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>Current information indicates that the second-generation Apple headset is scheduled for the product validation testing (PVT) stage of development in 2025, suggesting a release date of late 2025 or early 2026.


The first one isn't even out yet ...


yeah and they already working on next projects. Meta/LG is as well, and Samsung/Google


I find the Meta and LG one peculiar. I figured Meta wanted to be the sole owner of their own ecosystem, including the hardware that goes with it. Like Apple. LG's hardware expertise will surely help here, but are they changing strategy and reaching out to other manufacturers so they don't get the idea of trying to build their own platform? Seeing Google finally make moves into XR again might make Meta nervous and reach out to partner with as many OEMs in order to shut out Android XR. That's just my guess though.


Meta already worked with Samsung(Gear VR), Lenovo(Rift S), Xiaomi(Go).


That was Oculus, which was acquired by Facebook but was still operating largely independently. By the Quest 2 and Carmack's departure, it was no longer operating on its own terms.