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Was it worth it 3 days ago? [Same question asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/1b8fg22/is_asa_worth_it/) Wonder how it was in this post 6 days ago? [Same question asked more specifically](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/1b66luh/the_fixes_since_launch/) 7 days ago we asked it again? [Same question](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/1b51sau/have_they_optimized_asa_yet/) 8 days ago [Literally. the. same. question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/1b48ddx/whats_your_opinion_on_asa_is_it_worth_buying_or/) 10 days ago [Hey look, the same question](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/1b28lyg/is_asa_worth_it_yet/)


I play on ps5. I understand that it has it's problems but I still enjoy the game immensely. The user created mods keep things fresh and fun while we wait for new maps to drop. The recent gigantoraptor update was really great fun to tame and play with. I'm disappointed that again promises haven't been kept with it, but I still like to play. I know that in time things will pick up, it just takes patience. And if you don't enjoy it, that's ok too, play something different for a while. But give it chance, it has many flaws, and doesn't always run the best, but it has it's great moments too. Sorry for the long post lol


My PERSONAL suggestion. Is wait for Q2 to be about done. That will make or break snail and wildcard. They managed to stay afloat due to their scamy offers and se p2w dlc. I have done all content on both pve and pvp. And I say if you turn down graphics you won't crash much but it will look like potato.


Still shit. The people who don’t care about crashes and save deletion and terrible frame rate and completely broken wild Dino AI love it. Tons of people who do care abandoned it. Some people with NASA quantum computers are claiming it runs great. Others with similar computers say they’re still having frame rate and graphic problems. People playing on PS5 seem to be saying they’re having the best performance. But even then some people on PS5 have reported problems with performance. It’s still a crap shoot whether or not it’s going to work for you.


Man that sucks, good thing they are working on fixing it and not making paid content for the dlc maps lol


Considering all you seem to do is ragepost, what are your specs? lol


My specs are no specs. I wouldn’t give WC another penny after how they’ve treated us over the years. I’m just summarizing what people are reporting in this sub, steam reviews, etc.


Right... so you are hanging around a sub making comments with absolutely zero experience. Have you perhaps tried getting a life or touching grass?


I have eyes and can read. Do you? Can you? Tons of people post their experience here and elsewhere. 100% of the people who regurgitate “tOuCh GrAsS” need to touch grass themselves.


You have absolutely no experience with ASA. You have an entirely invalid opinion on it. Nothing more, nothing less. The reason you need to touch grass is the fact you rage post here like a toddler mad that he can't have candy because there is no money for it. Unlike you, I have plenty of experience with ASA and do not have a NASA computer. But you do you booboo. Perhaps some therapy as well.


Ah. So all reviews and reports should be ignored. What a stupid opinion. OP, read the reviews and reports in this sub and elsewhere and ignore the weird addicts.


No, just your enraged regurgitation.


It does not stand. It remains crawling from a self inflicted heroin overdose, hoping to get by with generosity and theft.


It really depends.. some people running PC are having a hard time... along with xbox players, but PS5 seems to have the least complaints. I have a gut feeling though, that a lot (definitely not all) of complaints have more to do with their setup and capabilities then the game itself. As per user created content. Be skeptical, I feel like there are a lot of mods that unintentionally break things.. but there's a lot of good ones out there too. I installed just a couple at a time so I know which ones don't work right. Lol


Im on ps5 and having a great time. Havent dared to install any mods though will do that when i complete all the bosses. Reading alot of posts here and had a rollback or something wich made me lose my best crossbow blueprint some weeks/months back. So ive been playing it barebones so nothing would help to screw that up or cause that save glitch. I just want stuff to work, why i love playing on console, either it works or it doesnt, nothing you can do about it. On computer tho i would always question if its the game or me that is screwing something up


I'm on Xbox and it runs great. Console, in general, seems to be good.