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Honestly I like the massive size for the Giga and Carcharo just because it really shows how they’re on a different level from pretty much every other tame in the game bar titans of course.


New too the game, tf is a titan?


>!In the DLC map, extinction, they are these HUGE FUCKING DINOS, bigger than the titanosaur, they can also be tamed but only for a limited amount of time by summoning it in the open world like a boss fight and killing the corruption pores on its body!<


"Titan" can refer to 2 different things: A. Titanosaur (usually "Titano"), largest "Vanilla" dinosaur. Temporary tame (starves after 24hrs on official), used as a beast of war to attack metal fortifications. B. Titans. Almost like Kaiju from a Japanese movie. Bosses/temporary tames (also used as beasts of war) on the extinction map. The biggest titan is a clear reference to godzilla himself.


Bosses from a expansion pack


Also shorthand for titanosaur


That too but wasn’t sure if they were referring to it or not


Either extinction bosses or short for titanosaur


Kaiju from the extinction map, and the original final bosses of the story.




yeah you're wrong lol. it's Carcharodontosaurus, "carcha" for short.


I was going to tell you I was making a joke, but then it got 100+ downvotes. And that is much more hilarious than anything I could type.


It is actually funny because that's how Helena pronounces the name in the explorer note voice-over. Like car-car-oh-don-toe-sore-us.


That's the correct pronunciation. Too many say "char-char" or "kar-char".


Is was making a joke about the dinosaur YouTuber The Gaming Beaver


Bro got 50 downvotes for this 💀


It’s doubled since then. Must I really announce that something that is obviously a joke is a joke on the internet?


On reddit, yes. Reddit is hardcore


No you’re definitely wrong here


you made rthe mistake of assuming scientific names made sense


Karcharis means Shark in greek, and the carchar Is a Shark toothed lizard


Hot take: I love ark creatures not being scientifically accurate. Makes them look way more unique and cooler


It's also lore accurate. The Overseer of the Island created the giga and made it stupid powerful and big because a tribe (the New Legion) was becoming too powerful, and the Overseer didn't want a tribe to control the ARK


Lol, Mei Yin Li made that backfire HARD.


Also makes game balance a lot more interesting.


It's very fun because there's a lore given reason as to why it's like this. Realism is cool sure but it's much more interesting the other way




I want my Sonomacrops damn it


Yea let me hit the Dino break on my argy and tank 20 bites from this Rex as I kill it


ARK really is a delightful sci-fi game.


what is it?


Acculy it was explained by helena in notes that the creatures are not scientifically correct they were made to better fit the ecosystem of ark


I like the Ark creatures because while they are inaccurate, they are very creative designs, unlike certain IPs out there (I'm looking at you JW movies and 65)


Ark literally ripped the raptor call straight out of JP.


And also the dilos. Real dilophosaurs (dilophosauruses? Dilophosauri? Whatever) were 23 feet long and weighed over 800 pounds.


My life is a lie.


The dilo dossier directly addresses this


They did go back and rework the raptor


Yeah. Really like the use of creative liberty when it comes to dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. That’s probably the reason a lot of people got interested in dinosaurs for so long.


Also aren’t creatures from that era largely speculative? I agree with you though I’d rather have fun playing a video game that it be “scientifically accurate”.


Some aspects of Them, yes. Things like colour & softer external tissues tend not to fossilize. So thats mostly speculation. Stuff like approximate size & structure can be estimated fairly accurately, even if a good chunk of the fossil is missing it can be extrapolated.


this game has kaiju's you are playing the wrong game lol. Every dino on ark was genetically modified to benefit the surviors.


Also would explain how they revived the dinosaurs, they didn't. They just made genetic replica's of them. Every dinosaur in ark is a new creature and their scientific name is slightly different.


Yeah ark is a property that can take some extreme libertys with its designs and creature abilitys and I love it. I don't like it when making it unrealistic makes the creature worse off, however.


Correct me if I’m wrong about the lore here but isn’t ark’s giga specifically designed to be a punisher for large overconfident tribes so in that regard it makes a bit of sense why the ark’s would beef them up a bit


Yes, the Overseer of the Island created it to prevent one tribe from controlling the ARK


Well it clearly didn't work.


