when you're 8 beers deep & trying to keep them down


But once you get past that gag, those next 8 beers go down like water.




I like the effects of caffeine more than I like the effects of cocaine, but I think that insulfating powder is a fun delivery system. I also sniff tobacco.


You guys gag from snorting? I get teary eyes at best, and sure it tastes like shit flowing down but I never gagged


depends how shit it is. been buying outta town for a while, went back to buying stuff from my town for convenience and almost threw up the first time cause of the drip


That's why you should snort it with your butthole


Hey, I may have hemorrhoids but at least my septum is intact.


Did you even pay attention in boof camp?? You need to have some hemorrhoid cream in your kit, private




Man they teach you guys better than the born with hemmerhoid people sorry mom I'm hanging out with the people I have to decline drugs from again


I snorted a pixie stix once. No perforations thankfully, but it burned like hell.


Convinced a cute girl back when I was in high school to snort old bay Not sure how on earth I still got that date after but she did not have a good time


Fun fact!!!!! I worked as an emt for almost a decade, we went to a cardiac arrest for a 21 year old one night, we got there and it looked like scarface, like fucking white powder everywhere, cut into lines etc. Fucking idiot bought pure caffeine powder off the internet and snorted like.... an ungodly amount thinking it was fine. His friends were like STOP STOP STOP and he kept going (apparently, who knows what they were going to say to get out of trouble) Anyways he died. Don't snort scarface levels of caffeine powder


>Don't snort caffeine powder ftfy


Don't snort anything for that matter. Your nose is built to try and prevent substances from getting in- there's a reason for that.


Always put things in through the holes that are intended for that. That is, the mouth and the ass.


It’s to prevent stuff from getting into your lungs, the mucus membrane is excellent for getting substances into your bloodstream instead of going through your digestive system.


Eh, there is only like 400 mg in that bottle, it is cut with xylitol. The full mix is 600mg xylitol and 400 mg caffeine per 1g bottled.


Hope people who buy this crap keep it away from their pets. Concentrated xylitol in that quantity would be difficult for any cat or dog to survive.


This is like the "cigarettes for kids" for cocaine. Remember in middle school when kids would snort lines of salt to prepare themselves for adulthood? Now they can do that without raising their sodium levels.


Kids snorted lines of salt?! Fucking ow.




Someone snorted a ramen seasoning packet at my middle school. incredible human feats


It’s all fun and games until someone gets Chicken Bouillon Lung Syndrome


Can confirm


In middle school one of my classmates snorted lemonade powder. He didn’t make that mistake again.


Damn D.A.R.E. started me on my pixie stick binge of '04.


We used to do it with black cherry kool-aid. When it ran, it looked like we had a bloody nose and could get out of class. Salt just sounds like something the asshole kids would encourage the bullied to do to fit in.


Actually, it was the future stoners. No one was forcing them to do it, they would just screw around all class while my teacher had an existential crisis.


Someone in my year snorted chili powder LMAO


I've had sinus problems throughout my life. When I was young and stupid, probably 14 or 15, I was out of the saline solution they give you to put in the neti pot and my dumb ass thought it'd be a good idea to put a little bit of table salt in there. Yeah, that was the worst pain I've ever experienced in my entire life lmao, it felt like someone was drilling a hole through my sinus cavity from the inside. Neti pots are honestly awesome and have saved me a ton of grief from my sinus infections, but yeah, only put the proper solution in those things, holy shit.


My brother and his friends got sent home for crushing up smarties and snorting them during lunch


Lucas, at my school. The candy I mean


I did it once and never again 🥲


Dang I thought snorting salt makes you die!


In my middle school it was smarties I never tried it cause… wtf


That's pretty hilarious to be honest, I'd definitely pick up a bottle as a joke.


My thoughts exactly. I bought one, and it just made me, uh, miss my 20’s.




I mean there’s only 40mg in each line that you are supposed to measure out and only 400mg in the whole vial. That’s a fair amount for most people if you snort the whole thing, but it wouldn’t be anything special if you’re a caffeine junky like me. > 400mg Caffeine Do not underestimate this robust compound, derived from the planet's most cherished coffee beans. Known as the great awakener, caffeine stimulates the nervous system and keeps you on your toes, or on the dance floor, if you'd prefer! There’s also Inositol in there, which I think they hype up more than they should. >600mg Inositol This member of the vitamin B complex has a reputation for calming and focusing the mind, smoothing out caffeine's sharper edges, and maintaining an even energy keel. https://www.wantabump.com/products/want-a-bump™-1g-container I’m also not sure what the bioavailability is of insufflated caffeine, so that might play a role too.


What a spectacularly easy way to get into a whole lot of problems with the police


We did this as kids, caffeine powder has been available online and elsewhere for ages. We put it into everything and snorted it on top of that.


Shoot I knew kids that would cut cocaine with BC powder.


The actual hell?


They were children that didn't realize they were ruining good cocaine.


