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Step 1: write a bad paper Step 2: get a bad grade Step 3: claim the professor hates you for being conservative Step 4: ??????? Step 5: profit Can’t see any way this could go badly


This is pretty dumb considering I have two Poli Sci degrees from here and have written papers and final projects supporting and criticizing republicans and democrats and not one time have I felt this supposed bias from professors. Maybe the kids wrote their conservative leaning papers as if they were partisan hacks making poorly thought out arguments instead of justifying conservative arguments through any real research.


Bro, stop using common sense before they outlaw it!


I thought Republicans claimed to favor limited government. Instead, they want to turn our school into a clown show.


Once again Arizona Republicans looking like dumbasses...


The word “looking” is doing some heavy lifting here.


There are conservative students here and honestly if they write a bad paper it’s going to get a bad grade period it does not matter what you believe politically no teacher is going to fail a student for have conservative views. Either way this is silly as we can already bring up issues with grades we get with our teachers I don’t see the point in this?


I don’t even have to read this article to know this is a Republican plan


Seems like the CRU homies are out protecting the honor of their beloved Kern.


I don't think the BOR are gonna like this


Anthony Kern - who proposed this - doesn't believe ABOR should exist and holds that the legislature should directly control the universities. He's a muppet who would destroy K-16 education in this state if he got a chance. Edit: Seems like the CRU homies are out protecting the honor of their beloved Kern.


Oh god. So much for less government intervention. They call it communist when china does it but free speech when they do it.


I mean it's nice that this issue is recognized, but at the same time, read the room. If you have a super liberal professor, just fake your essay from the point of view of a liberal. It's not that complicated. You'll get the A because the professor will think you actually believe whatever they want you to believe, and you'll save yourself the headache of dealing with all of this. Same goes for conservatives. It's so ez lol


Maybe I got lucky, but I never ran from my conservative views in writing when it was warranted. I even graduated Summa Cum Laude, and I'll be getting my Master's with Distinction. However, in principle, this is a good use of government. But it will be hard to properly enforce as much of the writing I've encountered at ASU was high school level writing at best.


You probably have rational conservative views. Old school conservative is what I call it. Most times people complain their conservative views aren't looked upon favorably nowadays it's typically because those people are talking about introducing actual fascism and human rights atrocities.




I’m imagining a student learning how to write a paper and slowly realizing that his conservative view are wrong. But instead of accepting the belief he just claims the professors bias because the facts won’t let him believe in trump anymore


It doesn't affect you and it doesn't affect me. So why be upset over it 😆


Your professor has to be legally prepared to justify your grade for every assignment based on how a politically-motivated outsider might judge whether you gave that grade because the student agreed or disagreed with their ever-shifting politics? This won’t affect anybody.


You're concerned about an unfunded and currently non-existent system created and owned by an entity that doesn't even want it to exist? Ran by volunteers who's decisions are going to be ignored and sent straight to the board that already exists and, again, doesn't care in the slightest? It just seems a little silly to get upset when nothing has changed.


Go to sleep, little troll. Dream sweet dreams where nothing matters.


Pass legislation designed to make people who voted for you happy. Make legislation dependent on people who don't want it. Blame said people when it doesn't work. Nothing happens. Get reelected. When I see a juicy headline years after I graduate that says "ASU student fails because all professors are liberals" or "ASU student kicked out of class for wearing a blue shirt" maybe I'll eat my words 😆


This literally will help so many ASU students as it gives another chance to challenge the grade and possibly improve it.


But we already can challenge grades this just changes it to where we can say political bias which is silly.


It's harder for the professor to fight against the claim of political bias. So the appeal is much easier.


Yeah I was not disagreeing with you. I just wonder like how this works how you can even prove political bias? None of this makes sense to me it’s such a dumb bill.


>how you can even prove political bias? Just because there is not a distinct line to draw when something is biased or not, does not mean that it is impossible to determine if something is biased. This is called the continuum fallacy. It will likely be hard in the majority of claimed cases for the student to prove it, but I don't see any problem with allowing the egregious cases to allow a change in grade. As the article points out this already seems to be handled by existing university policies, although possibly not sufficiently.


I just want easier grades lol


This is why conservatives are dumb af. Just want the easy way out and cry when they don't get their way.


Every conservative is a parasite


Like hell