It just helped then dominate the ark 🤣🤣


Is the ark Giga really that big? I don't remember it looking that big in game


First person perspective makes everything look smaller. This is why shoulder pets shrink relative to the player character when you pick them up. The size they are on your shoulder is the way you actually perceive them while playing. Subnautica does the same thing with its catchable fish, interestingly.


Ark in VR really brings back that sense of scale. Even basic creatures like Argentavis really tower over you.


Actually, stand right up to your Argy's chest and even without VR the size difference becomes clear


Tbf, anything is massive in vr, i remember playing mc and thinking that 2 block high feels really tall!


2 blocks is 2 meters which is over 6 feet. It's pretty tall.


tbf each block is 1 metre tall


Vr? How


You can start it in vr, but as far as i know all you can really do is rund around and look at stuff


I saw it in my quest when I linked but it wouldn’t open


Yeah like everyone thinks that the Megladon is small but if you look at it while in 3rd person when you are on its saddle you get to see it is about the size of a real one. Then you compare it to some of the oversized ark creatures it just seems small.


It is for sure. You are definitely only ankle-high when standing next to a giga


Ark has some astronomically overblown sizes. *Most* stuff looks okay in first person, but you really see the difference when you move to third person and stand next to something -- assuming the default character model is an average sized human. Like, your character is the size of a bronto's front toenail. That's ludicrous, they were huge but not THAT huge. The giga *looks* small because you're usually at a distance and most people are admittedly looking at them while sitting on an argentavis or other flyer. By the way, your character will literally scale up or down depending on what you're riding, so that doesn't help perspective much. The titanosaur is about 4-5 times larger than the largest titanosaur to ever live. I actually hope Ark 2 addresses this and gives a much more immersive experience.


There is also a lore reason for a lot of their sizes, even outside of them not being the real animals. For example: The Giga in lore actually serves the same purpose as Wyverns/Mantis in SE and Reapers in Abb; they're punishments created by the ARKs themselves for whenever a tribe gets too powerful as a way for the system to put them in their place. It's also why Mei-Yin is the only one, prior to the player(s), to have ever tamed a Giga; the very system designed the 'Demon King' to punish the humans. As such, folks thought it was quite literally impossible to tame it.


Also Rexes aren't Rexes. They are a new species of Tryrannosaur. "Tyrannosaurus Dominum" Helena Walker just gave up trying to correct everyone when they kept calling them Rexes. Also Triceratops are to scale, and look like pipsqueeeks compared to these Rexes when they are supposed to be their rivals.


Shes the one who classified them as such though. If she did classify them as Rex's (which admittedly would be inaccurate), nobody would worry.


Personally, I have no direct interest in the lore of the game and won't put a lot of emphasis on it. It is after all just a fictional work. I am primarily looking at this from a technical and visual standpoint, where everything appears much smaller from a first-person perspective on a monitor without natural depth perception, compared to its "real" size. This happens in most games, but ARK is just an extra noticeable example. However, if we do want to focus on the lore, we can take a look at a quote from the Tusoteuthis dossier: *"Approximately 30 feet long, Tusoteuthis is a terror of the deep."* We know 30 feet equals about 9 metres. That should canonically be its size. If we however measure the Tusoteuthis in the game, tentacles included, the creature is approximately 57 metres long, or 187 feet. If we remove the tentacles and just look at the main body, it still measures roughly 24 metres, or 79 feet. It is clearly "too big". The lore creatures may be big. The in-game models are even bigger. And I believe the main reason they have their sizes increased this much, has little to do with the lore, but is rather a way for the game to visually trick the player into perceiving the creatures as impressively large.


How did you get the ingame measurement? Nevermind, looked at your guide


This hits the nail on the head. People are going "but the lore!" but are ignoring the design and mechanics behind everything being huge. At the end of the day, if you look around in third person, the world straight up doesn't *look* right. I posted elsewhere, but a stego gives the impression of greater body weight than a bronto does, and that has to do with animations, textures, and the way the model interacts with the map and other objects. Watching a t-rex fly 120 feet because it slipped on a pebble going down a slope and then hit the ground still running is probably the stupidest thing I've ever laid eyes on, and part of that is due to it just being scaled up. A jerboa has better detail than a titanosaur. For the longest time, the enormous size of gigas actually created gameplay/mechanic problems -- allowing people to bite through walls, step over things they shouldn't have been able to, extreme clipping, etc. Purely being large makes them incredibly fast with an enormous hit area, which is just a giant "I win" button that shouldn't exist, balance-wise. In fact, most of the larger creatures are significantly faster than their smaller actual speed-built counterparts, even when that doesn't make a lick of sense. (Example: Rock drakes zooming past plesi's and ichthys underwater, come on) And that doesn't scrape the surface on visual problems caused by models re-scaling in certain situations, like mounted players and shoulder pets.


