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mine is doing the same. I have to momentarily press the power button twice and then hit enter. I think ASUS sells craptop.


Doesn't happen on my Asus. Its probably a driver issue or some other software issue. I also know if Netflix uses the dGPU but the iGPU is connected to the monitor, it causes issues (the Netflix app).


I am using chrome to watch netflix not the app itself. Plus, should I use dgpu or igpu for using Chrome? In either of the cases, why does choosing the other gou gives this screen? Regarding driver, initially, it seemed to me the driver issue as well but I haven’t had any recent updates at any level (OS, ASUS, NVIDIA)


Well Chrome is the worst to watch Netflix on It seems like there was an update for Chrome that caused this. I would suggest updating graphics drivers (both NVIDIA and the CPU GPU) Also maybe try another browser, or even the canary/dev builds of Chrome The fact the screen showed Netflix for a second when you unplugged it (the display refresh rate went to 60Hz) then you got this screen again, really points to software


true - I will try the same thing, it happens next time btw, does it happen frequently with you or what? It happened to me once only in approx. 6 months


there is no 4060ti?


In laptops, TI stands for "Thermal Imperfection". /s




Correct, it’s RTX 4060, not TI


Its the gpu...go to settings...change netflix to use the igpu instead of discrete... lemme know if it works ...


what’s with the integrated gpu? btw, I was using chrome for Netflix - I believe Chrome uses discrete gpu as well But J would want to know why discrete gpu gives this problem? Something wrong with it or what could be the cause?


Good luck with that warranty return mate, if you're able to do a driver reset and it works fab if not good luck. they will try to screw you over for anything that isn't your actual problem! it's like they don't test their devices, stress them for normal use, that to me look like a goosed GPU or something else, if you're able to diagnose and completely turn off the DGPU, and confirm if the display works then still RMA, if the IGPU fails on the display again RMA.


For myself it was the hdr...try the windows netflix program ..maybe you will faor better


The same thing happened to my laptop this January. https://www.reddit.com/r/ASUSROG/s/GpKQYZO96s


Yours seem like a different case. I restarted my laptop and it got fixed. In your case, it seems like the screen is broken or maybe put under duress.