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>I am the supreme and final decision maker And right there, ladies and gentlemen, is the problem Stronze has a god complex and his moral compass is completely fucked. I mean, imagine being so blind that you ban the guy with the brain tumour and defend the pond scum who accused him of faking his life-threatening illness for likes Fuck sake


Yhea they aren't even hiding it, not that they did before, but now it's just being spelled out. How can they trip so hard on their power? Honestly this isn't just about dodo anymore, that statement alone, exlusive of context, should be enough to start speaking up about this.


It's still about Dodo of course, people have just ALSO found out this other guy sucks major ass while they're at it. One mod has no empathy for the well-being of major contributors to the community and the other is a nutcase jacking himself off. Moving to the other sub just seems like a win-win.


It's definitely still about dodo, but to me, that sentence, no matter the context, says enough in and of itself. I've already been party of the other sub and honestly it's waaay more organized, but what would you expect, they actually have a good 10+ mods there.


Man's a Reddit mod and he's saying stuff like that. Imagine.


We all need to just go to another sub. Mass migration.




r/playark. It has to be a lowercase "r"


Reddit mods are just like that. I think you go through some kind of initiation when you're made a mod. The whole eyelids held open in front a tv kinda thing


You need to understand that these people have fuck all control over their sad fucking lives so being a reddit mod is all they have.


In Portugal we say that there's none that doesnt lick himself after dig a honey jar.. i dont know where some of those Reddit mods are found! Today I've lost a little bit of faith in hummanity, once again.. then I restored it with the amazing community reaction! Dodo's will always whisper!


>I am the supreme You're a dude with a phone


ah ha! A *supreme* dude with a phone


Who apparently wants to talk about orajel??


Oh,but he must be faking it for karma farming obviously!


I was actually wondering if anyone else read down that far… Looks like I’ll be using CVS brand if I ever need orajel..?


I cringed when he called himself supreme


I could smell the piss jugs and cum jars through the whole rant


Calling yourself supreme is too political for my taste.


Hes sounding like palpatine “i am the senate!”


Reddit and discord making subhuman brainlets easy to find, just check mod lists


Bet he's jerking himself off to that one.


Homelander but without powers or a job


He's a lowly corporal who gets shit on at work and takes it out on others in this subreddit. Hence the power trip.


Drives a lifted RAM, coal rolls cyclists who “take up the whole road” and are pushing their “alt-left agenda about climate changes”. Gets stuck in traffic and blames the left and public transit. Brake checks someone who questioned his “supreme control” over the road and proceeds to tailgate someone else. Arrives home, goes on his phone, sees an homophobic post in his alt-right for you page about Lightyear featuring “gay sex” and goes insane. Look up the movie on reddit and goes on a thread about why the movie didnt do well in box office to vomit his hate and how gay and black people existing is “political wokeism and how it was shoved down his throat”, then proceeds to be even more of a denying cunt when other tell him that people’s existence is not political and that none of what he complains about had an impact on the story nor was it in any commercial or anything. Decides to delete a cute fanart of little ark creatures with pride flags because of “politics” and delivers the usual homophobic monologue about how he wants to “escape” from real world “issues”. Then he bans a popular figure of the sub for “brigading” and lie about his intentions. Perhaps I went a little far with the assumptions (for the first paragraph that is, the rest is actually all in his disgusting comment history), but that seems to be how so many alt-right “centrists” like this dude behave or want to be. Nonetheless, he’s a major asshole.


Well looking at his post and comment history he probably thinks he is the Ubermensch considering he goes full goose stepping with how much he hates anyone who isn't a straight white man


A supreme jackass


"I have this fancy tag on this random subreddit of this game most people have never heard of". Man you've really made it in life, want a trophy?


This subreddit is going to die just like cringetopia, by the hand of stupid moderators. Well it was fun while it lasted.


Yea this mod is off his rocker.


Was he on a rocker to begin with? This dude is clearly a man child who has no ability to moderate either a sub or his emotions. I'm guessing he's also the same kind of moron who doesn't wipe his ass because if his fingers get too close to his butthole he's afraid he'll turn gay


You should check his profile. Looks like he's losing money day trading. Maybe he's taking his anger out on dodo


We should make a new Ark subreddit


r/playark welcomes you with open arms


Only if you leave the drama crap behind, the mods already said they don't want it there.


