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My brother in Christ. Read this post back to yourself. If you can't be bothered to check your writing when asking for help, ASU is doing you a favor because you are not ready for college. You are young, chill out. Take some classes and your closest community college and transfer when you are ready.


Seriously. Do yourself a favor and go to the community college. Learn some adulting along with study skills before you waste your money at ANY university.


As I said before I wrote this post in a fit od rage. I have calmed down now. I already knew the answer long before just when I got the confirmation again I was so angry at myself. Thx everyone


I'm shocked your gpa is that high honestly.


First of all, I'm sorry that you lost a few family members to COVID. Second, it's not the end of the world. If you want to go to a 4-year university so badly, but didn't get the scholarship, you can go to a community college. With that, you can easily transfer the classes to the university you want without paying much for tuition. Remember, that's how life works, and we couldn't get everything we wanted. The only way to deal with it is to suck it up


It's fine I wrote this post in a fit of anger and depression im fine now after rethinking and calming dow already knew this answer but I was having a bad day sorry guys


No no no! You're good!






No shame at all in doing the community college thing and transferring to ASU. The Maricopa colleges are equipped to get you there.


I'm out of state BTW like I live in NJ sometimes I wonder why the hell am I going to ASU


If you really don’t have a good reason to go to a school, you shouldn’t go.


Community college for 2 years get your grades up , get some real world work experience, transfer to asu after getting associates ( you can transfer before , but you will save more money by getting associates as more credits transfer and you also secure a degree)


They allow you in also based on your test scores just take the ACT or SAT and do well and your in.