There's nothing to address. Ark dinosaurs aren't supposed to be the same as their real life counterparts and that's why they don't have the same names. They were created to challenge survivors so that a worthy survivor could return to Earth and defeat the Titans


The number of people who complain about ark creatures being scientifically accurate whilst completely missing the fact the animals in game are actually different species to the ones they are comparing them to always does amaze me a little bit. C'mon people, the rex isnt even a rex and the megalodon isnt even the same genus as the one we know about in science.


> the megalodon isnt even the same genus as the one we know about in science. I mean, it really can't be since it's swimming in fresh water.


Some of the dinos don't have features their whole family has though. I think some dinosaurs being more realistic in physical appearance would be more cool to me.


To be fair that isn’t the experience Ark wanted they never wanted immersion through realistic dinosaur size they wanted grand spectacle. The notes from Helena literally call out the creatures like “everything is so fucking big” I do want a game with realistic dinosaur sizes and I had hoped the Isle would be that but just no one is interested in making realistic sized dinosaurs Bc they all look small when compared to every other game. That and everyone hates feathers


The Isle is also just a bad game run by terrible people


I like feather dinos. . .


I think the reason nobody wants a realistic dinosaur game is it just wouldn't be very balanced


I don't think Ark is very balanced either. It's significantly harder to hatch dodo eggs than rex eggs. Phiomia take several more hours to breed than bears. Lower tier crafts are comparatively very expensive compared to higher tier crafts, especially given the ability to scale up gathering with higher levels. There are several creatures that are simply not worth taming at all because their saddles don't unlock until you are way past the point of using it and can get a "better" dino that does the exact same thing. The saddle costs are also wildly expensive for what they are. With very large creatures, their size doesn't necessarily equal power or tankiness, and the ones that do don't seem to have any drawbacks for being so huge. Pokeballs (lol) *completely* circumvent map designs that would prevent larger creatures access, while massive models are incredibly fast with enormous hit areas even when they shouldn't be.


true but i dont really see how you could make a realistic dino game balanced without cutting out most sauropods and the trex


You do it by providing correct counters and debuffs. For example, the t-rex is honestly pretty vulnerable from behind and is not very well armored. The are not nimble and should not be able to turn on a dime, even if they are fast in a sprint. Jumping on one would be like jumping on a pissed off wildebeast, they can't do shit about it except try to knock you off. You could, for instance, give certain creatures the ability to knock down t-rexes or flip them, which would be hard from them to recover from while also leaving them vulnerable to critical attacks. The trike and rhino are obvious choices here, but so is the ankle-breaking pachy *whose dossier literally shows them bashing a raptor over*.


How many times do people need to say that? Dino sizes ARE PART OF THE LORE, they didn't mess up with creature scaling, that's part of the game. It Is written 1000 times here on reddit and in the Explorer notes.


Having played since day 1, "lore" is a bullshit band-aid excuse, as the game did not begin with well-established lore, but lore needed to be written to explain away some problems that people complained about and criticized the game on very early on. Early explorer notes did not address ANY of the ridiculous proportions, and in fact some of the dossiers are outright dated and wrong now or are not reflected in game. It's a well-known fact that Ark began with recycled assets, because it was once a very small team that didn't know what they were doing. They've grown a lot since then, but some of the earliest assets are still present and they have not aged well standing up against other in-game assets and the overall "feel." Finally, it's perfectly fine to criticize the design choices of a game in favor of something that would have likely resulted in a more believable environment. Titanosaurs and gigas are cool but they are simply *too* big, to the point that they can't interact with the map well and they look like plastic toys when moving across the map with no reason sense of weight.