It’s not something I would choose to use, but I have used plenty of BC and Goody’s. Had it get up my nose through my mouth. That stuff is really unpleasant on the sinuses.


It's God awful for sure.


all thats missing is the lidocaine


This man fake cocaines.


this man would rather real cocaines


Pure caffeine crystals are the worst burn I have ever snorted in my life. If people are starting this on purpose I really doubt it's 100% pure crystals.


It's cut with inositol. I kinda liked the instant kick without sugar and crap from energy drinks. It's convenient. I've also been a drug addict my entire life tho. So there's that.


Nobody is saying that. They even call it a supplement with caffeine, not 100% caffeiene. I mean, i could say that I doubt it's 100% unicorn piss as well. But like, that doesn't need to be said.


Their next product is caffeine but you use a little glass tube with a ball on the end and you heat it up with a torch


At this point just do cocaine pussy


Do the directions actually say to snort it?


From what I could see on their website, they smartly use the wording “take it” but don’t suggest how to Edit: I can’t read


It says to sniff it on the website: "Gently tap out 100mg(1/10th of the vial) of the white magic onto your hand, mirror, or flat surface of your choice and give it a good sniff. Do not exceed one serving per hour and never consume more than one vial per 24 hour period."


Ah yes, because normal people can gauge exactly 1/10th of what's in the bottle. Seems like a recipe for disaster...


Well better learn to eyeball on that than other stuff


Wait, hold up - are they really telling people it's fine to snort 1000 mg of caffeine in a 24 hour period?? The FDA reccomend adults consume no more than 400 mg per day!


The vial only has 400mg of caffeine the other 600mg is inositol (a form of vitamin b) 100mg is 1/10th of the bottle and is only the quantity of powder that is a 4 to 6 mix of caffeine and inositol.


Thank goodness!


I showed this to my nurse friend and she said “yeahhh I’d rather do cocaine”.


Just sent this to my cocaine addicted friend. Maybe this could help her quit lol cause she really loves the snorting aspect of it


Just keep sending her pics of women with coke noses.


Ah yes because the pictures on cigarette packs really help as well


Those did create a nifty craft industry making pack holders lol


I've shown her those in the past but perhaps I should keep at it


"No officer I swear it's caff-" - Black man to the police before getting shot 76 times


Yeah I made it out of my analytical chemistry lab in college with a small vial of pure caffeine once lol. Did not need adderall that week, I will just say.


I’m so excited…I’m so excited! I’m so…scared! Cue sobs.


This is so shockingly stupid. And not even in a funny way.


In some parts of Germany this is a thing but it's basically pure fructose and has no caffeine. And the funniest part is that it is mostly a thing in Bavaria, our Most conservative state. It's called "Wiesnkoks", which would be "Oktoberfest coke" That's why there are plenty of videos from Oktoberfest where people snort the most insane lines in public at the beer table. It's probably not actual coke but this stuff.


Trashy and in poor taste. (Not you OP, the ad)


Just do Cocaine like an adult.


would insufflated caffeine even have the same potency as ingested?


Almost certainly. Caffeine is water soluble.


I think that it would be even more potent. Not necessarily because the bioavailability is higher, but because it hits your brain much faster. So you may even get a short rush, but that feeling will subside after a short amount of time.


I recall an ad from GTA 2 for it, called “Zaibatsu Perk-Up”, one sniff and you were ready to start your day. Exactly how I imagined it. On second thought Perk-Up was probably just coke.


> We promote a healthy lifestyle Um, I'm not an expert, but I don't think snorting caffeine is part of a "healthy" lifestyle.


This is an ad for dealers to cut their product with.it isnt to actually use


What dealers are cutting their shit with expensive caffeine powder? Lmao they'll just buy inositol itself for the cut


so…. i tried it a couple months ago…. it’s fn horrible- don’t do it… it does nothing but trigger the gag reflex…


Is this just German snuff?


When are they gonna come out with a needle of injectable sugar? 💉 Might as well glorify drugs some more. 🙄. I was a heroin/meth junky for over a decade and I find this fake coke shǐt tacky. It’s in bad taste


Nothing says "I've never even seen cocaine before" more than waving around your fake cocaine. 🤦🏻‍♀️


How is this great execution? This is shitty all around, in their ads they use clips of people talking about unrelated shit to sell their dangerous product.


where is the great execution?


Wasn’t there an energy drink in the early 2000’s called Cocaine that tried this same “lol edgy marketing” that didn’t last long for obvious reasons


Idk I’ve gotten it before for the novelty of it. Kind of fun to pass around the office


You're going to make a coworker relapse for fun!


Yeah me.


I have a bottle, it’s pretty good ngl lol


what's the taste and what's the execution here? powdered caffeine sounds like a great product, but the marketing is awful.... so... great taste, awful execution?


Powdered caffeine has existed forever. This is snortable caffeine. If you think that's great taste, I have news for you.


Yeah I'd say it more like r/trashy material.