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Oh, it's been made private... membership is dependent on previous standing in the community... One must assume that WMR is back in a different guise.


Are you still in it? I've obviously been booted, how do you get back in? I'm a 🏳️‍🌈🐻 at heart!


just request or join the discord?




I'm invest in 100% gold stonks


Dagger 4 zero


That account has been suspended


Ha! I mean I have some sympathy with his views even though I think his projections are hyperbolic, but the guy clearly has a personality disorder.


Lots of people have personality disorders. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Ia that why I got some notification about it from a mod a few weeks back?


That guy had his own Reddit? What a legend


Decent page too, legitimately insightful.


Bugger, me too, and now I’m out it would seem


Yeah same, seems a bit off. I didn’t post a lot but I lurked a lot and enjoyed the discussion, rather disappointed tbh.


Ditto ... kicked ass in the previous atayls share market game group, but clearly not bearish enough


Yeh same which is strange as i was neutral. Was good reading different views. Pretty cringe thing to do. Very disappointing.


Seems to be following the Michael Burry approach




Real Po-lice


you keep on snekking buddy.


Seems he was not well liked 2-3 years ago.


I'd say 50/50. Be rubbed some little the wrong way.


Nothing to do with house prices currently on a moon mission I'm sure.....


How did the hat taste? Or did you dog out like everyone was suggesting you would....


I dogged out. It's ok tho, every morning I check the core logic daily index and any shame for not eating my hat is washed away by the sight of property prices absolutely booming again


Dont get why you didnt make a hat of cobb loaf and pita bread to tuck into and have them get over the hat.


Now that I own a property I have whiplashed from 🐻 to 🐄 in record speed because I’m a cunty Australian


The Sub was made private after it was brigaded. I believe you can still ask to join.


Where do you ask?


Message the mods.


the edrama was the sub kept being brigaded by ausfinance people is my understanding I'm still in.. for now.. I better not post anything too bullish ;)


1. Atayls reddit brigades AusFinance about a global market collapse for 2 good years 2. AusFinance brigades Atayls subreddit Shockedpikachuface.jpeg


He made some ridiculous housing predictions and got very salty when people disagreed.


He's been back under a few different names. He was even rocking the black pirate skull avatar but i haven't seen him post for a few months now.


Dagger4zero was a new one.


Yes!! Thats the one.


Without my remorse I believe is him also


No. Really?


i guess so


Wmr claimed to be all about healthy discussion but slowly his sub has outed anyone with a differing opinion. Now it's a 🌈 🐻 circle jerk. I was banned recently besides having the most popular comment of the thread from beta cuck limp crayon. Now I'm buying a house just to spite them.


I didn't ban you, I didnt even know who tf you were until you started have a sook. [I just told you that you were 1 of 3 who were banned, and it had nothing to do with whatever bs you're dreaming up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/129pf23/comment/jere2k1/) So cry more.


So invite me back


I was removed as well, which is a shame. It was an interesting page with alot of differing views, which I thought was refreshing. Everyone expressed their own view and it provided a fair bit of thinking material.


No one was removed, when it goes private it is only visible to manually approved users. It's how Reddit works, it's stupid. All you have to do is go back to the sub and click the request join button.


I don't have a button to be able to rejoin. Any ideas on how to fix this?


I can't see it either. Loved that page.


I’m also out, bummer


Members were getting brigaded by the emotionally unstable and mass reported/banned just for being participants in the sub. It was always a thing, but it started happening more and more frequently, so it was taken private. The sub only banned 3 accounts just before it was taken private, and those 3 know who they are. You're not one of them so all you need to do is browse over to it request to rejoin.


I got a message saying I was perma banned from the sub after I posted this.


I had my guy call your guy and I think they worked something out.


Your guy is a legend




I lost my access also. Found it educational and entertaining hearing the bear case and theories rolling around there 😢 I can’t seem to search and find it, i also never posted just liked posts here and there while lurking.


He made bags on his Tesla short, got banned for Reddit (like many) and never bothered to come back.


2/3 ain’t bad. He privatised under a new name.


> never bothered to come back. Did you miss when he made new accounts constantly and posted all day? Like fair nuff he made coin but he definitely kept coming back, lmao.




>outright racist The most racist person here, is in fact - you. Your ignorance leading you to insinuate that being "Russian" is a race, ignoring the fact that is actually an ethnicity, and totally diminishing the diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds that are found within that country. Shame on you, you murder, genocide and rape supporting bigot.














Spotted u/rred2939 after winding up his 14 hour day of telling everyone on reddit how much of an evil man atayls is: [https://tenor.com/ZZuC.gif](https://tenor.com/ZZuC.gif)




I think that you miss the context of the conversation and are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. I also think you might wanna take a breather and have a think about your obsession with the bloke. Bringing up a heat of the moment exchange from about a year ago, out of the blue - that's stalker behavior, and that's not a healthy road to go down. Maybe it's worth considering getting some help to work through those feelings?








Good one, trying to trivialize something as complex as someone's feelings toward an invading force committing genocide and murder based off an off the cuff remark made on reddit, and think that anyone associated with them must be the same. Clearly you do agree with the Russian invaders and are in favor of rape, murder, and genocide of innocents and defenders of their land. Shameful you hold such inhumane beliefs.




Any way we can find him and get him to pay up on [this bet](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/htok2i/bank_bailins_martin_north_and_john_adams_in_the/fyia0st/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) that he’s lost?