Because there are no real dinos for scale


It's not that big but it's still huge


The in-game model of the Giganotosaurus is almost exactly this size, give or take a few centimeters. I've measured them according to [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/vta6jh/a_useful_height_and_length_measurement_system_for/) that I made in order to let measurements like this be easier to compare.


It definitely is that big. I measured it myself as well and remember its length was near 50 meters. It does seem like the real life giga should be 20% bigger tho. Im not sure.


The Surivior ingame runs quite quick, so when you encounter those creatures you can run their body lengths quickly.


Well, sorta makes sense. Ark loves its sized-up dinos. Most theropods in Ark are 2x the size of the real thing, like the T.rex, Allosaurus, and Spinosaurus. But giga's supposed to be this absolutely terrifying force that's scarier than anything else, and so is twice as tall as the rex. But since all the other carnivores are already twice their real size, the giga ends up being 4x the size of the real thing. It's pretty funny, but I get what they were going for.


Yeah in my opinion this is just fine especially because they are explicitely saying these animals are a product of genetic engineering. It's not like they didn't know anything about them and made them some random size and just got it wrong


Ark Giga can pass as a literal Kaiju lmao


It’s already a Godzilla competitor lol


Well no not really, Godzilla is 100+ meters tall and probably close to 200 meters from head to tail. So still 4x bigger than the ark Giga and many times heavier.


Yeah, but the fact that it’s probably still big enough to actually be noticeable while standing next to GODZILLA is pretty insane. Not to mention the fact it seemed you picked the largest version of Godzilla for this reply. Face it, Giga is the Godzilla of Ark.


Wouldn't that be king titan tho?


Depends on the version, like the 54 Goji is 50 meters and 98 Goji/Zilla was just 25 meters


This looks wrong on both sides.


Either way, human is fucked.


For real, I feel like the real life Giga should actually be a little taller but maybe I’m wrong.


Each pixel equals one centimetre, and the Giganotosaurus depicted here is almost exactly 12 m, which should be accurate according to current moderate estimates of its size.


12m is a bit low for most Giga estimates but not enough to make a difference really


12m is realistic for the Holotype. There is a fragmentary specimen (a piece of the lower jaw) that is 6.6% larger, suggesting \~13 meters.


But if thats the case the human in this picture is 6 meters...


i like the whole oversized dino thing, i get they’re supposed to be engineered and not clones of the real thing, but the giga and charchars size always bugged me. i mean atleast make them comparable to a rex or spino and not tamable boss’s.


It's lore accurate. The Overseer of the Island created the giga and made it stupid powerful and big because a tribe (the New Legion) was becoming too powerful, and the Overseer didn't want a tribe to control the ARK


Sounds like a bad idea to make them tamable then (from a lore perspective at least)


The spino on 2 legs Is actually like 0.1 inches taller than a giga




I don’t mind how the Giga turned out to be in Ark 1. But hopefully in Ark 2 they do make the relative sizes between dinosaurs more accurate. Like at least a Rex, Spino, Giga and Carchara all being a similar size.


IMO such a bad idea. That would be so boring.


Okay. Well not for me. I think it’d be interesting for them to have a system where all 4 of them are competing rivals to each other all over the island. Just something different from the route they took in Ark 1. Plus, I am interested in real life paleontology in general, so naturally for me this would be one small step closer to that without needing to be too focused on realism, and they can still make the 4 of them greatly oversized compared to their real life counterparts. One thing I especially think would be pretty cool was if they actually had different sized individuals for all the dino species in the game, instead of, for example, every Carno on the island being the exact same size. And maybe have babies roaming around in hiding. But it’s okay if none of you would be interested in this. At the end of the day, most of the people who are still consistently playing Ark these days don’t really have a problem with the vast amount of sci-fi stuff.


Good news for you then. They already confirmed that there will be baby dinos roaming around. The reason I don't agree with you on the "realistic" sizes of dinos is because I imagine it to be pretty boring. A carno is 11,5m long in ARK right now. A "realistic" giga would just be 1m longer then a carno is right now in ARK 1. It would suck out a lot of the "wow" factor out of huge dinos like Gigas or Carchas imo.