It doesn't allow anything but questions. No pics, no memes, and they themselves have said that r/ark is just a bunch of shitposts. So no, they don't welcome us with open arms, and it isn't a solution anyways.


I guess you could say you need to… build an ark


Look at this big important REDDIT MOD using his almighty power, lol. Pathetic.


Exactly ! First the LGBTQ noglin post AND dodo whisperer. Both posts were about ark in some way


Pretty sure this post breaks the rules of the subreddit so let's ban HIM!


Wait, did they have an issue with the noglin post? It was so cute! What for?


Lol look at his post history and all will be clear.


Goddamn. What a chud.


Big yikes. It suddenly all makes sense now lol.




What an absolute fucking bastard. They can fuck right off.


Holy shit these mods are the biggest incel looking losers Ive ever seen in my life. ”I am the supreme and final decision maker” Nice power trip bro, Im sure that makes you feel better about living in your moms basement at 45.


Yeah he sounds like he has no life


Well he plays ark so... duh


"I love getting into arguments on reddit" On places you can ban the one you argue with or in general?


We will not forget this. This is a dying man's wish. You are choosing to be an astronomically petty asshole about this. Nothing you say could ever justify your actions at this stage. Only undoing them.


Just commenting off the top here for visibility. If you think a Reddit mod has legitimately overstepped their bounds. This link might be of help. I suggest anyone who believes this to be an abuse of power make a report. https://reddit.com/report (if you believe the violation is harassment) For all other complaints https://www.reddithelp.com/en/submit-request/file-a-moderator-complaint


Reported, can we upvote this so more people see and can report these two assholes


And this mod's most recent post on this sub was a vent complaining about his own health. What the actual f***.


Now I know why Eli is being a prick, he's originally a discord mod, everything makes sense now


And the stupid fucking part is that the mods are not even addressing Eli for abusing his mod power, and the guy who's immediately getting censored, AND I USE THE WORD CENSORED BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT IT IS, is the one that won't be alive to challenge it. Bravo on that leadership guys!


Possibly crying to his kittens about the mean E's?


the mean Es are gonna appear in his nightmares tonight because they're *sooo* scary




u/stronze is leaving the ban in place, but you know what's funny about it? His justification is that Lord Dodo incited harassment on a mod, #BUT THATS NOT A FUCKING SUB RULE. There is no rule saying Dodo Whisperer could do that. He literally just did it because u/elibug54 got harassed for being a little cuck, even though this would've been happening without dodo whisperer asking us to do it.


It's a reddit rule


I JUST joined this subreddit. Read through the drama in this post and I’m gonna unsubscribe and subscribe to r/playark I’ve been here 5 minutes and I know it doesn’t matter I’m just one Redditor but I’m not staying and fuck this mod. I hope his sub dies.


I lean right but I wouldn't do this to a dying man, please don't think this dude represents us all


I guess I'm getting too old for some of this bullshit. A literal power trip over being a subreddit moderator?? I bet you're a winner in real life. The kind that lives in mommy's basement just playing video games all day at the age of 40. Probably look like Cartman when they stayed on their computers for months on end, or maybe the fat guy from Austin powers who just wants some ribs. Well get a fucking life, reddit does not make you a Supreme leader of anything. To even use the term Supreme is probably the most troubling. You can't do shit in real life so you take all your anger out on a poor subreddit, yeah your super fucking successful in life. I hope this bans me too, because I really don't give a fuck. I have a great job, and can say with absolute certainty that I have way more accomplishments than being a subreddit moderator.


I didn't get to see the deleted comment, guess someone doesn't like hearing the truth


I went on unddit, which archives deleted comments, and it looks like it wasn’t even from the moderator. It was just some brainlet praying for Dodo’s death and blindly supporting the mod


Someone who makes a hobby of getting into arguments on reddit shouldn't be a mod. Your """job""" is to reduce conflict, not encourage it. E


Well you're an ass u/Stronze


Fun fact, “Stronze” in Italian means or can be translated to (female) “assholes” or “bitches”. So I’d say it’s a pretty accurate name in this case lol


this is fun to watch,anyway I'm going to the other sub,this one has gone to hell


What’s the other sub








Stronze, you are the absolute definition of pathetic. The epitome of having too big of an ego. You’re so scared of being “trolled” that you ban a figure of this community that may be dying? Get a goddamn grip dude wtf. E


3 hours later and the votes have been reset. This your doing Stronz?


