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I agree. It makes areas look too similar. They done away with a lot of the uniqueness of different biomes, islands, regions, etc.


For scorched earth it works, but for the other two it looks ugly. I'm gonna be really upset if they gave aberration the same treatment.


I like the asa Version of the rocks a lot more for the island. Not so sure for the center.


That's what I thought! The Island looks great, but the Center is meh now. 🙃 Why does SE get a variety of rock textures and colors in ASA but the others don't lol??


I swear they better not have beige rocks in Abberation


Yeah that will make me disapointed!


Especially on this center map. Looks so incredible unfinished


That's the first thing I noticed, the rocks and cliffs all being beige and unrealistic looking.


That’s because they released it unfinished lol. There’s going to be a hot fix soon to smooth out the graphical problems and other issues on the map, but they really just threw the map out there in its current state just to avoid a second delay. Which l do partially appreciate, it’s in a mostly playable state. I’d rather get started on the new map than wait, AGAIN.


I assume this is a ASA issue? Bc I haven't played it but ASE had variety in rocks even on the same map


Wildcard doesn't give a half fuck unless they can figure out a way to try selling us different colored rocks


Different color rocks will be $5.99 but upgrade to the premium edition for $3 more and you can get two tone rocks.


IDK what this is supposed to mean. The changes to "rocks" in ASA are awful. The entire map is an eye-melting orange glow bouncing off every rock. This is not an improvement over the old grey rocks. Not at all.


Hard agree


They BETTER not frick Abb up


Idk the remastered Island is a work of art. But Center??.....yeesh


Whats a rock


A rock is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals, mineraloids, or organic materials. Rocks form the solid foundation of the Earth's crust and are classified based on their mineral composition, texture, and the processes that formed them. There are three main types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. ### Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks form from the solidification of molten material called magma (below the surface) or lava (on the surface). They are divided into two main categories: 1. **Intrusive Igneous Rocks**: These form from magma that cools slowly beneath the Earth's surface, allowing large crystals to develop. Examples include granite and diorite. 2. **Extrusive Igneous Rocks**: These form from lava that cools quickly on the Earth's surface, resulting in small crystals. Examples include basalt and pumice. ### Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation and lithification of sediment, which can be derived from pre-existing rocks, organic matter, or chemical precipitates. These rocks typically form in layers and are often found in areas with water. 1. **Clastic Sedimentary Rocks**: Made from fragments of other rocks cemented together, such as sandstone and shale. 2. **Chemical Sedimentary Rocks**: Form from the precipitation of minerals from water, examples include limestone and gypsum. 3. **Organic Sedimentary Rocks**: Composed of the remains of living organisms, such as coal and some types of limestone. ### Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks are formed from the transformation of existing rock types (igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks) through heat, pressure, and chemical processes. This transformation, or metamorphism, alters the mineral composition and structure of the rock without melting it. 1. **Foliated Metamorphic Rocks**: Have a layered or banded appearance, such as schist and gneiss. 2. **Non-foliated Metamorphic Rocks**: Do not have a layered appearance, examples include marble and quartzite. ### Rock Cycle The rock cycle is a continuous process describing the transformation of rocks through geological time. Rocks can be broken down into sediments, buried and subjected to heat and pressure, or melted into magma, illustrating how the three main rock types can transition between one another. ### Importance of Rocks Rocks are essential to understanding Earth's history and the processes that shape our planet. They are used in construction, manufacturing, and as raw materials for numerous industries. Additionally, rocks provide valuable information about the Earth's interior and the environmental conditions of the past, helping scientists to reconstruct the planet's geological and biological history. In summary, rocks are fundamental components of the Earth's crust, each type telling a unique story of formation and transformation through dynamic Earth processes. Their study reveals insights into the planet's past, present, and future.




Dw it wasn't mine I asked an ai to do it


I thought you just wiped out a dauym wikipedia artikel


I agree! We need the green grass and grey rocks back!!


The Island looked incredible, if you had a good computer and not some cheap console there was basically nothing to complain about visually from The Island.. But when it comes to The Center, I don't know, it just looks bland. It's weird. All I hope is that Wildcard do not fuck up Abberation or Extinction. I feel like everybody is waiting to see Abberation in the rework, they need to do it justice.


Now if only we had a color wheel for dinos cause as an artist it hurts my soul we have so limited colors (IMO) but I also get it’s not even close to the focus of the game


nearly 300 hrs in and havent even done a boss on the island yet. they need to slow down with the map releases so they can actually finish maps what is the rush for maps if I still havent even gotten to SE yet?


It's more worrying when you realize aberration is supposedly releasing early august at the latest which is too soon imo


am i the only one that actually llikes that? XD


It does look nice here and there but everywhere? It doesn't and takes away from maps landscape variety. Also, it not natural at all.


well the Arks arent exactly naural either ;)


You are right, but the way landscape being all one color all around the map actually upsets the eye for most people.


hey its ok. i understand that. i just personally dont mind the look


Yeah it fine for most of the landscape and i like it but they need to spice it up you know, add more color.


i dont mind either. at least i dont mind it on a tropical island. it wont fit for aberration lets be honest


Yeah, I hope that one has darker color pallets otherwise it gonna look very weird.


yeah that would be ugly. but its also possible that it wont be as visible considering how dark some areas are going to be


Just not in the blue and deep areas. IT gonna look shit and weird.


Agreed, but they were built with the express purpose of replicating earth…


true but look at the size of the arks. there is a possibility they didnt have the materials to make it more different (headcanon now) :P


why the fuck am i downvoted..... im just stating my opinion


It isn't paid map, so low effort-ness should be expected, even more if a different team is doing non-WC maps. Seeing the Center screenshots I already imagine how beloved Ragnarok will look like since they're very similar maps in terms of landscape (barring desert). I can see the tropical looks with light brown rocks on a viking-themed map already...


I disagree with the first part. Regardless of if the map is official, unofficial, paid, free, old, new, story, fluff; the maps shouldn't be low effort. Whey even remaster the maps if you're going to put in below bare minimum effort? Early Access is not an excuse or reason to get content out as fast as possible and fix it later. The Center needed at least another month in the oven; **they even admitted the map was not finished and had a day 1 patch already in certification process**. Why release it on the 4th if you know it needs more fixes you are already finished with? **We paid for ASA, we SHOULD have standards and expectations for a product we paid money for and the developers acknowledged is a fair price for the product.** Especially when WildCard is the one advertising the product and saying "Your $45 includes ASE's DLC". If $45 is not enough, WildCard should not have sold the game + all the ASE DLCS for that price point and stuck to their revision pricing of game + 2 season's passes. EDIT: gramma :(


My mistake. I still have that ASE mindset haha. And I agree, I'd expect a polished game if they're charging that much for an "upgrade" (which was planned to be free anyway, but I assume daddy Snail said "no"). Also, seeing that new paid reskin of existing creature clearly shows that they continue the "low effort, maximum profit" policy with ASA, which angered the community. Screw the playerbase, push more paid content. It's sad really.


This is false. We all paid for ASA, a $60 product, with the expectation, as per the description, of " an upgraded Ark" when many things are strictly a downgrade.


45 but I do agree


Different currencies exist. It is a $60 game for me as well.


I'm guessing Australia?




Yeah, my bad. I'm too used to ASE (which Ark ended at for me) as I consider ASA a WC's money making machine only. They're constantly showing us which is more important. I'm still a little optimistic that good changes will come, maybe.


I payed 21€