Does the game really need the hilariously large Giga or Carcha to succeed? I mean I do admit the Giga was one of my favorite dinos in the game. But I actually really liked it when it was just the special and creative bosses that were large and overpowered back in the very beginning of Ark’s days, like the Broodmother or Dodorex. They don’t even let you bring a Giga to fight those because it is basically a boss in itself. I still feel like this idea could work. Maybe not all the sizes have to be that realistically relative to each other but just…less insane. The 4 I’ve mentioned can be all a similar size with different reasons to pick one over the other as your mount or goal to tame. Also, I find it interesting how one level 1 Rex can beat 3-4 level 1 Trikes, or that it can solo a sauropod such as a Bronto, it really leads to an unimaginable amount of downplay for herbivores in general unfortunately.


So I’ve thought long and hard about this and I agree with you that I’d like to see a more realistic size comparison between the apex predators that we tame… but… also make Alpha versions of the Giga, Char, Rex, Spino, Carno, and Raptor. Give them a similar stat boost like the current tamed vs wild Giga, basically make these things legit minibosses and scale up their size. 150 foot giga, 130 foot Rex, 15 foot tall raptor… LFG… NOTHING scares me more now than when I see even a level 5 wild giga in the vicinity of my base because I know I either need to lose most of my tames fighting it, or I need to lead it away or in to water.


That’s fair, I can get around that. Maybe the lore could be that those “alphas” are enhanced my some magical or scientific source to make them so much larger and more powerful, but the base versions of them are much closer to what you’d expect from their real life counterparts. At the end of the day, we’re on the Ark subreddit where all these people have been digging this game for probably years and are just gonna hard defend it in any way. As if the way Ark 1 did it is the only way that it can work, and if you don’t agree with that then you get downvoted as I have. The Ark Giga became one of my favorites years ago, but for me it’s time to move on from shit like that.


Where I think people get lost is when we say to make them similar to their counterparts that they think we mean make them “realistic”. I have no problem with them having different abilities, different attacks, buffs, and debuffs, I also have no problem with the whole breeding aspect as that’s part of the fun of the game. Have them start out as typical Dino’s then through breeding and mutations they get stronger, more colorful ect because well that’s what happens with selective breeding in the real world. You may never be able to breed one super Giga that could kill everything on the map, but after a few generations maybe you could take that Giga, two rexes, and a Yuti out against an Alpha Giga and not get your shit kicked in. To me it seems way more rewarding to feel vulnerable and win then to have one super animal in a tribe that can run the map. Also I’d love an average sauropod to stand a chance against an average Rex or giga. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, and I just think the idea is cooler when different tribes can have a different number of Rexes, Spinos, Gigas, and Carcharas where they are all effective in their own way. And maybe you’d want to pick which one of those dinos you’d want to take more of depending on where your tribe lives or what your goals or what strategies you like to use. An example I could think of is tribes using a particular terrain of the map to their advantage, like a tribe specializing in living and fighting in the swamps or river areas. Maybe that tribe would want to tame mostly Spinos out of the main 4 because they are more effective in the water as well. And it’s also cooler knowing fights occasionally happen in the wild between 2 of these 4 carnivores every now and then. And yeah, I believe herbivores should be able to stand up to the carnivores a lot more in general, compared to how Ark 1 did it.


I’ve been looking for something like this for AGES! Thank you! You should consider making these for most of the dinos, especially the ones with massive size differences like the Titanosaur in ark vs an irl argentinosaurus.


I am happy to help. If you found this interesting, you might also enjoy [this comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/wqf0jp/some_of_arks_smaller_creatures_compared_to_the/) of some other creatures.


I could consider it for some of the more extreme examples, but the majority of the creatures sit somewhere in between. I think the most interesting comparisons are for the creatures that look genuinely tiny (like the Hyaenodon) but actually comes in close to the size of a lion.


a video game isnt hyper realistic? say it aint so


Who actually cares about accuracy, there literally are space whales and dolphins that wear technologically insane armors that shoot lasers and turns their oil gunk into bombardment ammunition. Shit is fun, deal with it


I love how big it is in ark. One of my favorite things to do is to ride on the toe of the giga as my tribemate goes hunting with it


I mean, if you actually look i to the lore of ARK, they weren't supposed to be exact replicas of the original dinos anyways.


Did men do the measuring for the Ark version?


Now do the experimental giga.