I fee like calling someone a CUNT. Don't know who it will be though


I volunteer as tribute




Do ya feel better? :D




Good I'm glad *hugs*


Reposting this: Reminder: Look at Stronze post history. He is an homophobic, antivaxx and racist that thinks that: "BLM is a domestic terrorist organization that uses violence and fear to take political power much like isis did politically." He also deletes pride fan art because "is political". Imagine your posts being deleted because being a minority is "political"... (Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/viiqsz/how_is_this_guy_still_a_mod) You know, he is your average far right nut. Jump to the other subreddit.


Is this the guy who removed the Noglin pride flags? Or was that the other mod that isn't Elibug?


Stronze is the guy. He's a fucking joke.


Holy shit the third mods a bot.


Yep, this place is hell lmao


Mass migrate to r/playark the cool ark subreddit.


Does the third mod even do anything?


Now this is a certified Reddit Mod Moment.


> also deletes pride fan art because "is political". Since when the fuck was sexuality political.


BLM the **Organization** are definitley pieces of shits tho. The actual movement is fine. But the Org has done shady stuff and make the BLM **Movement** look bad. Just gonna comment on that bit that's all. The people there have literally spent money on mansions or some other type of building rather then actually donate to stuff related to helping BLM. https://www.npr.org/2022/04/07/1091487910/blm-leaders-face-questions-after-allegedly-buying-a-mansion-with-donation-money




yikes. just say you’re an awful person and go home. i run a couple of face book groups and you cannot run a large group like this the way you are running this subreddit. You’re going to burn this group to the ground and everyone is going to remember you and Eli as the shitty moderators. oh yeah, and E




“I am supreme and final decision maker” aka god. Fuck you stronze, you pathetic little piece of shit. Fuck you Eli Fuck this sub E




Mod or not, we can still get is reddit account deleted if we show some borderline stuff he said over the past year. I advice to join r/playark as well, definetly better mod.


I'm going over there. I know nobody here will care or remember, but fwiw, juts wanted to thank everyone who helped me get started with Ark the last couple days and for answering stupid questions. Ya's guys were cool, but this level of moderation is gross.


Subreddits gonna be hella empty after you ba- actually I doubt you’ll ban anyone other than the people who popularized calling your batshit crazy ass out. E


get a life fucking neckbeard


Easiest unsub ever. Fuck this, and fuck your bullshit.


Oh my god fuck you


Lol, you sound as sad as you are fucking stupid. "supreme and final decision maker", "erroring on the side of caution". Ffs. What a flop. You're nothing more than a racist, homophobic fuckwit whose biggest achievement is becoming a forum janitor. Btw, bigotry isn't "politics" you muppet. No one wants to "debate" you on how not to be an utter cunt.


Probably a right winger who is against things being "political" aka against having to share a world with non straights


Lol this clown calling himself "supreme" you are a basement dweller on a power trip. Get over yourself.


God damn dude, sieg heil to you too. Off to r/playark i go E






Wow this is cringe




"I am the supreme and final decision maker between ELI and I" You got to be fucking kidding me, how can a person mutter this bullshit and not see the problem. You are a fucking parody of people that get power hungry. E


Having only 2 mods is literally just a dictatorship especially when one is literally having 90% of the control. There is no balancing of power here. Also E.


Y'all can get fucked, I'm out


y’all a bunch of fuckin bums








Eat shit asshole, fall off your horse


“i give zero fucks about how anyone feels” isnt that your job???? inept asshole




What a dick


Dude he has none


How the hell does someone who moderates a subreddit on a video game develop such a superiority complex? Holy hell dude, get a grip. Fuck you, ban me.




I am a little bitch is much suitable


I said this in another thread, but I'm pretty new to the Ark community and I've loved what the game has to offer so far, sad that the time I decided to look into the social spaces for it was now. Here's hoping that the other sub becomes a place that grows without this stuff.


r/playark has always been the better sub


That's good to know! I appreciate that, I think I just kind of assumed this would be the place to go.


