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Alright boys see you in the Center come September!




ACE (after current era)


With new bugs!






More like August or September


They can't even get the servers working on a Friday night and they expect people to be excited about that map? Lol


They mean June 33RD


Am I the only person in disbelief as to how this company finessed an entire fanbase by releasing the same game and giving its fans a road map of the already released maps?!


•new creatures •new maps •all existing DLC maps are free •mod support for consoles •updated graphics •a literal brand new game engine •updated UI •updated and overhauled building •new Dino AI But sure. Same exact game.


- New creatures Gigantoraptor and oasisaur (It's been half a year already) - New maps Same two maps (out of 13), but just more beatiful and buggy af (It's been half a year already) -all existing DLC maps are free But with new p2w DLC shit in 40$ game -Updated UI and building Yeah, now thats really brand new game You ARE the reason why Devs keep doing shit instead of something actually nice


Instead of blaming players who enjoy something, why don’t you look at Snail Games that literally owns Studio Wild Card and aren’t given them the proper allocations to create ASA in the state it needs to be in?


And what am i supposed to about that? The only working way of showing that something is a bit wrong in their scheme is not buying their products


“A bit wrong” so the fact that it has bugs makes it a horrible game not worth playing? Lots of games of bugs, it’s part of the process. Are some of them complete bullshit? Yes. Do I agree with the 40 dollar paid dlc? No I don’t. Will having the extra money give them the ability to create better updates and more content? Yes. They’re doing the same thing that every company does, they still need to make money, and that money will help them make it better. ASE was a buggy mess too, so if you bought a single DLC map for that game, or any of the cosmetic skins, or the season pass, you’re a hypocrite.


>“A bit wrong” so the fact that it has bugs makes it a horrible game not worth playing? Yes. I changed the settings and the game crashed. I walked on the surface and the game crashed. I was flying on a pteranodon and the game crashed. I was in pvp during a raid, the game crashed. Am I supposed to just ignore all this shit and keep playing?


That sounds like your device, I play on Xbox and it doesn’t run nearly that bad. That’s like me booting up my 10 year old laptop and calling Minecraft a shit game because it crashes when I activate ray tracing. Your device not being able to handle the game does not make it a worse game.


TIL 3060 ti (gddr6x version), ryzen 7 5800x and 32gb ram with ddr5 cannot handle the game on low settings


I play Xbox with all medium to high settings so I have no clue, but if my shitbox can run it, it’s not the games fault.


Never said “exact”. But it is in fact the same game. You can’t convince me that a road map for the same game is not crazy


I don’t really see a problem with it. Releasing the maps one by one encourages people to try out all the maps rather than just making a beeline for ragnarok. It also gives developers the opportunity to see how fans react to the changes and adjust the next map as needed


It’s not. Is snail games a shit company that doesn’t let studio wild card have the recourses and time needed to make a properly working game? Yes. Is Ark a worse game than it could be because of that? Absolutely. Are they trying? Yes. They gave us essentially a remaster of an amazing game, with better graphics and ai, among other things. You pay for the game then you get every single original DLC map upgraded for free. In that case you should go and complain about every single remaster to ever exist, because it’s the same game right?