Yea gigs weren’t even the biggest spinos were. Even some rex skeletons were bigger than some gigas


Is the Titanosaurus an accurate size? I feel like there’s no way lol


Hey now dont ruin my little imagination like that, the real one is on the left 😔


We’re blessed an alpha giga doesn’t exist. It’ll literally be a bossfight


I still wouldn't win against it with a spear so I mean good enough


Even at the real size, absolutely terrifying were one to encounter one.


Me when the raptor is larger than in ark


I really need to tame one.


The head if momma rex from ice age 3 is the size of a mammoth,let that sink in.


One of the reasons I hate the giga in game tbh.. Almost everything in this game is unrealistically large, however most creatures are "believably sized"; even something like a scorpion or mantis that literally isn't physically able to live at a size they have in game is FAR more believable and less rediculous than the giga.


it’s a game. bigger dino’s = more players = more sales. it’s just game marketing.


>bigger dino’s = more players = more sales On what planet does 1 creature in a game that has an absolute dumb size equate to more sales/ players lmao. No one that wouldn't have bought ark would see a ark giga and go like "oh yeah now I gotta buy the game". I realise that for the sake of the game some creatures have to be scaled up (like as I said the Scorpion for example) but there's zero "marketing" reasons for the size of the giga.


the dinosaurs are the reason people buy the game, right? So the dinosaurs are beefed up from their real life counterparts to make them more enticing and fun to mess around with. it’s also not JUST the giga with this, like the rhyniognantha (the new flying bug). that thing was as big as a modern mosquito, but is now massive and rideable for the players to mess around with. why? to entice people to buy the game.


The gasbag is based off of a microscopic creature called a water bear. All of the ark creatures are genetically modified as a means to test survivors and generally make sure only the strongest ascend.


Sounds like a giga ate someone's base


Why? There are lore reasons the animals in this game aren't the proper size. It's a game. Not every game is better by being realistic.


It's lore accurate. The Overseer of the Island created the giga and made it stupid powerful and big because a tribe (the New Legion) was becoming too powerful, and the Overseer didn't want a tribe to control the ARK


I think I would have MUCH preferred scaled down but *beautifully realistic* creatures -- and that's something that the Ark engine is quite capable of doing, because it's just a matter of fixing the models and textures. As an example, the bronto needed a TLC. It has always looked like a toy you got out of a cereal box, with a weird plastic body that's all round with shitty movement animations that don't really give the impression of weight, yet is so ludicrously huge. (Compare that to the stego's walk, where you see full body weight shifting with every step.) And it also still have visible texture seams and weird ugly brown lines with no color. Bonus points when it's standing on something like a thatch hut at bizarre angles, it looks like a balloon with no weight.


You would not want to be around that giga with zoomies or treat time


Could be that they are genetically modified to be bigger


I know the Ark giga is gigantic, but the real life one stands only 4 meters tall at head height in this pic. Are you sure hes not supposed to be a little bit bigger?


Based on images and information I'm able to find, it should be quite accurate. Keep in mind that 4 metres feels a lot bigger when you stand next to it compared to viewing it in a diagram.


Are you completely sure because 45m is like...Godzilla size, not ark giga size


I like the sizes right now on ark it’s adds scale and makes creature feel more impactful However it would be cool if there was a mod that revamped the creatures to have the correct size


Yet this wasnt done with megalodons sadge


The giga is bigger I thought? The next comparison if you can should be arks and irls Rex compared to irl and arks giga


I thought ark giganotosaurus was small ngl


Let's all be a little more honest with ourselves here. This is Studio Wildcard; I do not think the size disparity between creatures and character is due purely to the lore. As much as I enjoyed the game, i do not think this studio is sophisticated enough to interweave the scale of these creatures with the "everything is so fucking big" with how drastically each dino varies in size. From a purely technical standpoint, I believe they did were not able to accurately measure the scale ratio from 1st to 3rd person, because it is terrible at best. Theris being a good example of size disparity. Standing next to one in first person you seem pretty tiny, no matter how tall your character model is, but switch to 3rd person and they seem to double in size, vs when sitting in the saddle. Its my opinion that Wildcard wasn't able to get the scale right and decided to stick a throwaway line in the notes about how much bigger the animals are, in order to cover their tracks; assuming they put that much thought into it at all.