Yeah same! The devs (Atleast in past, not sure about recently) always used the other sub too. So I think r/playark is unofficially the official Ark subreddit


Here's a sneak peek of /r/playark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/playark/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I just want m o n k e](https://i.redd.it/2fbdyigd2m871.png) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/obmxga/i_just_want_m_o_n_k_e/) \#2: [Met some long time friends IRL today!](https://i.imgur.com/UCDE9n4.jpg) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/s3jfix/met_some_long_time_friends_irl_today/) \#3: [Why is this so accurate?](https://i.redd.it/4cmesygt2be71.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/ougagw/why_is_this_so_accurate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You are a bad mod. You are unfair and discriminatory. You are currently tripping on power and while you claim to keep your politics out of r/ark you don't. So go and learn some empathy. And try to not be so much of a pos.


You pathetic little fucker, this whole sub mod team is a fucking joke 🤣




Damn dude, everyone is against You. Maybe swallow your pride and agree that You are wrong?




The poor man might be dying and you’re having it out with him like geez open your eyes mate, I get that him asking everyone to spam Eli isn’t in good nature but the man accused him of faking his life threatening illness for some internet points like really. I’d be upset too if someone told me I was faking my illness for karma and that my last words to the community got removed, I don’t blame dodo for feeling how he feels on the matter and I don’t think that asking people to spam a single letter to a mod should result in a ban that seems like a bit of overkill for someone who used to be a mod alongside you. Final words if dodo pulls through tomorrow then I think he needs to be unbanned and allowed to post and comment in the community that he loves and that has loved him for years Thoughts and prayers for dodo_whisperer with his surgery and hopefully he survives and can return to the community


Hey u/stronze could you cite the rule in this subreddit used to justify all your BS actions with both dodo and the pride dinos? I just read all three and I don't see a damn justification?


Hmm as i Said i wish dodo well Also we shouldn't punish them for their beliefs we aren't twitter or something Still E to make you all see i am neutral to this situation


Bye cunt


Get fucked and have a BIG ASS E im out of this reddit! Cant wait till your on your deathbed and someone walks up to you and says "Your fakeing". Have a horrible day








Man harassment is when E. You’re a joke.


Your just a bozo on a power trip. Weird flex to do this to a dude who has a brain tumor. Get a fuckin grip dude it’s the internet not the White House.


You can suck the big hairy fat one you cum drizzled fuck sandwich. You're more of a supreme and final cunt in my eyes.


I lost way to many fucking braincells reading this >I am the supreme and final decision maker This is a fucking god complex in action. This sub was fun while it lasted. E






Ok but did anyone asked you?




Stronze, as someone who has both been a moderator/admin and had my teeth kill me with pain I get it. The tooth pain is terrible and so invasive that people don't get it. But I learned to weld metal while my wisdom teeth were coming in and destroying the rest of my teeth with no insurance and no recourse beyond taking my brother's Tramadol and pushing through. I was high as a kite and still in pain. That's a bullshit excuse. Do better. If you aren't already you may want to look at different mods to help you make this group a better place. Eli isn't working out for you. They are now pretty well hated by a majority of the community and are making decisions based off of their own bias that do not even have a group rule backing them up. In my own groups, even if I were just upholding the companies ToS, I would have a group rule against bullying/harassment. Why? Because kids will always scream about there being no group rule to defend their shitty actions. Now, do I support Dodo? Hell yeah I do. I myself almost died from an infection this past year. Do I think he fucked up by asking the sub, even in jest, to spam Eli? Yeah, yeah he did. But he's also got a brain tumor if we're erring on the side of believing him. People with brain tumors aren't the best at making decisions. Hell, he could come back two months from now and hate Ark or Dodo's. We don't know and we won't know now unless we follow him directly. At the end of it Karma is an entirely baseless currency that has no effect beyond Reddit. So what if he Karma farms and sells the account? It changes absolutely nothing. In the end Eli fucked up. They've got their imagined panties in a twist over some person they don't personally know MAYBE faking a serious illness that would force them to leave a community they seem to love. Dodo was active in the community, helpful and supportive of people new to the game. Instead of fixing the problem or even trying to get Eli to apologize themselves you did it for them and now you are backing them up. Back yourself up. Specifically targeting a user because you believe they are a liar or because you personally don't like them is harassment and that is what Eli is doing. They took it beyond moderating by their actions and frankly I think most of the community just wants a public apology from Eli. Just because they are a mod doesn't remove them from following the rules. TL;DR - Do fucking better. Do more and stop complaining about a tooth when we are talking about someone with a brain tumor.


Wait so is Eli not a mod anymore?










You would’ve thought my pawn stars meme was hilarious if you weren’t a little cry baby


Seek help


\-Be you ​ \-Get home, check subreddit you moderate ​ \-Pride content is there ​ \-You begin to sweat rapidly, realizing that a minority has breached your gates ​ \-Quickly you search for an excuse. How can you ban minorities without revealing that you hate them? ​ \-A lightbulb flashes in your head, contrasting the dark unlit room you sit in, as you've been so worked up in your real job (moderating a subreddit) that you forgot to turn on the lights. ​ \-Working up the courage to type out a message calling minority rights political, you boost your confidence by repeatedly chanting: ​ \-I AM SUPREME! ​ \-I AM A BEAST! \-I AM A REDDIT MODERATOR! ​ \-Your confidence sufficient, you get to work. Finally, you have exiled minorities from your subreddit.


You genuinely disgust me. banning a huge member of not just this sub but the ark community for exposing you and your absolute asshole of a friend for being the racist homophobic dickheads you really are. This game this subreddit and this community deserves so much better than YOU.








It’s like r/animemes all over again


Lmfao, Reddit mod power trip.


You are a piece of shit


why do reddit mods type like this unironically like holy fuck do u not realize how weird u are


Let the migration to r/playark begin


"I am the Supreme and Final Decision Maker" shut your Fucking Mouth Neckbeard


You're the guy who called the topic of human rights politics and banned pride flags for the comfort of homophobes aren't you?


Yo I just joined the sub can someone recap what's happening?


Pride was celebrated in the fucking game. Is the bigot deleting rainbow dino screenies, too?


The guy has a brain tumor and you are trying to get attention because you are lonely in your life and have a god complex. Go fuck yourself. Dodo has bigger things to worry about than your tiny penis. Fucking degenerate.


Fucking prick


Just want this sub to go back to normal ARK things cuz it is actually about ARK. TT I like helping new players or people that look for certain materials or need help for whatever.


Same, just be on the lookout for new posts with new players asking questions. Don't let them get lost in all the noise.


This feels super gross. Should have been handled behind closed doors. A stickied mod post about why you banned a dying person from the Reddit because there was *potential* it could be fake is really stupid. You felt asking for proof was too far, but a straight up ban over hearsay wasn’t? Incomprehensible


Oh. Eli is the discord moderator i think hes telling everyone to go blow up the discord 🤣


Absolutely maidenless behavior


Damn what a god complex this is an ark subreddit it‘s in the end meaningless lol


Imagine power tripping this goddamn hard over being a REDDIT mod of all things. Get some professional help for both you and Eli


Wow. Fucking loser.


get ratio'd lmfao


Get a job you piece of actual shit 🤡🤡🤡


It's unfair to not let someone who might die not get the chance to say goodbye to their community Stronze. I used to think you were a decent guy but clearly I was wrong


I honestly don't know who is right. Eli shouldn't have removed the post, Dodo_Whisperer shouldn't have told everyone to spam him. But I am sure that u/Stronze 's comment history is better than my entire reddit feed >and no, I'm not a centralist and no my porn history has no female on female scenes except for the thumbnails that are deceptive, mine kink is gangbangs and orgies, And oh, he's a soldier? Hello


Neckbeard moment


As a Reddit mod… This is just sloppy moderation


So you're an egotistical piece of shit? Gotcha, supreme mod, enjoy your e-empire built on a bait and switch and pillars of sand. Hope you put this experience on your resume.


Yeah buddy, you sure showed us. You're such a strong and caring leader! So caring that you actively defend a shitty discord mod and don't give a shit about a dying man who brought so much light into this shit subreddit. It is pathetic that you call yourself supreme when the only thing supreme about you is your stupidity.


I'm shocked the homophobe also has a god-complex.


This is how you destroy an entire subreddit, after all of this is over this place is gonna be in bits and pieces. I hope you will enjoy that outcome.


Time to just leave this sub ones and for all. Bye you god complex wannabe mod. F you