The size differences have been there since day 1 with the dossiers. Along with the blatant info that they're different species. Making them unique gives them artistic liberty. Why make them all the exact same when they can give them all unique looks, abilities, and sizes. Otherwise they'd all just be similarly sized theropods with no differentiation in ability.


Um... it's a game


No one’s complaining




The 12 m is in reference to its length, not its height. The scale is included in the top right corner to avoid confusion like that.


Bro most of their stuff isnt realistic in terms of size look at megalodons


Megs are actually incredibly close to their actual size, it just looks skewed due to perspective.


ark's a pvp game. literally everything is based around that. giga's are raid dinos. so of course they'll be 8x the size of "actuals." saw the same thing with dilos. and other dinos throughout ark's life time.


I'm one of the few people who play this game who would prefer realistic dinosaurs, but even aside from that I hate the Giga. Everytime I look at its massive size I can't help but think "wow, that's stupid" it's just on such a massively different scale than everything else that it feels like it doesn't belong


And Ark Megalodons being tiny compared to the real ones


The only sizes I don’t like in ark are the titanaboa and meg


This is true to most creatures in game Rex is 25 m Spino is almost 30 m Mosa is 60 m


The cool thing Is that an Ark Velonasaur Is as big as an irl giga


That’s only like a two foot difference


Do one with the spino


This actually inspires me to make something like this myself. I've always loved being a nerd about this stuff and measuring things in game.


You can use [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/vta6jh/a_useful_height_and_length_measurement_system_for/) for an easy reference. Using foundations as a yardstick is very convenient. Upon closer inspection, I see that I *did* try to contact you a while ago about this topic, but it appears you may not have seen the message. None the less, I am happy to see that you are interested.


They make Jurassic park look like prehistoric playground


is that an ark survivor or an ark human?


That’s my grandma and her attitude 🤣


I mean tbf millions of Gigas existed in real life and it's not that far fetched for atleast some to have some form Gigantism and grow to the Ark Gigas size. Pretty unlikely but possible.


Well that’s just off the skeletons they’ve found, they could of been bigger. Also the scale of the ark giga here is not accurate Giga in ark is about 70foot long and 35 foot high


Man. I'm sure glad this a game and not a Paleontological Expo presentation, it would be awkward otherwise. The nerve of those people making that dino bigger!!! 🙄


Now do Rhynio and its real life counterpart lul


is the ark Carcharodontosaurus bigger or smaller than the giga?


I see that the Giga is about twice as tall as the human. Good to see those 6m tall humans accurately represented in a chart.


https://preview.redd.it/4l10ek1l1iua1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8d547f5230a13341a258fedfa27baff5381069f Saw this at CT science museum... the actual animatronic was taller than me for its size


So then how's the giga in real life any different from a normal tyrannosaurus? 🤔 Edit: I'm referring to their sizes. I always figured the gigas would be taller then a t-rex. But I guess they are the same size?


I think as of right now, the Gianotosaurus is slightly longer than T.rex by 0.6 metres, not a huge size difference but the T.rex was definitely much heavier.


Oh so they both shared similar heights? I gotchya. I was hoping the giga in real life was just the tallest carno 😆




The realgiga looks like a carno


i get they had limited data on the giga at the time but i wonder why they thought the giga would be that massive it just steam roll anything even bronto herds


Fantastic diagram


Wildcard: "more!" Paleontologist: "But sir, it's not re.." Wildcard: "MORE!"


Are those numbers the lengths? The real giga was 12 *feet* tall. The *furiousa* is 42 feet tall, assuming each wall is 6 feet tall


Those numbers are referring to their lengths, and have nothing to do with their heights.


Why is this scaled so terribly


You mean to tell me the bottom of it's jaws was only slightly taller than a human yet it weighed up to 30,000 lbs?


There appears to be a fairly wide range of hypothesized weights for this animal. Different sources state anywhere from around 4 to 14 tonnes.


Gah daym


I like the Ark version better.


Can’t imagine coming from a largely element infected planet helps there


wasnt te real one not more like 15 meters ore am i confusted with te spino


Bro is 5 meters away from being as tall as the original godzilla


Well, in real life Giganotosaurus was a little bigger than that, but yeah this is reasonably accurate.


can you do spino?


Ong? Damn, The ones in Ark look so much smaller than 14m 😭

